select.ggm_compare_estimate: Graph Selection for 'ggm_compare_estimate' Objects

View source: R/select.ggm_compare_estimate.R

select.ggm_compare_estimateR Documentation

Graph Selection for ggm_compare_estimate Objects


Provides the selected graph (of differences) based on credible intervals for the partial correlations that did not contain zero \insertCiteWilliams2019BGGM.


## S3 method for class 'ggm_compare_estimate'
select(object, cred = 0.95, ...)



An object of class estimate.default.


Numeric. The credible interval width for selecting the graph (defaults to 0.95; must be between 0 and 1).


not currently used


The returned object of class select.ggm_compare_estimate contains a lot of information that is used for printing and plotting the results. For users of BGGM, the following are the useful objects:

  • mean_diff A list of matrices for each group comparsion (partial correlation differences).

  • pcor_adj A list of weighted adjacency matrices for each group comparsion.

  • adj A list of adjacency matrices for each group comparsion.


# note: iter = 250 for demonstrative purposes
### example 1: ###
# data
Y <- bfi

# males and females
Ymale <- subset(Y, gender == 1,
               select = -c(gender,

Yfemale <- subset(Y, gender == 2,
                  select = -c(gender,

# fit model
fit <- ggm_compare_estimate(Ymale, Yfemale,
                           type = "continuous",
                           iter = 250,
                           progress = FALSE)

E <- select(fit)

BGGM documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:19 p.m.