Defines functions tsne_centralities summary_tsne_centralities summary_calculate_centralities summary_graph_extract_components summary_pca_centralities visualize_dendrogram visualize_correlations visualize_heatmap visualize_pair_correlation visualize_association visualize_graph pca_centralities calculate_centralities proper_centralities giant_component_extract misc_extract_components graph_extract_components

Documented in calculate_centralities giant_component_extract graph_extract_components misc_extract_components pca_centralities proper_centralities summary_calculate_centralities summary_graph_extract_components summary_pca_centralities summary_tsne_centralities tsne_centralities visualize_association visualize_correlations visualize_dendrogram visualize_graph visualize_heatmap visualize_pair_correlation

#' @title Component extraction of a graph
#' @description This function extracts all connected components of the
#' input, which can be an "igraph" object or a "network" object,
#' and converts them to "igraph" objects.
#' @param x An igraph or a network object.
#' @param directed Whether to create a directed graph (default = TRUE).
#' @param bipartite_proj Whether the bipartite network must be projected or not (default = FALSE).
#' @param num_proj Numbers 1 or 2 that show the number of projects for bipartite graphs (default = 1).
#' @details
#' This function separates different components of an "igraph" or a "network" object and
#' illustrates them as a list of independent graphs. If the input graph was bipartite and the
#' "bipartite_proj" was TRUE, it will project it, and you can decide in which project you want
#' to continue working with.
#' @seealso \code{\link[igraph]{induced.subgraph}}, \code{\link[igraph]{components}}
#' @return A list including the components of the input as igraph objects.
#' The output is a list where each element represents a component and is an igraph object.
#' The components are disconnected subgraphs of the input graph.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @examples
#' data(zachary)
#' graph_extract_components(zachary)
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph is_igraph
#' @importFrom igraph is_bipartite
#' @importFrom igraph bipartite.projection
#' @importFrom igraph simplify
#' @importFrom igraph is_simple
#' @importFrom igraph clusters
#' @importFrom igraph induced.subgraph
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_edgelist
#' @importFrom network is.network
#' @importFrom network as.edgelist
#' @importFrom network network
#' @keywords internal
#' @return A list including the components of the input as igraph objects.

graph_extract_components <- function( x, directed = TRUE, bipartite_proj=FALSE, num_proj=1){

  if(!("igraph" %in% class(x)|| "network" %in% class(x))) stop("The input is not an igraph or a
                                                           network object")


    if( bipartite_proj){



        if (!is_simple(x))   x<-simplify(x)

        cl <- clusters(x)

        graph.splitting <- function(k, x, cl){
          induced.subgraph(x, cl$membership == k)

        components<-sapply(1:max(cl$membership), graph.splitting, x = x, cl = cl, simplify = FALSE)




      if (!is_simple(x))   x<-simplify(x)

      cl <- clusters(x)

      graph_splitting <- function(k, x, cl){
        induced.subgraph(x, cl$membership == k)

      components<-sapply(1:max(cl$membership), graph_splitting, x = x, cl = cl, simplify = FALSE)



  if( is.network(x)){


    x<-graph_from_edgelist(edgelist, directed = TRUE)

    if (!is_simple(x))  x<-simplify(x)

    cl <- clusters(x)

    graph_splitting <- function(k, x, cl){
      induced.subgraph(x, cl$membership == k)

    components<-sapply(1:max(cl$membership), graph_splitting, x = x, cl = cl, simplify = FALSE)




#' @title Component extraction of miscellaneous graph formats
#' @description This function extracts all components of the input with various formats
#' and converts them to "igraph" objects.
#' @param x The input can be an edgelist, an adjacency matrix, or a graphNEL object.
#' @param directed Whether to create a directed graph. (default = TRUE)
#' @param mode Character scalar, explains how to interpret the supplied matrix.
#' Possible values are: "directed", "undirected", "upper", "lower", "max", "min", "plus". (default = "directed")
#' @param weighted An argument for specifying whether the graph should be weighted or not.
#' If it is NULL, then an unweighted graph is created. (default = NULL)
#' @param unibipartite A boolean parameter describing whether the input edge list corresponds
#' to a bipartite graph. A TRUE value specifies a bipartite graph, and vice versa. (default = FALSE)
#' @param diag Logical scalar, whether to consider the diagonal of the matrix or not.
#' If it is FALSE, then the diagonal is treated as zeros. (default = TRUE)
#' @details
#' This function extracts components from the input object, which can be an edgelist,
#' an adjacency matrix, or a graphNEL object. The result is a list including the components
#' represented as separate graphs.
#' @seealso \code{\link[igraph]{induced.subgraph}}, \code{\link[igraph]{components}},
#' \code{\link[igraph]{graph_from_adjacency_matrix}}
#' @return A list including the components of the input graph as igraph objects.
#' Each element of the list represents a component and is an igraph object.
#' The components are disconnected subgraphs of the input graph.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_edgelist
#' @importFrom igraph %>%
#' @importFrom igraph simplify
#' @importFrom igraph clusters
#' @importFrom igraph induced.subgraph
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_edgelist
#' @importFrom igraph as_edgelist
#' @importFrom network is.network
#' @importFrom network as.edgelist
#' @importFrom network network
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_incidence_matrix
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_adjacency_matrix
#' @importFrom plyr .

misc_extract_components <- function( x ,directed = TRUE, mode = "directed",
                                     weighted = NULL, unibipartite = FALSE,
                                     diag = TRUE){
  if (ncol(x)%in%2) {

    if (unibipartite%in%FALSE){

      x <- graph_from_edgelist(x, directed = directed)

      if (!is_simple(x))   x<-simplify(x)

      cl <- clusters(x)

      graph_splitting <- function(k, x, cl){

        induced.subgraph(x, cl$membership == k)


      components <- sapply(1:max(cl$membership), graph_splitting, x = x, cl = cl, simplify = FALSE)



      el <- cbind(x,1)

      incidence_mat <- el[rep(seq_len(nrow(el)), el[,'1']), c(colnames(el)[1], colnames(el)[2])] %>%
      {split(.[,colnames(el)[2]], .[,colnames(el)[1]])} %>%

      x <- graph_from_incidence_matrix(incidence_mat, directed=directed)

      if (!is_simple(x))   x <- simplify(x)

      cl <- clusters(x)

      graph_splitting <- function(k, x, cl){

        induced.subgraph(x, cl$membership == k)


      components <- sapply(1:max(cl$membership), graph_splitting, x = x, cl = cl, simplify = FALSE)



  if (ncol(x)>2||class(x)%in%"dgCMatrix") {

    x <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(x, mode = mode, weighted = weighted, diag = diag,
                                     add.colnames = NULL, add.rownames = NA)

    if (!is_simple(x))   x<-simplify(x)

    cl <- clusters(x)

    graph_splitting <- function(k, x, cl){

      induced.subgraph(x, cl$membership == k)


    components <- sapply(1:max(cl$membership), graph_splitting, x = x, cl = cl, simplify = FALSE)



