#' @title Cross-Entropy Clustering
#' @aliases cec-class
#' @description \code{cec} performs Cross-Entropy Clustering on a data matrix.
#' See \code{Details} for an explanation of Cross-Entropy Clustering.
#' @param x A numeric matrix of data. Each row corresponds to a distinct
#' observation; each column corresponds to a distinct variable/dimension. It
#' must not contain \code{NA} values.
#' @param centers Either a matrix of initial centers or the number of initial
#' centers (\code{k}, single number \code{cec(data, 4, ...)}) or a vector for
#' variable number of centers (\code{cec(data, 3:10, ...)}). It must not
#' contain \code{NA} values.
#' If \code{centers} is a vector, \code{length(centers)} clusterings will be
#' performed for each start (\code{nstart} argument) and the total number of
#' clusterings will be \code{length(centers) * nstart}.
#' If \code{centers} is a number or a vector, initial centers will be generated
#' using a method depending on the \code{centers.init} argument.
#' @param type The type (or types) of clustering (density family). This can be
#' either a single value or a vector of length equal to the number of centers.
#' Possible values are: "covariance", "fixedr", "spherical", "diagonal",
#' "eigenvalues", "all" (default).
#' Currently, if the \code{centers} argument is a vector, only a single type
#' can be used.
#' @param iter.max The maximum number of iterations of the clustering algorithm.
#' @param nstart The number of clusterings to perform (with different initial
#' centers). Only the best clustering (with the lowest cost) will be returned.
#' A value grater than 1 is valid only if the \code{centers} argument is a
#' number or a vector.
#' If the \code{centers} argument is a vector, \code{length(centers)}
#' clusterings will be performed for each start and the total number of
#' clusterings will be \code{length(centers) * nstart}.
#' If the split mode is on (\code{split = TRUE}), the whole procedure (initial
#' clustering + split) will be performed \code{nstart} times, which may take
#' some time.
#' @param centers.init The method used to automatically initialize the centers.
#' Possible values are: "kmeans++" (default) and "random".
#' @param param The parameter (or parameters) specific to a particular type of
#' clustering. Not all types of clustering require parameters. The types that
#' require parameter are: "covariance" (matrix parameter), "fixedr" (numeric
#' parameter), "eigenvalues" (vector parameter). This can be a vector or a list
#' (when one of the parameters is a matrix or a vector).
#' @param card.min The minimal cluster cardinality. If the number of
#' observations in a cluster becomes lower than card.min, the cluster is
#' removed. This argument can be either an integer number or a string ending
#' with a percent sign (e.g. "5\%").
#' @param keep.removed If this parameter is TRUE, the removed clusters will be
#' visible in the results as NA in the "centers" matrix (as well as the
#' corresponding values in the list of covariances).
#' @param interactive If \code{TRUE}, the result of clustering will be plotted
#' after every iteration.
#' @param threads The number of threads to use or "auto" to use the default
#' number of threads (usually the number of available processing units/cores)
#' when performing multiple starts (\code{nstart} parameter).
#' The execution of a single start is always performed by a single thread, thus
#' for \code{nstart = 1} only one thread will be used regardless of the value
#' of this parameter.
#' @param split If \code{TRUE}, the function will attempt to discover new
#' clusters after the initial clustering, by trying to split single clusters
#' into two and check whether it lowers the cost function.
#' For each start (\code{nstart}), the initial clustering will be performed and
#' then splitting will be applied to the results. The number of starts in the
#' initial clustering before splitting is driven by the
#' \code{split.initial.starts} parameter.
#' @param split.depth The cluster subdivision depth used in split mode. Usually,
#' a value lower than 10 is sufficient (when after each splitting, new clusters
#' have similar sizes). For some data, splitting may often produce clusters
#' that will not be split further, in that case a higher value of
#' \code{split.depth} is required.
#' @param split.tries The number of attempts that are made when trying to split
#' a cluster in split mode.
#' @param split.limit The maximum number of centers to be discovered in split
#' mode.
#' @param split.initial.starts The number of 'standard' starts performed before
#' starting the splitting process.
#' @param readline Used only in the interactive mode. If \code{readline} is
#' TRUE, at each iteration, before plotting it will wait for the user to press
#' <Return> instead of the standard 'before plotting' waiting
#' (\code{graphics::par(ask = TRUE)}).
