
Defines functions get_latents

Documented in get_latents

#' @title
#'     Simulation of latent variables \eqn{Z} in the \emph{mixdpclust} model
#' @description
#'     Simulates values for latent variables \eqn{Z=(Z_1,...,Z_q)} according to the specification in the \emph{mixdpclust} model.
#' @param Y Matrix or data frame containing the observed data.
#' @param var_type Character vector that indicates the type of variable in each column of Y. Three possible types:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item "\strong{c}" for continuous variables.
#'   \item "\strong{o}" for ordinal variables (ordered categorical).
#'   \item "\strong{m}" for nominal variables (non-ordered categorical).
#' }
#' @param mu_Z an optional vector with the expected values \eqn{\mu_Z} of the latent variables.
#' @param sigma_Z an optional matrix with the covariance matrix \eqn{\Sigma_Z} of the latent variables.
#' @param Z_old an optional matrix with initial values for the latent variables that will be simulated.
#' @param USING_CPP indicates usage of C++ in some modules.
#' @importFrom stats diffinv model.matrix pnorm qnorm relevel runif
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
#' @details
#'     For each variable in the \code{Y} data frame, an associated continuous latent variable is generated.
#'     if \eqn{Y_j} is continuous, the corresponding \eqn{Z_j} will keep the original values of \eqn{Y_j}.
#'     If \eqn{Y_j} is categorical, the function will scan the unique values of \eqn{Y_j} and generate continuous latent variables accordingly.
#' @keywords internal

get_latents <- function( Y,
                         USING_CPP=TRUE ) {
  ### This function simulates the latent variables for a specified Y ###
  Y <- data.frame(as.matrix(Y))
  n <- nrow(Y)
  p <- ncol(Y)
  # possible variable classes that are allowed
  var_type_all <- c("c","o","m")
  # checking input consistency
  if( length(var_type) != ncol(Y) ) {
    cat('\nError: The number of columns in "Y" have to be equal to the lenght of vector "var_type"\n')
    stop('The number of columns in "Y" have to be equal to the lenght of vector "var_type"')
  if( any(!is.element(var_type,var_type_all)) ) {
    cat('\nError: Elements in "var_type" have to be one of ',paste(var_type_all,collapse = ","),'\n')
    stop('Elements in "var_type" have to be one of ',paste(var_type_all,collapse = ","))
  # number of variables by type
  n_c <- sum( is.element( var_type, var_type_all[1] ) )
  n_o <- sum( is.element( var_type, var_type_all[2] ) )
  n_m <- sum( is.element( var_type, var_type_all[3] ) )
  p==n_c+n_o+n_m # TRUE
  # Sorting Y columns
  Y_new_order <- c( which(is.element(var_type,var_type_all[1])),
                    which(is.element(var_type,var_type_all[3])) )
  var_type <- var_type[Y_new_order]
  Y <- Y[,Y_new_order,drop=F]
  # changes the colnames of Y for simplicity and standarization
  colnames(Y) <- paste("var_",
                       formatC( unlist(mapply(seq,1,c(n_c,n_o,n_m),length.out=c(n_c,n_o,n_m))) , width = 2, flag = '0'),
  # Ordinal variables as factor
  if(n_o>0) {
    for (i in which( is.element( var_type, var_type_all[2] ) ) ) {
      Y[,i] <- factor(Y[,i])
  # Categorical variables as factor #
  if(n_m>0) {
    # vector with the number of latent variables that will be used for each categorical variable
    n_m_l <- rep(NA,n_m)
    # vector with the number of classes for each categorical variable
    K_m <- rep(NA,n_m)
    for (i in 1:n_m ) {
      aux_i <- which( is.element( var_type, var_type_all[3] ) )[i]
      Y[,aux_i] <- factor(Y[,aux_i])
      K_m[i] <- length(levels(Y[ ,aux_i])) # number of categories in that categorical variable
      n_m_l[i] <- K_m[i] - 1 # how many latents are needed for each categorical?
