
### test-BuyseTest-iid.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: jan  8 2019 (11:54) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: mar 20 2023 (13:52) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 208
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:


## options("stringsAsFactors" = TRUE)
context("Check correct computation of the variance \n")
var2 <- function(x){var(x)*(length(x)-1)/length(x)}
cov2 <- function(x,y){cov(x,y)*(length(x)-1)/length(x)}
coef2 <- function(x){
    do.call(cbind,setNames(lapply(c("favorable","unfavorable","netBenefit"), function(iStat){coef(x, statistic = iStat)}),c("favorable","unfavorable","netBenefit")))

## * Settings
BuyseTest.options(check = TRUE,
                  keep.pairScore = FALSE,
                  method.inference = "u-statistic",
                  trace = 0)

## * iid average

## ** 1 binary variable
## *** no strata
## equal number in each group
d <- data.table(id = 1:4, group = c("C","C","T","T"), toxicity = c(1,0,1,0))

test_that("iid: binary and no strata (balanced groups)", {
    ## first order
    BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = 1)
    e.BT <- BuyseTest(group ~ bin(toxicity),
                      data = d, 
                      method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e2.BT <- BuyseTest(group ~ bin(toxicity),
                       data = d, keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                       method.inference = "u-statistic-bebu")

    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, e2.BT@covariance)
    expect_equal(as.double(e.BT@covariance), c(1/16,1/16,-1/16, 1/4, 4) )

    expect_equal(as.double(getIid(e.BT, statistic = "favorable")), c(-1/8,1/8,1/8,-1/8))
    expect_equal(as.double(getIid(e.BT, statistic = "unfavorable")), c(1/8,-1/8,-1/8,1/8))

    ## second order
    BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = 2)
    e.BT <- BuyseTest(group ~ bin(toxicity),
                      data = d, keep.pairScore = FALSE,
                      method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e1.BT <- BuyseTest(group ~ bin(toxicity),
                     data = d, keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                      method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e2.BT <- BuyseTest(group ~ bin(toxicity),
                       data = d, keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                       method.inference = "u-statistic-bebu")

    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, e1.BT@covariance) ## assumes vs. does not assumes binary score when computing second order terms
    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, e2.BT@covariance) 
    expect_equal(as.double(e.BT@covariance), c(5/64, 5/64, -3/64, 1/4, 4) )

## unequal number in each group
d.bis <- data.table(id = 1:4, group = c("C","T","T","T"), toxicity = c(1,1,1,0))

test_that("iid: binary and no strata (unbalanced groups)", {
    ## first order
    BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = 1)
    suppressWarnings(e.BT <- BuyseTest(group ~ bin(toxicity),
                                       data = d.bis, 
                                       method.inference = "u-statistic"))
    suppressWarnings(e2.BT <- BuyseTest(group ~ bin(toxicity),
                       data = d.bis, keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                       method.inference = "u-statistic-bebu"))
    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, e2.BT@covariance)
    expect_equal(as.double(e.BT@covariance), c(0, 2/27, 0, 2/27, 0) )

    expect_equal(as.double(getIid(e.BT, statistic = "favorable")), c(0,0,0,0))
    expect_equal(as.double(getIid(e.BT, statistic = "unfavorable")), c(0,-1/9,-1/9,2/9))

    ## second order
    BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = 2)
    suppressWarnings(e.BT <- BuyseTest(group ~ bin(toxicity),
                      data = d.bis, keep.pairScore = FALSE,
                      method.inference = "u-statistic"))
    suppressWarnings(e1.BT <- BuyseTest(group ~ bin(toxicity),
                       data = d.bis, keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                       method.inference = "u-statistic"))
    suppressWarnings(e2.BT <- BuyseTest(group ~ bin(toxicity),
                       data = d.bis, keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                       method.inference = "u-statistic-bebu"))
    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, e1.BT@covariance) ## assumes vs. does not assumes binary score when computing second order terms
    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, e2.BT@covariance) 
    expect_equal(as.double(e.BT@covariance), c(0, 2/27, 0, 2/27, 0) )

## *** strata
d2 <- rbind(cbind(d, strata = 1),
            cbind(d, strata = 2),
            cbind(d, strata = 3))

test_that("iid: binary with strata (balanced groups)", {
    for(iOrder in 1:2){ ## iOrder <- 1
        BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = iOrder)

        e.BT <- BuyseTest(group ~ bin(toxicity) + strata,
                          data = d2, keep.pairScore = FALSE,
                          method.inference = "u-statistic")
        e2.BT <- BuyseTest(group ~ bin(toxicity) + strata,
                           data = d2, keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                           method.inference = "u-statistic")
        ebebu.BT <- BuyseTest(group ~ bin(toxicity) + strata,
                              data = d2, keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                              method.inference = "u-statistic-bebu")