#' @title Giant component extraction of a graph
#' @description This function extracts the largest connected component or the giant component
#' of the input graph, which can be an "igraph" object or a "network" object, and converts
#' it to an "igraph" object. For bipartite graphs, this function can perform projection
#' before extracting the components.
#' @param x An igraph or a network object.
#' @param directed Whether to create a directed graph. (default = TRUE)
#' @param bipartite_proj Whether the bipartite network must be projected or not. (default = FALSE)
#' @param num_proj A number indicating the specific projection to work with, especially for
#' bipartite graphs. (default = 1)
#' @details
#' This function identifies the largest component of an "igraph" or a "network" object
#' and returns it as a list containing the giant component as an igraph object and its
#' corresponding edgelist. If the input graph is bipartite and the "bipartite_proj" parameter
#' is set to TRUE, the function can perform projection before extracting the components. You
#' can specify which projection to work with using the "num_proj" parameter.
#' @seealso \code{\link[igraph]{induced.subgraph}}, \code{\link[igraph]{clusters}}
#' @return A list containing the giant component of the input graph. The first element is an igraph object
#' representing the giant component, and the second element is the corresponding edgelist.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @references
#' Newman, M. (2010). Networks. Oxford University Press.
#' @examples
#' # A graph with 4 vertices
#' data(zachary)
#' giant_component_extract(zachary)
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph is_igraph
#' @importFrom igraph is_bipartite
#' @importFrom igraph bipartite.projection
#' @importFrom igraph is_simple
#' @importFrom igraph simplify
#' @importFrom igraph clusters
#' @importFrom igraph induced.subgraph
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_edgelist
#' @importFrom igraph as_edgelist
#' @importFrom network is.network
#' @importFrom network as.edgelist
#' @importFrom network network

giant_component_extract <- function( x, directed = TRUE, bipartite_proj=FALSE ,num_proj=1){

  if (!("igraph" %in% class(x)|| "network" %in% class(x))) stop("The input is not an igraph or a network object")

  if (is_igraph(x)){

    if ( bipartite_proj){

      if (is_bipartite(x)){

        x <- bipartite.projection(x)[[num_proj]]

        if (!is_simple(x))   x <- simplify(x)

        cl <- clusters(x)

        giant_comp <- induced.subgraph(x, which(cl$membership == which.max(cl$csize)))

        giant_comp_edgelist <- as_edgelist(giant_comp, names = TRUE)


      else stop("The graph is not bipartite")



      if (!is_simple(x))   x<-simplify(x)

      cl <- clusters(x)

      giant_comp <- induced.subgraph(x, which(cl$membership == which.max(cl$csize)))

      giant_comp_edgelist <- as_edgelist(giant_comp, names = TRUE)



  if ( is.network(x)){


    x <- graph_from_edgelist(edgelist, directed = directed)

    if (!is_simple(x))  x<-simplify(x)

    cl <- clusters(x)

    giant_comp <- induced.subgraph(x, which(cl$membership == which.max(cl$csize)))

    giant_comp_edgelist <- as_edgelist(giant_comp, names = TRUE)


  result <- list(giant_comp,giant_comp_edgelist)



#' @title Proper centrality measure representation
#' @description This function indicates the proper centrality measures of an igraph object
#' based on the network topology.
#' @param x An igraph object.
#' @details
#' This function returns a list including the names of centrality measures that are applicable
#' for the input graph based on its topology.
#' @seealso \code{\link[CINNA]{calculate_centralities}}
#' @return A list including the names of centrality measures that are suitable for the input graph.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @examples
#' data("zachary")
#' proper_centralities(zachary)
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph is_igraph
#' @importFrom igraph is_directed
#' @importFrom igraph is_weighted


  if (!is_igraph(x)) stop(" Error: x must be a class of igraph object ")

  if (is_directed(x) && is_weighted(x)){

    proper_centralities <- c("Alpha Centrality",
                             "Burt's Constraint",
                             "Page Rank" ,
                             "Average Distance",
                             "Barycenter Centrality" ,
                             "BottleNeck Centrality",
                             "Centroid value" ,
                             "Closeness Centrality (Freeman)" ,
                             "ClusterRank" ,
                             "Decay Centrality",
                             "Degree Centrality" ,
                             "Diffusion Degree",
                             "DMNC - Density of Maximum Neighborhood Component" ,
                             "Eccentricity Centrality" ,
                             "Harary Centrality",
                             "eigenvector centralities" ,
                             "K-core Decomposition" ,
                             "Geodesic K-Path Centrality" ,
                             "Katz Centrality (Katz Status Index)" ,
                             "Kleinberg's authority centrality scores",
                             "Kleinberg's hub centrality scores" ,
                             "clustering coefficient" ,
                             "Lin Centrality" ,
                             "Lobby Index (Centrality)" ,
                             "Markov Centrality" ,
                             "Radiality Centrality",
                             "Shortest-Paths Betweenness Centrality" ,
                             "Current-Flow Closeness Centrality",
                             "Closeness centrality (Latora)" ,
                             "Communicability Betweenness Centrality",
                             "Community Centrality" ,
                             "Cross-Clique Connectivity" ,
                             "Entropy Centrality" ,
                             "EPC - Edge Percolated Component" ,
                             "Laplacian Centrality" ,
                             "Leverage Centrality" ,
                             "MNC - Maximum Neighborhood Component" ,
                             "Hubbell Index" ,
                             "Semi Local Centrality",
                             "Closeness Vitality" ,
                             "Residual Closeness Centrality",
                             "Stress Centrality",
                             "Load Centrality",
                             "Flow Betweenness Centrality",
                             "Information Centrality",
                             "Dangalchev Closeness Centrality",
                             "Group Centrality",
                             "Harmonic Centrality",
                             "Local Bridging Centrality",
                             "Wiener Index Centrality",
                             "Weighted Vertex Degree"


  if (!is_directed(x) && is_weighted(x)) {

    proper_centralities<-c(    "subgraph centrality scores",
                               "Topological Coefficient",
                               "Average Distance",
                               "Barycenter Centrality" ,
                               "BottleNeck Centrality",
                               "Centroid value" ,
                               "Closeness Centrality (Freeman)" ,
                               "ClusterRank" ,
                               "Decay Centrality",
                               "Degree Centrality" ,
                               "Diffusion Degree",
                               "DMNC - Density of Maximum Neighborhood Component" ,
                               "Eccentricity Centrality" ,
                               "Harary Centrality",
                               "eigenvector centralities" ,
                               "K-core Decomposition" ,
                               "Geodesic K-Path Centrality" ,
                               "Katz Centrality (Katz Status Index)" ,
                               "Kleinberg's authority centrality scores",
                               "Kleinberg's hub centrality scores" ,
                               "clustering coefficient" ,
                               "Lin Centrality" ,
                               "Lobby Index (Centrality)" ,
                               "Markov Centrality" ,
                               "Radiality Centrality",
                               "Shortest-Paths Betweenness Centrality" ,
                               "Current-Flow Closeness Centrality",
                               "Closeness centrality (Latora)" ,
                               "Communicability Betweenness Centrality",
                               "Community Centrality" ,
                               "Cross-Clique Connectivity" ,
                               "Entropy Centrality" ,
                               "EPC - Edge Percolated Component" ,
                               "Laplacian Centrality" ,
                               "Leverage Centrality" ,
                               "MNC - Maximum Neighborhood Component" ,
                               "Hubbell Index" ,
                               "Semi Local Centrality",
                               "Closeness Vitality" ,
                               "Residual Closeness Centrality",
                               "Stress Centrality",
                               "Load Centrality",
                               "Flow Betweenness Centrality",
                               "Information Centrality",
                               "Dangalchev Closeness Centrality",
                               "Group Centrality",
                               "Harmonic Centrality",
                               "Local Bridging Centrality",
                               "Wiener Index Centrality",
                               "Weighted Vertex Degree"


  if (!is_directed(x) && !is_weighted(x)) {
    proper_centralities <- c( "subgraph centrality scores",
                              "Topological Coefficient",
                              "Average Distance",
                              "Barycenter Centrality" ,
                              "BottleNeck Centrality",
                              "Centroid value" ,
                              "Closeness Centrality (Freeman)" ,
                              "ClusterRank" ,
                              "Decay Centrality",
                              "Degree Centrality" ,
                              "Diffusion Degree",
                              "DMNC - Density of Maximum Neighborhood Component" ,
                              "Eccentricity Centrality" ,
                              "Harary Centrality",
                              "eigenvector centralities" ,
                              "K-core Decomposition" ,
                              "Geodesic K-Path Centrality" ,
                              "Katz Centrality (Katz Status Index)" ,
                              "Kleinberg's authority centrality scores",
                              "Kleinberg's hub centrality scores" ,
                              "clustering coefficient" ,
                              "Lin Centrality" ,
                              "Lobby Index (Centrality)" ,
                              "Markov Centrality" ,
                              "Radiality Centrality",
                              "Shortest-Paths Betweenness Centrality" ,
                              "Current-Flow Closeness Centrality",
                              "Closeness centrality (Latora)" ,
                              "Communicability Betweenness Centrality",
                              "Community Centrality" ,
                              "Cross-Clique Connectivity" ,
                              "Entropy Centrality" ,
                              "EPC - Edge Percolated Component" ,
                              "Laplacian Centrality" ,
                              "Leverage Centrality" ,
                              "MNC - Maximum Neighborhood Component" ,
                              "Hubbell Index" ,
                              "Semi Local Centrality",
                              "Closeness Vitality" ,
                              "Residual Closeness Centrality",
                              "Stress Centrality",
                              "Load Centrality",
                              "Flow Betweenness Centrality",
                              "Information Centrality",
                              "Dangalchev Closeness Centrality",
                              "Group Centrality",
                              "Harmonic Centrality",
                              "Local Bridging Centrality",
                              "Wiener Index Centrality"

