
Defines functions quantile_check has_package p_log_ig name_expl name_deps pos_vars is_hex alpha_hex fill_ci_col fill_ci_na fill_ci name_pars int_check num_check

#' Check numeric scalar
#' Check whether an object is bounded and coercible to a numeric value.
#' @param x Numeric scalar.
#' @param min Numeric scalar. Minimum value of \emph{x}.
#' @param max Numeric scalar. Maximum value of \emph{x}.
#' @param fun Function to apply to \emph{x} before returning.
#' @param msg String fed to \code{\link[base]{stop}} if an error occurs.
#' @return Returns \code{fun(x)}.
#' @noRd
num_check <- function(
  x, min = 0, max = Inf,
  msg = "Please check the numeric parameters.",
  fun = as.numeric) {

  if(!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1 || x < min || x > max) {stop(msg)}


#' @noRd
int_check <- function(
  x, min = 0L, max = Inf,
  msg = "Please check the integer parameters.") {

  num_check(x, min, max, msg, fun = as.integer)

#' Name hyperparameters
#' Function to help name hyperparameters. Accounts for multiple occurences
#' of \emph{psi} by adding sequential numbers.
#' @param x Character vector. Parameter names.
#' @param M Integer scalar. Number of columns in the data.
#' @return Returns a character vector of adjusted parameter names.
#' @noRd
name_pars <- function(x, M) {

  out <- Reduce(c, sapply(x, function(y) {
    if(y == "psi") {paste0(y, 1:M)} else {y}}))


#' Fill credible intervals
#' Helper function to fill data, colours or similar things based on credible
#' intervals. These are used in \code{\link{plot.bvar_irf}} and
#' \code{\link{plot.bvar_fcast}}.
#' Note that transparency may get appended to recycled HEX colours. Also note
#' that no, i.e. a length 0 central element is required when drawing polygons.
#' @param x Scalar or vector. The central element.
#' @param y Scalar or vector. Value(s) to surround the central element with.
#' The first value is closest, values may get recycled.
#' @param P Odd integer scalar. Number of total bands.
#' @return Returns a vector or matrix (if \emph{x} is a vector) of \emph{x},
#' surrounded by \emph{y}.
#' @noRd
fill_ci <- function(x, y, P) {

  n_y <- if(P %% 2 == 0) {
    stop("No central position for x found.")
  } else {P %/% 2}

  fill <- rep(y, length.out = n_y)

  if(length(x) > 1) { # Matrix
    n_row <- length(x)
    return(cbind(t(rev(fill))[rep(1, n_row), ], x, t(fill)[rep(1, n_row), ]))
  } else { # Vector
    return(c(rev(fill), x, fill))

#' @noRd
fill_ci_na <- function(x, P) {

  # Corner case when quantiles are missing (t_back or conditional forecasts)
  if(P == 2) {return(if(length(x > 1)) {cbind(x, NA)} else {c(x, NA)})}

  fill_ci(x = x, y = NA, P = P)

#' @noRd
fill_ci_col <- function(x, y, P) {

  # Apply transparency to HEX colours
  if(length(y) == 1 && is_hex(y, alpha = FALSE)) {
    y <- paste0(y, alpha_hex(P))

  fill_ci(x = x, y = y, P = P)

#' Get a transparency HEX code
#' @param P Integer scalar. Number of total bands.
#' @return Returns a character vector of transparency codes.
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb
#' @noRd
alpha_hex <- function(P) {

  n_trans <- P %/% 2
  out <- switch(n_trans, # Handpicked with love
    "FF", c("FF", "80"), c("FF", "A8", "54"),
    c("FF", "BF", "80", "40"), c("FF", "CC", "99", "66", "33"))

  if(is.null(out)) { # Let rgb() sort it out otherwise
    out <- substr(rgb(1, 1, 1, seq(1, 0, length.out = n_trans)), 8, 10)


#' Check valid HEX colour
#' @param x Character scalar or vector. String(s) to check.
#' @param alpha Logical scalar. Whether the string may contain alpha values.
#' @return Returns a logical scalar or vector.
#' @noRd
is_hex <- function(x, alpha = FALSE) {

  if(alpha) return(grepl("^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6,8}$", x))

  return(grepl("^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6,6}$", x))

#' Get variable positions
#' Helper functions to aid with variable selection, e.g. in
#' \code{\link{plot.bvar_irf}} and \code{\link{plot.bvar_fcast}}.
#' @param vars Numeric or character vector of variables to subset to.
#' @param variables Character vector of all variable names. Required if
#' \emph{vars} is provided as character vector.
#' @param M Integer scalar. Count of all variables.
#' @return Returns a numeric vector with the positions of desired variables.
#' @noRd
pos_vars <- function(vars, variables, M) {

  if(is.null(vars) || length(vars) == 0L) {
    return(1:M) # Full set
  if(is.numeric(vars)) {
    return(vapply(vars, int_check, # By position
      min = 1, max = M, msg = "Variable(s) not found.", integer(1)))
  if(is.character(vars) && !is.null(variables)) {
    out <- do.call(c, lapply(vars, grep, variables)) # By name
    if(length(out) > 0) {return(out)}

  stop("Variable(s) not found.")

#' Name dependent / explanatory variables
#' @param variables Character vector of all variable names.
#' @param M Integer scalar. Count of all variables.
#' @param lags Integer scalar. Number of lags applied.
#' @return Returns a character vector of variable names.
#' @noRd
name_deps <- function(variables, M) {

  if(is.null(variables)) {
    variables <- paste0("var", seq(M))
  } else if(length(variables) != M) {
    stop("Vector with variables is incomplete.")


#' @noRd
name_expl <- function(variables, M, lags) {

  if(is.null(variables)) {
    variables <- name_deps(variables, M)
  explanatories <- c("constant", paste0(rep(variables, lags), "-lag",
    rep(seq(lags), each = length(variables))))


#' Compute log distribution function of Inverse Gamma
#' @param x Numeric scalar. Draw of the IG-distributed variable.
#' @param shape Numeric scalar.
#' @param scale Numeric scalar.
#' @return Returns the log Inverse Gamma distribution function.
#' @noRd
p_log_ig <- function(x, shape, scale) {

  return(shape * log(scale) - (shape + 1) * log(x) - scale / x - lgamma(shape))

#' Check whether a package is installed
#' @param package Character scalar.
#' @noRd
has_package <- function(package) {

  if(!requireNamespace(package, quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \'", package, "\' required for this method.", call. = FALSE)


#' Generate quantiles
#' Check a vector of confidence bands and create quantiles from it.
#' @param conf_bands Numeric vector of probabilities (\eqn{(0, 1)}).
#' @return Returns a sorted, symmetric vector of quantiles.
#' @noRd
quantile_check <- function(conf_bands) {

  conf_bands <- sapply(conf_bands, num_check,
    min = 0 + 1e-16, max = 1 - 1e-16, msg = "Confidence bands misspecified.")

  # Allow only returning the median
  if(length(conf_bands) == 1 && conf_bands == 0.5) {return(conf_bands)}

  # Sort and make sure we have no duplicates (thank mr float)
  quants <- sort(c(conf_bands, 0.5, (1 - conf_bands)))
  quants <- quants[!duplicated(round(quants, digits = 12L))]


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