#' @details Cross-Entropy Clustering (CEC) aims to partition \emph{m} points
#' into \emph{k} clusters so as to minimize the cost function (energy
#' \emph{\strong{E}} of the clustering) by switching the points between
#' clusters. The presented method is based on the Hartigan approach, where we
#' remove clusters which cardinalities decreased below some small prefixed
#' level.
#' The energy function \emph{\strong{E}} is given by:
#' \deqn{E(Y_1,\mathcal{F}_1;...;Y_k,\mathcal{F}_k) = \sum\limits_{i=1}^{k}
#' p(Y_i) \cdot (-ln(p(Y_i)) + H^{\times}(Y_i\|\mathcal{F}_i))}{ E(Y1, F1; ...;
#' Yk, Fk) = \sum(p(Yi) * (-ln(p(Yi)) + H(Yi | Fi)))}
#' where \emph{Yi} denotes the \emph{i}-th cluster, \emph{p(Yi)} is the ratio
#' of the number of points in \emph{i}-th cluster to the total number points,
#' \emph{\strong{H}(Yi|Fi)} is the value of cross-entropy, which represents the
#' internal cluster energy function of data \emph{Yi} defined with respect to a
#' certain Gaussian density family \emph{Fi}, which encodes the type of
#' clustering we consider.
#' The value of the internal energy function \emph{\strong{H}} depends on the
#' covariance matrix (computed using maximum-likelihood) and the mean (in case
#' of the \emph{mean} model) of the points in the cluster. Seven
#' implementations of \emph{\strong{H}} have been proposed (expressed as a type
#' - model - of the clustering):
#' \describe{
#' \item{"all": }{All Gaussian densities. Data will form ellipsoids with
#' arbitrary radiuses.}
#' \item{"covariance": }{Gaussian densities with a fixed given covariance. The
#' shapes of clusters depend on the given covariance matrix (additional
#' parameter).}
#' \item{"fixedr": }{Special case of 'covariance', where the covariance matrix
#' equals \emph{rI} for the given \emph{r} (additional parameter). The
#' clustering will have a tendency to divide data into balls with approximate
#' radius proportional to the square root of \emph{r}.}
#' \item{"spherical": }{Spherical (radial) Gaussian densities (covariance
#' proportional to the identity). Clusters will have a tendency to form balls
#' of arbitrary sizes.}
#' \item{"diagonal": }{Gaussian densities with diagonal covariane. Data will
#' form ellipsoids with radiuses parallel to the coordinate axes.}
#' \item{"eigenvalues": }{Gaussian densities with covariance matrix having
#' fixed eigenvalues (additional parameter). The clustering will try to divide
#' the data into fixed-shaped ellipsoids rotated by an arbitrary angle.}
#' \item{"mean": }{Gaussian densities with a fixed mean. Data will be covered
#' with ellipsoids with fixed centers.}
#' }
#' The implementation of \code{cec} function allows mixing of clustering types.
#' @return An object of class \code{cec} with the following attributes:
#' \code{data}, \code{cluster}, \code{probability}, \code{centers},
#' \code{cost.function}, \code{nclusters}, \code{iterations}, \code{cost},
#' \code{covariances}, \code{covariances.model}, \code{time}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{CEC-package}}, \code{\link{plot.cec}},
#' \code{\link{print.cec}}
#' @references Spurek, P. and Tabor, J. (2014) Cross-Entropy Clustering
#' \emph{Pattern Recognition} \bold{47, 9} 3046--3059
#' @keywords cluster models multivariate package
#' @examples
#' ## Example of clustering a random data set of 3 Gaussians, with 10 random
#' ## initial centers and a minimal cluster size of 7% of the total data set.
#' m1 <- matrix(rnorm(2000, sd = 1), ncol = 2)
#' m2 <- matrix(rnorm(2000, mean = 3, sd = 1.5), ncol = 2)
#' m3 <- matrix(rnorm(2000, mean = 3, sd = 1), ncol = 2)
#' m3[,2] <- m3[, 2] - 5
#' m <- rbind(m1, m2, m3)
#' plot(m, cex = 0.5, pch = 19)
#' ## Clustering result:
#' Z <- cec(m, 10, iter.max = 100, card.min = "7%")
#' plot(Z)
#' # Result:
#' Z
#' ## Example of clustering mouse-like set using spherical Gaussian densities.
