
Defines functions density_optimizer massprop_torso massprop_tail massprop_head massprop_neck orient_feather structural2VRP_feat massprop_feathers massprop_pm massprop_skin massprop_muscles massprop_bones

Documented in density_optimizer massprop_bones massprop_feathers massprop_head massprop_muscles massprop_neck massprop_pm massprop_skin massprop_tail massprop_torso orient_feather structural2VRP_feat

# Script containing the functions to calculate the moment of inertia and CG
# of different anatomical components

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#------------------------- Mass properties - Bone ------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Bone mass properties
#' Calculate the moment of inertia of a bone modeled as a hollow cylinder
#' with two solid end caps
#' @param m Mass of bone (kg)
#' @param l Length of bone (kg)
#' @param r_out Outer radius of bone (m)
#' @param r_in Inner radius of bone (m)
#' @param rho Density of the bone (kg/m^3)
#' @param start a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the 3D point where bone starts.
#' Points from the VRP to the bone start. Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
#' @param end a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the 3D point where bone ends.
#' Points from the VRP to the bone start. Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
#' @return This function returns a list that includes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{I}{a 3x3 matrix representing the moment of inertia tensor of a bone
#' modeled as a hollow cylinder with two solid end caps}
#' \item{CG}{a 1x3 vector representing the center of gravity position of a bone
#' modeled as a hollow cylinder with two solid end caps}
#' \item{m}{a double that returns the input bone mass}
#' }
#' @section Warning:
#' Parallel axis theorem does not apply between two arbitrary points.
#' One point must be the object's center of gravity.
#' @inherit combine_inertialprop examples
#' @export

massprop_bones <- function(m,l,r_out,r_in,rho,start,end){
  # ---------------------------- Define geometry -------------------------------
  vol   = m/rho # total volume of the bone material

  # calculate how thick the cap needs to be to match volumes:
  # vol_true = m/rho and vol2 = geometric
  r_cap = r_out
  t_cap = 0.5*((-(l*(r_out^2-r_in^2))/(r_in^2))+(vol/(pi*r_in^2)))
  m_cap = rho*pi*t_cap*r_cap^2

  # cylinder geometry
  m_cyl = m - (2*m_cap)
  l_cyl = l - (2*t_cap)

  # --------------------------- Adjust axis -------------------------------------
  z_axis = end-start;                   # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  temp_vec = c(1,1,1) # arbitrary vector as long as it's not the z-axis
  x_axis = pracma::cross(z_axis,temp_vec/norm(temp_vec, type = "2"))
  # doesn't matter where the x axis points as long as:
  # 1. we know what it is
  # 2. it's orthogonal to z

  # calculate the rotation matrix between VRP frame of reference and the object
  VRP2object = calc_rot(z_axis,x_axis)  # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP

  # ----------------------- Calculate moment of inertia -----------------------------

  I_cyl = calc_inertia_cylhollow(r_out, r_in, l_cyl, m_cyl) # Frame of reference: Bone | Origin: Bone CG
  I_cap = calc_inertia_cylsolid(r_cap, t_cap, m_cap)        # Frame of reference: Bone | Origin: Bone CG

  # want to move origin from CG to VRP but need to know where the bone is relative to the VRP origin
  off = VRP2object%*%start                                  # Frame of reference: Bone | Origin: VRP

  # determine the offset vector for each component with       # Frame of reference: Bone | Origin: VRP
  # the hollow cylinder is displaced halfway along the bone (in z-axis)
  I_cyl_off   = c(0,0,0.5*l) + off
  # Cap 1 edge centered on the beginning of the bone
  I_cap1_off  = c(0,0,0.5*t_cap) + off
  # Cap 2 edge centered on the end of the bone
  I_cap2_off  = c(0,0,(l - (0.5*t_cap)))+ off

  # need to adjust the moment of inertia tensor               # Frame of reference: Bone | Origin: VRP
  I_cyl_vrp   = parallelaxis(I_cyl,-I_cyl_off,m_cyl,"CG")
  I_cap1_vrp  = parallelaxis(I_cap,-I_cap1_off,m_cap,"CG")
  I_cap2_vrp  = parallelaxis(I_cap,-I_cap2_off,m_cap,"CG")

  I_boneaxis  = I_cyl_vrp + I_cap1_vrp + I_cap2_vrp           # Frame of reference: Bone | Origin: VRP

  mass_prop = list() # pre-define
  # Adjust frame to VRP axes
  mass_prop$I  = t(VRP2object) %*% I_boneaxis %*% VRP2object  # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  mass_prop$CG = t(VRP2object) %*% I_cyl_off                  # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  mass_prop$m  = m


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------- Mass properties - Muscle --------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Muscle mass properties
#' Calculate the moment of inertia of a muscle modeled as a solid cylinder
#' distributed along the bone length
#' @param m Mass of muscle (kg).
#' @param rho Density of muscle (kg/m^3).
#' @param l Length of the muscle group (m).
#' @param start a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the 3D point where bone starts.
#' Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP.
#' @param end a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the 3D point where bone ends.
#' Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP.
#' @author Christina Harvey
#' @return This function returns a list that includes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{I}{a 3x3 matrix representing the moment of inertia tensor of a muscle
#' modeled as a solid cylinder distributed along the bone length.}
#' \item{CG}{a 1x3 vector representing the center of gravity position of a muscle
#' modeled as a solid cylinder distributed along the bone length.}
#' \item{m}{a double that returns the input muscle mass.}
#' }
#' @section Warning:
#' Parallel axis theorem does not apply between two arbitrary points. One point
#' must be the object's center of gravity.
#' @inherit combine_inertialprop examples
#' @export

massprop_muscles <- function(m,rho,l,start,end){

  r = sqrt(m/(rho*pi*l)) # determine the pseudo radius of the muscles

  # ------------------------------- Adjust axis --------------------------------
  z_axis = end-start
  temp_vec = c(1,1,1) # arbitrary vector as long as it's not the z-axis
  x_axis = pracma::cross(z_axis,temp_vec/norm(temp_vec, type = "2"))
  # doesn't matter where the x axis points as long as:
  #1. we know what it is
  #2. it's orthogonal to z
  # calculate the rotation matrix between VRP frame of reference and the object
  VRP2object = calc_rot(z_axis,x_axis)

  # -------------------------- Moment of inertia -------------------------------

  I_m = calc_inertia_cylsolid(r, l, m)                      # Frame of reference: Muscle | Origin: Muscle CG