  } else {
  # Compute the total number of latents that will be needed #
  n_q <- n_c+n_o+sum(n_m_l)
  ### Latent Variables ###
  Z <- matrix(data=NA,nrow=nrow(Y),ncol=n_q)
  # colnames of Z #
  colnames_Z <- NULL
  # colnames of Z: continuous #
  if( n_c > 0 ) {
    colnames_Z <- c( colnames_Z, paste("var_",
                                       formatC( 1:n_c, width = 2, flag = '0'), sep="") )
  # colnames of Z: ordinal #
  if( n_o > 0 ) {
    colnames_Z <- c( colnames_Z, paste("var_",
                                       formatC( 1:n_o, width = 2, flag = '0'), sep="") )
  # colnames of Z: categorical #
  if( n_m > 0 ) {
    for(i in 1:n_m) {
      colnames_Z <- c(colnames_Z, paste("var_",
                                        c( rep(var_type_all[3],n_m_l[i] ) ),"_",
                                        formatC( i, width = 2, flag = '0'),"_",
                                        formatC( 1:n_m_l[i] , width = 2, flag = '0'),
  colnames(Z) <- colnames_Z
  ##### Simulating Latent values #####
  if( is.null(mu_Z) ) {
    mu_Z <- matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=n_q)
    colnames(mu_Z) <- colnames_Z
  if( is.null(sigma_Z) ) {
    sigma_Z <- diag(1,nrow=n_q,ncol=n_q)
    colnames(sigma_Z) <- rownames(sigma_Z) <- colnames_Z
  ###   Latent: Continuous   ###
  if(n_c>0) {
    # cat('Simulating latents for ',n_c,' Continuous variables   ')
    if( is.null(Z_old) ) {
      Z[,1:n_c] <- as.matrix( Y[,1:n_c] )
      # standardize the continuous variables
      #Z[,1:n_c] <- as.matrix( scale(Y[,1:n_c]) , nrow=nrow(Y), ncol=n_c )
    } else {
      Z[,1:n_c] <- Z_old[,1:n_c]
  ###   Latent: Ordinal   ###
  if(n_o>0) {
    #cat('Simulating latents for ',n_o,' Ordinal variables...')
    thres_o <- list() # list with the vector of thresholds for each ordinal variable
    K_o <- as.numeric(rep(NA,n_o)) # number of categories in each Ordinal variable
    # getting number of categories #
    for ( j in 1:n_o ) {
      # j<-1
      # cat(j,',')
      Y_ord_j <- which( is.element(var_type,var_type_all[2])) # what columns in Y are ordinal?
      Y_ord_j <- Y_ord_j[j] # choose the ith ordinal
      # number of categories in that ordinal variable
      K_o[j] <- length(levels(Y[,Y_ord_j]))
      # obtain the thresholds dividing (-Inf,Inf) into K_o[i] intervals
      # recommended thresholds of length 4 with a fixed variance of 1
      thres_o[[j]] <- c(-Inf,seq(from=-4*floor((K_o[j]-2)/2),to=4*ceiling((K_o[j]-2)/2),by=4),Inf)
    # simulating ordinal latents #
    for(i in 1:n) {
      # i<-1
      for(j in 1:n_o) {
        # j<-1
        cat_ij <- match( Y[i,n_c+j],levels(Y[,n_c+j]) )
        if( is.null(Z_old) ) {
          if(F) {
            # simplified
            mu_Z_aux <- mu_Z[i,n_c+j]
            sigma_Z_aux <- sigma_Z[n_c+j,n_c+j]
            sigma_Z_aux <- sigma_Z_aux
          } else {
            # the point will come from a distribution such that
            # 95% of probability is within the interval
            # mu_Z_ij centered in its interval
