
Defines functions legend.grob

Documented in legend.grob

# The BoutrosLab.plotting.general package is copyright (c) 2012 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR)
# This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL
# (either version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic License 2.0.  Refer to LICENSE for the full license text.
# OICR makes no representations whatsoever as to the SOFTWARE contained herein.  It is experimental in nature and is provided WITHOUT
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### FUNCTION TO CREATE A LEGEND GROB ###############################################################
legend.grob <- function(
	legends, label.cex = 1, title.cex = 1, title.just = 'centre', title.fontface = 'bold',
	font.family = NULL, size = 3, border = NULL, border.padding = 1, layout = c(1, length(legends)),
	between.col = 1, between.row = 1, use.legacy.settings = FALSE, x = 0.5, y = 0.5, background.col = 'white', background.alpha = 0
	) {

	# NOTE: calls to 'draw.key' may open a device for drawing (even with 'draw = FALSE' set)
	# As far as I can tell, draw.key opens a new device only if no devices are open already
	# The current solution is to call dev.off() at the end of the function, but only if
	# no devices were open to start (ie. the open device was created by draw.key)
	# This prevents erroneously closing a device that the user had opened prior to calling
	# the function

	# Check if any devices are open when the function is called
	# If not, the device created by draw.key will be closed at the end of the function call
	devices.open <- FALSE;

	if (length(dev.list()) > 0) {
		devices.open <- TRUE;

	legend.grob.final <- NULL;

	if (length(legends) > 0) {
		if (is.null(font.family)) {
			font.family <- BoutrosLab.plotting.general::get.defaults(property = 'fontfamily', use.legacy.settings = use.legacy.settings);
		num.legends <- length(legends);

		# If user-specified layout is not the right size, use a default layout
		if (layout[1] * layout[2] < num.legends) {
			warning('User-specified legend layout is not large enough. Using default layout.');
			layout <- c(1, num.legends);

		# Create a layout for the legends
		# Each legend gets an extra row for its title
		# There is also an extra empty row/column inserted between each of the legends to allow for nicer spacing
		row.buffer <- 3;
		col.buffer <- 2;
		legend.layout <- grid.layout(
			ncol = layout[1] * col.buffer - 1,
			nrow = layout[2] * row.buffer - 1,
			heights = unit(
				c(0, 0, rep(c(between.row, 0, 0), layout[2] - 1)),
				c(rep('lines', layout[2] * row.buffer - 1))
			widths = unit(
				c(rep(c(0, between.col), layout[1] - 1), 0),
				c(rep('lines', layout[1] * col.buffer - 1))

		# Create a frame using this layout
		legend.grob.final <- frameGrob(layout = legend.layout, gp = gpar(fill = 'black', alpha = 1));
		legend.grob.final <- placeGrob(legend.grob.final,
                	rectGrob(gp =
                        	gpar(fill = background.col,
                                	col = background.col,
					alpha = background.alpha)),
			row = NULL, col = NULL);

		# Create each legend
		for (i in 1:num.legends) {

			legendi <- legends[[i]];
			typei <- names(legends)[i];

			if (is.null(legendi[['continuous.amount']])) {
				legendi[['continuous.amount']] <- 100;

			# Figure out where this legend should go in the layout (ordered row-wise)
			legend.row <- if (i %% layout[1] == 0) { i / layout[1] } else { floor(i / layout[1]) + 1 }
			legend.col <- if (i %% layout[1] == 0) { layout[1] } else { i %% layout[1] }

			# Create the title of this legend
			if (!is.null(legendi[['title']])) {

				# Draw a grob representing the title
				title.x.coord <- 0.5;

				if ('left' == title.just) {
					title.x.coord <- 0;
				else if ('right' == title.just) {
					title.x.coord <- 1;

				title.grob <- textGrob(
					label = legendi[['title']],
					just = c(title.just, 'top'),
					x = title.x.coord,
					y = 1,
					gp = gpar(
						cex = title.cex,
						fontface = title.fontface,
						fontfamily = font.family

				# Get the height of this grob so we can add white space around it
				title.grob.height <- convertHeight(
					unitTo = 'lines',
					valueOnly = TRUE

				# Add the title to the frame
				legend.grob.final <- packGrob(
					frame = legend.grob.final,
					grob = title.grob,
					row = row.buffer * (legend.row - 1) + 1,
					col = col.buffer * (legend.col - 1) + 1,
					height = max(
						legend.grob.final$framevp$layout$heights[row.buffer * (legend.row - 1) + 1],
						unit(title.grob.height + 0.4, 'lines')
					force.height = TRUE,

			# Create a key describing the content of the legend
			# The first column is the coloured shapes and
			# the second column is the corresponding text labels
			if (!is.null(legendi[['continuous']]) && legendi[['continuous']] == TRUE) {

				legendi[['height']] <- if (is.null(legendi[['height']])) { 2 } else { legendi[['height']] };
				legendi[['width']]  <- if (is.null(legendi[['width']])) { 2 } else { legendi[['width']] };

				colorRamp <- colorRampPalette(legendi[['colours']]);
                labels.at <- legendi[['at']];
                if (!is.null(legendi[['labels']]) && (is.null(labels.at))) {
                    n.labels <- length(legendi[['labels']]);
                    # Uses 0-100% as a default range
                    max.value <- if (!is.null(legendi[['continuous.amount']])) legendi[['continuous.amount']] else 100;
                    boundaries <- seq(0, max.value, length.out = n.labels + 1);

