#' Identify orthologs marker genes for two species
#' @description Identify orthologs marker genes for two species based on orthologs database
#' @param OrthG ortholog genes database
#' @param Species1_Marker_table data.frame of species 1, first column should be gene name,
#' second column should be Clusters corresponding to marker gene
#' @param Species2_Marker_table data.frame of species 2, first column should be gene name,
#' second column should be Clusters corresponding to marker gene
#' of marker genes.
#' @param Species_name1 character, indicating the species names of Species1_Marker_table.
#' @param Species_name2 character, indicating the species names of Species2_Marker_table
#' @param match_cell_name characters contained in both cell names
#' to match similar cell types
#' @return Data frame of conserved markers
#' @export
#' @examples load(system.file("extdata", "CellMarkers.rda", package = "CACIMAR"))
#' o1 <- Identify_ConservedMarkers(OrthG_Mm_Zf,Mm_marker_cell_type,
#' Zf_marker_cell_type,Species_name1 = 'mm',Species_name2 = 'zf')
#' o2 <- Identify_ConservedMarkers(OrthG_Zf_Ch,Ch_marker_cell_type,
#' Zf_marker_cell_type,Species_name1 = 'ch',Species_name2 = 'zf')
Identify_ConservedMarkers <- function(OrthG,Species1_Marker_table,Species2_Marker_table,
Species1_Marker_table <- Species1_Marker_table[!duplicated(Species1_Marker_table[,1]),]
Species2_Marker_table <- Species2_Marker_table[!duplicated(Species2_Marker_table[,1]),]
colnames(Species1_Marker_table)[2] <- 'cluster'
colnames(Species2_Marker_table)[2] <- 'cluster'
Species_name1 <- tolower(Species_name1)
Species_name2 <- tolower(Species_name2)
Spec1 <- colnames(OrthG)[2]
Spec2 <- colnames(OrthG)[4]
Spec1 <- gsub('_ID','',Spec1)
Spec2 <- gsub('_ID','',Spec2)
if (Spec1 == Species_name1 & Spec2 == Species_name2) {
Species_name <- c(Spec1,Spec2)
Species1_Marker <- Species1_Marker_table
Species2_Marker <- Species2_Marker_table
}else if(Spec2 == Species_name1 & Spec1 == Species_name2){
Species_name <- c(Spec2,Spec1)
Species2_Marker <- Species1_Marker_table
Species1_Marker <- Species2_Marker_table
}else{stop('please input correct Species name')}
colnames(Species1_Marker) <- paste0(Species_name[1],colnames(Species1_Marker))
colnames(Species2_Marker) <- paste0(Species_name[2],colnames(Species2_Marker))
Species12 <- Species1_Marker
Species22 <- Species2_Marker
Spec1_gene <- data.frame(rep(0,nrow(Species12)),
rownames(Spec1_gene) <- Species12[,1]
Spec2_gene <- data.frame(rep(0,nrow(Species22)),
rownames(Spec2_gene) <- Species22[,1]
Exp2 <- Get_OrthG(OrthG, Spec1_gene, Spec2_gene, Species_name)
if (grepl('ENS',rownames(Spec1_gene)[1])) {
Type1 <- paste0('Used_',Species_name[1],'_ID')
Type2 <- paste0('Used_',Species_name[2],'_ID')
Type1 <- paste0('Used_',Species_name[1],'_Symbol')
Type2 <- paste0('Used_',Species_name[2],'_Symbol')
Species1 <- Species1_Marker[match(Exp2[, Type1],Species1_Marker[,1]), ]
Species2 <- Species2_Marker[match(Exp2[, Type2],Species2_Marker[,1]), ]
Exp3 <- cbind(Exp2, Species1, Species2)
Exp4 <- Exp3[![, dim(Exp2)[2]+1]) & ![,dim(Exp2)[2]+dim(Species1)[2]+1]), ]
if (nrow(Exp4)==0) {
stop('No homologous genes appear!')