            mu_Z_aux <- thres_o[[j]][cat_ij+c(0,1)]
            mu_Z_aux <- mean(mu_Z_aux)
            mu_Z[i,n_c+j] <- mu_Z_aux
            # the variance is set such that it has 95% of being at that interval
            sigma_Z_aux <- thres_o[[j]][cat_ij+c(0,1)]
            if(any(abs(sigma_Z_aux)==Inf)) {
              sigma_Z_aux <- 1
            } else {
              sigma_Z_aux <- diff(sigma_Z_aux) / (2*qnorm(0.975))
            # 95% of probability within the interval
            # pnorm(q=thres_o[[j]][cat_ij+c(0,1)],mean=mu_Z_aux,sd=sigma_Z_aux)
        } else {
          # if an initial value for Z was given
          mu_Z_aux <- mu_Z[i,n_c+j,drop=F]
          sigma_Z_aux <- sigma_Z[n_c+j,n_c+j,drop=F]
          if(all(dim(sigma_Z)>1)) {
            mu_Z_aux <- mu_Z_aux + sigma_Z[(n_c+j),-(n_c+j),drop=F] %*% MASS::ginv(sigma_Z[-(n_c+j),-(n_c+j),drop=F]) %*% t( Z_old[i,-(n_c+j),drop=F] - mu_Z[i,-(n_c+j),drop=F] )
            sigma_Z_aux <- sigma_Z_aux + sigma_Z[(n_c+j),-(n_c+j),drop=F] %*% MASS::ginv(sigma_Z[-(n_c+j),-(n_c+j),drop=F]) %*% sigma_Z[-(n_c+j),(n_c+j),drop=F]
        if(USING_CPP) {
          Z[i,n_c+j] <- rtn1( mean=mu_Z_aux,
                              high=thres_o[[j]][cat_ij+1] )
        } else {
          Z[i,n_c+j] <- truncnorm::rtruncnorm( n=1,
                                               a=thres_o[[j]][cat_ij], b=thres_o[[j]][cat_ij+1],
                                               sd=sqrt(sigma_Z_aux) )
        if( !(Z[i,n_c+j] > thres_o[[j]][cat_ij] & Z[i,n_c+j] < thres_o[[j]][cat_ij+1]) ){
          cat('\nError: There was a problem simulating an ordinal latent Z_ij, i=',i,', j=',n_c+j,'\n')
          stop('There was a problem simulating an ordinal latent Z_ij, i=',i,', j=',n_c+j,sep="")
    #cat('   done!\n')
  } else {
  ###   Latent: Categorical   ###
  if(n_m>0) {
    #cat('Simulating latents for ',n_m,' Categorical variables...')
    for(j in 1:n_m) {
      #cat(j,', ')
      # attention: j goes one for each categorical, not for each latent!
      # j<-2
      # defines dummies of Y_cat
      Y_j <- as.factor(Y[,n_c+n_o+j])
      Y_j <- relevel(Y_j,ref=length(levels(Y_j))) # assign the reference level as the last level
      Y_j <- model.matrix( ~.,data = data.frame( Y_j )) # tranform the categorical to dummy variables
      Y_j <- as.matrix( Y_j[,-1] )
      for ( i in 1:n ) {
        # i<-2
        # simulating one by one
        if( any( Y_j[i,]>0 ) ) { # observation i is different from the last class, at least one latent >0 and the max corresponds to the value of the categorical
          # first, simulates the maximum #
          j_z_max <- n_c + n_o + diffinv(n_m_l)[j] + which(Y_j[i,]==1) # column of z corresponding with the maximum
          if( is.null(Z_old) ) {
            mu_Z_aux <- mu_Z[i,j_z_max]
            sigma_Z_aux <- sigma_Z[j_z_max,j_z_max]
            sigma_Z_aux <- sigma_Z_aux
          } else {
            mu_Z_aux <- mu_Z[i,j_z_max] + sigma_Z[j_z_max,-j_z_max] %*% ginv(sigma_Z[-j_z_max,-j_z_max]) %*% ( Z_old[i,-j_z_max] - mu_Z[i,-j_z_max] )