                    labels.at <- sapply(
                        1:(length(boundaries) - 1),
                        FUN = function(i) boundaries[i] + (boundaries[i + 1] - boundaries[i]) / 2

				legend.key <- list(
					space = if (!is.null(legendi[['angle']]) && legendi[['angle']] != 0) { 'bottom' } else { 'right' },
					between = 0.5,
					rep = TRUE,
					just = c('left', 'top'),
					tick.number = if (is.null(legendi[['tck.number']])) { 0 } else { legendi[['tck.number']] },
					tck = if (is.null(legendi[['tck']])) { 0 } else { legendi[['tck']] },
					at = do.breaks(c(0, legendi[['continuous.amount']]), legendi[['continuous.amount']]),
					col = colorRamp,
					width = if (!is.null(legendi[['angle']]) && legendi[['angle']] != 0) { legendi[['height']] } else { legendi[['width']] },
					labels = list(
						labels = if (is.null(legendi[['labels']])) { c('') } else { legendi[['labels']] },
						at     = labels.at,
						cex    = if (is.null(legendi[['cex']])) { 0.8 } else { legendi[['cex']] },
						rot    = if (is.null(legendi[['labels.rot']])) { 0 } else { legendi[['labels.rot']] }

				color.key.grob <- draw.colorkey(
    				key = legend.key,
    				draw = FALSE

				# adjust justification to line up with key style legends
				color.key.grob$framevp$layout$valid.just <- c(0,1);
				color.key.grob$framevp$valid.just <- c(0,0.5);
				# need padding to line up with key style legends
				color.key.grob$framevp$x <- unit(0,'npc') + unit(1.69,'points');
				# set sizes
				color.key.grob$framevp$height <- unit(legendi[['height']], 'lines');
				color.key.grob$framevp$width  <- unit(legendi[['width']], 'lines');

				if (!is.null(legendi[['pos.x']])) { color.key.grob$framevp$x <- unit(legendi[['pos.x']],'npc'); }
				if (!is.null(legendi[['pos.y']])) { color.key.grob$framevp$y <- unit(legendi[['pos.y']],'npc');	}

				# Add the legend to the frame
				legend.grob.final <- packGrob(
					frame = legend.grob.final,
					grob = color.key.grob,
					row = row.buffer * (legend.row - 1) + 2,
					col = col.buffer * (legend.col - 1) + 1,
					height = max(
					    unit(legendi[['height']], 'lines'),
					    legend.grob.final$framevp$layout$heights[row.buffer * (legend.row - 1) + 1]
					force.height = TRUE,
			else {
				legend.key <- list(
					just = c('left', 'top'),
					between = 0.5,
					rep = FALSE
				if (typei %in% c('rect', 'legend')) {
				    legend.key$rectangles <- list(
				        col = legendi[['colours']],
				        size = if (is.null(legendi[['size']])) { size } else { legendi[['size']] },
				        height = 1,
				        border = legendi[['border']]
    				} else if ('point' == typei) {
    				    legend.key$points <- list(
    				        col = if (!is.null(legendi[['col']])) { legendi[['col']] } else { legendi[['colours']] },
    				        cex = if (is.null(legendi[['cex']])) { size } else { legendi[['cex']] },
    				        fill = legendi[['fill']],
    				        pch = if (is.null(legendi[['pch']])) { 19 } else { legendi[['pch']] }
    				    # Add extra row spacing for points by default
    				    legend.key$padding.text <- legend.key$points$cex * 2;
				    } else {
				    	stop('type ', typei, ' unknown');
				if (!is.null(legendi[['padding.text']])) {
				    legend.key$padding.text <- legendi[['padding.text']];
				legend.key$text = list(
					cex = label.cex,
					fontfamily = font.family

				# Add the legend to the frame
				legend.grob.final <- packGrob(
					frame = legend.grob.final,
					grob = draw.key(key = legend.key, draw = FALSE),
					row = row.buffer * (legend.row - 1) + 2,
					col = col.buffer * (legend.col - 1) + 1

		# Draw border if specified
		if (!is.null(border)) {

			if (!is.list(border)) {
				stop('Argument border of legend.grob must be a list.');

			border[['fill']] <- 'transparent';

			# Calculate the width and height of the legend
			legend.grob.width <- convertWidth(
				unitTo = 'lines',
				valueOnly = TRUE

			legend.grob.height <- convertHeight(
				unitTo = 'lines',
				valueOnly = TRUE

			# Create new grid grob to hold centered legend with border
			border.layout <- grid.layout(
				nrow = 1,
				ncol = 1,
				widths = unit(legend.grob.width + border.padding, 'lines'),
				heights = unit(legend.grob.height + border.padding, 'lines')

			border.grob <- frameGrob(layout = border.layout);

			# Place legend grob
			border.grob <- placeGrob(
				frame = border.grob,
				grob = legend.grob.final,
				row = 1,
				col = 1

			# Add border
			border.grob <- placeGrob(
				frame = border.grob,
				grob = rectGrob(
					gp = do.call(gpar, border)
				row = NULL,
				col = NULL

			# Update return object
			legend.grob.final <- border.grob;

		# Close the device if it was created by draw.key
		if (!devices.open) {

			# Remove the empty Rplots.pdf file if one was created (non-interactive)
			if (file.exists('Rplots.pdf')) {
	# set x and y coordinates
	legend.grob.final$framevp$y <- unit(y, 'npc');
	legend.grob.final$framevp$x <- unit(x, 'npc');

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BoutrosLab.plotting.general documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:01 p.m.