  # want to move origin from CG to VRP but need to know where the
  # bone is relative to the VRP origin
  off = VRP2object %*% start                                # Frame of reference: Muscle | Origin: VRP

  # determine the offset vector for each component
  CG_m_off  = c(0,0,0.5*l)+ off                             # Frame of reference: Muscle | Origin: VRP

  # need to adjust the moment of inertia tensor
  I_m_vrp   = parallelaxis(I_m,-CG_m_off,m,"CG")            # Frame of reference: Muscle | Origin: VRP

  mass_prop = list() # pre-define
  # Adjust frame to VRP axes
  mass_prop$I  = t(VRP2object) %*% I_m_vrp %*% VRP2object  # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  mass_prop$CG = t(VRP2object) %*% CG_m_off                # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  mass_prop$m  = m

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------- Mass properties - Skin/Tertiaries ------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Calculates the mass properties of skin or tertiaries
#' Calculate the moment of inertia of skin or tertiaries modeled as a
#' flat triangular plate
#' @param m Mass of skin (kg)
#' @param rho Density of skin (kg/m^3)
#' @param pts a 3x3 matrix that represent three points that define the
#' vertices of the triangle. Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
#' Must be numbered in a counterclockwise direction for positive area,
#' otherwise signs will be reversed.
#' each point should be a different of the matrix as follows:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{pt1x, pt1y, pt1z}
#' \item{pt2x, pt1y, pt2z}
#' \item{pt3x, pt3y, pt3z}
#' }
#' @author Christina Harvey
#' @return This function returns a list that includes:
#' point mass
#' \itemize{
#' \item{I}{a 3x3 matrix representing the moment of inertia tensor of skin
#' modeled as a flat triangular plate}
#' \item{CG}{a 1x3 vector representing the center of gravity position of skin
#' modeled as a flat triangular plate}
#' \item{m}{a double that returns the input skin mass}
#' }
#' @section Warning:
#' Parallel axis theorem does not apply between two arbitrary points.
#' One point must be the object's center of gravity.
#' Caution: The skin frame of reference assumes that the z axis is normal
#' to the incoming points.
#' @inherit combine_inertialprop examples
#' @export

massprop_skin <- function(m,rho,pts){
  # ------------------ Determine the geometry of the skin ----------------------
  temp_cross = pracma::cross((pts[3,]-pts[1,]),(pts[3,]-pts[2,]))

  A = 0.5*norm(temp_cross, type = "2");
  v = m/rho
  t = v/A;

  # ------------------------------- Adjust axis --------------------------------
  # normal to the incoming points
  z_axis = temp_cross
  # vector points towards the second input point along the bone edge
  x_axis = pts[3,]-pts[1,]

  # calculate the rotation matrix between VRP frame of reference and the object
  VRP2object = calc_rot(z_axis,x_axis)

  # Adjust the input pts frame to skin axes
  adj_pts = pts # define the new matrix
  for (i in 1:3){
    adj_pts[i,] = VRP2object%*%pts[i,]                    # Frame of reference: Skin | Origin: VRP

  # ---------------------------- Moment of inertia ------------------------------

  I_s  = calc_inertia_platetri(adj_pts, A, rho, t, "I")   # Frame of reference: Skin | Origin: Skin CG
  CG_s = calc_inertia_platetri(adj_pts, A, rho, t, "CG")  # Frame of reference: Skin | Origin: VRP

  # need to adjust the moment of inertia tensor
  I_s_vrp   = parallelaxis(I_s,-CG_s,m,"CG")              # Frame of reference: Skin | Origin: VRP

  mass_prop = list() # pre-define

  # Adjust frames to VRP
  mass_prop$I  = t(VRP2object) %*% I_s_vrp %*% VRP2object # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  mass_prop$CG = t(VRP2object) %*% CG_s                   # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  mass_prop$m  = m

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#-- ----------------------- Mass properties - point mass -----------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Point-mass mass properties
#' Calculate the moment of inertia of any point mass
#' @param m Mass of point mass (kg)
#' @param pt a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the location of the point mass.
#' Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
#' @author Christina Harvey
#' @return This function returns a list that includes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{I}{a 3x3 matrix representing the moment of inertia tensor
#' of a point mass}
#' \item{CG}{a 1x3 vector representing the center of gravity position
#' of a point mass}
#' \item{m}{a double that returns the input mass}
#' }
#' @section Warning:
#' Parallel axis theorem does not apply between two arbitrary points.
#' One point must be the object's center of gravity.
#' @inherit combine_inertialprop examples
#' @export

massprop_pm <- function(m,pt){

  emtpy_I = matrix(0, nrow = 3, ncol = 3) # 0 tensor for point mass about it's
  #own CG

  mass_prop = list() # pre-define

  # Adjust frames to VRP
  mass_prop$I  = parallelaxis(emtpy_I,-pt,m,"CG")  # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  mass_prop$CG = pt                                # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  mass_prop$m  = m


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------- Mass properties - Feathers ---------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Feather mass properties
#' Calculate the moment of inertia of the feathers within the
#' feather frame of reference.
#' @param m_f Mass of the entire feather (kg)
#' @param l_c Length of the calamus; start of vane to end of calamus(m)
#' @param l_r_cor Length of rachis; tip to start of vane (m)
#' @param w_cal Width (diameter) of the cortex part of the calamus (m)
#' @param r_b Radius of feather barbs (m)
#' @param d_b Distance between barbs (m)
#' @param rho_cor Density of the cortex (kg/m^3)
#' @param rho_med Density of the medullary (kg/m^3)
#' @param w_vp Width of proximal (closest to body) vane (m)
#' @param w_vd Width of distal (closest to wing tip) vane (m)
#' @param angle Angle between calamus and the vane taken the supplement angle
#' to the interior angle. Negative indicates the feather tip is rotated
#' proximally relative to the start of the feather vane.
#' @author Christina Harvey
#' @section Warning:
#' Parallel axis theorem does not apply between two arbitrary points.
#' One point must be the object's center of gravity.
#' CAUTION: While computing the variable components of the feather the x axis
#' is the normal of the feather.
#' @return a list that includes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{I}{a 3x3 matrix representing the moment of inertia tensor of a
#' simplified feather with the origin at the feather calamus end and within
#' the feather frame of reference}
#' \item{CG}{a 1x3 vector representing the center of gravity position of a
#' simplified feather with the origin at the feather calamus end and within
#' the feather frame of reference}
#' \item{m}{a double that returns the feather mass}
#' }
#' @inherit combine_inertialprop examples
#' @export

massprop_feathers <- function(m_f,l_c,l_r_cor,w_cal,r_b,d_b,rho_cor,

  # ------------------ Determine the geometry of feathers -----------------------
  r_cor = 0.5*w_cal # radius of the cortex part of the calamus