  if (is_directed(x) && !is_weighted(x) ) {
    proper_centralities <- c("Alpha Centrality" ,
                             "Bonacich power centralities of positions" ,
                             "Page Rank" ,
                             "Average Distance",
                             "Barycenter Centrality" ,
                             "BottleNeck Centrality",
                             "Centroid value" ,
                             "Closeness Centrality (Freeman)" ,
                             "ClusterRank" ,
                             "Decay Centrality",
                             "Degree Centrality" ,
                             "Diffusion Degree",
                             "DMNC - Density of Maximum Neighborhood Component" ,
                             "Eccentricity Centrality" ,
                             "Harary Centrality",
                             "eigenvector centralities" ,
                             "K-core Decomposition" ,
                             "Geodesic K-Path Centrality" ,
                             "Katz Centrality (Katz Status Index)" ,
                             "Kleinberg's authority centrality scores",
                             "Kleinberg's hub centrality scores" ,
                             "clustering coefficient" ,
                             "Lin Centrality" ,
                             "Lobby Index (Centrality)" ,
                             "Markov Centrality" ,
                             "Radiality Centrality",
                             "Shortest-Paths Betweenness Centrality" ,
                             "Current-Flow Closeness Centrality",
                             "Closeness centrality (Latora)" ,
                             "Communicability Betweenness Centrality",
                             "Community Centrality" ,
                             "Cross-Clique Connectivity" ,
                             "Entropy Centrality" ,
                             "EPC - Edge Percolated Component" ,
                             "Laplacian Centrality" ,
                             "Leverage Centrality" ,
                             "MNC - Maximum Neighborhood Component" ,
                             "Hubbell Index" ,
                             "Semi Local Centrality",
                             "Closeness Vitality" ,
                             "Residual Closeness Centrality",
                             "Stress Centrality",
                             "Load Centrality",
                             "Flow Betweenness Centrality",
                             "Information Centrality",
                             "Dangalchev Closeness Centrality",
                             "Group Centrality",
                             "Harmonic Centrality",
                             "Local Bridging Centrality",
                             "Wiener Index Centrality"



#' @title Centrality measure calculation
#' @description This function computes multitude centrality measures of an igraph object.
#' @param x the component of a network as an igraph object
#' @param except A vector containing names of centrality measures which could be omitted from the calculations.
#' @param include A vector including names of centrality measures which should be computed.
#' @param weights A character scalar specifying the edge attribute to use. (default=NULL)
#' @details
#' This function calculates various types of centrality measures which are applicable to the network topology
#' and returns the results as a list. In the "except" argument, you can specify centrality measures that are
#' not necessary to calculate.
#' @seealso \code{\link[igraph]{alpha.centrality}}, \code{\link[igraph]{bonpow}}, \code{\link[igraph]{constraint}},
#'   \code{\link[igraph]{centr_degree}}, \code{\link[igraph]{eccentricity}}, \code{\link[igraph]{eigen_centrality}},
#'   \code{\link[igraph]{coreness}}, \code{\link[igraph]{authority_score}}, \code{\link[igraph]{hub_score}},
#'   \code{\link[igraph]{transitivity}}, \code{\link[igraph]{page_rank}}, \code{\link[igraph]{betweenness}},
#'   \code{\link[igraph]{subgraph.centrality}}, \code{\link[sna]{flowbet}}, \code{\link[sna]{infocent}},
#'   \code{\link[sna]{loadcent}}, \code{\link[sna]{stresscent}}, \code{\link[sna]{graphcent}}, \code{\link[centiserve]{topocoefficient}},
#'   \code{\link[centiserve]{closeness.currentflow}}, \code{\link[centiserve]{closeness.latora}},
#'   \code{\link[centiserve]{communibet}}, \code{\link[centiserve]{communitycent}},
#'   \code{\link[centiserve]{crossclique}}, \code{\link[centiserve]{entropy}},
#'   \code{\link[centiserve]{epc}}, \code{\link[centiserve]{laplacian}}, \code{\link[centiserve]{leverage}},
#'   \code{\link[centiserve]{mnc}}, \code{\link[centiserve]{hubbell}}, \code{\link[centiserve]{semilocal}},
#'   \code{\link[centiserve]{closeness.vitality}},
#'   \code{\link[centiserve]{closeness.residual}}, \code{\link[centiserve]{lobby}},
#'   \code{\link[centiserve]{markovcent}}, \code{\link[centiserve]{radiality}}, \code{\link[centiserve]{lincent}},
#'   \code{\link[centiserve]{geokpath}}, \code{\link[centiserve]{katzcent}}, \code{\link[centiserve]{diffusion.degree}},
#'   \code{\link[centiserve]{dmnc}}, \code{\link[centiserve]{centroid}}, \code{\link[centiserve]{closeness.freeman}},
#'   \code{\link[centiserve]{clusterrank}}, \code{\link[centiserve]{decay}},
#'   \code{\link[centiserve]{barycenter}}, \code{\link[centiserve]{bottleneck}}, \code{\link[centiserve]{averagedis}},
#'   \code{\link[CINNA]{local_bridging_centrality}}, \code{\link[CINNA]{wiener_index_centrality}}, \code{\link[CINNA]{group_centrality}},
#'   \code{\link[CINNA]{dangalchev_closeness_centrality}}, \code{\link[CINNA]{harmonic_centrality}}, \code{\link[igraph]{strength}}
#' @return A list containing centrality measure values. Each column indicates a centrality measure, and each row corresponds to a vertex.
#'         The structure of the output is as follows:
#'         - The list has named elements, where each element represents a centrality measure.
#'         - The value of each element is a numeric vector, where each element of the vector corresponds to a vertex in the network.
#'         - The order of vertices in the numeric vectors matches the order of vertices in the input igraph object.
#'         - The class of the output is "centrality".
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @references
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#' Burt, R. S. (2004). Structural Holes and Good Ideas. American Journal of Sociology, 110(2), 349–399.
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#' @examples
#' data("zachary")
#' p <- proper_centralities(zachary)
#' calculate_centralities(zachary, include = "Degree Centrality")
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph is_directed
#' @importFrom igraph is_connected
#' @importFrom igraph is_weighted
#' @importFrom igraph as_edgelist
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom igraph alpha.centrality
#' @importFrom igraph bonpow
#' @importFrom igraph constraint
#' @importFrom igraph centr_degree
#' @importFrom igraph eccentricity
#' @importFrom igraph eigen_centrality
#' @importFrom igraph coreness
#' @importFrom igraph authority_score
#' @importFrom igraph hub_score
#' @importFrom igraph transitivity
#' @importFrom igraph page_rank
#' @importFrom igraph betweenness
#' @importFrom igraph subgraph.centrality
#' @importFrom igraph strength
#' @importFrom network network
#' @importFrom sna flowbet
#' @importFrom sna infocent
#' @importFrom sna loadcent
#' @importFrom sna stresscent
#' @importFrom sna graphcent
#' @importFrom centiserve topocoefficient
#' @importFrom centiserve closeness.currentflow
#' @importFrom centiserve closeness.latora
#' @importFrom centiserve communibet
#' @importFrom centiserve communitycent
#' @importFrom centiserve crossclique
#' @importFrom centiserve entropy
#' @importFrom centiserve epc
#' @importFrom centiserve laplacian
#' @importFrom centiserve leverage
#' @importFrom centiserve mnc
#' @importFrom centiserve hubbell
#' @importFrom centiserve semilocal
#' @importFrom centiserve closeness.vitality
#' @importFrom centiserve closeness.residual
#' @importFrom centiserve lobby
#' @importFrom centiserve markovcent
#' @importFrom centiserve radiality
#' @importFrom centiserve lincent
#' @importFrom centiserve geokpath
#' @importFrom centiserve katzcent
#' @importFrom centiserve diffusion.degree
#' @importFrom centiserve dmnc
#' @importFrom centiserve centroid
#' @importFrom centiserve closeness.freeman
#' @importFrom centiserve clusterrank
#' @importFrom centiserve decay
#' @importFrom centiserve barycenter
#' @importFrom centiserve bottleneck
#' @importFrom centiserve averagedis