        ls.BT <- lapply(split(d2,d2$strata), function(iData){
            BuyseTest(group ~ bin(toxicity), data = iData,
                      method.inference = "u-statistic")
        M.estimate <- do.call(rbind,lapply(ls.BT, function(iBT){coef2(iBT)}))
        M.covariance <- do.call(rbind,lapply(ls.BT, function(iBT){iBT@covariance[,c(1:2,4)]}))
        n.pair <- sapply(ls.BT, function(iBT){iBT@n.pairs})
        ntot.pair <- sum(n.pair)
        weight <- n.pair/ntot.pair

            rowSums(getIid(e.BT, statistic = "netBenefit", scale = FALSE, center = FALSE, stratified = TRUE)),
            as.double(unlist(lapply(ls.BT, getIid, statistic = "netBenefit", scale = FALSE, center = FALSE)))
        ## getIid(e.BT, statistic = "netBenefit", scale = FALSE, center = FALSE, stratified = TRUE)
        ## getIid(ls.BT[[1]], statistic = "netBenefit", scale = FALSE, center = FALSE)
        ## getIid(ls.BT[[2]], statistic = "netBenefit", scale = FALSE, center = FALSE)

            expect_equal(as.double(e.BT@covariance), c(1/16, 1/16, -1/16, 1/4, 4)/3 )
            expect_equal(as.double(e.BT@covariance), c(5/64, 5/64, -3/64, 1/4, 4)/3 )
        expect_equal(as.double(getIid(e.BT, statistic = "favorable")), rep(c(-1/8,1/8,1/8,-1/8),3)/3)
        expect_equal(as.double(getIid(e.BT, statistic = "unfavorable")), rep(c(1/8,-1/8,-1/8,1/8),3)/3)

d2.bis <- rbind(cbind(d.bis, strata = 1),
                cbind(d, strata = 2),
                cbind(d.bis, strata = 3))

test_that("iid: binary and strata (unbalanced groups)", {
    for(iOrder in 1:2){ ## iOrder <- 1
        BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = iOrder)

        e.BT <- BuyseTest(group ~ bin(toxicity) + strata,
                          data = d2.bis, keep.pairScore = FALSE,
                          method.inference = "u-statistic")
        e2.BT <- BuyseTest(group ~ bin(toxicity) + strata,
                           data = d2.bis, keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                           method.inference = "u-statistic")
        ebebu.BT <- BuyseTest(group ~ bin(toxicity) + strata,
                              data = d2.bis, keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                              method.inference = "u-statistic-bebu")
        ## 0 0.1875 0
        expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, e2.BT@covariance)
        expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, ebebu.BT@covariance)

        ls.BT <- lapply(split(d2.bis,d2.bis$strata), function(iData){
            suppressWarnings(BuyseTest(group ~ bin(toxicity), data = iData,
                                       method.inference = "u-statistic"))
        M.estimate <- do.call(rbind,lapply(ls.BT, function(iBT){coef2(iBT)}))
        M.covariance <- do.call(rbind,lapply(ls.BT, function(iBT){iBT@covariance[,c(1:2,4)]}))
        n.pair <- sapply(ls.BT, function(iBT){iBT@n.pairs})
        ntot.pair <- sum(n.pair)
        weight <- n.pair/ntot.pair

            rowSums(getIid(e.BT, statistic = "netBenefit", scale = FALSE, center = FALSE, stratified = TRUE)),
            as.double(unlist(lapply(ls.BT, getIid, statistic = "netBenefit", scale = FALSE, center = FALSE)))

            expect_equal(as.double(e.BT@covariance), c(0.01, 0.02333333, -0.01, 0.05333333, 0.21399177), tol = 1e-7 )
            expect_equal(as.double(e.BT@covariance), c(0.0125, 0.02583333, -0.0075, 0.05333333, 0.22633745), tol = 1e-7 )
        expect_equal(as.double(getIid(e.BT, statistic = "favorable")), c(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.05, 0.05, 0.05, -0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0), tol = 1e-7)
        expect_equal(as.double(getIid(e.BT, statistic = "unfavorable")), c(0, -0.03333333, -0.03333333, 0.06666667, 0.05, -0.05, -0.05, 0.05, 0, -0.03333333, -0.03333333, 0.06666667), tol = 1e-7)


## ** 1 continuous variable
n <- 5
dt <- simBuyseTest(n)

dtS <- rbind(cbind(S = 1, dt), cbind(S = 2, dt), cbind(S = 3, dt))
dtS$score1 <- dtS$score
dtS$score2 <- dtS$score
dtS[S == 1, score1 := 1]
dtS[S > 1, score2 := 1]

test_that("Manual calculation of second order H projection (no strata)",{

    BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = 1)
    e.BT_c1 <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ cont(score),
                         data = dt, trace = 0, 
                         method.inference = "u-statistic")
    BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = 2)
    e.BT_c2 <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ cont(score),
                         data = dt, trace = 0, 
                         method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e.BT_c3 <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ cont(score),
                         data = dt, trace = 0, keep.pairScore = TRUE, 
                         method.inference = "u-statistic")