  # mass of each component of the feather
  m_vp = rho_cor*(l_r_cor/(d_b+(2*r_b)))*w_vp*pi*r_b^2 # mass of the proximal vane
  m_vd = rho_cor*(l_r_cor/(d_b+(2*r_b)))*w_vd*pi*r_b^2 # mass of the distal vane
  m_rc = m_f - m_vp - m_vd                   # mass of the rachis and calamus

  #assumes that the interior medullary pyramid has the same height as the cortex exterior
  r_med   = sqrt((m_rc - rho_cor * r_cor ^ 2 * ((pi * l_c) + (4 / 3) * l_r_cor)) /
                   ((4 / 3) * l_r_cor * (rho_med - rho_cor) - l_c * pi * rho_cor))
  l_r_med = l_r_cor

  # ------ Calculate the mass of each component -----

  # mass of the cortex part of the calamus
  m_c        = rho_cor*(pi*l_c)*(r_cor^2-r_med^2)
  # mass of the cortex part of the rachis
  m_r_cor    = (4/3)*rho_cor*(l_r_cor*r_cor^2 - l_r_med*r_med^2)
  # mass of the medullary part of the rachis
  m_r_med    = (4/3)*rho_med*(r_med^2)*l_r_med
  # mass as if entire rachis was solid cortex
  mass_outer = (4/3)*rho_cor*r_cor^2*l_r_cor
  # mass as if hollow part of rachis was solid cortex
  mass_inner = (4/3)*rho_cor*r_med^2*l_r_med

  if (r_med > r_cor | m_rc < 0){
    warning("Incorrect feather medullary radius.
            Larger than the exterior radius.")

  # --------------------------- Moment of inertia -----------------------------------

  # 1. For each component compute their inertia about their center of mass
  # in the centroidal axes
  # 2. Rotate the axes to be in the feather rachis axis (Vanes only)
  # 3. Parallel axis to the start of feather vane (Vanes only)
  # 4. Sum the vanes and rachis components
  # 5. Rotate the axes to be in the feather calamus axis (Rachis and Vanes only)
  # 6. Parallel axis to the start of feather
  # 7. Sum all feather components
  # 8. Rotate axes so that the feather tip will fall on the z-axis
  # 9. Parallel axes to VRP axes
  # 10. Rotate axes to the VRP
  # ------- Calamus -------
  # 1. Moment of inertia tensors in the calamus
  I_cCG    = calc_inertia_cylhollow(r_cor, r_med, l_c, m_c)     # Frame of reference: Feather Calamus | Origin: Calamus CG
  # 6. Adjust so that the origin is at the start of the feather - READY TO BE SUMMED WITH OTHER COMPONENTS
  CG_c1 = c(0,0,0.5*l_c)                                        # Frame of reference: Feather Calamus | Origin: Start of Feather
  I_c1  = parallelaxis(I_cCG,-CG_c1,m_c, "CG")                  # Frame of reference: Feather Calamus | Origin: Start of Feather

  # ------- Rachis -------
  # - Medullary - solid square pyramid
  # Moment of inertia tensor - inner rachis medullary component
  # CAUTION: this is about the center of base
  I_r_med_base  = calc_inertia_pyrasolid(2*r_med, l_r_med, m_r_med)        # Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Start of the vane (center)
  # - Cortex - hollow square pyramid
  # Moment of inertia tensor - as if solid inner and outer cortex components
  # CAUTION: this is about the center of base
  I_r_out_cor = calc_inertia_pyrasolid(2*r_cor, l_r_cor, mass_outer)         # Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Start of the vane
  I_r_in_cor  = calc_inertia_pyrasolid(2*r_med, l_r_med, mass_inner)         # Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Start of the vane
  I_r_cor_base = I_r_out_cor - I_r_in_cor # hollow square pyramid            # Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Start of the vane

  CG_pyrasquare = c(0,0,0.25) # multiply by length
  CG_r_out_cor  = CG_pyrasquare*l_r_cor                                      # Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Start of the vane
  CG_r_in_cor   = CG_pyrasquare*l_r_med                                      # Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Start of the vane
  # Calculate the CG of hollow cortex pyramid
  CG_r_cor1     = (mass_outer*CG_r_out_cor - mass_inner*CG_r_in_cor)/m_r_cor # Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Start of the vane
  # Calculate the CG of solid medullary pyramid
  CG_r_med1     = CG_pyrasquare*l_r_med                                      # Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Start of the vane
  # Calculate the CG of the entire rachis
  CG_r1         = ((CG_r_cor1*m_r_cor)+(CG_r_med1*m_r_med))/(m_r_cor+m_r_med)# Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Start of the vane
  # -------------------

  # ------- Vane -------
  # 1. Moment of inertia for each vane about their centroidal axes
  I_vd1  = calc_inertia_platerect(w_vd, l_r_cor, m_vd)    # Frame of reference: Feather Distal Vane | Origin: Distal Vane CG
  CG_vd1 = c(0,-0.5*w_vd,0.5*l_r_cor)                     # Frame of reference: Feather Distal Vane | Origin: Start of the vane (distal edge)

  I_vp1  = calc_inertia_platerect(w_vp, l_r_cor, m_vp)    # Frame of reference: Feather Proximal Vane | Origin: Proximal Vane CG
  CG_vp1 = c(0,0.5*w_vp,0.5*l_r_cor)                      # Frame of reference: Feather Proximal Vane | Origin: Start of the vane (proximal edge)

  # 2. Rotate positive angle is a ccw rotation about x (normal to the feather plane) ** all angles should be negative for bird feathers
  rot_vd = rotx(-pracma::atand(r_cor/l_r_cor))
  rot_vp = rotx(pracma::atand(r_cor/l_r_cor))
  I_vd2  = rot_vd %*% I_vd1 %*% t(rot_vd)                 # Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Distal Vane CG
  I_vp2  = rot_vp %*% I_vp1 %*% t(rot_vp)                 # Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Proximal Vane CG
  CG_vd2 = rot_vd %*% CG_vd1                              # Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Start of the vane (distal edge)
  CG_vp2 = rot_vp %*% CG_vp1                              # Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Start of the vane (proximal edge)

