
Defines functions cp.shift

Documented in cp.shift

cp.shift <-
function(E, Sall, Ball, Sig2all, X, Y, GLOBvar, HYPERvar){

  ### INPUT: u,rho,E,S,B,Sig2,X,Y
  ### OUTPUT: 
  ### depends on: .

  # current number of changepoints
  s = length(E) - 2
  ### assignement of global variables used here ###
  q = GLOBvar$q
  Mphase = GLOBvar$Mphase
  segMinLength = GLOBvar$segMinLength
  nbVarMax = GLOBvar$nbVarMax
  smax = GLOBvar$smax
  ### end assignement ###

  ### assignement of hyperparameters variables used here ###
  alphad2 = HYPERvar$alphad2
  betad2 = HYPERvar$betad2
  v0 = HYPERvar$v0
  gamma0 = HYPERvar$gamma0
  ### end assignement ###
  ## Sample the CP to be shifted
  estar = sample(c(E[2:(length(E)-1)], E[2:(length(E)-1)]), 1)

  ## Position of the phase starting at the selected CP
  poskstar = sum(E <= estar)

  ## Possible new position for the selected CP (CP-1, CP+1)
  newCPs = c(E[poskstar]-1,E[poskstar]+1)
  # remove positions that create too short phases (segMinLength)
  newCPs = newCPs[which( !( newCPs %in% c(E[poskstar-1],E[poskstar-1]+segMinLength-1, E[poskstar+1],E[poskstar+1]-segMinLength+1,E)))]
  ## Boolean for the acceptation of the CP shift move initially set to 0 (=1 if birth accepted, 0 otherwise)
  accept = 0
  ## If there is at least one option to shift the selected CP 
  if(length(newCPs) > 0){
    ## Sample new CP position
    newCP = sample( c(newCPs, newCPs), 1)
    ## Compute the matrices required for the computation of the acceptation probability alpha
    ## Matrices for the model before shifting the CP
    yL = Y[ Mphase[E[poskstar-1]]:(Mphase[estar]-1) ]
    xL = X[ Mphase[E[poskstar-1]]:(Mphase[estar]-1), ]
    yR = Y[ Mphase[estar]:(Mphase[E[poskstar+1]]-1) ]
    xR = X[ Mphase[estar]:(Mphase[E[poskstar+1]]-1), ]

    ## Matrices for the model after shifting the CP
    yLStar = Y[ Mphase[E[poskstar-1]]:(Mphase[newCP]-1) ]
    xLStar = X[ Mphase[E[poskstar-1]]:(Mphase[newCP]-1), ]
    yRStar = Y[ Mphase[newCP]:(Mphase[E[poskstar+1]]-1) ]
    xRStar = X[ Mphase[newCP]:(Mphase[E[poskstar+1]]-1), ]
      ## Update delta for the left phase
      delta2 = sampleDelta2(poskstar-1, xL, q, Ball, Sall, Sig2all[poskstar-1], alphad2, betad2)
      ## Compute projection of the matrices for the left phase
      PxL = computePx(length(yL), as.matrix(xL[, which(Sall[poskstar-1,] == 1)]), delta2)
      PxLStar = computePx(length(yLStar), as.matrix(xLStar[, which(Sall[poskstar-1,] == 1)]), delta2)
      ## Update delta for the right phase     
      delta2 = sampleDelta2(poskstar, xR, q, Ball, Sall, Sig2all[poskstar], alphad2, betad2)
      ## Compute projection of the matrices for the right phase
      PxR = computePx(length(yR), as.matrix(xR[, which(Sall[poskstar,] == 1)]), delta2)
      PxRStar = computePx(length(yRStar), as.matrix(xRStar[, which(Sall[poskstar,] == 1)]), delta2)
    } else {
      ## Update delta for the left phase
      delta2 = sampleDelta2(poskstar-1, xL, q, Ball, Sall, Sig2all, alphad2, betad2)
      ## Compute projection of the matrices for the left phase
      PxL = computePx(length(yL), as.matrix(xL[, which(Sall[poskstar-1,] == 1)]), delta2)
      PxLStar = computePx(length(yLStar), as.matrix(xLStar[, which(Sall[poskstar-1,] == 1)]), delta2)
      ## Update delta for the right phase     
      delta2 = sampleDelta2(poskstar, xR, q, Ball, Sall, Sig2all, alphad2, betad2)
      ## Compute projection of the matrices for the right phase
      PxR = computePx(length(yR), as.matrix(xR[, which(Sall[poskstar,] == 1)]), delta2)
      PxRStar = computePx(length(yRStar), as.matrix(xRStar[, which(Sall[poskstar,] == 1)]), delta2)

