
Defines functions sciname getnames allparents parent getrank getnodes

Documented in allparents getnames getnodes getrank parent sciname

# CHNOSZ/taxonomy.R
# Functions to work with NCBI taxonomy files
# 20100311 jmd
# 20100613 getnames and getnodes now only use the 'scan' function
#   to read files (instead of 'read.table')

## Read the entire taxonomy nodes file
getnodes <- function(taxdir) {
  # We only read the first five tab-separated fields
  n <- scan(paste(taxdir, "nodes.dmp", sep = "/"), what = as.list(character(5)),
    quote = "", flush = TRUE, sep = "\t")
  # The information we want is in fields 1, 3 and 5
  # (fields 2 and 4 contain the vertical bar)
  id <- as.numeric(n[[1]])
  parent <- as.numeric(n[[3]])
  rank <- n[[5]]
  nodes <- data.frame(id, parent, rank)

## Get the taxonomic rank of the selected node
getrank <- function(id, taxdir, nodes = NULL) { 
  if(is.null(nodes)) nodes <- getnodes(taxdir)
  return(as.character(nodes$rank[match(id, nodes$id)]))

# Get the parent id of the selected node
# or higher ranking ancestor if specified 
parent <- function(id, taxdir, rank = NULL, nodes = NULL) {
  if(is.null(nodes)) nodes <- getnodes(taxdir)
  id.out <- numeric()
  for(i in 1:length(id)) {
    myid <- id[i]
    if(is.null(rank)) {
      # The immediate parent
      id.out <- c(id.out, nodes$parent[nodes$id == myid])
    } else {
      # Parent, grandparent, etc.
      myrank <- getrank(myid, taxdir, nodes)
      if(is.na(myrank)) myid <- NA
      else while(myrank != rank) {
        myid <- parent(myid, taxdir, nodes = nodes)
        myrank <- getrank(myid, taxdir, nodes)
        if(myid == 1) break
      id.out <- c(id.out, myid)

## Get the ids of all of the parents of the selected node
allparents <- function(id, taxdir, nodes = NULL) {
  if(is.null(nodes)) nodes <- getnodes(taxdir)
  thisid <- id
  while(thisid != 1) {
    thisid <- parent(thisid, taxdir = taxdir, nodes = nodes)
    id <- c(id, thisid)

## Read the entire taxonomy names file
getnames <- function(taxdir) {
  n <- scan(paste(taxdir, "names.dmp", sep = "/"),
    what = as.list(character(7)), flush = TRUE, quote = "", sep = "\t")
  id <- as.numeric(n[[1]])
  name <- n[[3]]
  type <- n[[7]]
  names <- data.frame(id, name, type)

## Get the scientific name(s) of the selected node(s)
sciname <- function(id, taxdir, names = NULL) {
  if(is.null(names)) names <- getnames(taxdir)
  # We're only interested in the scientific names 
  isci <- which(names$type == "scientific name")
  names <- names[isci, ]
  # Now identify the entries of interest
  names <- names[match(id, names$id), ]
  n <- as.character(names$name)
  if(length(id) == 1) n <- s2c(n, sep = "\t")[1]

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CHNOSZ documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:30 a.m.