calculate_centralities <- function( x, except = NULL, include = NULL, weights = NULL){

  if (!("igraph" %in% class(x) && is_connected(x))) stop("The input is not an igraph object
                                                       or may not be connected.")
  y <- as_edgelist(x)
  y <- network(y)

  if (is_directed(x) && is_weighted(x) ){

    centrality_funcs <- list(
      "Alpha Centrality" = function(x) alpha.centrality(x, weights = weights),
      "Burt's Constraint" = function(x)constraint(x, weights = weights),
      "Page Rank" = function(x)page_rank(x)$vector,
      "Average Distance" = function(x)averagedis(x, weights = weights),
      "Barycenter Centrality" = function(x)barycenter(x, weights = weights),
      "BottleNeck Centrality" = function(x)bottleneck(x),
      "Centroid value" = function(x)centroid(x, weights = weights),
      "Closeness Centrality (Freeman)" = function(x)closeness.freeman(x, weights = weights),
      "ClusterRank" = function(x)clusterrank(x),
      "Decay Centrality" = function(x)decay(x, weights = weights),
      "Degree Centrality" = function(x)centr_degree(x)$res,
      "Diffusion Degree" = function(x)diffusion.degree(x),
      "DMNC - Density of Maximum Neighborhood Component" = function(x)dmnc(x),
      "Eccentricity Centrality" = function(x)eccentricity(x),
      "eigenvector centralities" = function(x)eigen_centrality(x, weights = weights)$vector,
      "K-core Decomposition" = function(x)coreness(x),
      "Geodesic K-Path Centrality" = function(x)geokpath(x, weights = weights),
      "Katz Centrality (Katz Status Index)" = function(x)katzcent(x),
      "Kleinberg's authority centrality scores" = function(x)authority_score(x, weights = weights)$vector,
      "Kleinberg's hub centrality scores" = function(x)hub_score(x, weights = weights)$vector,
      "clustering coefficient" = function(x)transitivity(x, weights = weights,type="local"),
      "Lin Centrality" = function(x)lincent(x, weights = weights),
      "Lobby Index (Centrality)" = function(x)lobby(x),
      "Markov Centrality" = function(x)markovcent(x),
      "Radiality Centrality" = function(x)radiality(x, weights = weights),
      "Shortest-Paths Betweenness Centrality" = function(x)betweenness(x),
      "Current-Flow Closeness Centrality" = function(x)closeness.currentflow(x, weights = weights),
      "Closeness centrality (Latora)" = function(x)closeness.latora(x, weights = weights),
      "Communicability Betweenness Centrality" = function(x)communibet(x),
      "Community Centrality" = function(x)communitycent(x),
      "Cross-Clique Connectivity" = function(x)crossclique(x),
      "Entropy Centrality" = function(x)entropy(x, weights = weights),
      "EPC - Edge Percolated Component" = function(x)epc(x),
      "Laplacian Centrality" = function(x)laplacian(x),
      "Leverage Centrality" = function(x)leverage(x),
      "MNC - Maximum Neighborhood Component" = function(x)mnc(x),
      "Hubbell Index" = function(x)hubbell(x, weights = weights),
      "Semi Local Centrality" = function(x)semilocal(x),
      "Closeness Vitality" = function(x)closeness.vitality(x, weights = weights),
      "Residual Closeness Centrality" = function(x)closeness.residual(x, weights = weights),
      "Stress Centrality" = function(x)stresscent(y),
      "Load Centrality" = function(x)loadcent(y),
      "Flow Betweenness Centrality" = function(x)flowbet(y),
      "Information Centrality" = function(x)infocent(y),
      "Weighted Vertex Degree" = function(x)strength(x, vids = V(x), mode ="all", weights = weights),
      "Harary Centrality" = function(x)graphcent(y, gmode="graph", diag=T, cmode="directed"),
      "Dangalchev Closeness Centrality"= function(x)dangalchev_closeness_centrality(x, vids = V(x), mode = "all", weights = weights),
      "Group Centrality"= function(x)group_centrality(x, vids = V(x)),
      "Harmonic Centrality"= function(x)harmonic_centrality(x, vids = V(x), mode = "all", weights = weights),
      "Local Bridging Centrality"= function(x)local_bridging_centrality(x, vids = V(x)),
      "Wiener Index Centrality"= function(x)wiener_index_centrality(x, vids = V(x), mode ="all", weights = weights)

    if (!is.null(include)){

      centrality_funcs <- centrality_funcs[intersect(names(centrality_funcs), include)]

      n <- names(centrality_funcs)

      warningsText <- ""
      result <- lapply(setNames(n, n),
                       function(functionName, x) {
                         f <- centrality_funcs[[functionName]]
                                  error = function(e) {
                                    warningsText <- paste0(warningsText,
                                                           "\nError in ", functionName, ":\n", e$message)
                       }, x)

      if (nchar(warningsText) > 0)
      centrality_funcs <- centrality_funcs[setdiff(names(centrality_funcs), except)]

      n <- names(centrality_funcs)

      warningsText <- ""
      result <- lapply(setNames(n, n),
                       function(functionName, x) {
                         f <- centrality_funcs[[functionName]]
                                  error = function(e) {
                                    warningsText <- paste0(warningsText,
                                                           "\nError in ", functionName, ":\n", e$message)
                       }, x)

      if (nchar(warningsText) > 0)