    ## manual calculation
    dt.pair <- getPairScore(e.BT_c3)[,.(index.C,index.T,favorable,unfavorable)]
    dt.pair[, H1C.favorable := mean(favorable), by = index.C]
    dt.pair[, H1T.favorable := mean(favorable), by = index.T]
    dt.pair[, H1C.favorable := H1C.favorable - mean(favorable)]
    dt.pair[, H1T.favorable := H1T.favorable - mean(favorable)]

    dt.pair[, H1C.unfavorable := mean(unfavorable), by = index.C]
    dt.pair[, H1T.unfavorable := mean(unfavorable), by = index.T]
    dt.pair[, H1C.unfavorable := H1C.unfavorable - mean(unfavorable)]
    dt.pair[, H1T.unfavorable := H1T.unfavorable - mean(unfavorable)]

    dt.pair[, H2.favorable := favorable - H1C.favorable - H1T.favorable]
    dt.pair[, H2.unfavorable := unfavorable - H1C.unfavorable - H1T.unfavorable]

    ## check H1
    expect_true(all(abs(dt.pair[!duplicated(index.C),.(H1C.favorable/.N,H1C.unfavorable/.N)]-getIid(e.BT_c3, statistic = c("favorable","unfavorable"))[1:n,])<1e-6))
    expect_true(all(abs(dt.pair[!duplicated(index.T),.(H1T.favorable/.N,H1T.unfavorable/.N)]-getIid(e.BT_c3, statistic = c("favorable","unfavorable"))[(n+1):(2*n),])<1e-6))
    ## check H2
    manual <- dt.pair[,.(favorable = var2(H2.favorable)/.N,
                         unfavorable = var2(H2.unfavorable)/.N,
                         covariance = cov2(H2.favorable,H2.unfavorable)/.N)]
    expect_equal(as.double(manual), as.double((e.BT_c2@covariance - e.BT_c1@covariance)[1,c("favorable","unfavorable","covariance")]))
    expect_equal(as.double(manual), c(0.00256, 0.00256, -0.00256), tol = 1e-5)   

test_that("Manual calculation of second order H projection (strata)",{
    BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = 1)
    e.BT_c1 <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ cont(score) + S,
                         data = dtS, trace = 0, 
                         method.inference = "u-statistic")
    BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = 2)
    e.BT_c2 <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ cont(score) + S,
                         data = dtS, trace = 0, 
                         method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e.BT_c3 <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ cont(score) + S,
                         data = dtS, trace = 0, keep.pairScore = TRUE, 
                         method.inference = "u-statistic")

    ## manual calculation
    dt.pair <- getPairScore(e.BT_c3)[,.(strata,index.C,index.T,favorable,unfavorable)]
    dt.pair[, H1C.favorable := mean(favorable), by = index.C]
    dt.pair[, H1T.favorable := mean(favorable), by = index.T]
    dt.pair[, H1C.favorable := H1C.favorable - mean(favorable), by = "strata"]
    dt.pair[, H1T.favorable := H1T.favorable - mean(favorable), by = "strata"]

    dt.pair[, H1C.unfavorable := mean(unfavorable), by = index.C]
    dt.pair[, H1T.unfavorable := mean(unfavorable), by = index.T]
    dt.pair[, H1C.unfavorable := H1C.unfavorable - mean(unfavorable), by = "strata"]
    dt.pair[, H1T.unfavorable := H1T.unfavorable - mean(unfavorable), by = "strata"]

    dt.pair[, H2.favorable := favorable - H1C.favorable - H1T.favorable]
    dt.pair[, H2.unfavorable := unfavorable - H1C.unfavorable - H1T.unfavorable]

    ## check H1
    expect_true(all(abs(dt.pair[!duplicated(index.C),.(H1C.favorable/.N,H1C.unfavorable/.N)]-getIid(e.BT_c3, statistic = c("favorable","unfavorable"))[which(dtS$treatment=="C"),])<1e-6))
    expect_true(all(abs(dt.pair[!duplicated(index.T),.(H1T.favorable/.N,H1T.unfavorable/.N)]-getIid(e.BT_c3, statistic = c("favorable","unfavorable"))[which(dtS$treatment=="T"),])<1e-6))
    ## check H2
    manual <- dt.pair[,.(favorable = var2(H2.favorable)/.N,
                         unfavorable = var2(H2.unfavorable)/.N,
                         covariance = cov2(H2.favorable,H2.unfavorable)/.N)]
    expect_equal(as.double(manual), as.double((e.BT_c2@covariance - e.BT_c1@covariance)[1,c("favorable","unfavorable","covariance")]))
    expect_equal(as.double(manual), c(0.00085333, 0.00085333, -0.00085333), tol = 1e-5)

