
## ----LoadFunctions, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, results='hide'----
opts_chunk$set(error = FALSE)

## ----style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'------------------------------------

## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
#  install.packages("BOSO")

## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
#  if (!requireNamespace('cplexAPI', quietly = TRUE)) {
#    testthat::skip('Package cplexAPI not installed (required for this vignette)!\n
#           Install it from CRAN:')
#    stop('Package cplexAPI not installed (required for this vignette)!\n
#           Install it from CRAN:', call. = FALSE)
#  }

## ---- eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------
if (!requireNamespace('bestsubset', quietly = TRUE)) {
  enlist <- function (...) 
    result <- list(...)
    if ((nargs() == 1) & is.character(n <- result[[1]])) {
      result <- as.list(seq(n))
      names(result) <- n
      for (i in n) result[[i]] <- get(i)
    } else {
      n <-
      n <- as.character(n)[-1]
      if (!is.null(n2 <- names(result))) {
        which <- n2 != ""
        n[which] <- n2[which]
      names(result) <- n
} else {require("bestsubset")}

## ----define_data, eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------

# Set some overall simulation parameters
n = 100;          # Size of training set
nval = n          # Size of validation set
p = 10;           # Number of variables
s = 5             # Number of nonzero coefficients
beta.type = 1     # Type of coefficiente structure
rho.vec = 0.35    # Variable autocorrelation level
snr.vec = exp(seq(log(0.05),log(6),length=10)) # Signal-to-noise ratios 
nrep = 10          # Number of repetitions for a given setting
seed = 0          # Random number generator seed

## ----define_funs, eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------

# Regression functions: lasso, forward stepwise and BOSO
reg.funs = list()

reg.funs[["Forward stepwise"]] = function(x,y) fs(x,y,intercept=FALSE, max=min(n,p))

reg.funs[["Lasso"]] = function(x,y) lasso(x,y,intercept=FALSE,nlam=50)

reg.funs[["Relaxed lasso"]] = function(x,y) lasso(x,y,intercept=FALSE,

reg.funs[["BOSO - AIC"]] <- function(x,y,xval,yval) BOSO(x,y,xval,yval,
                                                         IC = "AIC",
                                                         nlambda = 100,
                                                         Threads = 4,
                                                         timeLimit = 60,
                                                         intercept = F,
                                                         standardize = F,
                                                         verbose = 0,
                                                         seed = 123456)

reg.funs[["BOSO - BIC"]] <- function(x,y,xval,yval) BOSO(x,y,xval,yval,
                                                         IC = "BIC",
                                                         nlambda = 100,
                                                         Threads = 4,
                                                         timeLimit = 60,
                                                         intercept = F,
                                                         standardize = F,
                                                         verbose = 0,
                                                         seed = 123456)

reg.funs[["BOSO - eBIC"]] <- function(x,y,xval,yval) BOSO(x,y,xval,yval,
                                                          IC = "eBIC",
                                                          nlambda = 100,
                                                          Threads = 4,
                                                          timeLimit = 60,
                                                          intercept = F,
                                                          standardize = F,
                                                          verbose = 0,
                                                          seed = 123456)

