#' Adjustment of ERGM pseudolikelihood
#' Function to estimate the transformation parameters for
#' adjusting the pseudolikelihood function.
#' @param formula formula; an \code{\link[ergm]{ergm}} formula object,
#' of the form <network> ~ <model terms>
#' where <network> is a \code{\link[network]{network}} object
#' and <model terms> are \code{ergm-terms}.
#' @param aux.iters count; number of auxiliary iterations used for drawing the first network from the ERGM likelihood. See \code{\link[ergm]{control.simulate.formula}}.
#' @param n.aux.draws count; Number of auxiliary networks drawn from the ERGM likelihood. See \code{\link[ergm]{control.simulate.formula}}.
#' @param aux.thin count; Number of auxiliary iterations between network draws after the first network is drawn. See \code{\link[ergm]{control.simulate.formula}}.
#' @param ladder count; Length of temperature ladder (>=3).
#' @param estimate If "MLE" (the default), then an approximate maximum likelihood estimator is returned. If "CD" , the Monte-Carlo contrastive divergence estimate is returned. See \code{\link[ergm]{ergm}}.
#' @param seed integer; seed for the random number generator. See \code{set.seed}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments, to be passed to the ergm function. See \code{\link[ergm]{ergm}}.
#' @references
#' Bouranis, L., Friel, N., & Maire, F. (2018). Bayesian model selection for exponential
#' random graph models via adjusted pseudolikelihoods.
#' Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 27(3), 516-528. \url{}
#' @export
ergmAPL <- function(formula,
aux.iters = NULL,
n.aux.draws = NULL,
aux.thin = NULL,
ladder = NULL,
estimate = c("MLE","CD"),
seed = 1,
y <- ergm.getnetwork(formula)
model <- ergm_model(formula, y)
n <- dim(y[,])[1]
sy <- summary(formula)
dim <- length(sy)
if (dim == 1) stop("Model dimension must be greater than 1")
if (is.null(aux.iters)) aux.iters <- 3000
if (is.null(n.aux.draws)) n.aux.draws <- 50
if (is.null(aux.thin)) aux.thin <- 50
if (is.null(ladder)) ladder <- 50
estimate <- match.arg(estimate)
control <- control.ergm(MCMC.burnin = aux.iters,
MCMC.interval = aux.thin,
MCMC.samplesize = n.aux.draws,
MCMC.maxedges = Inf,
seed = seed)
adjusted_logPL <- function(theta, Y, X, weights, {
theta_transf <- c($W %*% (theta -$Theta_MLE) +$Theta_PL)
xtheta <- c(X %*% theta_transf) <- sum(dbinom(weights * Y, weights, exp(xtheta)/(1 + exp(xtheta)), log = TRUE))
Hessian_logPL <- function(theta, X, weights) {
p <- exp(as.matrix(X) %*% theta)/(1 + exp(as.matrix(X) %*% theta))
W <- Diagonal(x = as.vector(weights * p * (1 - p)))
Hessian <- -t(as.matrix(X)) %*% W %*% as.matrix(X)
Hessian <- as.matrix(Hessian)
mplesetup <- ergmMPLE(formula)
data.glm.initial <- cbind(mplesetup$response,
colnames(data.glm.initial) <- c("responses", "weights",
path <- seq(0, 1, length.out = ladder)
suppressMessages(mle <- ergm(formula, estimate = estimate, verbose = FALSE, control = control.ergm(seed = seed), ...))