  if (!is_directed(x) && is_weighted(x)){

    centrality_funcs <- list(
      "subgraph centrality scores" = function(x)subgraph.centrality(x),
      "Topological Coefficient" = function(x)topocoefficient(x),
      "Average Distance" = function(x)averagedis(x, weights = weights),
      "Barycenter Centrality" = function(x)barycenter(x, weights = weights),
      "BottleNeck Centrality" = function(x)bottleneck(x),
      "Centroid value" = function(x)centroid(x, weights = weights),
      "Closeness Centrality (Freeman)" = function(x)closeness.freeman(x, weights = weights),
      "ClusterRank" = function(x)clusterrank(x),
      "Decay Centrality" = function(x)decay(x, weights = weights),
      "Degree Centrality" = function(x)centr_degree(x)$res,
      "Diffusion Degree" = function(x)diffusion.degree(x),
      "DMNC - Density of Maximum Neighborhood Component" = function(x)dmnc(x),
      "Eccentricity Centrality" = function(x)eccentricity(x),
      "eigenvector centralities" = function(x)eigen_centrality(x, weights = weights)$vector,
      "K-core Decomposition" = function(x)coreness(x),
      "Geodesic K-Path Centrality" = function(x)geokpath(x, weights = weights),
      "Katz Centrality (Katz Status Index)" = function(x)katzcent(x),
      "Kleinberg's authority centrality scores" = function(x)authority_score(x, weights = weights)$vector,
      "Kleinberg's hub centrality scores" = function(x)hub_score(x, weights = weights)$vector,
      "clustering coefficient" = function(x)transitivity(x, weights = weights,type="local"),
      "Lin Centrality" = function(x)lincent(x, weights = weights),
      "Lobby Index (Centrality)" = function(x)lobby(x),
      "Markov Centrality" = function(x)markovcent(x),
      "Radiality Centrality" = function(x)radiality(x, weights = weights),
      "Shortest-Paths Betweenness Centrality" = function(x)betweenness(x),
      "Current-Flow Closeness Centrality" = function(x)closeness.currentflow(x, weights = weights),
      "Closeness centrality (Latora)" = function(x)closeness.latora(x, weights = weights),
      "Communicability Betweenness Centrality" = function(x)communibet(x),
      "Community Centrality" = function(x)communitycent(x),
      "Cross-Clique Connectivity" = function(x)crossclique(x),
      "Entropy Centrality" = function(x)entropy(x, weights = weights),
      "EPC - Edge Percolated Component" = function(x)epc(x),
      "Laplacian Centrality" = function(x)laplacian(x),
      "Leverage Centrality" = function(x)leverage(x),
      "MNC - Maximum Neighborhood Component" = function(x)mnc(x),
      "Hubbell Index" = function(x)hubbell(x, weights = weights),
      "Semi Local Centrality" = function(x)semilocal(x),
      "Closeness Vitality" = function(x)closeness.vitality(x, weights = weights),
      "Residual Closeness Centrality" = function(x)closeness.residual(x, weights = weights),
      "Stress Centrality" = function(x)stresscent(y),
      "Load Centrality" = function(x)loadcent(y),
      "Flow Betweenness Centrality" = function(x)flowbet(y),
      "Information Centrality" = function(x)infocent(y),
      "Weighted Vertex Degree" = function(x)strength(x, vids = V(x), mode ="all", weights = weights),
      "Harary Centrality" = function(x)graphcent(y, gmode="graph", diag=T, cmode="undirected"),
      "Dangalchev Closeness Centrality"= function(x)dangalchev_closeness_centrality(x, vids = V(x), mode = "all", weights = weights),
      "Group Centrality"= function(x)group_centrality(x, vids = V(x)),
      "Harmonic Centrality"= function(x)harmonic_centrality(x, vids = V(x), mode = "all", weights = weights),
      "Local Bridging Centrality"= function(x)local_bridging_centrality(x, vids = V(x)),
      "Wiener Index Centrality"= function(x)wiener_index_centrality(x, vids = V(x), mode ="all", weights = weights)

    if (!is.null(include)){

      centrality_funcs <- centrality_funcs[intersect(names(centrality_funcs), include)]

      n <- names(centrality_funcs)

      warningsText <- ""
      result <- lapply(setNames(n, n),
                       function(functionName, x) {
                         f <- centrality_funcs[[functionName]]
                                  error = function(e) {
                                    warningsText <- paste0(warningsText,
                                                           "\nError in ", functionName, ":\n", e$message)
                       }, x)

      if (nchar(warningsText) > 0)
      centrality_funcs <- centrality_funcs[setdiff(names(centrality_funcs), except)]

      n <- names(centrality_funcs)

      warningsText <- ""
      result <- lapply(setNames(n, n),
                       function(functionName, x) {
                         f <- centrality_funcs[[functionName]]
                                  error = function(e) {
                                    warningsText <- paste0(warningsText,
                                                           "\nError in ", functionName, ":\n", e$message)
                       }, x)

      if (nchar(warningsText) > 0)

  if(!is_directed(x) && !is_weighted(x)) {

    centrality_funcs <- list(
      "subgraph centrality scores" = function(x)subgraph.centrality(x),
      "Topological Coefficient" = function(x)topocoefficient(x),
      "Average Distance" = function(x)averagedis(x, weights = NULL),
      "Barycenter Centrality" = function(x)barycenter(x, weights = NULL),
      "BottleNeck Centrality" = function(x)bottleneck(x),
      "Centroid value" = function(x)centroid(x, weights = NULL),
      "Closeness Centrality (Freeman)" = function(x)closeness.freeman(x, weights = NULL),
      "ClusterRank" = function(x)clusterrank(x),
      "Decay Centrality" = function(x)decay(x, weights = NULL),
      "Degree Centrality" = function(x)centr_degree(x)$res,
      "Diffusion Degree" = function(x)diffusion.degree(x),
      "DMNC - Density of Maximum Neighborhood Component" = function(x)dmnc(x),
      "Eccentricity Centrality" = function(x)eccentricity(x),
      "eigenvector centralities" = function(x)eigen_centrality(x, weights = NULL)$vector,
      "K-core Decomposition" = function(x)coreness(x),
      "Geodesic K-Path Centrality" = function(x)geokpath(x, weights = NULL),
      "Katz Centrality (Katz Status Index)" = function(x)katzcent(x),
      "Kleinberg's authority centrality scores" = function(x)authority_score(x, weights = NULL)$vector,
      "Kleinberg's hub centrality scores" = function(x)hub_score(x, weights = NULL)$vector,
      "clustering coefficient" = function(x)transitivity(x, weights = NULL,type="local"),
      "Lin Centrality" = function(x)lincent(x, weights = NULL),
      "Lobby Index (Centrality)" = function(x)lobby(x),
      "Markov Centrality" = function(x)markovcent(x),
      "Radiality Centrality" = function(x)radiality(x, weights = NULL),
      "Shortest-Paths Betweenness Centrality" = function(x)betweenness(x),
      "Current-Flow Closeness Centrality" = function(x)closeness.currentflow(x, weights = NULL),
      "Closeness centrality (Latora)" = function(x)closeness.latora(x, weights = NULL),
      "Communicability Betweenness Centrality" = function(x)communibet(x),
      "Community Centrality" = function(x)communitycent(x),
      "Cross-Clique Connectivity" = function(x)crossclique(x),
      "Entropy Centrality" = function(x)entropy(x, weights = NULL),
      "EPC - Edge Percolated Component" = function(x)epc(x),
      "Laplacian Centrality" = function(x)laplacian(x),
      "Leverage Centrality" = function(x)leverage(x),
      "MNC - Maximum Neighborhood Component" = function(x)mnc(x),
      "Hubbell Index" = function(x)hubbell(x, weights = NULL),
      "Semi Local Centrality" = function(x)semilocal(x),
      "Closeness Vitality" = function(x)closeness.vitality(x, weights = NULL),
      "Residual Closeness Centrality" = function(x)closeness.residual(x, weights = NULL),
      "Stress Centrality" = function(x)stresscent(y),
      "Load Centrality" = function(x)loadcent(y),
      "Flow Betweenness Centrality" = function(x)flowbet(y),
      "Information Centrality" = function(x)infocent(y),
      "Harary Centrality" = function(x)graphcent(y, gmode="graph", diag=T, cmode="directed"),
      "Dangalchev Closeness Centrality"= function(x)dangalchev_closeness_centrality(x, vids = V(x), mode = "all", weights = NULL),
      "Group Centrality"= function(x)group_centrality(x, vids = V(x)),
      "Harmonic Centrality"= function(x)harmonic_centrality(x, vids = V(x), mode = "all", weights = NULL),
      "Local Bridging Centrality"= function(x)local_bridging_centrality(x, vids = V(x)),
      "Wiener Index Centrality"= function(x)wiener_index_centrality(x, vids = V(x), mode ="all", weights = NULL)

    if (!is.null(include)){

      centrality_funcs <- centrality_funcs[intersect(names(centrality_funcs), include)]

      n <- names(centrality_funcs)

      warningsText <- ""
      result <- lapply(setNames(n, n),
                       function(functionName, x) {
                         f <- centrality_funcs[[functionName]]
                                  error = function(e) {
                                    warningsText <- paste0(warningsText,
                                                           "\nError in ", functionName, ":\n", e$message)
                       }, x)