  # 3. adjust I and CG to the start of the vane
  CG_vd3 =  CG_vd2 - c(0,r_cor,0)                         # Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Start of the vane
  CG_vp3 =  CG_vp2 + c(0,r_cor,0)                         # Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Start of the vane
  I_vd3  = parallelaxis(I_vd2,-CG_vd3,m_vd, "CG")         # Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Start of the vane
  I_vp3  = parallelaxis(I_vp2,-CG_vp3,m_vp, "CG")         # Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Start of the vane

  # ----------- Rotate all Rachis and Vane components relative to the calamus -----------------
  # 4. sum the rachis and vane components that are in Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Start of the vane
  m_r    = m_r_cor+m_r_med+m_vd+m_vp
  I_vr1  = I_vp3 + I_vd3 + I_r_med_base + I_r_cor_base
  CG_vr1 = ((CG_r_cor1 * m_r_cor) + (CG_r_med1 * m_r_med) + (CG_vd3 * m_vd) +
              (CG_vp3 * m_vp)) / (m_r)                           # Frame of reference: Feather Rachis | Origin: Start of the vane

  # 5. Rotate the frame of reference from the rachis to the calamus
  I_vr2  = rotx(angle) %*% I_vr1 %*% t(rotx(angle))              # Frame of reference: Feather Calamus | Origin: Start of the vane
  CG_vr2 = rotx(angle) %*% CG_vr1                                # Frame of reference: Feather Calamus | Origin: Start of the vane

  # 6. Adjust the origin first to the CG of the entire rachis and then to the start of the feather
  I_vrCG  = parallelaxis(I_vr2,CG_vr2,m_r,"A")                   # Frame of reference: Feather Calamus | Origin: Rachis & Vane CG
  CG_vr3  = CG_vr2 + c(0,0,l_c)                                  # Frame of reference: Feather Calamus | Origin: Start of Feather
  I_vr3   = parallelaxis(I_vrCG,-CG_vr3,m_r,"CG")                # Frame of reference: Feather Calamus | Origin: Start of Feather

  # 7. Sum all feather components - must be in Frame of reference: Feather Calamus | Origin: Start of Feather -----------------
  I_1  = I_c1 + I_vr3
  CG_1 = ((CG_c1*m_c)+(CG_vr3*m_r))/m_f

  # 8. Rotate the axes about the x-axis with the origin at the start of the feather so that the length of the calamus is no longer directly along the z-axis.
  full_rot = rotx(pracma::atand(l_r_cor * abs(pracma::sind(angle)) / (l_c + l_r_cor *
  I_2     = full_rot %*% I_1 %*% t(full_rot)                  # Frame of reference: Feather start to tip | Origin: Start of Feather
  CG_2    = full_rot %*% CG_1                                 # Frame of reference: Feather start to tip | Origin: Start of Feather

  I_fCG   = parallelaxis(I_2,CG_2,m_f,"A")                    # Frame of reference: Feather start to tip | Origin: Feather CG

  #Ensures that the final frame of reference z-axis points from the start of the feather to the feather tip and the x axis points upwards (dorsally) normal from the feather surface

  mass_prop    = list() # pre-define
  mass_prop$I  = I_fCG
  mass_prop$CG = CG_2
  mass_prop$m  = m_f


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------- Mass properties - Feathers (Transform) ----------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Transform feather specific inertial properties to current position
#' @param m_f a scalar representing the mass of the feather (kg)
#' @param I_fCG a 3x3 matrix representing the moment of inertia tensor with the
#' origin at the feather calamus end and within the feather frame of reference
#' @param CG_start a 1x3 vector representing the center of gravity of the
#' feather with the origin at the feather calamus end and within the feather
#' frame of reference
#' @param start a 1x3 vector representing the location of the feather calamus
#' end with the origin at the VRP and within the full bird frame of reference
#' @param end a 1x3 vector representing the location of the feather
#' tip with the origin at the VRP and within the full bird frame of reference
#' @param normal a 1x3 vector representing the normal to the plane of the
#' feather vanes within the full bird frame of reference
#' @return a list that includes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{I}{a 3x3 matrix representing the moment of inertia tensor of a
#' simplified feather with the origin at the VRP and within the full bird
#' frame of reference}
#' \item{CG}{a 1x3 vector representing the center of gravity position of a
#' simplified feather with the origin at the VRP and within the full bird
#' frame of reference}
#' \item{m}{a double that returns the feather mass}
#' }
#' @inherit combine_inertialprop examples
#' @export

structural2VRP_feat <- function(m_f, I_fCG, CG_start, start, end, normal){
  # ------------------------------- Adjust axis -------------------------------------
  # first find the frame where z points towards the tip then rotate to frame where z axis points straight along the calamus
  z_axis = end - start                                   # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  x_axis = normal                                        # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP

  # calculate the rotation matrix between VRP frame of reference and the feather start to tip
  VRP2object = calc_rot(z_axis,x_axis)

  # To properly use parallel axis first, return the origin to the center of gravity of the full feather
  # 9. Need to return origin to VRP before rotating to the final axis system
  off     = VRP2object %*% start                         # Frame of reference: Feather start to tip | Origin: VRP
  CG_3    = CG_start + off                               # Frame of reference: Feather start to tip | Origin: VRP
  I_3     = parallelaxis(I_fCG,-CG_3,m_f,"CG")           # Frame of reference: Feather start to tip | Origin: VRP

  # 10. Rotate the FOR to the VRP axes
  mass_prop    = list() # pre-define
  mass_prop$I  = t(VRP2object) %*% I_3 %*% VRP2object    # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  mass_prop$CG = t(VRP2object) %*% CG_3                  # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  mass_prop$m  = m_f


