AdjustAPOTC: Adjust the parameters of the APackOfTheClones reduction in a...

View source: R/AdjustAPOTC.R

AdjustAPOTCR Documentation

Adjust the parameters of the APackOfTheClones reduction in a seurat object



If the user is unsatisfied with the clonal expansion plot that was generated from RunAPOTC() and APOTCPlot(), this function has a range of arguments to modify the data and/or parameters of the visualization. Note that some of the arguments may conflict with each other.


  reduction_base = NULL,
  clonecall = NULL,
  extra_filter = NULL,
  run_id = NULL,
  new_rad_scale_factor = NULL,
  new_clone_scale_factor = NULL,
  repulse = FALSE,
  repulsion_threshold = 1,
  repulsion_strength = 1,
  max_repulsion_iter = 10L,
  relocate_cluster = NULL,
  relocation_coord = NULL,
  nudge_cluster = NULL,
  nudge_vector = NULL,
  recolor_cluster = NULL,
  new_color = NULL,
  rename_label = NULL,
  new_label = NULL,
  relocate_label = NULL,
  label_relocation_coord = NULL,
  nudge_label = NULL,
  label_nudge_vector = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE



The seurat object to be adjusted.


character. The seurat reduction to base the clonal expansion plotting on. Defaults to 'umap' but can be any reduction present within the reductions slot of the input seurat object, including custom ones. If ''pca'“, the cluster coordinates will be based on PC1 and PC2. However, generally APackOfTheClones is used for displaying UMAP and occasionally t-SNE versions to intuitively highlight clonal expansion.


character. The column name in the seurat object metadata to use. See scRepertoire documentation for more information about this parameter that is central to both packages.


additional "subsetting" keyword arguments indicating the rows corresponding to elements in the seurat object metadata that should be filtered by. E.g., seurat_clusters = c(1, 9, 10) will filter the cells to those in the seurat_clusters column with any of the values 1, 9, and 10. Unfortunately, column names in the seurat object metadata cannot conflict with the keyword arguments. MAJOR NOTE if any subsetting keyword arguments are a prefix of any preceding argument names (e.g. a column named reduction is a prefix of the reduction_base argument) R will interpret it as the same argument unless both arguments are named. Additionally, this means any subsequent arguments must be named.


character. An additional string that should be formatted exactly like a statement one would pass into dplyr::filter that does additional filtering to cells in the seurat object - on top of the other keyword arguments - based on the metadata. This means that it will be logically AND'ed with any keyword argument filters. This is a more flexible alternative / addition to the filtering keyword arguments. For example, if one wanted to filter by the length of the amino acid sequence of TCRs, one could pass in something like extra_filter = "nchar(CTaa) - 1 > 10". When involving characters, ensure to enclose with single quotes.


character. This will be the ID associated with the data of a run, and will be used by other important functions like APOTCPlot() and AdjustAPOTC. Defaults to NULL, in which case the ID will be generated in the following format:


where if keyword arguments and extra_filter are underscore characters if there was no input for the ... and extra_filter parameters.


a single numeric in (0, 1]. changes the radius scaling factor of all circles.


a single numeric in (0, 1]. changes the clone_scale_factor


If TRUE, will attempt to push overlapping clusters away from each other.


numeric. The radius that clonal circle clusters overlap is acceptable when repulsing.


numeric. The smaller the value the less the clusters repulse each other per iteration, and vice versa.


integer. The number of repulsion iterations.


Numeric or Character. Indicates which cluster(s) based on the index or label to relocate to new coordinates.


numeric of length two or a list of numerics of length two of length of relocate_cluster. If its a list, indicates each coordinate that the clusters in relocate_cluster should move to. If its just a numeric, then will relocate all clusters in relocate_cluster to the input, which is likely not desired behavior, so this should only be convenience syntax if relocate_cluster has length 1.


Numeric or Character. Indicates which cluster(s) based on the index or label to "nudge"/translate their coordinate(s) by.


numeric of length two or a list of numerics of length two of length of nudge_cluster. If its a list, indicates each translation vector (in other words, x-y coordinates) that the clusters in nudge_cluster should be translate by. If its just a numeric, then will translate all clusters in nudge_cluster by the input - which mostly is syntactic sugar for translating a single cluster if the input of nudge_cluster is of length 1.


Numeric or Character. Indicates which cluster(s) based on the index or label to change their color by.


character of arbitrary length. Indicates the corresponding new colors that selected clusters in recolor_cluster should be changed to.


Numeric or character. Indicates the index or name of label(s) to be renamed.


Character. Indicates the corresponding new label(s) that selected label(s) in rename_label should be changed to.


Numeric or character. Indicates the index or name of label(s) to be relocated.


Numeric of length two or a list of numerics of length two of length of relocate_label. If it's a list, indicates each coordinate that the labels in relocate_label should move to. If it's just a numeric, then will relocate all labels in relocate_label to the input, which is likely not desired behavior, so this should only be convenience syntax if relocate_label has length 1.


Numeric or character. Indicates the index or name of label(s) to be "nudged"/translated.


Numeric of length two or a list of numerics of length two of length of nudge_label. If it's a list, indicates each translation vector (in other words, x-y coordinates) that the labels in nudge_label should be translated by. If it's just a numeric, then will translate all labels in nudge_label by the input - which mostly is syntactic sugar for translating a single label if the input of nudge_label is of length 1.


logical. Decides if visual cues are displayed to the R console of the progress.


The adjusted seurat_obj


# do an APackOfTheClones run
pbmc <- RunAPOTC(get(data("combined_pbmc")), verbose = FALSE)

# adjust the rad_scale_factor, and nudge cluster 1 by x = 1, y = 1
pbmc <- AdjustAPOTC(
    new_rad_scale_factor = 0.9,
    nudge_cluster = 1,
    nudge_vector = c(1, 1),
    verbose = FALSE

# plot the result

# rename some labels
pbmc <- AdjustAPOTC(
    pbmc, rename_label = c(2, 5), new_label = c("Foo", "Bar")

# perhaps multiple clusters need to be relocated and repulsed
pbmc <- AdjustAPOTC(
    relocate_cluster = c("Foo", "C10"), # using labels works too
    relocation_coord = list(c(2, 3.5), c(0, 5)),
    repulse = TRUE,
    verbose = FALSE

# plot again to check results
APOTCPlot(pbmc, show_labels = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)

APackOfTheClones documentation built on Oct. 11, 2024, 1:08 a.m.