      if (nchar(warningsText) > 0)
      centrality_funcs <- centrality_funcs[setdiff(names(centrality_funcs), except)]

      n <- names(centrality_funcs)

      warningsText <- ""
      result <- lapply(setNames(n, n),
                       function(functionName, x) {
                         f <- centrality_funcs[[functionName]]
                                  error = function(e) {
                                    warningsText <- paste0(warningsText,
                                                           "\nError in ", functionName, ":\n", e$message)
                       }, x)

      if (nchar(warningsText) > 0)

  if(is_directed(x) && !is_weighted(x) ) {

    centrality_funcs <- list(
      "Alpha Centrality" = function(x) alpha.centrality(x, weights = NULL),
      "Bonacich power centralities of positions" = function(x)bonpow(x),
      "Page Rank" = function(x)page_rank(x)$vector,
      "Average Distance" = function(x)averagedis(x, weights = NULL),
      "Barycenter Centrality" = function(x)barycenter(x, weights = NULL),
      "BottleNeck Centrality" = function(x)bottleneck(x),
      "Centroid value" = function(x)centroid(x, weights = NULL),
      "Closeness Centrality (Freeman)" = function(x)closeness.freeman(x, weights = NULL),
      "ClusterRank" = function(x)clusterrank(x),
      "Decay Centrality" = function(x)decay(x, weights = NULL),
      "Degree Centrality" = function(x)centr_degree(x)$res,
      "Diffusion Degree" = function(x)diffusion.degree(x),
      "DMNC - Density of Maximum Neighborhood Component" = function(x)dmnc(x),
      "Eccentricity Centrality" = function(x)eccentricity(x),
      "eigenvector centralities" = function(x)eigen_centrality(x, weights = NULL)$vector,
      "K-core Decomposition" = function(x)coreness(x),
      "Geodesic K-Path Centrality" = function(x)geokpath(x, weights = NULL),
      "Katz Centrality (Katz Status Index)" = function(x)katzcent(x),
      "Kleinberg's authority centrality scores" = function(x)authority_score(x, weights = NULL)$vector,
      "Kleinberg's hub centrality scores" = function(x)hub_score(x, weights = NULL)$vector,
      "clustering coefficient" = function(x)transitivity(x, weights = NULL,type="local"),
      "Lin Centrality" = function(x)lincent(x, weights = NULL),
      "Lobby Index (Centrality)" = function(x)lobby(x),
      "Markov Centrality" = function(x)markovcent(x),
      "Radiality Centrality" = function(x)radiality(x, weights = NULL),
      "Shortest-Paths Betweenness Centrality" = function(x)betweenness(x),
      "Current-Flow Closeness Centrality" = function(x)closeness.currentflow(x, weights = NULL),
      "Closeness centrality (Latora)" = function(x)closeness.latora(x, weights = NULL),
      "Communicability Betweenness Centrality" = function(x)communibet(x),
      "Community Centrality" = function(x)communitycent(x),
      "Cross-Clique Connectivity" = function(x)crossclique(x),
      "Entropy Centrality" = function(x)entropy(x, weights = NULL),
      "EPC - Edge Percolated Component" = function(x)epc(x),
      "Laplacian Centrality" = function(x)laplacian(x),
      "Leverage Centrality" = function(x)leverage(x),
      "MNC - Maximum Neighborhood Component" = function(x)mnc(x),
      "Hubbell Index" = function(x)hubbell(x, weights = NULL),
      "Semi Local Centrality" = function(x)semilocal(x),
      "Closeness Vitality" = function(x)closeness.vitality(x, weights = NULL),
      "Residual Closeness Centrality" = function(x)closeness.residual(x, weights = NULL),
      "Stress Centrality" = function(x)stresscent(y),
      "Load Centrality" = function(x)loadcent(y),
      "Flow Betweenness Centrality" = function(x)flowbet(y),
      "Information Centrality" = function(x)infocent(y),
      "Harary Centrality" = function(x)graphcent(y, gmode="graph", diag=T, cmode="directed"),
      "Dangalchev Closeness Centrality"= function(x)dangalchev_closeness_centrality(x, vids = V(x), mode = "all", weights = NULL),
      "Group Centrality"= function(x)group_centrality(x, vids = V(x)),
      "Harmonic Centrality"= function(x)harmonic_centrality(x, vids = V(x), mode = "all", weights = NULL),
      "Local Bridging Centrality"= function(x)local_bridging_centrality(x, vids = V(x)),
      "Wiener Index Centrality"= function(x)wiener_index_centrality(x, vids = V(x), mode ="all", weights = NULL)

    if (!is.null(include)){

      centrality_funcs <- centrality_funcs[intersect(names(centrality_funcs), include)]

      n <- names(centrality_funcs)

      warningsText <- ""
      result <- lapply(setNames(n, n),
                       function(functionName, x) {
                         f <- centrality_funcs[[functionName]]
                                  error = function(e) {
                                    warningsText <- paste0(warningsText,
                                                           "\nError in ", functionName, ":\n", e$message)
                       }, x)

      if (nchar(warningsText) > 0)
      centrality_funcs <- centrality_funcs[setdiff(names(centrality_funcs), except)]

      n <- names(centrality_funcs)

      warningsText <- ""
      result <- lapply(setNames(n, n),
                       function(functionName, x) {
                         f <- centrality_funcs[[functionName]]
                                  error = function(e) {
                                    warningsText <- paste0(warningsText,
                                                           "\nError in ", functionName, ":\n", e$message)
                       }, x)

      if (nchar(warningsText) > 0)

#' @title PCA Centrality Measures
#' @description This function performs Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on centrality measures.
#' It computes the contributions of variables to the principal components and visualizes them.
#' @param x a list containing the computed centrality values
#' @param scale.unit a boolean constant indicating whether data should be scaled to unit variance (default = TRUE)
#' @param cut.off The intensity that must be exceeded in cumulative percentage of variance of eigen values (default = 80)
#' @param ncp number of dimensions in the final results (default = 5)
#' @param graph a boolean constant indicating whether the graph should be displayed (default = FALSE)
#' @param axes a length 2 vector describing the number of components to plot (default = c(1, 2))
#' @return A plot illustrating the contributions of variables to the principal components.
#' The x-axis represents the centrality measures, and the y-axis represents the contribution.
#' The higher the contribution value, the more important the centrality measure is in the ranking.
#' The plot helps in identifying the most influential centrality measures.
#' @importFrom FactoMineR PCA
#' @importFrom factoextra fviz_contrib
#' @importFrom ggplot2 labs theme_grey theme element_text element_rect
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @examples
#' # Create a data frame with multiple observations
#' centralities <- data.frame(
#'   Betweenness = c(0.2, 0.3, 0.5),
#'  Closeness = c(0.4, 0.2, 0.6),
#'   Degree = c(0.3, 0.1, 0.4),
#'   Eigenvector = c(0.1, 0.5, 0.2)
#' )
#' pca_centralities(centralities)
#' @export

pca_centralities <- function(x, scale.unit = TRUE, cut.off = 80, ncp = 2, graph = FALSE, axes = c(1, 2)) {
  requireNamespace("FactoMineR", quietly = TRUE)
  requireNamespace("factoextra", quietly = TRUE)
  requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)
  requireNamespace("utils", quietly = TRUE)
  x <- x[!sapply(x, is.null)]
  x <- as.data.frame(x)
  x <- na.omit(x)
  res_pca <- FactoMineR::PCA(x, scale.unit = scale.unit, ncp = ncp, graph = graph, axes = axes)
  PCs <- table(res_pca$eig[,"cumulative percentage of variance"] > cut.off)["FALSE"] + 1
  if (is.na(PCs)) PCs <- 1
  factoextra::fviz_contrib(res_pca, choice = "var", axes = 1:PCs, color = "black", fill = "turquoise") +
    ggplot2::labs(x = "\nCentrality measures", y = "Contributions\n") +
    ggplot2::theme_grey() +
    ggplot2::ggtitle("Contribution of variables via PCA") +
    ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 0.5),
                   plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5),
                   # Adjust line size here
                   line = ggplot2::element_line(color = "black", size = 1.5)