#' m <- mouseset(n = 7000, r.head = 2, r.left.ear = 1.1, r.right.ear = 1.1,
#' left.ear.dist = 2.5, right.ear.dist = 2.5, dim = 2)
#' plot(m, cex = 0.5, pch = 19)
#' ## Clustering result:
#' Z <- cec(m, 3, type = 'sp', iter.max = 100, nstart = 4, card.min = '5%')
#' plot(Z)
#' # Result:
#' Z
#' ## Example of clustering data set 'Tset' using 'eigenvalues' clustering type.
#' data(Tset)
#' plot(Tset, cex = 0.5, pch = 19)
#' centers <- init.centers(Tset, 2)
#' ## Clustering result:
#' Z <- cec(Tset, 5, 'eigenvalues', param = c(0.02, 0.002), nstart = 4)
#' plot(Z)
#' # Result:
#' Z
#' ## Example of using cec split method starting with a single cluster.
#' data(mixShapes)
#' plot(mixShapes, cex = 0.5, pch = 19)
#' ## Clustering result:
#' Z <- cec(mixShapes, 1, split = TRUE)
#' plot(Z)
#' # Result:
#' Z
#' @export
cec <- function(x,
type = c("covariance", "fixedr", "spherical", "diagonal",
"eigenvalues", "mean", "all"),
iter.max = 25,
nstart = 1,
centers.init = c("kmeans++", "random"),
card.min = "5%",
keep.removed = FALSE,
interactive = FALSE,
threads = 1,
split = FALSE,
split.depth = 8,
split.tries = 5,
split.limit = 100,
split.initial.starts = 1,
readline = TRUE) {
if (!methods::hasArg(x))
stop("Missing required argument: 'x'.")
if (!methods::hasArg(centers)) {
centers <- 1
split <- TRUE
if (iter.max < 0)
stop("Illegal argument: iter.max must be greater than 0.")
if (!is.matrix(x))
stop("Illegal argument: 'x' must be a matrix.")
if (ncol(x) < 1)
stop("Illegal argument: 'x' must have at least 1 column.")
if (nrow(x) < 1)
stop("Illegal argument: 'x' must have at least 1 row.")
if (!all(stats::complete.cases(x)))
stop("Illegal argument: 'x' should not contain NA values.")
if (!all(stats::complete.cases(centers)))
stop("Illegal argument: 'centers' should not contain NA values.")
var.centers <- NULL
centers.mat <- NULL
if (!is.matrix(centers)) {
if (length(centers) > 1) {
var.centers <- centers
} else {
var.centers <- c(centers)
for (i in centers) {
if (i < 1) {
stop("Illegal argument: 'centers' must only contain integers greater
than 0")
centers.initialized <- FALSE
} else {
if (ncol(x) != ncol(centers)) {
stop("Illegal argument: 'x' and 'centers' must have the same number of columns.")
if (nrow(centers) < 1) {
stop("Illegal argument: 'centers' must have at least 1 row.")
var.centers <- c(nrow(centers))
centers.mat <- centers
centers.initialized <- TRUE
if (!(attr(regexpr("[\\.0-9]+%{0,1}", perl = TRUE, text = card.min), "match.length") == nchar(card.min))) {
stop("Illegal argument: 'card.min' in wrong format.")
if (centers.initialized) { <- "none"
} else if (methods::hasArg(centers.init)) { <- switch(match.arg(centers.init), `kmeans++` = "kmeanspp", random = "random")
} else { <- "kmeanspp"
if (!methods::hasArg(type)) {
type <- "all"
if (length(type) > 1 && length(var.centers) > length(type)) {
stop("Illegal argument: 'type' with length > 1 should be equal or greater
than the length of the vector of variable number of centers ('centers'
as a vector).")
if (interactive) {
if (split == TRUE) {
stop("The interactive mode is not available in split mode.")
if (length(var.centers) > 1) {
stop("The interactive mode is not available for variable centers.")
if (nstart > 1) {
stop("The interactive mode is not available for multiple starts.")