## ----aux_fun_1, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE-----------------------------------------
sim.master = function(n, p, nval, reg.funs, nrep=50, seed=NULL, verbose=FALSE,
                      file=NULL, file.rep=5, rho=0, s=5, beta.type=1, snr=1) { =
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  N = length(reg.funs)
  reg.names = names(reg.funs)
  if (is.null(reg.names)) reg.names = paste("Method",1:N)
  err.train = err.val = err.test = prop = risk = nzs = fpos = fneg = F1 = 
    opt = runtime = vector(mode="list",length=N)
  names(err.train) = names(err.val) = names(err.test) = names(prop) =
    names(risk) = names(nzs) = names(fpos) = names(fneg) = names(F1) = 
    names(opt) = names(runtime) = reg.names
  for (j in 1:N) {
    err.train[[j]] = err.val[[j]] = err.test[[j]] = prop[[j]] = risk[[j]] =
      nzs[[j]] = fpos[[j]] = fneg[[j]] = F1[[j]] = opt[[j]] = runtime[[j]] =
  filled = rep(FALSE,N)
  err.null = risk.null = sigma = rep(NA,nrep)
  # Loop through the repetitions
  for (i in 1:nrep) {
    if (verbose) {
      cat(sprintf("Simulation %i (of %i) ...\n",i,nrep))
      cat("  Generating data ...\n")
    # Generate x, y, xval, yval
    xy.obj = sim.xy(n,p,nval,rho,s,beta.type,snr)
    risk.null[i] = diag(t(xy.obj$beta) %*% xy.obj$Sigma %*% xy.obj$beta)
    err.null[i] = risk.null[i] + xy.obj$sigma^2
    sigma[i] = xy.obj$sigma
    # Loop through the regression methods
    for (j in 1:N) {
      if (verbose) {
        cat(sprintf("  Applying regression method %i (of %i): %s ...\n",
                    j,N, reg.names[j]))
        # Apply the regression method in hand
        if (grepl("BOSO", reg.names[j])){
          runtime[[j]][i] = system.time({
            reg.obj = reg.funs[[j]](xy.obj$x,xy.obj$y,xy.obj$xval,xy.obj$yval)
        } else {
          runtime[[j]][i] = system.time({
            reg.obj = reg.funs[[j]](xy.obj$x,xy.obj$y)
        # Grab the estimated coefficients, and the predicted values on the
        # training and validation sets
        betahat = as.matrix(coef(reg.obj))
        m = ncol(betahat); nc = nrow(betahat)
        # Check for intercept
        if (nc == p+1) {
          intercept = TRUE
          betahat0 = betahat[1,]
          betahat = betahat[-1,]
        else intercept = FALSE
        muhat.train = as.matrix(predict(reg.obj,xy.obj$x))
        muhat.val = as.matrix(predict(reg.obj,xy.obj$xval))
        # Populate empty matrices for our metrics, of appropriate dimension
        if (!filled[j]) {
          err.train[[j]] = err.val[[j]] = err.test[[j]] = prop[[j]] =
            risk[[j]] = nzs[[j]] = fpos[[j]] = fneg[[j]] = F1[[j]] = opt[[j]] =
          filled[j] = TRUE
          # N.B. Filling with NAs is important, because the filled flag could
          # be false for two reasons: i) we are at the first iteration, or ii)
          # we've failed in all previous iters to run the regression method
        # Record all of our metrics
        err.train[[j]][i,] = colMeans((muhat.train - xy.obj$y)^2)
        err.val[[j]][i,] = colMeans((muhat.val - xy.obj$yval)^2)
        delta = betahat - xy.obj$beta
        risk[[j]][i,] = diag(t(delta) %*% xy.obj$Sigma %*% delta)
        if (intercept) risk[[j]][i,] = risk[[j]][i,] + betahat0^2
        err.test[[j]][i,] = risk[[j]][i,] + xy.obj$sigma^2
        prop[[j]][i,] = 1 - err.test[[j]][i,] / err.null[i]
        nzs[[j]][i,] = colSums(betahat!=0)
        tpos = colSums((betahat!=0)*(xy.obj$beta!=0))
        fpos[[j]][i,] = nzs[[j]][i,]-tpos
        fneg[[j]][i,] = colSums((betahat==0)*(xy.obj$beta!=0))
        F1[[j]][i,] = 2*tpos/(2*tpos+fpos[[j]][i,]+fneg[[j]][i,])
        opt[[j]][i,] = (err.test[[j]][i,] - err.train[[j]][i,]) /
      }, error = function(err) {
        if (verbose) {
          cat(paste("    Oops! Something went wrong, see error message",
                    "below; recording all metrics here as NAs ...\n"))
          cat("    ***** Error message *****\n")
          cat(sprintf("    %s\n",err$message))
          cat("    *** End error message ***\n")
        # N.B. No need to do anything, the metrics are already filled with NAs
  # Save results now (in case of an error that might occur below)
  out = enlist(err.train,err.val,err.test,err.null,prop,risk,risk.null,nzs,fpos,
  # if (!is.null(file)) saveRDS(out, file)
  # Tune according to validation error, and according to test error
  out = choose.tuning.params(out)
  # Save final results
  out = c(out,list(rho=rho,s=s,beta.type=beta.type,snr=snr,
  class(out) = "sim"
  # if (!is.null(file)) { saveRDS(out, file); invisible(out) }
  # else 

