
Defines functions hdr

Documented in hdr

#' Calculate highest density regions for Bchron calibrated ages
#' A function for computing highest density regions (HDRs)
#' @param date A calibrated Bchron date, via e.g. \code{\link{BchronCalibrate}}
#' @param prob The desired probability interval, in the range(0, 1)
#' @details The output of this function is a list of contiguous ranges which cover the probability interval requested. A highest density region might have multiple such ranges if the calibrated date is multi-modal. These differ from credible intervals, which are always contiguous but will not be a good representation of a multi-modal probability distribution.
#' @seealso \code{\link{BchronCalibrate}}
#' @return A list where each element is one of the contiguous sets making up the HDR
#' @export
#' @import checkmate
#' @examples
#' # Calibrate multiple ages and summarise them
#' ages <- BchronCalibrate(
#'   ages = 11553, ageSds = 230,
#'   calCurves = "intcal20"
#' )
#' # Get samples
#' hdr(ages$Date1)
hdr <- function(date, prob = 0.95) {

  # A function to return the HPD interval for a date object which should have an ageGrid and a densities argument
  # I was previously using the hdrcde package but this has several unnecessary dependencies

  ag <- date$ageGrid
  de <- date$densities

  # Error checking
  assertNumeric(date$ageGrid, finite = TRUE, any.missing = TRUE)
  assertNumeric(date$densities, finite = TRUE, any.missing = TRUE)
  assertNumber(prob, lower = 0, upper = 1)

  # Put the probabilities in order of density
  o <- order(de)
  cu <- cumsum(de[o])

  # Find which ones are above the threshold
  good_cu <- which(cu > 1 - prob)
  good_ag <- sort(ag[o][good_cu])

  # Pick out the extremes of each range
  breaks <- diff(good_ag) > 1
  where_breaks <- which(diff(good_ag) > 1)
  n_breaks <- sum(breaks) + 1
  # Store output
  out <- vector("list", length = n_breaks)
  low_seq <- 1
  high_seq <- ifelse(length(where_breaks) == 0, length(breaks), where_breaks[1])
  for (i in 1:n_breaks) {
    out[[i]] <- c(good_ag[low_seq], good_ag[high_seq])
    curr_dens <- round(100 * sum(de[o][seq(good_cu[low_seq], good_cu[high_seq])]), 1)
    names(out)[[i]] <- paste0(as.character(curr_dens), "%")
    low_seq <- high_seq + 1
    high_seq <- ifelse(i < (n_breaks - 1), where_breaks[i + 1], length(good_ag))

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Bchron documentation built on June 10, 2021, 9:10 a.m.