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#-------------------------- Feather Orientation --------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Determine the feather orientation
#' Code that returns the orientation of each primary and secondary feather on the wing.
#' @param no_pri a scalar representing the amount of primary feathers.
#' @param no_sec a scalar representing the amount of secondary feathers.
#' @param Pt1 a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the point on the
#' shoulder joint (m).
#' @param Pt2 a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the point on the
#' elbow joint (m).
#' @param Pt3 a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the point on the
#' wrist joint (m).
#' @param Pt4 a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the point on the
#' end of carpometacarpus (m).
#' @param Pt8 a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the point on tip
#' of most distal primary (m).
#' @param Pt9 a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the point on the tip
#' of the last primary to model as if it is on the end of the carpometacarpus (m).
#' @param Pt10 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the point on tip
#' of last primary to model as if it was distributed along the carpometacarpus (m).
#' Usually the first secondary feather tip.
#' @param Pt11 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the point on
#' tip of most proximal secondary feather (m).
#' @param Pt12 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the point on
#' exterior shoulder position (wing root leading edge) (m).
#' @author Christina Harvey
#' @return a list called "feather". This contains three matrices.
#' 1. "loc_start" a matrix defining the 3D point where each feather starts.
#' Rows are the different feathers and columns are x, y, z coordinates
#' respectively.
#' 2. "loc_end" a matrix defining the 3D point where each feather end.
#' Rows are the different feathers and columns are x, y, z coordinates
#' respectively.
#' 3. "normal" a matrix that gives the vector that defines the normal to
#' each feather plane.  Rows are the different feathers and columns are x, y, z
#' vector directions respectively.
#' @inherit combine_inertialprop examples
#' @export

orient_feather <- function(no_pri,no_sec,Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4,Pt8,Pt9,Pt10,Pt11,Pt12){

  # pre-define variables
  count             = 1
  feather           = list()
  feather$loc_start = matrix(0, nrow = (no_pri+no_sec), ncol = 3)
  feather$loc_end   = matrix(0, nrow = (no_pri+no_sec), ncol = 3)
  feather$normal    = matrix(0, nrow = (no_pri+no_sec), ncol = 3)
  k = 1
  # --- Primaries ---
  # Calculate the start and end of the primaries
  for(i in 1:no_pri){

    if (i < (no_pri-2)) {
      # Note: We don't want last primary to be exact same spot as S1 or P7 to be
      #       at same spot as P8 this requires that we skip the first and last
      #       position

      # -- Start --
      # Primaries less than P7 distribute linearly along the carpometacarpus
      # needs to be 1/8 so that P7 is not right on Pt4

      feather$loc_start[count,] = Pt3 + (1/8)*(i)*(Pt4-Pt3)
      # -- End --
      # Distributes linearly between P7 and S1
      # needs to be 1/7 so that at i = 7 the end = pt9
      feather$loc_end[count,]   = Pt10 + (1/7)*(i)*(Pt9-Pt10)

    } else {
      # -- Start --
      # Any primary past P7 starts on the end of the carpometacarpus
      feather$loc_start[count,] = Pt4;
      # -- End --
      # Distributes linearly
      feather$loc_end[count,]   = Pt9 + (1/(no_pri-7))*(k)*(Pt8-Pt9);
      k = k + 1
    count = count + 1

  # --- Secondaries ---
  # Calculate the start and end of the secondaries given the orientation
  # it is possible that the secondary moves into a positive area

    # vector between S1 and the wing root trailing edge
    sec_vec = Pt11-Pt10;
    # proportion along the vector where it intersects y = Pt12y
    t       = (Pt12[2]-Pt10[2])/sec_vec[2];
    # Point along the vector at Pt12Y
    sec_end = c((t*sec_vec[1]+Pt10[1]), Pt12[2], (t*sec_vec[3]+Pt10[3]));
    sec_end = Pt11
  for(i in 1:no_sec){
    # -- Start --
    #equally space the start of the secondaries along the forearm ulna/radius
    feather$loc_start[count,] = Pt3 + (1/(no_sec-1))*(i-1)*(Pt2-Pt3);
    # -- End --
    feather$loc_end[count,]   = Pt10 + (1/(no_sec-1))*(i-1)*(sec_end-Pt10);
    count = count + 1

  # --- Calculate normal for the feather ----

  for(i in 1:(no_pri+no_sec)){
    if(i <= no_pri){
      # primaries on the carpometacarpus plane
      feather$normal[i,] = pracma::cross((Pt3-Pt4),(feather$loc_end[i,]-Pt4))
    } else {
      # secondaries on the ulna/radius plane
      feather$normal[i,] = pracma::cross((Pt2-Pt3),(feather$loc_end[i,]-Pt3))


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------- Mass properties - Neck ----------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Neck mass properties
#' Calculate the moment of inertia of a neck modeled as a solid cylinder
#' @param m Mass of muscle (kg).
#' @param r Radius of the neck (m).
#' @param l Length of the stretched neck (m).
#' @param start a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the 3D point where neck starts. Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP.
#' @param end a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the 3D point where neck ends. Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP.
#' @author Christina Harvey
#' @return This function returns a list that includes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{I}{a 3x3 matrix representing the moment of inertia tensor of a neck modeled as a solid cylinder.}
#' \item{CG}{a 1x3 vector representing the center of gravity position of a neck modeled as a solid cylinder.}
#'\item{m}{a double that returns the neck mass.}
#' }
#' @section Warning:
#' Parallel axis theorem does not apply between two arbitrary points. One point must be the object's center of gravity.
#' @export

massprop_neck <- function(m,r,l,start,end){

  # ------------------------------- Adjust axis --------------------------------
  z_axis = end-start
  temp_vec = c(0,-1,0) # In this case this is not arbitrary and defines the y axis
  x_axis = pracma::cross(z_axis,temp_vec/norm(temp_vec, type = "2"))
  VRP2object = calc_rot(z_axis,x_axis)

  # -------------------------- Moment of inertia --------------------------------

  I_n = calc_inertia_cylsolid(r, l, m)                    # Frame of reference: Neck | Origin: Neck CG

  # want to move origin from CG to VRP but need to know
  # where the bone is relative to the VRP origin
  off = VRP2object %*% start                               # Frame of reference: Neck | Origin: VRP

  # determine the offset vector for each component
  I_n_off  = c(0,0,0.5*l)+ off                             # Frame of reference: Neck | Origin: VRP

  # need to adjust the moment of inertia tensor
  I_n_vrp   = parallelaxis(I_n,-I_n_off,m,"CG")            # Frame of reference: Neck | Origin: VRP

  mass_prop = list() # pre-define
  # Adjust frame to VRP axes
  mass_prop$I  = t(VRP2object) %*% I_n_vrp %*% VRP2object  # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  mass_prop$CG = 0.5*(start + end)                         # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  mass_prop$m  = m