return(cec.interactive(x, centers, type, iter.max, 1, param, centers.init,
card.min, keep.removed, readline))
n <- ncol(x)
m <- nrow(x)
if (substr(card.min, nchar(card.min), nchar(card.min)) == "%") {
card.min <- as.integer(as.double(substr(card.min, 1, nchar(card.min) - 1)) * m/100)
} else {
card.min <- as.integer(card.min)
card.min <- max(card.min, n + 1)
k <- max(var.centers)
# startTime <- proc.time()
centers.r <- list(init.method =,
var.centers = as.integer(var.centers),
mat = centers.mat)
if (threads == "auto") {
threads <- 0
control.r <- list(min.card = as.integer(card.min),
max.iters = as.integer(iter.max),
starts = as.integer(nstart),
threads = as.integer(threads))
models.r <- create.cec.params.for.models(k, n, type, param)
if (split) {
for (i in 1:k) {
if (models.r[[i]]$type != models.r[[1]]$type) {
stop("Mixing model types is currently not supported in split mode")
split.r <- list(depth = as.integer(split.depth),
limit = as.integer(split.limit),
tries = as.integer(split.tries),
initial.starts = as.integer(split.initial.starts))
Z <- .Call(cec_split_r, x, centers.r, control.r, models.r, split.r)
} else {
Z <- .Call(cec_r, x, centers.r, control.r, models.r)
} <- nrow(Z$centers)
# execution.time <- as.vector((proc.time() - startTime))[3]
Z$centers[is.nan(Z$centers)] <- NA
tab <- tabulate(Z$cluster)
probability <- vapply(tab, function(c.card) {
}, 0)
# TODO: change this temporary hack <- models.r[[1]]
if (!keep.removed) { <-
na.rows <- which($centers[, 1]))
if (length(na.rows) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(na.rows)) {
for (j in na.rows[i] {[j] <-[j] - 1
Z$cluster <- as.integer(vapply(Z$cluster, function(asgn) {
}, 0))
Z$centers <- matrix(Z$centers[-na.rows, ], , n)
Z$covariances <- Z$covariances[-na.rows]
probability <- probability[-na.rows]
models.r <- models.r[-na.rows]
covs <- length(Z$covariances)
covariances.model <- rep(list(NA), covs)
means.model <- Z$centers
# TODO: change this temporary hack
if (split) {
models.r <- rep(list(, covs)
for (i in 1:covs) {
covariances.model[[i]] <- model.covariance(models.r[[i]]$type, Z$covariances[[i]],
Z$centers[i, ], models.r[[i]]$params)
means.model[i, ] <- model.mean(models.r[[i]]$type, Z$centers[i, ], models.r[[i]]$params)
list(data = x, cluster = Z$cluster, centers = Z$centers, probability = probability, cost.function = Z$energy,
nclusters = Z$nclusters, iterations = Z$iterations, covariances = Z$covariances,
covariances.model = covariances.model, means.model = means.model),
class = "cec")
#' @title Interactive Cross-Entropy Clustering
#' @description Internal function to run \code{\link{cec}} interactively.
#' @noRd
cec.interactive <- function(x,
type = c("covariance", "fixedr", "spherical",
"diagonal", "eigenvalues", "all"),
iter.max = 40,
nstart = 1,
centers.init = c("kmeans++", "random"),
card.min = "5%",
keep.removed = FALSE,
readline = TRUE) {
old.ask <- graphics::par()["ask"]
n <- ncol(x)
if (n != 2) {
stop("interactive mode available only for 2-dimensional data")
i <- 0
if (!is.matrix(centers)) {
centers <- init.centers(x, centers, centers.init)
if (readline) {
ignore <- readline(prompt = "After each iteration you may:\n - press <Enter> for next iteration \n - write number <n> (may be negative one) and press <Enter> for next <n> iterations \n - write 'q' and abort execution.\n Press <Return>.\n")
graphics::par(ask = FALSE)
} else {
graphics::par(ask = TRUE)
while (TRUE) {
Z <- cec(x, centers, type, i, 1, param, centers.init, card.min, keep.removed, FALSE)
if (i > Z$iterations | i >= iter.max) {
desc <- ""
if (i == 0) {
desc <- "(position of center means before first iteration)"
cat("Iterations:", Z$iterations, desc, "cost function:", Z$cost, " \n ")
plot(Z, ellipses = TRUE)
if (readline) {
line <- readline(prompt = "Press <Enter> OR write number OR write 'q':")
lineint <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(line))
if (! {
i <- i + lineint - 1
if (i < 0) {
i = -1
} else if (line == "q" | line == "quit") {
i <- i + 1
plot(Z, ellipses = "TRUE")
if (readline) {
ignore <- readline(prompt = "Press <Enter>:")
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