#' @title Graph visualization based on a specific centrality measure
#' @description This function demonstrates the input graph in which the size of nodes
#' indicates calculated centrality value.
#' @param x an igraph object
#' @param computed_centrality_value A vector containing the values of calculated centrality measure for each node.
#' @param centrality.type	The type of centrality which should be calculated.
#' @details
#' This function represents the graph in which size of nodes are based on computed centrality value. If the values of wanted centrality
#' measure were computed then by placing them in computed_centrality_value argument to use it for drawing the plot. Otherwise, by only giving the
#' name of favorite centrality measure in centrality.type argument, this function will calculate it and  then demonstrates the corresponding graph.
#' @return A plot illustrating the input graph, where the size of nodes represents the calculated centrality values.
#' The function takes an igraph object as input and either a vector of precomputed centrality values or the name of the desired centrality measure.
#' If precomputed centrality values are provided in the computed_centrality_value argument, the graph will be plotted based on those values.
#' If only the name of the desired centrality measure is provided in the centrality.type argument, the function will calculate the centrality values
#' and then plot the graph.
#' The plot shows the nodes of the graph, with their sizes indicating the centrality values. The larger the node, the higher the centrality value.
#' This plot helps visualize the distribution of centrality values across the nodes of the graph.
#' The function returns the plot and does not modify the input graph.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph is.directed
#' @importFrom igraph alpha.centrality
#' @importFrom igraph bonpow
#' @importFrom igraph constraint
#' @importFrom igraph centr_degree
#' @importFrom igraph eccentricity
#' @importFrom igraph eigen_centrality
#' @importFrom igraph coreness
#' @importFrom igraph authority_score
#' @importFrom igraph hub_score
#' @importFrom igraph transitivity
#' @importFrom igraph page_rank
#' @importFrom igraph betweenness
#' @importFrom igraph subgraph.centrality
#' @importFrom igraph strength
#' @importFrom sna flowbet
#' @importFrom sna infocent
#' @importFrom sna loadcent
#' @importFrom sna stresscent
#' @importFrom sna graphcent
#' @importFrom centiserve topocoefficient
#' @importFrom centiserve closeness.currentflow
#' @importFrom centiserve closeness.latora
#' @importFrom centiserve communibet
#' @importFrom centiserve communitycent
#' @importFrom centiserve crossclique
#' @importFrom centiserve entropy
#' @importFrom centiserve epc
#' @importFrom centiserve laplacian
#' @importFrom centiserve leverage
#' @importFrom centiserve mnc
#' @importFrom centiserve hubbell
#' @importFrom centiserve semilocal
#' @importFrom centiserve closeness.vitality
#' @importFrom centiserve closeness.residual
#' @importFrom centiserve lobby
#' @importFrom centiserve markovcent
#' @importFrom centiserve radiality
#' @importFrom centiserve lincent
#' @importFrom centiserve geokpath
#' @importFrom centiserve katzcent
#' @importFrom centiserve diffusion.degree
#' @importFrom centiserve dmnc
#' @importFrom centiserve centroid
#' @importFrom centiserve closeness.freeman
#' @importFrom centiserve clusterrank
#' @importFrom centiserve decay
#' @importFrom centiserve barycenter
#' @importFrom centiserve bottleneck
#' @importFrom centiserve averagedis
#' @importFrom igraph layout_in_circle
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom igraph strength

visualize_graph <- function( x , computed_centrality_value=NULL , centrality.type="Degree Centrality"){

  if (is.null(computed_centrality_value)){

    if (!("igraph" %in% class(x) && is_connected(x) )) stop("The input is not an igraph object
                                                          or may not be connected.")

    y <- as_edgelist(x)
    y <- network(y)

    centrality_funcs <- list(
      "subgraph centrality scores"=function(x)subgraph.centrality(x),
      "Topological Coefficient"=function(x)topocoefficient(x),
      "Alpha Centrality"=function(x) alpha.centrality(x),
      "Bonacich power centralities of positions"=function(x)bonpow(x),
      "Burt's Constraint"=function(x)constraint(x),
      "Page Rank"=function(x)page_rank(x)$vector,
      "Average Distance"=function(x)averagedis(x),
      "Barycenter Centrality"=function(x)barycenter(x),
      "BottleNeck Centrality"=function(x)bottleneck(x),
      "Centroid value"=function(x)centroid(x),
      "Closeness Centrality (Freeman)"=function(x)closeness.freeman(x),
      "Decay Centrality"=function(x)decay(x),
      "Degree Centrality"=function(x)centr_degree(x)$res,
      "Diffusion Degree"=function(x)diffusion.degree(x),
      "DMNC - Density of Maximum Neighborhood Component"=function(x)dmnc(x),
      "Eccentricity Centrality"=function(x)eccentricity(x),
      "eigenvector centralities"=function(x)eigen_centrality(x)$vector,
      "K-core Decomposition"=function(x)coreness(x),
      "Geodesic K-Path Centrality"=function(x)geokpath(x),
      "Katz Centrality (Katz Status Index)"=function(x)katzcent(x),
      "Kleinberg's authority centrality scores"=function(x)authority_score(x)$vector,
      "Kleinberg's hub centrality scores"=function(x)hub_score(x)$vector,
      "clustering coefficient"=function(x)transitivity(x,type="local"),
      "Lin Centrality"=function(x)lincent(x),
      "Lobby Index (Centrality)"=function(x)lobby(x),
      "Markov Centrality"=function(x)markovcent(x),
      "Radiality Centrality"=function(x)radiality(x),
      "Shortest-Paths Betweenness Centrality"=function(x)betweenness(x),
      "Current-Flow Closeness Centrality"=function(x)closeness.currentflow(x),
      "Closeness centrality (Latora)"=function(x)closeness.latora(x),
      "Communicability Betweenness Centrality"=function(x)communibet(x),
      "Community Centrality"=function(x)communitycent(x),
      "Cross-Clique Connectivity"=function(x)crossclique(x),
      "Entropy Centrality"=function(x)entropy(x),
      "EPC - Edge Percolated Component"=function(x)epc(x),
      "Laplacian Centrality"=function(x)laplacian(x),
      "Leverage Centrality"=function(x)leverage(x),
      "MNC - Maximum Neighborhood Component"=function(x)mnc(x),
      "Hubbell Index"=function(x)hubbell(x),
      "Semi Local Centrality"=function(x)semilocal(x),
      "Closeness Vitality"=function(x)closeness.vitality(x),
      "Residual Closeness Centrality"=function(x)closeness.residual(x),
      "Stress Centrality"=function(x)stresscent(y),
      "Load Centrality"=function(x)loadcent(y),
      "Flow Betweenness Centrality"=function(x)flowbet(y),
      "Information Centrality"=function(x)infocent(y),
      "Harary Centrality" = function(x)graphcent(y, gmode="graph", diag=T, cmode="directed"),
      "Dangalchev Closeness Centrality"= function(x)dangalchev_closeness_centrality(x, vids = V(x), mode = "all", weights = NULL),
      "Group Centrality"= function(x)group_centrality(x, vids = V(x)),
      "Harmonic Centrality"= function(x)harmonic_centrality(x, vids = V(x), mode = "all", weights = NULL),
      "Local Bridging Centrality"= function(x)local_bridging_centrality(x, vids = V(x)),
      "Wiener Index Centrality"= function(x)wiener_index_centrality(x, vids = V(x), mode ="all", weights = NULL),
      "Weighted Vertex Degree" = function(x)strength(x, vids = V(x), mode ="all", weights = NULL)

    centrality_funcs <- centrality_funcs[intersect(names(centrality_funcs), centrality.type)]

    n <- names(centrality_funcs)

    warningsText <- ""
    result <- lapply(setNames(n, n),
                     function(functionName, x) {
                       f <- centrality_funcs[[functionName]]
                                error = function(e) {
                                  warningsText <- paste0(warningsText,
                                                         "\nError in ", functionName, ":\n", e$message)
                     }, x)

    if (nchar(warningsText) > 0)

    result <- result[!sapply(result,is.null)]

    result <- as.data.frame(result)

    result <- scale(result, center = FALSE, scale = TRUE)

    plot(x, vertex.size=result*10, layout= layout_in_circle(x,order(result*10) ) ,


    computed_centrality_value<-scale(computed_centrality_value, center = FALSE, scale = TRUE)

    plot(x, vertex.size=computed_centrality_value*10,
         layout= layout_in_circle(x,order(computed_centrality_value*10) ) ,