    ## Compute the logarithm of the Likelihood Ratio (LR)
    ## logLR = log(gamma(((Mphase[newCP]-Mphase[E[poskstar-1]])+v0)/2)*gamma(((Mphase[E[poskstar+1]]-Mphase[newCP])+v0)/2))-log((gamma(((Mphase[E[poskstar]]-Mphase[E[poskstar-1]])+v0)/2)*gamma(((Mphase[E[poskstar+1]]-Mphase[E[poskstar]])+v0)/2)))+((Mphase[E[poskstar]]-Mphase[E[poskstar-1]])+v0)/2*log((gamma0+t(yL)%*%PxL%*%yL)/2)+((Mphase[E[poskstar+1]]-Mphase[E[poskstar]])+v0)/2*log((gamma0+t(yR)%*%PxR%*% yR)/2)-(((Mphase[newCP]-Mphase[E[poskstar-1]])+v0)/2)*log((gamma0+t(yLStar)%*%PxLStar %*%yLStar)/2)-((Mphase[E[poskstar+1]]-Mphase[newCP])+v0)/2*log((gamma0+t(yRStar) %*% PxRStar%*%yRStar)/2)
    ## Modifie par Sophie 01/03/08

    logLR=lgamma(((Mphase[newCP]-Mphase[E[poskstar-1]])+v0)/2)+lgamma(((Mphase[E[poskstar+1]]-Mphase[newCP])+v0)/2)-lgamma(((Mphase[E[poskstar]]-Mphase[E[poskstar-1]])+v0)/2)- lgamma(((Mphase[E[poskstar+1]]-Mphase[E[poskstar]])+v0)/2)+ ((Mphase[E[poskstar]]-Mphase[E[poskstar-1]])+v0)/2* log((gamma0+t(yL)%*%PxL%*%yL)/2)+((Mphase[E[poskstar+1]]-Mphase[E[poskstar]])+v0)/2*log((gamma0+t(yR)%*%PxR%*% yR)/2)-(((Mphase[newCP]-Mphase[E[poskstar-1]])+v0)/2)*log((gamma0+t(yLStar)%*%PxLStar %*%yLStar)/2)-((Mphase[E[poskstar+1]]-Mphase[newCP])+v0)/2*log((gamma0+t(yRStar) %*% PxRStar%*%yRStar)/2)

    ## New CP vector Estar
    Estar = E
    Estar[poskstar] = newCP

    ## Computation of the proposal Ratio
    ## Vector of length the current number of phases= c(1,2,2,...,2,2,1) i.e. the number of CP that can potentially be shifted into each phase
    nbmove = c(1,array(2,s-1),1)
    propRatio = (2*s-sum(((E[2:(s+2)]-E[1:(s+1)]) <= segMinLength) * nbmove))/(2 * s - sum(((Estar[2:(s+2)]-Estar[1:(s+1)]) <= segMinLength) * nbmove))

    ## Computation of alpha
    if(!is.nan(logLR) & (logLR+log(propRatio))<0){
      alpha = min(c(1, exp(logLR)*propRatio))
    } else {
      alpha = 1

    ## Sample u to decide whether the CP shift is accepted or not
    u = runif(1,0,1)

    ## Boolean for the acceptation of the CP death move (=1 if birth accepted, 0 otherwise)

    if(u <= alpha){
      ## Acceptation of the death of the selected CP
      ## Move acceptation boolean =1
      accept = 1
      E[poskstar] = newCP

  ##  Return all variables
  ## (+ variable move describing the move type  (1= CP birth, 2= CP death, 3= CP shift, 4= Update phases)
  return(list(E=E, Sall=Sall, Ball=Ball, Sig2all=Sig2all, accept=accept, move=3))

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ARTIVA documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:31 p.m.