## ** 1 TTE variable

test_that("iid: TTE and no strata",{
    BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = 1)

    e.BT_tte1 <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 1),
                           data = dt, trace = 0, 
                           keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                           scoring.rule = "Gehan",
                           method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e.BT_tte2 <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 1e5) + tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 1-1e-5),
                           data = dt, trace = 0, 
                           keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                           scoring.rule = "Gehan",
                           method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e.BT_tte3 <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 1) + tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 1-1e-5),
                           data = dt, trace = 0,
                           keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                           scoring.rule = "Gehan",
                           method.inference = "u-statistic")

                      tol = 1e-6)
                      tol = 1e-6)
                      tol = 1e-6)

## ** Two endpoints
## *** no strata
test_that("iid: two endpoints (no strata - first order)", {
    ## different endpoints
    BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = 1)
    e.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~  bin(toxicity) + cont(score, threshold = 1),
                      data = dtS,
                      method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e2.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~  bin(toxicity) + cont(score, threshold = 1),
                       data = dtS, keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                       method.inference = "u-statistic-bebu")

    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, e2.BT@covariance)
    GS <- matrix(c(0.01066667, 0.01258667, 0, 0.00085333, 0, -0.00138667, 0.01066667, 0.01621333, NaN, 136.66666667), 
                 nrow = 2, 
                 ncol = 5, 
                 dimnames = list(c("toxicity", "score_t1"),c("favorable", "unfavorable", "covariance", "netBenefit", "winRatio")) 

    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, GS, tol = 1e-6 )

    ## same endpoint
    e.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~  cont(score, threshold = 2) + cont(score, threshold = 1),
                      data = dtS,
                      method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e2.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~  cont(score, threshold = 2) + cont(score, threshold = 1),
                       data = dtS, keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                       method.inference = "u-statistic-bebu")

    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, e2.BT@covariance)
    GS <- matrix(c(0.01194667, 0.01408, 0, 0.00085333, 0, -0.00149333, 0.01194667, 0.01792, NaN, 108), 
                 nrow = 2, 
                 ncol = 5, 
                 dimnames = list(c("score_t2", "score_t1"),c("favorable", "unfavorable", "covariance", "netBenefit", "winRatio")) 
    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, GS, tol = 1e-6 )

    ## same endpoint tte
    e.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~  tte(eventtime, threshold = 1, status = status) + tte(eventtime, threshold = 0, status = status),
                                       data = dtS, scoring.rule = "Gehan",
                                       method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e2.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~  tte(eventtime, threshold = 1, status = status) + tte(eventtime, threshold = 0, status = status),
                                        data = dtS, keep.pairScore = TRUE, scoring.rule = "Gehan",
                                        method.inference = "u-statistic-bebu")

    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, e2.BT@covariance)
    GS <- matrix(c(0, 0.00234667, 0.00234667, 0.00832, 0, 0.00064, 0.00234667, 0.00938667, 0, 0.04938272), 
                 nrow = 2, 
                 ncol = 5, 
                 dimnames = list(c("eventtime_t1", "eventtime"),c("favorable", "unfavorable", "covariance", "netBenefit", "winRatio")) 
    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, GS, tol = 1e-6 )

    ## cluster argument
    expect_equal(unname(getIid(e.BT, cluster = 1:NROW(dtS))), unname(getIid(e.BT)), tol = 1e-6)
    expect_equivalent(confint(e.BT, cluster = 1:NROW(dtS)),  confint(e.BT), tol = 1e-6)

test_that("iid: two endpoints (no strata - second order)", {

    BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = 2)
    ## different endpoints
    e.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~  bin(toxicity) + cont(score, threshold = 1),
                      data = dtS, keep.pairScore = FALSE,
                      method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e1.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~  bin(toxicity) + cont(score, threshold = 1),
                      data = dtS, keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                      method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e2.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~  bin(toxicity) + cont(score, threshold = 1),
                       data = dtS, keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                       method.inference = "u-statistic-bebu")

    remaining.pairs <- e1.BT@tablePairScore[[2]]$index.pair
    expect_equal(e1.BT@tablePairScore[[1]][index.pair %in% remaining.pairs,.(index.C,index.T)],
    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, e1.BT@covariance)
    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, e2.BT@covariance)

    GS <- matrix(c(0.01066667, 0.01284267, 0, 0.00096711, 0, -0.00139378, 0.01066667, 0.01659733, NaN, 150.88888889), 
                 nrow = 2, 
                 ncol = 5, 
                 dimnames = list(c("toxicity", "score_t1"),c("favorable", "unfavorable", "covariance", "netBenefit", "winRatio")) 
    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, GS, tol = 1e-6 )

