Man pages for APackOfTheClones
Visualization of Clonal Expansion for Single Cell Immune Profiles

AdjustAPOTCAdjust the parameters of the APackOfTheClones reduction in a...
APackOfTheClones-packageAPackOfTheClones: Visualization of Clonal Expansion for...
APOTCPlotVarious variations of visualizations of clonal expansion...
clonal_expansion_plotDEFUNCT: Visualize T cell clonal expansion with a...
combined_pbmcExample Multi-sampled T-cell seurat object with integrated...
containsApotcRunCheck for the existence of an APackOfTheClones run with its...
count_clone_sizesDEFUNCT: count the number of clonotype sizes per cell cluster...
countCloneSizescount the number of clonotype sizes in a seurat object...
deleteApotcDataDelete the results of an APackOfTheClones run
getApotcDataIdsGet all run ids of previous RunAPOTC runs on a seurat object
getLastApotcDataIdGet the object id of the most recent RunAPOTC run on a seurat...
getReductionCentroidsCalculate seurat cluster centroids based on a Dimensional...
getSharedClonesCompute a list of clonotypes that are shared between seurat...
integrate_tcrDEFUNCT: Integrate a single TCR library into Seurat object...
mergeCloneSizesMerge a list of Clustered Clonotype Frequency Tables
overlayLegendoverlay a clone size legend on an APackOfTheClones plot
removeLegendRemove current APackOfTheClones legend
renameApotcRunRename an APackOfTheClones run
RunAPOTCRun the APackOfTheClones method on a combined Seurat object...
showCloneHighlightHighlight specific clones on an APackOfTheClones ggplot
vizAPOTCDirectly visualize clonal expansion of a combined seurat...
APackOfTheClones documentation built on Oct. 11, 2024, 1:08 a.m.