            sigma_Z_aux <- sigma_Z[j_z_max,j_z_max] + sigma_Z[j_z_max,-j_z_max] %*% ginv(sigma_Z[-j_z_max,-j_z_max]) %*% sigma_Z[-j_z_max,j_z_max]
            sigma_Z_aux <- sigma_Z_aux
          sim_int <- c(pnorm(0,mean=mu_Z_aux,sd=sqrt(sigma_Z_aux)),1) # simulates a positive gaussian number for the maximum
          Z[i, j_z_max ] <- qnorm( p=runif(n=1, min=sim_int[1], max=sim_int[2]) , mean=mu_Z_aux, sd=sqrt(sigma_Z_aux))
          # then, simulates the rest #
          for( s in (1:ncol(Y_j))[-which(Y_j[i,]==1)] ) {
            j_z_s <- n_c + n_o + diffinv(n_m_l)[j] + s # column of z corresponding with this value
            if( is.null(Z_old) ) {
              mu_Z_aux <- mu_Z[i,j_z_s]
              sigma_Z_aux <- sigma_Z[j_z_s,j_z_s]
              sigma_Z_aux <- sigma_Z_aux
            } else {
              mu_Z_aux <- mu_Z[i,j_z_s] + sigma_Z[j_z_s,-j_z_s] %*% ginv(sigma_Z[-j_z_s,-j_z_s]) %*% ( Z_old[i,-j_z_s] - mu_Z[i,-j_z_s] )
              sigma_Z_aux <- sigma_Z[j_z_s,j_z_s] + sigma_Z[j_z_s,-j_z_s] %*% ginv(sigma_Z[-j_z_s,-j_z_s]) %*% sigma_Z[-j_z_s,j_z_s]
              sigma_Z_aux <- sigma_Z_aux
            sim_int <- c(0,pnorm( Z[i, j_z_max ] ,mean=mu_Z_aux,sd=sqrt(sigma_Z_aux) )) # simulates a gaussian number lower than the maximum
            Z[i, j_z_s ] <- qnorm( p=runif(n=1, min=sim_int[1], max=sim_int[2]) , mean=mu_Z_aux, sd=sqrt(sigma_Z_aux))
          # checking consistency #
          if( which(Y_j[i,]==1) != which(Z[i,n_c + n_o + diffinv(n_m_l)[j]+1:ncol(Y_j)]==max(Z[i,n_c + n_o + diffinv(n_m_l)[j]+1:ncol(Y_j)])) ) {
            cat('\nError: There is a problem generating a categorical variable i=',i,' j=',j,'\n')
            stop('There is a problem generating a categorical variable i=',i,' j=',j,sep='')
        } else { # observation i is equal to the last class, all values of latents have to be negative
          for( s in 1:ncol(Y_j) ) {
            j_z_s <- n_c + n_o + diffinv(n_m_l)[j] + s # column of z corresponding with this value
            if( is.null(Z_old) ) {
              mu_Z_aux <- mu_Z[i,j_z_s]
              sigma_Z_aux <- sigma_Z[j_z_s,j_z_s]
              sigma_Z_aux <- sigma_Z_aux
            } else {
              mu_Z_aux <- mu_Z[i,j_z_s] + sigma_Z[j_z_s,-j_z_s] %*% ginv(sigma_Z[-j_z_s,-j_z_s]) %*% ( Z_old[i,-j_z_s] - mu_Z[i,-j_z_s] )
              sigma_Z_aux <- sigma_Z[j_z_s,j_z_s] + sigma_Z[j_z_s,-j_z_s] %*% ginv(sigma_Z[-j_z_s,-j_z_s]) %*% sigma_Z[-j_z_s,j_z_s]
              sigma_Z_aux <- sigma_Z_aux
            sim_int <- c(0,pnorm(0,mean=mu_Z_aux,sd=sigma_Z_aux)) # simulates negative gaussian numbers
            Z[i, j_z_s ] <- qnorm( p=runif(n=1, min=sim_int[1], max=sim_int[2]) , mean=mu_Z_aux, sd=sigma_Z_aux)
          # checking consistency #
          all(Z[i,n_c + n_o + diffinv(n_m_l)[j]+1:ncol(Y_j)]<0)
  dim(Z)[1]==n # TRUE
  dim(Z)[2]==n_q # TRUE
  return( list( Z=Z,
                K_o=K_o) )

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