tas: Data: Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS)

tasR Documentation

Data: Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS)


A dataset containing items from the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS). There are 20 variables and 1925 observations




A data frame with 20 variables and 1925 observations (5 point Likert scale)


  • 1 I am often confused about what emotion I am feeling

  • 2 It is difficult for me to find the right words for my feelings

  • 3 I have physical sensations that even doctors don’t understand

  • 4 I am able to describe my feelings easily

  • 5 I prefer to analyze problems rather than just describe them

  • 6 When I am upset, I don’t know if I am sad, frightened, or angry

  • 7 I am often puzzled by sensations in my body

  • 8 I prefer just to let things happen rather than to understand why they turned out that way

  • 9 I have feelings that I can’t quite identify

  • 10 Being in touch with emotions is essential

  • 11 I find it hard to describe how I feel about people

  • 12 People tell me to describe my feelings more

  • 13 I don’t know what’s going on inside me

  • 14 I often don’t know why I am angry

  • 15 I prefer talking to people about their daily activities rather than their feelings

  • 16 I prefer to watch “light” entertainment shows rather than psychological dramas

  • 17 It is difficult for me to reveal my innermost feelings, even to close friends

  • 18 I can feel close to someone, even in moments of silence

  • 19 I find examination of my feelings useful in solving personal problems

  • 20 Looking for hidden meanings in movies or plays distracts from their enjoyment

  • gender "M" (male) or "F" (female)


There are three domains

Difficulty identifying feelings: items 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14

Difficulty describing feelings: items 2, 4, 11, 12, 17

Externally oriented thinking: items 10, 15, 16, 18, 19


Briganti, G., & Linkowski, P. (2019). Network approach to items and domains from the Toronto Alexithymia Scale. Psychological reports.



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