## ----run_sims, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE------------------------------------------
#  sim.results <- list()
#  for (i in 1:length(snr.vec)) {
#    set.seed(i)
#    sim.results[[i]]  <- sim.master(n = n, p = p, nval = nval,
#                                    rho=rho.vec, s=s, beta.type=beta.type,
#                                    snr = snr.vec[[i]],
#                                    reg.funs, nrep=nrep, seed=i,
#                                    verbose=T)
#  }

## ----load_sims, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE-----------------------------------------

data("SimResultsVignette",package = "BOSO")

## ----plot_function, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------

plot.from.sim = function(sim.list,
                         row=c("beta","rho","snr"), col=c("rho","beta","snr"),
                         method.nums=NULL, method.names=NULL,
                         what=c("error","risk","prop","F","nonzero", "fpos", "fneg"),
                         tuning=c("validation","oracle"), type=c("ave","med"),
                         std=TRUE, lwd=1, pch=19, main=NULL, ylim=NULL,
                         legend.pos=c("bottom","right","top","left","none")) {
  # Check for ggplot2 package
  if (!require("ggplot2",quietly=TRUE)) {
    stop("Package ggplot2 not installed (required here)!")
  row = match.arg(row)
  col = match.arg(col)
  if (row==col) stop("row and col must be different")
  what = match.arg(what)
  tuning = match.arg(tuning)
  type = match.arg(type)
  legend.pos = match.arg(legend.pos)
  # Set the method numbers and names
  sim.obj = sim.list[[1]]
  if (is.null(method.nums)) method.nums = 1:length(sim.obj$err.test)
  if (is.null(method.names)) method.names = names(sim.obj$err.test[method.nums])
  N = length(method.nums)
  # Set the base number and name
  if (is.null( {
    base.num = 0 = ifelse(what=="error","Bayes","null model")
  } else {
    base.num = which( = tolower(method.names[base.num])
  # Set the y-label
  ylab = switch(what,
                error=paste0("Relative test error (to ",,")"),
                risk=paste0("Relative risk (to ",,")"),
                prop="Proportion of variance explained",
                F="F classification of nonzeros",
                nonzero="Number of nonzeros",
                fpos="Number of false positive",
                fneg="Number of false negative")
  # Collect the y-variable from the file list
  yvec = ybar = beta.vec = rho.vec = snr.vec = c()
  for (i in 1:length(sim.list)) {
    sim.obj = sim.list[[i]]
    beta.vec = c(beta.vec,rep(sim.obj$beta.type,N))
    rho.vec = c(rho.vec,rep(sim.obj$rho,N))
    snr.vec = c(snr.vec,rep(sim.obj$snr,N))
    z = sim.obj[[switch(what,
    res = tune.and.aggregate(sim.obj, z)
    # For prop, F  and nonzero we ignore any request for a relative metric
    if (what=="prop" || what=="F" || what=="nonzero" || what=="fpos" || what=="fneg") {
      yvec = c(yvec,res[[paste0("z.",substr(tuning,1,3),".",type)]][method.nums])
      ybar = c(ybar,res[[paste0("z.",substr(tuning,1,3),".",
    }    else {     # For err and risk we respect the request for a relative metric
      # First build the relative metric
      met = res[[paste0("z.",substr(tuning,1,3))]]#[method.nums]
      if (base.num == 0 && what=="error") denom = sim.obj$sigma^2
      else if (base.num == 0 && what=="risk") denom = sim.obj$risk.null
      else denom = met[[base.num]]
      z.rel = lapply(met, function(v) v / denom)
      # Now aggregate the relative metric
      res2 = tune.and.aggregate(sim.obj, z.rel, tune=FALSE)
      yvec = c(yvec,unlist(res2[[paste0("z.",type)]])[method.nums])
      ybar = c(ybar,unlist(res2[[paste0("z.",ifelse(type=="ave",
  # Set the x-variable and x-label
  xvec = snr.vec
  xlab = "Signal-to-noise ratio"
  # Set the y-limits
  if (is.null(ylim)) ylim = range(yvec-ybar, yvec+ybar)
  # Produce the plot
  beta.vec = factor(beta.vec)
  rho.vec = factor(rho.vec)
  snr.vec = factor(snr.vec)
  levels(beta.vec) = paste("Beta-type", levels(beta.vec))
  levels(rho.vec) = paste("Correlation", levels(rho.vec))
  dat = data.frame(x=xvec, y=yvec, se=ybar,
                   beta=beta.vec, rho=rho.vec, snr=snr.vec,
                   Method=factor(rep(method.names, length=length(xvec))))
  gp = ggplot(dat, aes(x=x,y=y,color=Method)) +
    xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab) + coord_cartesian(ylim=ylim) +
    geom_line(lwd=lwd) + geom_point(pch=pch) +
    # facet_grid(formula(paste(row,"~",col))) +
    theme_bw() + theme(legend.pos=legend.pos)
  if (!("snr" %in% c(row,col))) {
    # If SNR is being plotted on the x-axis in each plot, then define special
    # x-axis ticks and put the x-axis on a log scale
    snr.breaks = round(exp(seq(from=min(log(xvec)),
    gp = gp + scale_x_continuous(trans="log", breaks=snr.breaks)
  if (std) gp = gp + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=y-se,ymax=y+se), width=0.02)
  if (what=="error") gp = gp + geom_line(aes(x=x, y=1+x), lwd=0.5,
                                         linetype=3, color="black")
  if (what=="prop") gp = gp + geom_line(aes(x=x, y=x/(1+x)), lwd=0.5,
                                        linetype=3, color="black")
  if (what =="nonzero") gp = gp + geom_line(aes(x=x, y=sim.obj$s), lwd=0.5,
                                            linetype=3, color="black")
  if (!is.null(main)) gp = gp + ggtitle(main)
  if (!is.null(ylim)) gp = gp + coord_cartesian(ylim=ylim)
  else gp
  return(gp + ggtitle(ylab))