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------- Mass properties - Head ---------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Head mass properties
#' Calculate the moment of inertia of a head modeled as a solid cone
#' @param m Mass of head (kg)
#' @param r Maximum head radius (m)
#' @param l Maximum head length (m)
#' @param start a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the 3D point where head starts.
#' Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
#' @param end a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the 3D point where head ends.
#' Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
#' @author Christina Harvey
#' @return This function returns a list that includes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{I}{a 3x3 matrix representing the moment of inertia tensor of a head
#' modeled as a solid cone}
#' \item{CG}{a 1x3 vector representing the center of gravity position of a head
#' modeled as a solid cone}
#'\item{m}{a double that returns the head mass}
#' }
#' @section Warning:
#' Parallel axis theorem does not apply between two arbitrary points.
#' One point must be the object's center of gravity.
#' @export

massprop_head <- function(m,r,l,start,end){

  # ------------------------------- Adjust axis --------------------------------
  z_axis = end-start
  # In this case this is not arbitrary and defines the y axis
  temp_vec = c(0,-1,0)
  x_axis = pracma::cross(z_axis,temp_vec/norm(temp_vec, type = "2"))
  VRP2object = calc_rot(z_axis,x_axis)

  # -------------------------- Moment of inertia -------------------------------

  I_h = calc_inertia_conesolid(r, l, m)                    # Frame of reference: Head | Origin: Head CG

  # want to move origin from CG to VRP but need to know
  # where the bone is relative to the VRP origin
  off = VRP2object %*% start                               # Frame of reference: Head | Origin: VRP

  # determine the offset vector for each component
  CG_1  = c(0,0,0.25*l)+ off                               # Frame of reference: Head | Origin: VRP

  # need to adjust the moment of inertia tensor
  I_h_vrp   = parallelaxis(I_h,-CG_1,m,"CG")               # Frame of reference: Head | Origin: VRP

  mass_prop = list() # pre-define
  # Adjust frame to VRP axes
  mass_prop$I  = t(VRP2object) %*% I_h_vrp %*% VRP2object  # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  mass_prop$CG = t(VRP2object) %*% CG_1                    # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  mass_prop$m  = m


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------- Mass properties of Tail --------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Head mass properties
#' Calculate the moment of inertia of a tail modeled as a solid cone
#' @param m Mass of muscle (kg)
#' @param l Length of the tail (m)
#' @param w Width of the tail (m)
#' @param start a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the 3D point where head starts.
#' Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
#' @param end a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the 3D point where head ends.
#' Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
#' @author Christina Harvey
#' @return This function returns a list that includes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{I}{a 3x3 matrix representing the moment of inertia tensor of a head
#' modeled as a solid cone}
#' \item{CG}{a 1x3 vector representing the center of gravity position of a head
#' modeled as a solid cone}
#'\item{m}{a double that returns the head mass}
#' }
#' @section Warning:
#' Parallel axis theorem does not apply between two arbitrary points.
#' One point must be the object's center of gravity.
#' @inherit combine_inertialprop examples
#' @export

massprop_tail <- function(m,l,w,start,end){

  # ------------------------------- Adjust axis --------------------------------
  z_axis     = end-start
  # must be this value to ensure that the x axis in the tail FOR is the VRP z axis
  temp_vec   = c(0,-1,0)
  x_axis     = pracma::cross(z_axis,temp_vec/norm(temp_vec, type = "2"))
  VRP2object = calc_rot(z_axis,x_axis)

  # -------------------------- Moment of inertia -------------------------------
  # calculate the tail offset
  off  = VRP2object %*% start                            # Frame of reference: Tail | Origin: VRP
  I_t1 = calc_inertia_platerect(w, l, m)                 # Frame of reference: Tail | Origin: Tail CG
  CG_t = off + c(0,0,0.5*l)                              # Frame of reference: Tail | Origin: VRP
  I_t2 = parallelaxis(I_t1,-CG_t,m,"CG")                 # Frame of reference: Tail | Origin: VRP

  mass_prop = list() # pre-define
  # Adjust frame to VRP axes
  mass_prop$I  = t(VRP2object) %*% I_t2 %*% VRP2object   # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  mass_prop$CG = t(VRP2object) %*% CG_t                  # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  mass_prop$m  = m


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------- Mass properties of Torso -------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Torso and leg mass properties
#' Calculate the moment of inertia of a head modeled as a solid cone
#' @param m_true Mass of the torso and legs - no tail (kg)
#' @param m_legs Mass of the legs only (kg)
#' @param w_max Maximum width of the body (m)
#' @param h_max Maximum height of the body (m)
#' @param l_bmax x location of the maximum width of the body (m)
#' @param w_leg width of the body at leg insertion (m)
#' @param l_leg x location of the leg insertion point (m)
#' @param l_tot length of body from clavicle to beginning of the tail (m)
#' @param CG_true_x x location of the CG for the torso and legs,
#' origin is at the VRP, measured positive if aft of the VRP (m)
#' @param CG_true_z z location of the CG for the torso and legs,
#' origin is at the VRP (m)
#' @param start a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the 3D point where torso starts.
#' Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
#' @param end a 1x3 vector (x,y,z) representing the 3D point where tail ends.
#' Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
#' @author Christina Harvey
#' @return This function returns a list that includes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{I}{a 3x3 matrix representing the moment of inertia tensor of the
#' torso and leg composite body}
#' \item{CG}{a 1x3 vector representing the center of gravity position of the
#' torso and leg composite body}
#'  \item{m}{a double that returns the mass of the torso and leg composite body}
#' }
#' @section Warning:
#' Parallel axis theorem does not apply between two arbitrary points.
#' One point must be the object's center of gravity.
#' @inherit combine_inertialprop examples
#' @export

massprop_torso <- function(m_true, m_legs, w_max, h_max, l_bmax, w_leg, l_leg,l_tot, CG_true_x, CG_true_z, start, end){

  # ----------------------------- Adjust axis ----------------------------------
  z_axis = end-start
  # In this case this is not arbitrary and defines the y axis
  temp_vec = c(0,-1,0)
  # z points along the VRP positive z axis
  x_axis = pracma::cross(z_axis,temp_vec/norm(temp_vec, type = "2"))
  VRP2object = calc_rot(z_axis,x_axis)

  # -------------------------- Moment of inertia -------------------------------
  # pre-define info about the partial elliptic cone
  h_leg  = w_leg*h_max/w_max
  l_par  = l_leg-l_bmax
  l_full = (l_par/(w_max-w_leg))*w_max # based on equivalent triangle
  l_end  = l_tot - l_leg

  # ------------------------- Legs - point mass --------------------------------
  # placed at the bottom of the bird body
  CG_leg_right = c(0.5*h_leg, 0.5*w_leg, l_leg)         # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP
  CG_leg_left  = c(0.5*h_leg,-0.5*w_leg, l_leg)         # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP
  leg_right = massprop_pm(0.5*m_legs, CG_leg_right)     # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP
  leg_left  = massprop_pm(0.5*m_legs, CG_leg_left)      # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP

  # adjust torso mass and CG to remove the effects of the legs
  m_body    = (m_true-m_legs)
  # Caution CG_body_z refers to the full bird FOR but in this formulation the
  # torso FOR causes z to be torso x and x to be the torso -z
  # CG_body_x comes in positive even though it is a negative x from the BRP
  CG_body_z = (CG_true_z * m_true - CG_leg_left[1] * 0.5 * m_legs - CG_leg_right[1] *
                 0.5 * m_legs) / m_body
  # Yes this is supposed to in index 3 - in the torso FOR
  CG_body_x = (CG_true_x * m_true - CG_leg_left[3] * 0.5 * m_legs - CG_leg_right[3] *
                 0.5 * m_legs) / m_body

  # -------------- Calculate the body volume to have an estimate for the density --------------
  # - 1. volume and CGx of the hemiellipsoid -
  v_ell  = (1/6)*(pi*w_max*h_max*l_bmax)
  CG_ell = (5/8)*l_bmax                                   # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP

  # - 2. volume of the partial elliptical cone -
  # volume as if the interior cone went to full length
  v_full  = (1/12)*pi*w_max*h_max*l_full
  #volume of the ghost part of the cone
  v_cut   = (1/12)*pi*w_leg*h_leg*(l_full-l_par)
  v_par   = v_full-v_cut
  CG_full = l_bmax + 0.25*l_full                          # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP
  CG_cut  = l_leg + 0.25*(l_full-l_par)                   # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP
  CG_par  = (1/v_par)*(v_full*CG_full - v_cut*CG_cut)     # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP

  # ------ Option 1: Elliptical cylinder back and constant density ---------
  v_end_1       = (1/4)*(pi*w_leg*h_leg*l_end)
  CG_end_1      = l_leg+0.5*l_end                         # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP

  rho_avg_1   = m_body/(v_ell + v_par + v_end_1)
  est_CGx_1   = rho_avg_1*(v_ell*CG_ell +
                             v_par*CG_par +
  # if the error is larger than +- 5% of the torso length
  if(abs(est_CGx_1-CG_body_x) > 0.05*l_tot){
    # ------ Option 2: Elliptical cone back and constant density ---------
    v_end_2       = (1/12)*(pi*w_leg*h_leg*l_end)
    CG_end_2      = l_leg+0.25*l_end                              # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP

    rho_avg_2   = m_body/(v_ell + v_par + v_end_2)
    est_CGx_2   = rho_avg_2*(v_ell*CG_ell +
                               v_par*CG_par +

    # if the error is larger than +- 5% of the torso length
    if(abs(est_CGx_2-CG_body_x) > 0.05*l_tot){
      # ------ Option 3: Elliptical cylinder back and variable density ---------
      est_CGx_3   = CG_body_x
      A           = matrix(c(v_par,v_par*CG_par,v_end_1,v_end_1*CG_end_1),2,2)
      test        = pracma::lsqnonlin(density_optimizer, rho_avg_2,
                                      options=list(tolx=1e-12, tolg=1e-12),
      rho_ell  = abs(test$x[1]) + 200
      b        = c((m_body-(rho_ell*v_ell)),
      output   = solve(A,b)
      rho_par  = output[1]
      rho_back = output[2]

      if(rho_par < 0 | rho_back < 0){
        # ------ Option 3.5: Elliptical cylinder back and variable density -----
        # also allows CG to shift to a max position
        est_CGx_3   = CG_body_x + 0.05*l_tot
        A           = matrix(c(v_par,v_par*CG_par,v_end_1,v_end_1*CG_end_1),2,2)
        test        = pracma::lsqnonlin(density_optimizer, rho_avg_2,
                                        options=list(tolx=1e-12, tolg=1e-12),
        rho_ell  = abs(test$x[1]) + 200
        b        = c((m_body-(rho_ell*v_ell)),
        output   = solve(A,b)
        rho_par  = output[1]
        rho_back = output[2]

      option = 3
      v_end       = (1/4)*(pi*w_leg*h_leg*l_end)
      CG_end      = l_leg+0.5*l_end                              # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP
        option = 2
        v_end       = (1/12)*(pi*w_leg*h_leg*l_end)
        CG_end      = l_leg+0.25*l_end                           # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP

        rho_ell  = rho_avg_2
        rho_par  = rho_avg_2
        rho_back = rho_avg_2
    option = 1
    v_end       = (1/4)*(pi*w_leg*h_leg*l_end)
    CG_end      = l_leg+0.5*l_end                                # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP
    rho_ell  = rho_avg_1
    rho_par  = rho_avg_1
    rho_back = rho_avg_1

    # ----------- Estimate the density in each section of the body -------------

  # calculate the mass of each section
  m_ell  = rho_ell*v_ell  # hemi-ellipsoid
  m_par  = rho_par*v_par  # mid section partial cone
  m_end  = rho_back*v_end # end section cone

  ## ------ Sanity checks ---------
  # Check that no components have negative mass
  if(m_ell < 0 | m_par < 0 | m_end < 0){
    stop("Error: The mass of one or more of the torso sections is negative.")
  # Check that the mass matches the expected value
    warning("The mass of the predicted body shape
            does not match the expected value")

  ## ------------------------ FRONT TORSO SECTION ------------------------------
  # --------------------------- Hemiellipsoid ----------------------------------

  # MOI about the base
  I_ell1  = calc_inertia_ellipse(h_max/2, w_max/2, l_bmax, m_ell)   # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: Hemiellipsoid base
  # Define center of gravity wrt to I origin
  CG_ell1 = c(0,0,-(3/8)*l_bmax)                                    # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: Hemiellipsoid base

  # Adjust the moment of inertia to be about the center of gravity of the hemiellipsoid
  I_ellCG = parallelaxis(I_ell1,CG_ell1,m_ell,"A")                  # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: Hemiellipsoid CG
  # Define center of gravity wrt to VRP origin
  # NOTE: we need to offset the body from the x axis to ensure that the VRP z-location of the CG is correct in the Torso frame of ref this is the positive x direction
  CG_ell2 = c(CG_body_z,0,(5/8)*l_bmax)                             # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP
  # Adjust the MOI to be about the VRP
  I_ell_vrp = parallelaxis(I_ellCG,-CG_ell2,m_ell,"CG")             # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP

  ## ------------------ MID TORSO SECTION --------------------
  # ---------------- Partial elliptic cone -------------------

  # CG as if the interior cone went to full length
  CG_full = c(0,0,0.25*l_full)                                      # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: Hemiellipsoid base
  # CG of the ghost part of the cone
  CG_cut  = c(0,0,l_par+0.25*(l_full-l_par))                        # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: Hemiellipsoid base
  # CG of the partial cone
  CG_par1 = (1/v_par)*(v_full*CG_full - v_cut*CG_cut)               # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: Hemiellipsoid base
  m_cut   = rho_par*v_cut
  m_full  = rho_par*v_full
  # MOI of the full cone about the wide base
  I_full = calc_inertia_ellcone(0.5*h_max, 0.5*w_max, l_full, m_full)          # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: Hemiellipsoid base

  I_cut  = calc_inertia_ellcone(0.5*h_leg, 0.5*w_leg, (l_full-l_par), m_cut)  # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: Leg insertion cut base
  # move the origin to the cut cone CG
  I_cut2 = parallelaxis(I_cut,-c(0,0,0.25*(l_full - l_par)),m_cut,"A")          # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: Cut cone CG
  I_cut3 = parallelaxis(I_cut2,CG_cut,m_cut,"CG")                               # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: Hemiellipsoid base
  #remove the ghost part of the cone
  I_par1 = I_full - I_cut3                                                      # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: Hemiellipsoid base

  # Adjust the moment of inertia to be about the center of gravity of the partial cone
  I_parCG = parallelaxis(I_par1,CG_par1,m_par,"A")                      # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: Partial Cone CG
  # Define CG wrt to VRP origin
  # NOTE: we need to offset the body from the x axis to ensure that the VRP z-location of the CG is correct in the Torso frame of ref this is the positive x direction
  CG_par2 = CG_par1 + c(CG_body_z,0,l_bmax)                             # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP
  # Adjust the MOI to be about the VRP
  I_par_vrp = parallelaxis(I_parCG,-CG_par2,m_par,"CG")                 # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP

  ## ------------------ BACK TORSO SECTION --------------------

  if(option == 2){  # -------------- Option 2: Full elliptic cone -------------------
    # CG of the end cone
    CG_end1 = c(0,0,0.25*l_end)                                              # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: Base of the end cone
    # MOI of the end cone about the wide base
    I_end1  = calc_inertia_ellcone(h_leg*0.5, w_leg*0.5, l_end, m_end)       # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: Base of the end cone
    # Adjust the moment of inertia to be about the center of gravity of the partial cone
    I_endCG = parallelaxis(I_end1,CG_end1,m_end,"A")                         # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: End Cone CG
    # Define CG wrt to VRP origin
    # NOTE: we need to offset the body from the x axis to ensure that the VRP z-location of the CG is correct in the Torso frame of ref this is the positive x direction
    CG_end2 = CG_end1 + c(CG_body_z,0,l_leg)                                # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP
    # Adjust the MOI to be about the VRP
    I_end_vrp = parallelaxis(I_endCG,-CG_end2,m_end,"CG")                    # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP
  if(option == 1 | option == 3){  # -------------- Option 1 or 3: Elliptic cylinder -------------------
    # Define CG wrt to VRP origin
    # NOTE: we need to offset the body from the x axis to ensure that the VRP z-location of the CG is correct in the Torso frame of ref this is the positive x direction
    CG_end2 = c(0,0,0.5*l_end) + c(CG_body_z,0,l_leg)                        # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP
    # MOI of the end cylinder about its CG
    I_endCG  = calc_inertia_ellcyl(h_leg*0.5, w_leg*0.5, l_end, m_end)                # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: End Cyl CG
    # Adjust the MOI to be about the VRP
    I_end_vrp = parallelaxis(I_endCG,-CG_end2,m_end,"CG")                     # Frame of reference: Torso | Origin: VRP

  ## ------------- COMBINE ALL TORSO SECTIONS ----------------
  # -------------- Sum data and adjust axes -------------------
  I_torso_vrp  = I_ell_vrp + I_par_vrp + I_end_vrp + leg_right$I + leg_left$I
  CG_torso_vrp = (1/m_true)*(m_ell*CG_ell2 + m_par*CG_par2 + m_end*CG_end2 +
                               0.5*m_legs*CG_leg_left + 0.5*m_legs*CG_leg_right)

  # we need to offset the body from the x axis to ensure that the VRP z-location of the CG is correct in the Torso frame of ref this is the positive x direction

  mass_prop = list() # pre-define
  # Adjust frame to VRP axes
  mass_prop$I  = t(VRP2object) %*% I_torso_vrp %*% VRP2object               # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  mass_prop$CG = t(VRP2object) %*% CG_torso_vrp                             # Frame of reference: VRP | Origin: VRP
  mass_prop$m  = m_true

  # Check that the CG matches the expected value
    warning("The center of gravity the predicted body shape does not match the expected value.")


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##### -------------------- Body component density optimizer ----------------------- #####
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Optimize torso section densities
#' Function that is used within an optimization routine to select the
#' appropriate torso section density
#' @param x a scalar guess at the density of the torso hemi-ellipsoid section (kg/m^3)
#' @param m_body a scalar representing the mass of the full torso
#' @param A a 2x2 matrix representing the mass and volume calculations of the
#' final two torso section
#' @param v_ell a scalar representing the volume of the hemi-ellipsoid
#' @param CG_body_x a scalar representing the position of the center of gravity
#' of the full torso along the x axis with the origin at the VRP
#' @param CG_ell a scalar representing the position of the center of gravity
#' of the hemi-ellipsoid section along the x axis with the origin at the VRP
#' @param rho_avg average density of the full torso
#' @return the squared error between the three section densities and the
#' average torso density
#' @inherit combine_inertialprop examples
#' @export

density_optimizer <- function(x,m_body,A,v_ell,CG_body_x,CG_ell,rho_avg){
  # ensures that the density is always positive & greater than medullary density
  rho     = abs(x[1]) + 200

  b      = c((m_body-(rho*v_ell)),
  output = solve(A,b)

  err = ((rho-rho_avg)^2 + (output[1]-rho_avg)^2 + (output[2]-rho_avg)^2)

  if(output[1] < 0 | output[2] < 0 | rho < 0){
    err = err + rho_avg


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AvInertia documentation built on March 24, 2022, 5:07 p.m.