
Defines functions reduceResultsExperimentsParallel

Documented in reduceResultsExperimentsParallel

#' @title Reduce very many results in parallel.
#' @description
#' Basically the same as \code{\link{reduceResultsExperiments}} but creates a few (hopefully short) jobs
#' to reduce the results in parallel. The function internally calls \code{\link{batchMapQuick}},
#' does \dQuote{busy-waiting} till
#' all jobs are done and cleans all temporary files up.
#' The rows are ordered as \code{ids} and named with \code{ids}, so one can easily index them.
#' @inheritParams reduceResultsExperiments
#' @param timeout [\code{integer(1)}]
#'   Seconds to wait for completion. Passed to \code{\link[BatchJobs]{waitForJobs}}.
#'   Default is 648400 (one week).
#' @param njobs [\code{integer(1)}]
#'   Number of parallel jobs to create.
#'   Default is 20.
#' @return [\code{data.frame}]. Aggregated results, containing problem and algorithm paramaters and collected values.
#' @export
reduceResultsExperimentsParallel = function(reg, ids, part = NA_character_, fun, ...,
  timeout = 604800L, njobs = 20L, strings.as.factors = FALSE, impute.val,
  apply.on.missing = FALSE, progressbar = TRUE) {
  checkExperimentRegistry(reg, strict = TRUE, writeable = FALSE)

  if (missing(ids)) {
    ids = done = findDone(reg)
  } else {
    ids = checkIds(reg, ids)
    done = findDone(reg, ids)
    if (!missing(impute.val)) {
      if (!is.list(impute.val) || !isProperlyNamed(impute.val))
        stop("Argument 'impute.val' must be a properly named list")
    } else if (!apply.on.missing) {
      not.done = which(ids %nin% done)
      if (length(not.done) > 0L)
        stopf("No results available for jobs with ids: %s", collapse(not.done))
  checkPart(reg, part)
  if (missing(fun)){
    fun = function(job, res) res
  } else {
    fun = match.fun(fun)
    assertFunction(fun, c("job", "res"))
  njobs = asCount(njobs, positive = TRUE)

  n = length(ids)
  if (n == 0) {
    res = data.frame()
    attr(res, "prob.pars.names") = character(0L)
    attr(res, "algo.pars.names") = character(0L)
    return(addClasses(res, "ReducedResultsExperiments"))
  info("Reducing %i results...", n)

  ch = chunk(ids, n.chunks = njobs, shuffle = FALSE)
  more.args = c(list(reg = reg, part = part, fun = fun, strings.as.factors = strings.as.factors, apply.on.missing = apply.on.missing), list(...))
  if (!missing(impute.val))
    more.args$impute.val = impute.val
  prefix = "reduceExperimentsParallel"
  file.dir.new = file.path(reg$file.dir, basename(tempfile(prefix)))
  if (length(dir(reg$file.dir, pattern = sprintf("^%s", prefix))))
    warningf("Found cruft directories from previous calls to reduceResultsExperimentsParallel in %s", reg$file.dir)

  reg2 = batchMapQuick(function(reg, ii, fun, part, strings.as.factors, impute.val, apply.on.missing, ...) {
    # FIXME this synchronizes the registry on the node!
    reduceResultsExperiments(reg, ii, part = part, fun = fun,
      strings.as.factors = strings.as.factors,
      impute.val = impute.val, apply.on.missing = apply.on.missing, progressbar = progressbar, ...)
  }, ch, more.args = more.args, file.dir = file.dir.new)
  waitForJobs(reg2, timeout = timeout, stop.on.error = TRUE, progressbar = progressbar)

  res = reduceResultsList(reg2, progressbar = progressbar)
  unlink(reg2$file.dir, recursive = TRUE)
  df = rbindlist(res, fill = TRUE)
  attr(df, "prob.pars.names") = unique(unlist(lapply(res, attr, "prob.pars.names")))
  attr(df, "algo.pars.names") = unique(unlist(lapply(res, attr, "algo.pars.names")))
  rownames(df) = df$id
  return(addClasses(df[as.character(ids),, drop = FALSE], "ReducedResultsExperiments"))

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BatchExperiments documentation built on March 21, 2022, 5:06 p.m.