    ## same endpoint
    e.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~  cont(score, threshold = 2) + cont(score, threshold = 1),
                      data = dtS, keep.pairScore = FALSE,
                      method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e1.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~  cont(score, threshold = 2) + cont(score, threshold = 1),
                      data = dtS, keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                      method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e2.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~  cont(score, threshold = 2) + cont(score, threshold = 1),
                       data = dtS, keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                       method.inference = "u-statistic-bebu")

    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, e1.BT@covariance)
    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, e2.BT@covariance)
    remaining.pairs <- e1.BT@tablePairScore[[2]]$index.pair
    expect_equal(e1.BT@tablePairScore[[1]][index.pair %in% remaining.pairs,.(index.C,index.T)],

    GS <- matrix(c(0.01211733, 0.01425067, 0, 0.00096711, 0, -0.00147911, 0.01211733, 0.018176, NaN, 118.13333333), 
                 nrow = 2, 
                 ncol = 5, 
                 dimnames = list(c("score_t2", "score_t1"),c("favorable", "unfavorable", "covariance", "netBenefit", "winRatio")) 
    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, GS, tol = 1e-6 )

    ## same endpoint tte
    e.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~  tte(eventtime, threshold = 1, status = status) + tte(eventtime, threshold = 0, status = status),
                      data = dtS, scoring.rule = "Gehan", keep.pairScore = FALSE,
                      method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e1.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~  tte(eventtime, threshold = 1, status = status) + tte(eventtime, threshold = 0, status = status),
                      data = dtS, scoring.rule = "Gehan", keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                      method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e2.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~  tte(eventtime, threshold = 1, status = status) + tte(eventtime, threshold = 0, status = status),
                       data = dtS, keep.pairScore = TRUE, scoring.rule = "Gehan",
                       method.inference = "u-statistic-bebu")

    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, e1.BT@covariance)
    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, e2.BT@covariance)
    remaining.pairs <- e1.BT@tablePairScore[[2]]$index.pair
    expect_equal(e1.BT@tablePairScore[[1]][index.pair %in% remaining.pairs,.(index.C,index.T)],

    GS <- matrix(c(0, 0.00251733, 0.00251733, 0.008576, 0, 0.000512, 0.00251733, 0.01006933, 0, 0.05432099), 
                 nrow = 2, 
                 ncol = 5, 
                 dimnames = list(c("eventtime_t1", "eventtime"),c("favorable", "unfavorable", "covariance", "netBenefit", "winRatio")) 
    expect_equal(e.BT@covariance, GS, tol = 1e-6 )

## *** strata
test_that("iid: two endpoints (strata)", {

    for(iOrder in 1:2){ ## iOrder <- 1
        BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = iOrder)

        e.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ cont(score1, threshold = 1) + cont(score2, threshold = 1) + S,
                          data = dtS,
                          method.inference = "u-statistic")
        e2.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ cont(score1, threshold = 1) + cont(score2, threshold = 1) + S,
                           data = dtS, keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                           method.inference = "u-statistic")
        ebebu.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ cont(score1, threshold = 1) + cont(score2, threshold = 1) + S,
                           data = dtS, keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                           method.inference = "u-statistic-bebu")


        ls.BT <- lapply(split(dtS,dtS$S), function(iData){
            BuyseTest(treatment ~ cont(score1, threshold = 1) + cont(score2, threshold = 1), data = iData,
                      method.inference = "u-statistic")
        ls.estimate <- lapply(ls.BT, function(iBT){coef2(iBT)})
        ls.covariance <- lapply(ls.BT, function(iBT){iBT@covariance[,c(1:2,4)]})
        n.pair <- sapply(ls.BT, function(iBT){iBT@n.pairs})
        ntot.pair <- sum(n.pair)
        weight <- n.pair/ntot.pair
        expect_equal(Reduce("+",lapply(1:length(weight), function(iS){ls.estimate[[iS]]*weight[iS]})),coef2(e.BT), tol = 1e-7)
        expect_equal(Reduce("+",lapply(1:length(weight), function(iS){ls.covariance[[iS]]*weight[iS]^2})),e.BT@covariance[,c(1:2,4)])
            rowSums(getIid(e.BT, statistic = "netBenefit", scale = FALSE, center = FALSE, stratified = TRUE)),
            as.double(unlist(lapply(ls.BT, getIid, statistic = "netBenefit", scale = FALSE, center = FALSE)))

            expect_equal(as.double(e.BT@covariance[2,]), c(0.01408, 0.00085333, -0.00149333, 0.01792, 108), tol = 1e-6 )
            expect_equal(as.double(e.BT@covariance[2,]), c(0.014592, 0.00119467, -0.00145067, 0.018688, 138.4), tol = 1e-6 )