suppressMessages(mple <- ergm(formula, estimate = "MPLE", verbose = FALSE))
if( any( c(-Inf, Inf) %in% mle$coefficients) |
any( c(-Inf, Inf) %in% mple$coefficients) ) {
if( any( c(-Inf, Inf) %in% mle$coefficients) ){
inf_term <- names(mle$coefficients[mle$coefficients %in% c(-Inf, Inf)])
inf_term <- paste(inf_term, collapse = " & ")
} else if( any( c(-Inf, Inf) %in% mple$coefficients) ){
inf_term <- names(mple$coefficients[mple$coefficients %in% c(-Inf, Inf)])
inf_term <- paste(inf_term, collapse = " & ")
stop( paste0("The MLE/MPLE contains an infinite value for the following model terms: ",
". Consider changing these model terms.") )
y0 <- simulate(formula,
coef = mle$coefficients,
nsim = 1,
control = control.simulate(MCMC.burnin = 1,
MCMC.interval = 1),
return.args = "ergm_state")$object
z <- as.matrix( ergm_MCMC_sample(y0,
theta = mle$coefficients,
stats0 = sy,
control = control
)$stats[[1]] )
H <- -cov(z)
HPL <- Hessian_logPL(theta = mple$coefficients,
X = mplesetup$predictor,
weights = mplesetup$weights)
HPL <- round(HPL,5)
mat <- -H
mat <- round(mat,5)
if( is.positive.definite(mat) == TRUE & is.positive.definite(HPL) == TRUE ) {
chol.HPL<- chol(-HPL)
chol.H <- chol(mat)
W <- solve(chol.HPL) %*% chol.H
} else if (is.positive.definite(mat) == FALSE & is.positive.definite(HPL) == TRUE){
suppressWarnings( chol.H <- chol(mat, pivot = TRUE) )
pivot <- attr(chol.H, "pivot")
oo <- order(pivot)
chol.HPL <- chol(-HPL)
W <- solve(chol.HPL) %*% chol.H[, oo]
} else if (is.positive.definite(mat) == TRUE & is.positive.definite(HPL) == FALSE){
chol.H <- chol(mat)
suppressWarnings( chol.HPL <- chol(-HPL, pivot = TRUE) )
pivot <- attr(chol.HPL, "pivot")
oo <- order(pivot)
W <- solve(chol.HPL[, oo]) %*% chol.H
} else {
suppressWarnings( chol.H <- chol(mat, pivot = TRUE) )
pivot.H <- attr(chol.H, "pivot")
oo.H <- order(pivot.H)
suppressWarnings( chol.HPL <- chol(-HPL, pivot = TRUE) )
pivot.HPL <- attr(chol.HPL, "pivot")
oo.HPL <- order(pivot.HPL)
W <- solve(chol.HPL[, oo.HPL]) %*% chol.H[, oo.H]
} <- list(Theta_MLE = mle$coefficients,
Theta_PL = mple$coefficients,
W = W)
E <- lapply(seq_along(path)[-length(path)], function(i) {
y0E <- simulate(formula,
coef = path[i] *$Theta_MLE,
nsim = 1,
control = control.simulate(MCMC.burnin = 1,
MCMC.interval = 1),
return.args = "ergm_state")$object
Monte.Carlo.samples <- as.matrix( ergm_MCMC_sample(y0E,
theta = path[i] *$Theta_MLE,
stats0 = sy,
control = control)$stats[[1]])
log( mean( exp( (path[i + 1] - path[i]) *$Theta_MLE %*% t(Monte.Carlo.samples) ) ) )
E <- sum(unlist(E))
if (y$gal$directed == FALSE) logz0A <- choose(n, 2) * log(2) else logz0A <- (n * (n - 1)) * log(2)
logztheta <- E + logz0A
ll.true <- c(matrix($Theta_MLE, nrow = 1) %*% sy) - logztheta
ll.adjpseudo <- adjusted_logPL(theta =$Theta_MLE,
Y = mplesetup$response,
X = mplesetup$predictor,
weights = mplesetup$weights, =
out <- list(formula = formula,
Theta_MLE = mle$coefficients,
Theta_PL = mple$coefficients,
W = W,
logC = ll.true - ll.adjpseudo,
ll_true = ll.true,
logztheta = logztheta,
ll_adjpseudo = ll.adjpseudo)
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