## ----plot_comparison_BOSOvsREST, eval=TRUE, warning=TRUE----------------------

method.nums = c(6,1,2,3)
method.names = c("BOSO - eBIC","Forward stepwise","Lasso","Relaxed lasso")

plot.BOSO <- list(
  "F" = plot.from.sim(sim.list = sim.results, what="F",, tuning="val",
                      method.nums=method.nums, method.names=method.names),
  "nonzeros" = plot.from.sim(sim.list = sim.results, what="nonzero",, tuning="val",
                             method.nums=method.nums, method.names=method.names),
  "fpos" = plot.from.sim(sim.list = sim.results, what="fpos",, tuning="val",
                         method.nums=method.nums, method.names=method.names),
  "fneg" = plot.from.sim(sim.list = sim.results, what="fneg",, tuning="val",
                         method.nums=method.nums, method.names=method.names))

ggarrange(plotlist = plot.BOSO, ncol = 2, nrow = 2, common.legend = T, legend = "bottom")

## ----plot_comparison_BOSOvsBOSO, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE---------------------

method.nums = c(4, 5, 6)
method.names = c("BOSO - AIC","BOSO - BIC","BOSO - eBIC")

plot.BOSO <- list(
  "F" = plot.from.sim(sim.list = sim.results, what="F",, tuning="val",
                      method.nums=method.nums, method.names=method.names),
  "nonzeros" = plot.from.sim(sim.list = sim.results, what="nonzero",, tuning="val",
                             method.nums=method.nums, method.names=method.names),
  "fpos" = plot.from.sim(sim.list = sim.results, what="fpos",, tuning="val",
                         method.nums=method.nums, method.names=method.names),
  "fneg" = plot.from.sim(sim.list = sim.results, what="fneg",, tuning="val",
                         method.nums=method.nums, method.names=method.names))

ggarrange(plotlist = plot.BOSO, ncol = 2, nrow = 2, common.legend = T, legend = "bottom")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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BOSO documentation built on July 1, 2021, 9:08 a.m.