
Defines functions plotManhattan

Documented in plotManhattan

#' @title plot Manhattan-like plots
#' @description
#' Plot Manhattan-like plots for marginal posterior inclusion probabilities 
#' (mPIP) and numbers of responses of association for predictors of a 
#' \code{BayesSUR} class object.
#' @importFrom graphics axis box text par plot.default segments
#' @name plotManhattan
#' @param x an object of class \code{BayesSUR}
#' @param manhattan value(s) in \code{c('mPIP', 'numResponse')}. 
#' \code{manhattan='mPIP'} shows the Manhattan-like plot of the marginal 
#' posterior inclusion probabilities (mPIP). \code{manhattan='numResponse'} 
#' shows the Manhattan-like plot of the number of responses. The default is 
#' to show both figures.
#' @param x.loc a vector of features distance
#' @param axis.label a vector of predictor names which are shown in the 
#' Manhattan-like plot. The value \code{"NULL"} only showing the indices. The 
#' default \code{"auto"} show the predictor names from the original data.
#' @param mark.responses a vector of response names which are shown in the 
#' Manhattan-like plot for the mPIP
#' @param mark.pos the location of the marked text relative to the point
#' @param xlab1 a title for the x axis of Manhattan-like plot for the mPIP
#' @param ylab1 a title for the y axis of Manhattan-like plot for the mPIP
#' @param xlab2 a title for the x axis of Manhattan-like plot for the numbers of responses
#' @param ylab2 a title for the y axis of Manhattan-like plot for the numbers of responses
#' @param threshold threshold for showing number of response variables 
#' significantly associated with each feature
#' @param las graphical parameter of plot.default
#' @param cex.axis graphical parameter of plot.default
#' @param mark.color the color of the marked text. The default color is red.
#' @param mark.cex the fontsize of the marked text. The default fontsize is 0.8
#' @param header the main title
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @examples
#' data("exampleEQTL", package = "BayesSUR")
#' hyperpar <- list(a_w = 2, b_w = 5)
#' set.seed(9173)
#' fit <- BayesSUR(
#'   Y = exampleEQTL[["blockList"]][[1]],
#'   X = exampleEQTL[["blockList"]][[2]],
#'   data = exampleEQTL[["data"]], outFilePath = tempdir(),
#'   nIter = 10, burnin = 0, nChains = 1, gammaPrior = "hotspot",
#'   hyperpar = hyperpar, tmpFolder = "tmp/"
#' )
#' ## check output
#' # show the Manhattan-like plots
#' plotManhattan(fit)
#' @export
plotManhattan <- function(x, manhattan = c("mPIP", "numResponse"), 
                          x.loc = FALSE, axis.label = "auto", 
                          mark.responses = NULL, xlab1 = "Predictors", 
                          ylab1 = "mPIP", xlab2 = "Predictors", 
                          ylab2 = "No. of responses", threshold = 0.5, las = 0, 
                          cex.axis = 1, mark.pos = c(0, 0), mark.color = 2, 
                          mark.cex = 0.8, header = "", ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "BayesSUR")) {
    stop("Use only with a \"BayesSUR\" object")

  if (threshold < 0 || threshold > 1) {
    stop("Please specify orrect argument 'threshold' in [0,1]!")

  x$output[-1] <- paste0(x$output$outFilePath, x$output[-1])
  gamma <- as.matrix(read.table(x$output$gamma))
  rownames(gamma) <- colnames(read.table(x$output$X, header = TRUE))

  if (is.null(axis.label)) {
    x.loc <- seq_len(nrow(gamma))
    names(x.loc) <- seq_len(nrow(gamma))
  } else {
    # name.predictors <- colnames(read.table(x$output$X,header=T))
    name.predictors <- rownames(gamma)
    if (axis.label[1] == "auto") {
      x.loc <- seq_len(nrow(gamma))
      names(x.loc) <- name.predictors
    } else {
      if ((!match(axis.label, name.predictors)[1]) & (!x.loc[1])) {
        stop("The given predictor names are not consistent with the data")

      if (!x.loc[1]) x.loc <- match(axis.label, name.predictors)
      names(x.loc) <- axis.label

  opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  if (sum(manhattan %in% c("mPIP", "numResponse")) == 2) {
    par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
  } else {
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

  # Manhattan plot for marginal posterior inclusion probabilities (mPIP)
  if ("mPIP" %in% manhattan) {
    par(mar = c(4, 4, 4, 2))

    plot.default(as.vector(gamma) ~ 
                   rep(seq_len(nrow(gamma)), times = ncol(gamma)), 
                 xlim = c(1, nrow(gamma)), ylim = c(0, max(gamma)), 
                 xaxt = "n", bty = "n", ylab = ylab1, xlab = xlab1, 
                 main = "", pch = 19, ...)
    axis(1, at = x.loc, labels = names(x.loc), las = las, cex.axis = cex.axis)

    # mark the names of the specified response variables corresponding to the given predictors
    if (!is.null(mark.responses)) {
      name.responses <- colnames(read.table(x$output$Y, header = TRUE))
      if (!is.na(match(mark.responses, name.responses)[1])) {
        text(rep(x.loc, times = length(mark.responses)) + mark.pos[1], 
             as.vector(gamma[x.loc, name.responses %in% mark.responses]) + 
               mark.pos[2], labels = rep(mark.responses, each = length(x.loc)), 
             col = mark.color, cex = mark.cex)
      } else {
        stop("The given response names are not consistent with the data")

  # Manhattan plot for numbers of responses
  if ("numResponse" %in% manhattan) {
    par(mar = c(6, 4, 3, 2))
    no.gamma <- rowSums(gamma >= threshold)
    plot.default(no.gamma ~ c(seq_len(nrow(gamma))), xlim = c(1, nrow(gamma)), 
                 ylim = c(0, max(no.gamma) + 0.3), type = "n", xaxt = "n", 
                 ylab = ylab2, xlab = xlab2, main = "", ...)
    segments(seq_len(nrow(gamma)), 0, seq_len(nrow(gamma)), no.gamma)
    axis(1, at = x.loc, labels = names(x.loc), las = las, cex.axis = cex.axis)

    text(nrow(gamma) / 8, -max(no.gamma) / 1.3, 
         paste("NOTE: Number of responses with mPIP >=", threshold), 
         cex = .5, xpd = NA)

  title(paste0("\n\n", header), outer = TRUE)

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BayesSUR documentation built on Aug. 28, 2023, 5:09 p.m.