#' CICA: Clusterwise Independent Component Analysis
#'@description Main function to perform Clusterwise Independent Component Analysis
#' @import ica
#' @importFrom plotly plot_ly
#' @import RNifti
#' @importFrom Rfast eigen.sym cova
#' @importFrom stats as.dist cutree hclust rect.hclust cmdscale cor runif
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar combn tail
#' @importFrom mclust adjustedRandIndex
#' @importFrom methods hasArg
#' @param DataList a list of matrices
#' @param RanStarts number of random starts
#' @param RatStarts Generate rational starts. Either 'all' or a specific linkage method name (e.g., 'complete'). Use NULL to indicate that Rational starts should not be used.
#' @param pseudo percentage value for perturbating rational starts to obtain pseudo rational starts
#' @param pseudoFac factor to multiply the number of rational starts (7 in total) to obtain pseudorational starts
#' @param nComp number or vector of ICA components per cluster
#' @param nClus number or vector of clusters
#' @param method Component method, default is \code{fastICA}. \code{EVD} for a fast eigen value based estimation
#' @param userGrid user supplied data.frame for multiple model CICA. First column are the requested components. Second column are the requested clusters
#' @param scalevalue desired sum of squares of the block scaling procedure
#' @param center mean center matrices
#' @param userDef a user-defined starting seed stored in a data.frame, if NULL no userDef starting partition is used
#' @param maxiter maximum number of iterations for each start
#' @param verbose print loss information to console
#' @param ctol tolerance value for convergence criterion
#' @param checks boolean parameter that indicates whether the input checks should be run (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
#' @return \code{CICA} returns an object of \code{\link{class}} "CICA". It contains the estimated clustering, cluster specific component matrices and subject specific time course matrices
#' \item{P}{partitioning vector of size \code{length(DataList)}}
#' \item{Sr}{list of size \code{nClus}, containing cluster specific independent components}
#' \item{Ais}{list of size \code{length(DataList)}, containing subject specific time courses}
#' \item{Loss}{loss function value of the best start}
#' \item{FinalLossDiff}{value of the loss difference between the last two iterations of the algorithm.}
#' \item{IndLoss}{a vector with containing the individual loss function values}
#' \item{LossStarts}{loss function values of all starts}
#' \item{Iterations}{Number of iterations}
#' \item{starts}{dataframe with the used starting partitions}
#' @author Jeffrey Durieux
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' CICA_data <- Sim_CICA(Nr = 15, Q = 5, R = 4, voxels = 100, timepoints = 10,
#' E = 0.4, overlap = .25, externalscore = TRUE)
#' multiple_output = CICA(DataList = CICA_data$X, nComp = 2:6, nClus = 1:5,
#' method = 'fastICA',userGrid = NULL, RanStarts = 30, RatStarts = NULL,
#' pseudo = c(0.1, 0.2),pseudoFac = 2, userDef = NULL, scalevalue = 1000,
#' center = TRUE,maxiter = 100, verbose = TRUE, ctol = .000001)
#' summary(multiple_output$Q_5_R_4)
#' plot(multiple_output$Q_5_R_4)
#' }
#' @export
CICA <- function(DataList, nComp, nClus, method = 'fastICA', RanStarts, RatStarts=NULL, pseudo=NULL, pseudoFac, userDef = NULL, userGrid = NULL, scalevalue = 1000, center = TRUE, maxiter = 100, verbose = TRUE, ctol = .000001, checks = TRUE){
#### input arguments check ####
filenames <- 1:length(DataList)
filenames <- names(DataList)
# Feasible randomstart number check (limit is 10% of Stirling number of the 2nd kind)
if(RanStarts > 1){
m <- 0
minClus <- min(nClus)
if(minClus == 1){
minClus <- 2
for (j in 0:minClus){
m <- m + (-1)^(minClus - j) * choose(minClus, j) * j^length(DataList)
stirNum <- m/factorial(minClus)
if(RanStarts >= stirNum*.1){
stop('Too many RanStarts requested, lower the number of RanStarts')
# if(exists("pseudoFac")){
# if(!is.null(pseudoFac)){
# if(length(pseudoFac)>1){
# stop("pseudoFac must be a unique value, not a vector")
# }
# }
# }
stop("Provide a unique method or use 'all' if you want to use all the available methods")
METHODS <- c("ward.D", "single", "complete", "average", "mcquitty",
"median", "centroid", "ward.D2", 'all')
i.meth <- pmatch(RatStarts, METHODS)
stop('Invalid RatStarts argument')
if(hasArg(nComp) == FALSE){
stop('nComp or userGrid not provided')
if(hasArg(nClus) == FALSE){
stop('nClus or userGrid not provided')
if (is.list(DataList) == FALSE){
stop('Provided DataList is not a list object')
if(any(pseudo==0)){#Pseudo==0 does not make sense. Transform it to 0
warning("0 is not a possible value for pseudo. Pseudo-rational starts are not computed.")