Exp5 <- cbind(Exp4[,1:7], Species12[match(Exp4[,Type1],
Species12[,1]), ],
Species22[match(Exp4[,Type2], Species22[,1]), ])
Exp6 <- Refine_Used_OrthG(Exp5,Species_name,match_cell_name)
Exp6 <- Exp6[Exp6$mmcluster==Exp6$zfcluster,]
Get_OrthG <- function(OrthG1, MmRNA1, ZfRNA1, Spec1, MmPattern1='', ZfPattern1=''){
tOrthG1 <- table(OrthG1$Type); print(tOrthG1)
if (grepl('ENS',rownames(MmRNA1)[1])) {
Ind1 <- c(grep(paste0(Spec1[1],'_ID'), colnames(OrthG1)), grep(paste0(Spec1[2],'_ID'), colnames(OrthG1)))
Ind1 <- c(grep(paste0(Spec1[1],'_Symbol'), colnames(OrthG1)), grep(paste0(Spec1[2],'_Symbol'), colnames(OrthG1)))
OrthG21 <- list()
for(i in 1:length(tOrthG1)){ print(names(tOrthG1)[i])
if(names(tOrthG1)[i]==paste(c(Spec1,'0T1'),collapse='_')){ OrthG2 <- OrthG1[OrthG1$Type==names(tOrthG1)[i], ]
OrthG3 <- cbind(OrthG2, OrthG2[,Ind1])
}else if(names(tOrthG1)[i]==paste(c(Spec1,'1T0'),collapse='_')){ OrthG2 <- OrthG1[OrthG1$Type==names(tOrthG1)[i], ]
OrthG3 <- cbind(OrthG2, OrthG2[,Ind1])
}else if(names(tOrthG1)[i]==paste(c(Spec1,'1T1'),collapse='_')){ OrthG2 <- OrthG1[OrthG1$Type==names(tOrthG1)[i], ]
OrthG3 <- cbind(OrthG2, OrthG2[,Ind1])
}else if(grepl(paste(c(Spec1,'.*N'),collapse='_'),names(tOrthG1)[i])){ OrthG2 <- OrthG1[OrthG1$Type==names(tOrthG1)[i], ]
OrthG21 <- apply(OrthG2, 1 ,function(x1){
for(j in 1:length(Ind1)) { x2 <- strsplit(as.character(x1[Ind1[j]]),'[;,]')[[1]]
if(j==1){ RNA21 <- MmRNA1[match(x2, rownames(MmRNA1)), ]
if(MmPattern1[1]!=''){ Pattern21 <- MmPattern1[match(x2, rownames(MmRNA1)), ] }
}else{ RNA21 <- ZfRNA1[match(x2, rownames(ZfRNA1)), ]
if(MmPattern1[1]!=''){ Pattern21 <- ZfPattern1[match(x2, rownames(ZfRNA1)), ] }
RNA2 <- RNA21[![,1]), ];
if(MmPattern1[1]!=''){ Pattern2 <- Pattern21[![,1])] }
if(is.null(dim(RNA2)) | dim(RNA2)[1]==1){
RNA3 <- RNA2; Gene1 <- rownames(RNA2)
}else if(dim(RNA2)[1]==0){
RNA3 <- RNA2[1, ]; Gene1 <- rownames(RNA2)[1]
if(MmPattern1[1]!=''){ RNA31 <- RNA2[grepl('[UD]', Pattern2), ]
if(dim(RNA31)[1]!=0){ RNA32 <- RNA31
}else{ RNA32 <- RNA2 }
}else{ RNA32 <- RNA2 }
mRNA32 <- which.max(rowMeans(RNA32))
RNA3 <- RNA32[mRNA32, ]; Gene1 <- rownames(RNA32)[mRNA32]
if(j==1){ RNA4 <- as.numeric(RNA3); Gene2 <- Gene1
}else{ RNA4 <- c(RNA4, as.numeric(RNA3)); Gene2 <- c(Gene2, Gene1) }
} )
rownames(OrthG21) <- colnames(OrthG1)[Ind1]
OrthG3 <- cbind(OrthG2, t(OrthG21))
}else{ print(paste0('Not process ',tOrthG1[i]))
stop('Can not match any orthologs marker genes, please whether input
correct species names ') }
