
#' This function simulates one or more pseudo-random datasets from a specified
#' Bradley-Terry model.  Counts are simulated from independent binomial
#' distributions, with the binomial probabilities and totals specified
#' through the function arguments.
#' @param pi a numeric vector, with all values finite and positive.  The vector
#' of item strengths in the Bradley-Terry model.
#' @param N  a symmetric, numeric matrix with dimensions the same as
#' \code{length(pi)}.  The elements should
#' be numeric representations of non-negative integers.  These are the
#' binomial totals to use for the simulated data.
#' @param nsim  a scalar integer, the number of datasets to be generated.
#' @param seed  an object specifying if and how the random number generator
#' should be initialized (‘seeded’).
#' For details see \code{\link[stats]{simulate}}.
#' @param result_class a character vector specifying whether the generated
#' datasets should be of class
#' "sparseMatrix" or of class "btdata".  If not specified, the first match among
#' those alternatives is used.
#' @return a list of length \code{nsim} of simulated datasets.
#' If \code{result_class = "sparseMatrix"}, the datasets are sparse matrices
#' with the same dimensions as \code{N}. If \code{result_class = "btdata"} then
#' the datasets are "btdata" objects. See \code{\link{btdata}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{btfit}}, \code{\link{btdata}}
#' @author David Firth
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' n <- 6
#' N <- matrix(rpois(n ^ 2, lambda = 1), n, n)
#' N <- N + t(N) ; diag(N) <- 0
#' p <- exp(rnorm(n)/4)
#' names(p) <- rownames(N) <- colnames(N) <- letters[1:6]
#' simulate_BT(p, N, seed = 6)
#' @export
simulate_BT <- function(pi, N, nsim = 1, seed = NULL,
                        result_class = c("sparseMatrix", "btdata")){

  ## A simulate function that takes a vector pi and a matrix N as its arguments

  # set the seed, exactly as in simulate.lm
  if (is.null(seed))
        RNGstate <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
  else {
        R.seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
        RNGstate <- structure(seed, kind = as.list(RNGkind()))
        on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", R.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv))

  #  Check the arguments
  if ((!is.matrix(N)) && (!inherits(N, "sparseMatrix")) &&
      !inherits(N, "denseMatrix")) stop("N is not a matrix")
  dN <- dim(N)
  if (diff(dN) != 0) stop("N is not a square matrix")
  if (any(N < 0)) stop("N has one or more negative elements")
  if (dN[1] != length(pi)) stop("the specified pi and N values are incompatible")
  if (!is.vector(pi)) stop("pi is not a vector")
  if (!is.numeric(pi)) stop("pi is not numeric")
  if (any (pi < 0)) stop("pi has one or more negative elements")
  result_class <- match.arg(result_class)
  if (!(result_class %in% c("sparseMatrix", "btdata"))){
      stop("invalid value of result.class")

  template <- N <- methods::as(N, "dgCMatrix")
  ## template is the matrix container for a single sample

  N <- Matrix::summary(N)
  i <- N[, "i"]
  j <- N[, "j"]
  lower <- i > j               ## lower-triangle index vector
  upper <- order(i, j)[i > j]  ## upper-triangle indices in the right order
  N <- N[lower, 3]             ## all of the binomial totals
  number_of_binomials <- length(N)

  probs <- btprob_vec(pi)
  probs <- probs[cbind(i, j)[lower, ]]

  # simulate the new datasets

  result <- matrix(as.numeric(stats::rbinom(nsim * number_of_binomials, N, probs)),
                          number_of_binomials, nsim)
  result <- split(result, col(result))  ## to get a list, rather than a matrix
  names(result) <- paste("sim", seq_len(nsim), sep = "_")

  fill_template <- function(contents) {
    ## Function to put the simulated binomial counts into the template matrix
      res <- template
      res@x[lower] <- contents
      res@x[upper] <- N - contents
      if (result_class == "sparseMatrix") return(res)
      else return(btdata(res))

  result <- lapply(result, fill_template)
  attr(result, "seed") <- RNGstate

#' @rdname simulate_BT
#' @param object An object of class "btfit", typically the result of \code{ob} of \code{ob <- btfit(..)}. This object must only have one component, i.e. \code{length(object$pi) == 1}.
#' @param ... Other arguments
#' @examples
#' citations_btdata <- btdata(BradleyTerryScalable::citations)
#' fit1 <- btfit(citations_btdata, 1)
#' simulate(fit1, nsim = 2, seed = 1)
#' toy_df_4col <- codes_to_counts(BradleyTerryScalable::toy_data, c("W1", "W2", "D"))
#' toy_btdata <- btdata(toy_df_4col)
#' fit2 <- btfit(toy_btdata, 1, subset = function(x) "Amy" %in% x)
#' fit2_sim <- simulate(fit2, nsim = 3, result_class = "btdata")
#' fit2_sim$sim_1
#' purrr::map(fit2_sim, "wins")
#' @export
simulate.btfit <- function(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, result_class = c("sparseMatrix", "btdata"), ...){

    ##  The S3 method to apply to btfit model objects -- a wrapper for simulate_BT

    if (!inherits(object, "btfit")) stop("object should be a 'btfit' object")

    pi <- object$pi
    if (length(pi) != 1) stop("simulate.btfit cannot be used for multi-component data/models")
    pi <- pi[[1]]

    N <- object$N[[1]]

    result_class <- match.arg(result_class)

    simulate_BT(pi, N, nsim = nsim, seed = seed, result_class = result_class)


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BradleyTerryScalable documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:23 p.m.