if(all(pseudo > 0 & pseudo <=1) == FALSE){
stop('pseudo should be a value between 0 and 1')
if(!is.null(userDef) && length(nClus)!=1){
stop("User-defined partitions are only allowed when a unique value for the number of clusters is provided")
#if( all(sapply(DataList, class)[1,] == 'matrix') == FALSE){
# stop('Please check input DataList, elements are not matrices')
# check if dimensions are equal
if (all( rowSums(sapply(DataList,dim)) == dim(DataList[[1]]) * length(DataList) ) == FALSE ){
stop('Please check input DataList, dimensions are not equal over all matrices')
userDef<-as.matrix(userDef, nrow = NROW(DataList))
for (i in 1:NCOL(userDef)) {
stop(paste0("The number of clusters provided in the user defined partition ", i," is not equal to the number of clusters requested"))
if (!(method %in% c('fastICA','EVD'))){
stop('Provided method is not fastICA or EVD')
#if( nComp > ncol(DataList[[1]]) ){
# stop('Number of components to extract is larger than the number of variables in each data matrix')
}#end checking input arguments
#### Preprocessing ####
if(center == TRUE){
DataList <- lapply(seq_along(DataList), function(i){
sweep(DataList[[i]], 1, rowMeans( DataList[[i]] ) )
# scale datamatrices such that they have an equal sum of squares
DataList <- lapply(DataList, FUN = xscale, value = scalevalue)
nBlocks <- length(DataList)
# if EVD is used: first compute cov
if(method == 'EVD'){
groups <- rep(1:nBlocks, each = (nBlocks*ncol(DataList[[1]]))/(nBlocks))
indexList <- split(1:(nBlocks*ncol(DataList[[1]])), groups)
XsL <- ConcData(DataList, rep(1, length(DataList)))
XsL <- XsL[[1]]
covL <- cova(XsL, large = TRUE)
##### multiple models part ########
if(!is.null(userGrid) ){
stop('Provided userGrid is not a data.frame object')
if(ncol(userGrid) != 2){
stop('Structure of provided userGrid is not correct')
colnames(userGrid) <- c('nComp', 'nClus')
grid <- userGrid
}else if((length(nComp) != 1 | length(nClus) != 1) & is.null(userGrid) ){
grid <- expand.grid(nComp=nComp, nClus=nClus)
grid <- data.frame(nComp,nClus)
# total loss
Losstotal <- sum( sapply( seq_along(DataList),
function(i) sum( DataList[[i]]^2)) ) + 1
multioutput <- list()
for(ng in 1:nrow(grid)){
LossStarts <- numeric()
FinalLossDiff <- numeric()
TempOutput <- list()
nS <- 1
startvecs <- matrix(rep(1,length(DataList)))
startvecs <- NULL
##### define userDef, rational and random starts ####
startvecs <- userDef
if(RanStarts != 0){
randomstarts <- GenRanStarts(RanStarts = RanStarts,
nClus = grid$nClus[ng],
nBlocks = length(DataList),
ARIlim = .2, itmax = 1000,
verbose = verbose)
startvecs <- randomstarts$rs
startvecs <- cbind(startvecs, randomstarts$rs)
rationalstarts <- GenRatStarts(DataList = DataList,RatStarts = RatStarts, nComp = grid$nComp[ng],
nClus = grid$nClus[ng],
scalevalue = scalevalue,
center = center,verbose = verbose,
pseudo = pseudo , pseudoFac = pseudoFac)
startvecs <- rationalstarts$rat$rationalstarts
startvecs <- cbind(startvecs, rationalstarts$rat$rationalstarts)
nS <- ncol(startvecs)
for(st in 1:nS){
if(verbose == TRUE){
cat('Computing Q ', grid$nComp[ng], ' and R ', grid$nClus[ng], fill = TRUE)
cat('Start number: ',st, '\n')
iter <- 1
#### step 1 initialize P ####
newclus <- startvecs[ ,st]
# if(!is.null(userDef)){
# if(class(userDef) == 'rstarts'){
# if(st <= dim(userDef$rationalstarts)[2]){
# if(verbose == TRUE){
# cat('Type of start: userDef \n')
# }
# newclus <- userDef$rationalstarts[,st]
# }else{
# if(verbose == TRUE){
# cat('Type of start: Random \n')
# }
# newclus <- clusf(nBlocks, grid$nClus[ng])
# }
# }else{
# if(st == 1){
# if(verbose == TRUE){
# cat('Type of start: Rational \n')
# }
# newclus <- userDef
# }else{
# if(verbose == TRUE){
# cat('Type of start: Random \n')
# }
# newclus <- clusf(nBlocks, grid$nClus[ng])
# }
# }
# }else{
# if(verbose == TRUE){
# cat('Type of start: Random \n')
# }
# newclus <- clusf(nBlocks, grid$nClus[ng])
# }
# and concatenate datablocks according to clustering
SortedDataList <- ConcData(DataList = DataList, ClusVec = newclus)