if(i==1){ OrthG4 <- as.matrix(OrthG3);
}else{ OrthG4 <- rbind(OrthG4, as.matrix(OrthG3)) }
colnames(OrthG4)[(ncol(OrthG1)+1):(ncol(OrthG1)+2)] <- paste0('Used_',colnames(OrthG4)[(ncol(OrthG1)+1):(ncol(OrthG1)+2)])
Type1 <- paste0(Species[1],'.*\\cluster'); Type2 <- paste0(Species[2], '.*\\cluster')
Spec1Type1 <- grep(Type1, colnames(ShMarker1))
Spec1Type2 <- grep(Type2, colnames(ShMarker1))
if (is.null(smiliar_cell_name)) {
ShMarker2 <- apply(ShMarker1, 1, function(x1){
x11 <- x1[Spec1Type1]; x12 <- x1[Spec1Type2]; x2 <- F
for(i in 1:length(x11)){
x112 <- strsplit(x11[i], ',')[[1]]
for(i1 in 1:length(x112)){
for(j in 1:length(x12)){
x122 <- strsplit(x12[j], ',')[[1]]
for(j1 in 1:length(x122)){
x2 <- T
} } } } } } }
ShMarker2 <- apply(ShMarker1, 1, function(x1){
x11 <- x1[Spec1Type1]; x12 <- x1[Spec1Type2]; x2 <- F
for(i in 1:length(x11)){
x112 <- strsplit(x11[i], ',')[[1]]
for(i1 in 1:length(x112)){
for(j in 1:length(x12)){
x122 <- strsplit(x12[j], ',')[[1]]
for(j1 in 1:length(x122)){
if(x112[i1]==x122[j1] | grepl(smiliar_cell_name,x112[i1]) & grepl(smiliar_cell_name,x122[j1])){
x2 <- T
} } } } } } }
ShMarker3 <- ShMarker1[ShMarker2, ]
ShMarker4 <- ShMarker3[order(ShMarker3[, Spec1Type1[1]]), ]
PowerTh1 <- 0.4; PowerTh2 <- gsub('\\.','',PowerTh1)
SpecInd1 <- length(Species);
Ind1 <- list(); Ind2 <- list();
for(i in 1:length(Species)){
Ind1[[i]] <- grep(paste0(Species[i],'.*\\.luster'), colnames(Marker1))
Ind2[[i]] <- grep(paste0(Species[i],'.*\\.Power'), colnames(Marker1))
Marker2 <- apply(Marker1, 1, function(x1){
x2 <- F; x14 <- list();
for(i in 1:length(Ind1)){
x12 <- x1[Ind1[[i]]]
for(i1 in 1:length(x12)){
x13 <- strsplit(x12[i1], ',')[[1]]
for(i2 in 1:length(x13)){
x14[[x13[i2]]] <- x13[i2]
} }
} }
x41 <- list()
for(i in 1:length(x14)){
x15 <- rep(0, length(Ind1))
for(i1 in 1:length(Ind1)){
x12 <- x1[Ind1[[i1]]]; x22 <- x1[Ind2[[i1]]]
for(i2 in 1:length(x12)){
x13 <- strsplit(x12[i2], ',')[[1]]
x23 <- strsplit(x22[i2], ',')[[1]]
for(i3 in 1:length(x13)){
if(x14[[i]]==x13[i3] | grepl('MG',x14[[i]]) & grepl('MG',x13[i3]) | grepl('BC',x14[[i]]) & grepl('BC',x13[i3])){
x15[i1] <- max(x15[i1], x23[i3])
} } } } }
x31 <- T; x32 <- F
for(j in 1:length(Ind1)){
if(as.numeric(x15[j])==0){ x31 <- F }
if(as.numeric(x15[j])>PowerTh1){ x32 <- T
} }
if(x31==T & x32==T){ x41[[x14[[i]]]] <- x15
} }
if(length(x41)>0){ x2 <- T }
Marker3 <- Marker1[Marker2, ]
print(c(nrow(Marker1), nrow(Marker3)))
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