
Defines functions myPkgName myLibPath .onLoad setGenericVerif lossDevOptions

Documented in lossDevOptions myLibPath myPkgName .onLoad setGenericVerif

##                                                                                              ##
##    BALD is an R-package.                                                                     ##
##    It is a Bayesian time series model of loss development.                                   ##
##    Features include skewed Student-t distribution with time-varying scale parameters,        ##
##    an expert prior for the calendar year effect,                                             ##
##    and accommodation for structural breaks in the consumption path of development years.     ##
##    It is an update for the older package lossDev as it has been stopped supported.           ##
##                                                                                              ##
##    Copyright (c) 2018 Frank A. Schmid,                                                       ##
##                                                                                              ##
##    This file is part of BALD.                                                                ##
##                                                                                              ##
##    lossDev is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify                           ##
##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by                      ##
##    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or                         ##
##    (at your option) any later version.                                                       ##
##                                                                                              ##
##    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                           ##
##    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                            ##
##    MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the                             ##
##    GNU General Public License for more details.                                              ##
##                                                                                              ##
##    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                         ##
##    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                    ##
##                                                                                              ##

## This file contains the functions needed for package startup.
## Values assigned by .onLoad are also included here.
#' @import methods

##' The Packages Mutable State.
##' @name mutableState
##' @keywords internal
mutableState <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())

##' Current Name of the Package. Intended for internal use only.
##' Set by \code{.onLoad}.
##' @return The current name of the package including version number if the package was installed as such. (i.e. \samp{BALD})
myPkgName <- function() return(get('myPkgName', envir=mutableState, inherits=FALSE))

##' Installation Library of the Package.   Intended for internal use only.
##' @return The installation library path.
##' Set by \code{.onLoad}.
myLibPath <- function() return(get('myLibPath', envir=mutableState, inherits=FALSE))

##' Intialize the Namespace.  Intended for internal use only.
##' Currently only sets correct functions for \code{myPkgName} and \code{myLibPath} and loads the \acronym{JAGS} module.
##' @param libname The library where the R package is installed.
##' @param pkgname The name of the R package.
##' @name dot-onLoad-lossDev
##' @aliases .onLoad
##' @seealso \code{\link{.onLoad}}
##' @import rjags
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname)
    ##Create functions to return the required values. Lexical scoping ensures the correct values are returned.
    myPkgName <- pkgname
    myLibPath <- libname

    ##Assign the values to the package namespace and lock the bindings for safty.
    assign('myPkgName', myPkgName, envir=mutableState)
    lockBinding('myPkgName', env=mutableState)
    assign('myLibPath', myLibPath, envir=mutableState)
    lockBinding('myLibPath', env=mutableState)

    ##Load the JAGS module.
    rarch <- .Platform$r_arch
    fp <- ifelse(nzchar(rarch),
                 file.path(myLibPath(), myPkgName(), 'libs', rarch),
                 file.path(myLibPath(), myPkgName(), 'libs'))
    #load.module('BALD', normalizePath(fp))

    wd <- getwd()

    db.folder <- tempfile()

    mutableState$CounterForCreatedCodas <- 0

    mutableState$lossDevOptions <- list()
    mutableState$lossDevOptions[['logsplinePenaltyFunction']] <- function(x) log(length(x))


##' A Safe Version of \code{setGeneric}. Intended for internal use only.
##' \code{setGeneric} will overwrite existing generic functions.  This will result in the loss of all methods already associated with that generic.
##' \code{setGenericVerif} only sets the generic if it is not already a generic.
##' If a generic by the name of \code{name} already exists, a warning is issued and NULL is returned.  Otherwise \code{setGeneric} is called and its value returned.
##' @param name The character string name of the generic function.
##' @param \dots Additional arguments to pass to \code{setGeneric}.
##' @return \code{setGenericVerif} really exists for its side effect; but returns the value returned by \code{setGeneric} or NULL.
##' @seealso \code{\link{setGeneric}}
setGenericVerif <- function(name, ...)
        return(setGeneric(name, ...))
        warning('Tried to overwrite an exisiting generic function')

##' Options for \pkg{BALD}.
##' Currently the only options are \code{keepCodaOnDisk} and \code{logsplinePenaltyFunction}.
##' \describe{
##'   \item{\code{logsplinePenaltyFunction}}{
##'     When drawing kernal density plots using the \pkg{logspline}, it maybe desirable to specify a penalty to smooth the density (See \code{?logspline}).
##'     This value must be a function which takes one paramter (a vector of the sampled data points) and returns one value -- the penalty.
##'     The default returns the the log of the number of draws.
##'   }
##' }
##' @param \dots named values to set.  If empty, only the current list of option settings is returned.
##' @return The current (or altered) list of option settings is returned.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' library(BALD) 
##' #define the log of sample size function
##' logsamplesize <- function(x) {
##'     log(length(x))
##' }
##' #assign the log of sample size function as penalty function
##' lossDevOptions(logsplinePenaltyFunction = logsamplesize)
lossDevOptions <- function(...)

    args <- list(...)
    n <- names(args)

    if(length(n) == 0)

    if(length(n) != 1)
        stop('You must specify only one option at a time')

    if(n != 'logsplinePenaltyFunction')
        stop('The only current options are "logsplinePenaltyFunction"')

    if(n == 'logsplinePenaltyFunction') {
        f <- args[[n]]
        if(!is.function(f) && is.numeric(f(c(1, 2, 3))) && length(f(c(1, 2, 3))) != 1 )
            stop('"logsplinePenaltyFunction" must be a function.  Reverting to previous setting.')


    mutableState$lossDevOptions[[n]] <- args[[n]]



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BALD documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:51 a.m.