#### Step 2 extract group ICA parameters (only Sr is necessary ####
if(method == 'EVD'){
idl <- lapply(seq_along(1:grid$nClus[ng]), function(i) c(indexList[newclus==i]))
idl <- lapply(seq_along(idl), function(i) unlist(idl[[i]]))
covL <- NULL
idl <- NULL
ICAparams <- ExtractICA(DataList = SortedDataList, nComp = grid$nComp[ng], method, covL, indexList = idl)
#### Step 3 update P ####
UpdatedPInfo <- Reclus(DataList = DataList, SrList = ICAparams$Sr)
# check empty clusters
newclus <- SearchEmptyClusters(nClus = grid$nClus[ng],
newcluster = UpdatedPInfo$newclus,
SSminVec = UpdatedPInfo$SSminVec)
# UpdatedPInfo$Loss <- sum(sapply(seq_along(UpdatedPInfo$SSList), function(i) UpdatedPInfo$SSList[[i]][newclus[i]]))
if(length(unique(newclus)) != grid$nClus[ng] & verbose == TRUE){
cat('empty cluster, checkempties\n')
# add new loss to lossvector
if(iter == 1){
Loss <- c(Losstotal, UpdatedPInfo$Loss)
Loss <- c(Loss, UpdatedPInfo$Loss)
if(verbose == TRUE){
#### step 4 convergence ####
iter <- iter + 1
if( Loss[iter-1] - Loss[iter] < ctol | iter == maxiter ){
if(verbose == TRUE){
if(iter == maxiter){
cat('Maximum number of iterations reached \n')
if( Loss[iter-1] - Loss[iter] >= ctol ){
cat('Convergence not reached \n')
cat('Convergence \n')
}# end repeat
LossStarts[st] <- Loss[iter]
FinalLossDiff[st] <- Loss[iter-1] - Loss[iter]
# procedure to only save current best start on first position of TempOutput
if(st == 1){
TempOutput$`1`$P <- newclus
TempOutput$`1`$Sr <- ICAparams$Sr
TempOutput$`1`$Loss <- tail(LossStarts, n = 1)
TempOutput$`1`$FinalLossDiff <- tail(FinalLossDiff, n = 1)
TempOutput$`1`$iterations <- iter - 1
TempOutput$`1`$SSmin <- UpdatedPInfo$SSminVec
}else if(st >= 2){
TempOutput$`2`$P <- newclus
TempOutput$`2`$Sr <- ICAparams$Sr
TempOutput$`2`$Loss <- tail(LossStarts, n = 1)
TempOutput$`2`$FinalLossDiff <- tail(FinalLossDiff, n = 1)
TempOutput$`2`$iterations <- iter - 1
TempOutput$`2`$SSmin <- UpdatedPInfo$SSminVec
if(TempOutput$`2`$Loss <= TempOutput$`1`$Loss){
TempOutput$`1`$P <- TempOutput$`2`$P
TempOutput$`1`$Sr <- TempOutput$`2`$Sr
TempOutput$`1`$Loss <- TempOutput$`2`$Loss
TempOutput$`1`$FinalLossDiff <-TempOutput$`2`$FinalLossDiff
TempOutput$`1`$iterations <- iter - 1
TempOutput$`1`$SSmin <- TempOutput$`2`$SSmin
}# end for nstarts
#### output ####
P <- TempOutput$`1`$P
Sr <- TempOutput$`1`$Sr
Ais <- lapply( seq_along(DataList), function(anom){
crossprod(DataList[[anom]], Sr[[ P[anom] ]]) %*% mpinv( t(Sr[[ P[anom] ]]) %*% Sr[[ P[anom] ]])
# if(is.null(names(DataList))){
# names(P) <- 1:length(DataList)
# }else{
# cat('test')
# names(P) <- names(DataList)
# }
names(P) <- filenames
output <- list()
output$P <- P
output$Sr <- Sr
output$Ais <- Ais
output$Loss <- TempOutput$`1`$Loss
output$FinalLossDiff <- TempOutput$`1`$FinalLossDiff
output$IndLoss <- TempOutput$`1`$SSmin
output$LossStarts <- LossStarts
output$iterations <- TempOutput$`1`$iterations
output$starts <- startvecs
class(output) <- 'CICA'
multioutput[[ng]] <- output
}# end for ng - grid
gridnames <- paste('Q_', grid$nComp,'_R_', grid$nClus, sep = '')
names(multioutput) <- gridnames
if(length(multioutput) > 1){
class(multioutput) <- 'MultipleCICA'
multioutput <- multioutput[[1]]
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