## *** cluster
dtS <- rbind(cbind(S = 1, dt, id = 1:NROW(dt)), cbind(S = 2, dt, id = 1:NROW(dt)), cbind(S = 3, dt, id = 1:NROW(dt)))

test_that("cluster option", {
    BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = 1)
    e.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ cont(score, threshold = 1) + bin(toxicity),
                      data = dt,
                      method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e3.BT <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ cont(score, threshold = 1) + bin(toxicity) + S,
                       data = dtS,
                       method.inference = "u-statistic")

    expect_equal(getIid(e.BT),getIid(e3.BT, cluster = dtS$id), tol = 1e-6)
                      as.data.frame(confint(e3.BT, cluster = dtS$id)), tol = 1e-6)

## * iid Peron

## ** 1 TTE variable
n <- 5
dt <- simBuyseTest(n)
dt$X0 <- 0
dt$treatment2 <- as.numeric(dt$treatment=="C")
## data.table("treatment" = c("C", "C", "C", "C", "C", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T"), 
##            "eventtime" = c(0.60539304, 0.31328027, 0.03946623, 0.32147489, 1.57044952, 0.29069131, 0.19522131, 0.04640668, 0.05277335, 0.43062009), 
##            "status" = c(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1), 
##            "toxicity" = c("yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "no", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes"), 
##            "score" = c(-1.85374045, -0.07794607,  0.96856634,  0.18492596, -1.37994358,  1.10177950,  0.75578151, -0.23823356,  0.98744470,  0.74139013), 
##            "X0" = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 
##            "treatment2" = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

test_that("iid with nuisance parameters: 1 TTE",{
    BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = 1)

    e.BT_tte1 <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 1),
                           data = dt, trace = 0, 
                           keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                           method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e.BT_tte1.bis <- BuyseTest(treatment2 ~ tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 1),
                               data = dt, trace = 0, 
                               keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                               method.inference = "u-statistic")       
    e.BT_tte2 <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 1e5) + tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 1-1e-5),
                           data = dt, trace = 0, 
                           keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                           method.inference = "u-statistic")

    e.BT_tte3 <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 1) + tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 1-1e-5),
                           data = dt, trace = 0,
                           keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                           method.inference = "u-statistic")

    e.BT_tte4 <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ bin(X0) + tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 1),
                           data = dt, trace = 0, 
                           keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                           method.inference = "u-statistic")

    e.BT_tte5 <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 2) + bin(X0) + tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 1),
                           data = dt, trace = 0, 
                           keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                           method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e.BT_tte5.bis <- BuyseTest(treatment2 ~ tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 2) + bin(X0) + tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 1),
                               data = dt, trace = 0, 
                               keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                               method.inference = "u-statistic")

    ## unchanged when switching around the groups


    ## results does not depend on previously used thresholds
                      tol = 1e-6)
                      tol = 1e-6)
                      tol = 1e-6)
                      tol = 1e-6)
                      tol = 1e-6)
                      tol = 1e-6)

## ** 1 TTE variable and 1 binary
n <- 5
dt <- simBuyseTest(n, argsTTE = list(scale.T = 2, scale.censoring.T = 1))
## data.table("treatment" = c("C", "C", "C", "C", "C", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T"), 
##            "eventtime" = c(0.60539304, 0.98681219, 0.03946623, 1.28589957, 1.57044952, 0.29069131, 0.19522131, 0.04640668, 0.21109340, 0.69214123), 
##            "status" = c(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), 
##            "toxicity" = c("yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "no", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes"), 
##            "score" = c(-1.85374045, -0.07794607,  0.96856634,  0.18492596, -1.37994358,  1.10177950,  0.75578151, -0.23823356,  0.98744470,  0.74139013))

test_that("iid with nuisance parameters: 1 TTE + 1 binary",{
    BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = 1)

    e.BT_ttebin <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 1) + bin(toxicity),
                             data = dt, 
                             keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                             method.inference = "u-statistic")

    test <- confint(e.BT_ttebin)
    attr(test,"n.resampling") <- NULL
    attr(test,"iid") <- NULL
    attr(test,"transform") <- NULL
    attr(test,"backtransform") <- NULL
    GS <- matrix(c(-0.33333333, -0.13333333, 0.24130536, 0.36004622, -0.70573842, -0.69241599, 0.18339631, 0.52579681, 0, 0, 0.20172157, 0.7144262), 
                 nrow = 2, 
                 ncol = 6, 
                 dimnames = list(c("eventtime_t1", "toxicity"),c("estimate", "se", "lower.ci", "upper.ci","null", "p.value")) 
    expect_equal(test, as.data.frame(GS), tol = 1e-6)

    ## exponential approximation of the survival when computing the influence function
    e.TTEM <- BuyseTTEM(Hist(eventtime,status)~treatment, data = dt, iid=TRUE, iid.surv="prodlim")
    attr(e.TTEM, "iidNuisance") <- TRUE
    e.BT_ttebin <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 1) + bin(toxicity),
                             data = dt, 
                             keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                             model.tte = e.TTEM,
                             method.inference = "u-statistic")

    test <- confint(e.BT_ttebin)
    attr(test,"n.resampling") <- NULL
    attr(test,"iid") <- NULL
    attr(test,"transform") <- NULL
    attr(test,"backtransform") <- NULL
    GS <- matrix(c(-0.33333333, -0.13333333, 0.23587679, 0.35518499, -0.69967949, -0.68733243, 0.17180423, 0.51874253, 0, 0, 0.19153767, 0.71069249), 
                 nrow = 2, 
                 ncol = 6, 
                 dimnames = list(c("eventtime_t1", "toxicity"),c("estimate", "se", "lower.ci", "upper.ci", "null","p.value")) 
    expect_equal(test, as.data.frame(GS), tol = 1e-6)

    ## GS <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ tte(eventtime, status, threshold = 1) + bin(toxicity),
                    ## data = dt, 
                    ## keep.pairScore = TRUE,
                    ## method.inference = "bootstrap")

## ** 2 TTE variables
n.patients <- c(20,20)
dt.sim <- simBuyseTest(n.T = n.patients[1],
                       n.C = n.patients[2],
                       argsBin = list(p.T = list(c(0.5,0.5),c(0.25,0.75))),
                       argsCont = list(mu.T = 1:3, sigma.T = rep(1,3)),
                       argsTTE = list(scale.T = 1:3, scale.censoring.T = rep(1,3)))
## dt.sim[,status1.bis := c(status1[1:(.N-1)],1),by="treatment"] ## make sure last observation is a case

test_that("iid with nuisance parameters: 2 TTE",{

    ## plot(prodlim(Hist(eventtime1,status1.bis) ~ treatment, data = dt.sim))
    e.BT_tte1 <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ tte(eventtime2, status2, threshold = 1),
                           data = dt.sim, 
                           method.inference = "u-statistic")
    ## e.BT_tte2 <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ tte(eventtime1, status1.bis, threshold = 1e5) + tte(eventtime2, status2, threshold = 1),
                           ## data = dt.sim, 
                           ## method.inference = "u-statistic")
    e.BT_tte3 <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ tte(eventtime1, status1, threshold = 1e5) + tte(eventtime2, status2, threshold = 1),
                           data = dt.sim, 
                           method.inference = "u-statistic")

    expect_equal(e.BT_tte1@count.favorable[1], e.BT_tte3@count.favorable[2])
    expect_equal(e.BT_tte1@count.unfavorable[1], e.BT_tte3@count.unfavorable[2])
    expect_equal(e.BT_tte1@count.neutral[1], e.BT_tte3@count.neutral[2])
    expect_equal(e.BT_tte1@count.uninf[1], e.BT_tte3@count.uninf[2])

    ## expect_equal(e.BT_tte1@covariance[1,],e.BT_tte3@covariance[2,], tol = 1e-6)

    e.BT_tte <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ tte(eventtime1, status1, threshold = 1) + tte(eventtime2, status2, threshold = 1) + bin(toxicity1),
                          data = dt.sim,
                          method.inference = "u-statistic")
    test <- confint(e.BT_tte)
    attr(test,"n.resampling") <- NULL
    attr(test,"iid") <- NULL
    attr(test,"transform") <- NULL
    attr(test,"backtransform") <- NULL
    GS <- matrix(c(0.26401345, 0.179801, 0.00853608, 0.19937703, 0.2148585, 0.2408939, -0.14852611, -0.24811831, -0.43304747, 0.59828277, 0.54900838, 0.4468153, 0, 0, 0, 0.20703017, 0.41296871, 0.97173422), 
                 nrow = 3, 
                 ncol = 6, 
                 dimnames = list(c("eventtime1_t1", "eventtime2_t1", "toxicity1"),c("estimate", "se", "lower.ci", "upper.ci", "null", "p.value")) 

    expect_equal(test, as.data.frame(GS), tol = 1e-3)

    ## exponential approximation of the survival when computing the influence function
    e.TTEM <- list(BuyseTTEM(Hist(eventtime1,status1)~treatment, data = dt.sim, iid=TRUE, iid.surv="prodlim"),
                   BuyseTTEM(Hist(eventtime2,status2)~treatment, data = dt.sim, iid=TRUE, iid.surv="prodlim"))
    attr(e.TTEM, "iidNuisance") <- TRUE

    e.BT_tte <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ tte(eventtime1, status1, threshold = 1) + tte(eventtime2, status2, threshold = 1) + bin(toxicity1),
                          data = dt.sim,
                          model.tte = e.TTEM,
                          method.inference = "u-statistic")
    test <- confint(e.BT_tte)
    attr(test,"n.resampling") <- NULL
    attr(test,"iid") <- NULL
    attr(test,"transform") <- NULL
    attr(test,"backtransform") <- NULL
    GS <- matrix(c(0.26401345, 0.179801, 0.00853608, 0.17433724, 0.19140473, 0.21888023, -0.09657678, -0.20304112, -0.39734512, 0.5633411, 0.51495999, 0.41162398, 0, 0, 0, 0.14902033, 0.35809689, 0.96889279), 
                 nrow = 3, 
                 ncol = 6, 
                 dimnames = list(c("eventtime1_t1", "eventtime2_t1", "toxicity1"),c("estimate", "se", "lower.ci", "upper.ci", "null", "p.value")) 

    expect_equal(test, as.data.frame(GS), tol = 1e-3)

## ** 1 TTE with strata
test_that("iid with nuisance parameters: 1 TTE + strata",{
    BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = 1)

    e.BT_tteS <- BuyseTest(treatment ~ tte(eventtime1, status1, threshold = 1) + toxicity1,
                           data = dt.sim, 
                           method.inference = "u-statistic")
    ##  e.BT_tteS@covariance

    ls.BT_tteS <- lapply(split(dt.sim,dt.sim$toxicity1), function(iData){
        BuyseTest(treatment ~ tte(eventtime1, status1, threshold = 1), data = iData,
                  method.inference = "u-statistic")
    M.estimate <- do.call(rbind,lapply(ls.BT_tteS, function(iBT){coef2(iBT)}))
    M.covariance <- do.call(rbind,lapply(ls.BT_tteS, function(iBT){iBT@covariance[,c(1:2,4)]}))
    n.pair <- sapply(ls.BT_tteS, function(iBT){iBT@n.pairs})
    ntot.pair <- sum(n.pair)
    weight <- n.pair/ntot.pair


    test <- rowSums(getIid(e.BT_tteS, statistic = "netBenefit", scale = FALSE, center = FALSE, stratified = TRUE))
    GS <- unlist(lapply(ls.BT_tteS, getIid, statistic = "netBenefit", scale = FALSE, center = FALSE))
    expect_equal(test[unlist(split(1:NROW(dt.sim),dt.sim$toxicity1))], unname(GS), tol = 1e-7)

## * normalization iid
n <- 200
dt <- simBuyseTest(n, n.strata = 3)

test_that("iid - remove normalization", {

    e.all <- BuyseTest(treatment~bin(toxicity)+cont(score)+strata,
                       method.inference = "u-statistic",
                       data = dt, trace = 0)
    ## summary(e.all)

    e.strata <- BuyseTest(treatment~bin(toxicity)+cont(score),
                          method.inference = "u-statistic",
                          data = dt[strata=="a"], trace = 0)
    ## summary(e.strata)

    iid.all <- getIid(e.all, scale = FALSE, center = FALSE, stratified = TRUE)[which(dt$strata=="a"),"a"]
    iid.strata <- as.double(getIid(e.strata, scale = FALSE, center = FALSE))
    expect_equal(unname(iid.all),unname(iid.strata), tol = 1e-9)
    GS <- c(0.37313, -0.70149, 0.40299, -0.13433, -0.76119, 0.43284, 0.28358, -0.79104, -0.73134, 0.28358, -0.43284, -0.13433, -0.16418, -0.22388, -0.31343, -0.67164, -0.97015, 0.43284, 0.28358, -0.64179, -0.9403, 0.19403, 0.43284, 0.01493, -0.91045, -0.13433, 0.04478, 0.52239, 0.91045, 0.10448, 0.07463, 0.40299, 0.28358, -0.43284, 0.07463, -0.79104, -0.73134, 0.07463, -0.64179, -0.67164, 0.64179, -0.22388, -0.76119, 1, -0.34328, 0.70149, -0.31343, -0.58209, -0.49254, -0.58209, -0.31343, 0.49254, 0.43284, -0.73134, 0.22388, 0.91045, 0.73134, 0.28358, 0.49254, 0.70149, -0.07463, 0.43284, -0.61194, -0.8806, 0.91045, -0.2, -0.01538, 0.32308, -0.96923, -0.84615, -0.41538, -0.96923, 0.66154, -0.66154, 0.13846, 0.38462, -0.72308, -0.75385, 0.41538, -0.75385, 0.2, 0.81538, -0.87692, -0.26154, 0.38462, 0.32308, 1, -0.23077, -0.41538, -0.78462, -0.07692, 0.50769, 0.41538, -0.96923, -0.87692, 0.90769, 0.93846, -0.16923, -0.26154, 0.75385, 0.13846, -0.01538, 0.10769, -0.01538, -0.87692, 0.41538, -0.66154, -0.75385, 0.01538, 0.63077, 0.32308, 0.29231, 0.2, -0.78462, 0.87692, 0.87692, 0.47692, -0.41538, 0.56923, -0.2, 0.96923, 0.87692, -0.44615, 0.2, -0.2, -0.50769, -0.87692, 0.01538, -0.87692, -0.87692, -0.75385, -0.04615)
    expect_equal(as.double(iid.all),GS, tol = 1e-4)


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