#' @title Pairwise association plot between centrality measures
#' @description This function computes regression between pair of centrality measures
#' to show more details of association among them.
#' @param x a vector containing a centrality measure as independent variable
#' @param y a vector containing a centrality measure as dependent variable
#' @param scale Whether the centrality values should be scaled or not
#' @details
#' This function applies regression analysis on two different centrality values in order to find out the corresponding association
#' between them. Regression analysis is a kind of statitiscal method for approximation the association
#' between variables.It asserts that the value of dependent variable changes when the
#' value of independent variable varies.
#' @return The function returns a regression plot and the results of the regression analysis between two centrality measures.
#'         The function takes two vectors, `x` and `y`, which represent the independent and dependent centrality measures, respectively.
#'         If the `scale` parameter is set to `TRUE`, the centrality values will be scaled before performing the regression analysis.
#'         The function applies regression analysis to estimate the association between the two centrality measures.
#'         It creates a scatter plot of the centrality values, with a regression line representing the relationship between the variables.
#'         Additionally, the plot includes confidence intervals around the regression line to show the uncertainty of the estimates.
#'         The function returns the regression plot and the computed regression results.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @references
#' Chambers, J. M. (1992). Statistical Models in S. Wadsworth. Pacific Grove, California. Retrieved from
#'   [Link to the reference]
#' Wilkinson, G. N., & Rogers, C. E. (1973). Symbolic Description of Factorial Models for Analysis of Variance. Applied Statistics, 22(3), 392.
#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 stat_summary
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_smooth
#' @importFrom ggplot2 mean_cl_normal
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes
#' @importFrom ggplot2 xlab
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ylab
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_point
#' @importFrom stats lm

visualize_association <- function( x , y, scale=TRUE){

  xname <- substitute(x)
  yname <- substitute(y)

  df <- as.data.frame(cbind(x,y))

  names(df) <- c(xname, yname)

  if (scale%in%TRUE){

    df <- scale(df, center = TRUE, scale = scale)

    df <- as.data.frame(df)

    visualization <- ggplot(data=df,aes(x,y)) +
      stat_summary(fun.data=mean_cl_normal,geom="point",fill="skyblue3",shape=21,colour="black",  size = 3) +
      geom_smooth(method='lm',colour = 'red') + xlab(xname) +
      ylab(yname)+geom_point(shape=21, fill="blue", color="darkred", size=3)

    linear.regression <- lm(df[,2]~df[,1])
    return (list(linear.regression=linear.regression, visualization=visualization))


  else        {visualization <- ggplot(data=df,aes(x,y)) +
    stat_summary(fun.data=mean_cl_normal,geom="point",fill="skyblue3",shape=21,colour="black",  size = 3) +
    geom_smooth(method='lm',colour = 'red') + xlab(xname) +
    ylab(yname)+geom_point(shape=21, fill="blue", color="darkred", size=3)

  linear.regression <- lm(y~x)
  return (list(linear.regression=linear.regression, visualization=visualization))}


#' @title Pairwise correlation plot between two centrality measures
#' @description This function computes and plots correlation between pair of centrality
#'  measures and histogram plots.
#' @param x a vector containing a centrality measure
#' @param y a vector containing another centrality measure
#' @param scale Whether the centrality values should be scaled or not
#' @details
#' This function illustrates the correlation value between two centrality measures and their
#' corresponding scatterplot and histograms.
#' @seealso \code{\link[GGally]{ggpairs}}
#' @return The function computes and plots the correlation between two centrality measures.
#'         The function takes two vectors, `x` and `y`, representing the centrality measures to be correlated.
#'         If the `scale` parameter is set to `TRUE`, the centrality values will be scaled before computing the correlation.
#'         The function creates a correlation plot, which includes a scatterplot of the centrality values and histograms of each measure.
#'         The correlation coefficient between the two measures is displayed on the plot.
#'         The function returns the correlation plot.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @references
#' Emerson, J. W., Green, W. A., Schloerke, B., Crowley, J., Cook, D., Hofmann, H., & Wickham, H. (2013). The Generalized Pairs Plot. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 22(1), 79–91.
#' @export
#' @importFrom GGally ggpairs

visualize_pair_correlation <- function( x , y, scale=TRUE){

  xname <- substitute(x)
  yname <- substitute(y)

  df <- as.data.frame(cbind(x,y))

  names(df) <- c(xname, yname)

  if (scale%in%TRUE){

    df <- scale(df, center = TRUE, scale = scale)

    df <- as.data.frame(df)

    ggpairs(df, columns=1:2)


  else  ggpairs(df, columns=1:2)

#' @title Heatmap plot between centrality measures
#' @description This function draws heatmap between pair of centrality measures
#' @param x a list indicating calculated centrality measures
#' @param scale Whether the centrality values should be scaled or not
#' @details
#' This function illustrates the heatmap plot of computed centrality measures.
#' @return The function generates a heatmap plot between pairs of centrality measures.
#' The function takes a list x as input, which contains the computed centrality measures.
#' If the scale parameter is set to TRUE, the centrality values will be scaled before plotting the heatmap.
#' The function creates a heatmap plot, where each cell represents the correlation between a pair of centrality measures.
#' The color of each cell indicates the strength and direction of the correlation.
#' The function returns the heatmap plot.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @export
#' @importFrom pheatmap pheatmap

visualize_heatmap <- function( x, scale = TRUE  ){


    x <- x[!sapply(x,is.null)]

    d <- as.data.frame(x)

    x <- scale(d, center = TRUE, scale = scale)

    rownames(x)<- rownames(d)

    pheatmap(x, legend = TRUE, cluster_rows = TRUE, cluster_cols = TRUE, fontsize = 8)



    pheatmap(x, legend = TRUE, cluster_rows = TRUE, cluster_cols = TRUE, fontsize = 8)



#' @title Correlation plot between centrality measures
#' @description This function draw correlation plot between pair of centrality measures
#' @param x a list indicating calculated centrality measures
#' @param scale Whether the centrality values should be scaled or not(default=TRUE)
#' @param method a character string describing the type of correlation coefficient (or covariance)
#' to be computed. The proper values are "pearson", "kendall", or "spearman". (default="pearson")
#' @details
#' This function illustrates pairwise correlation plot of computed centrality measures.
#' The names of centralities shown in the result plot is abbreviated and compelete names
#' can be seen in "proper_centralities" function.
#' Colors from red to blue indicate the intensity of correlation value. If two centrality
#' measures have an inverse relationship then their correspnding color in plot have to be red
#' and vice versa.
#' @seealso \code{\link[GGally]{ggpairs}}
#' @return The function generates a correlation plot between pairs of centrality measures.
#' The function takes a list x as input, which contains the computed centrality measures.
#' If the scale parameter is set to TRUE, the centrality values will be scaled before computing the correlations.
#' The method parameter specifies the type of correlation coefficient to be computed: "pearson" (default), "kendall", or "spearman".
#' The function creates a pairwise correlation plot, where each cell represents the correlation between a pair of centrality measures.
#' The color of each cell indicates the strength and direction of the correlation, ranging from red (negative correlation) to blue (positive correlation).
#' The function returns the pairwise correlation plot.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @export
#' @importFrom corrplot corrplot.mixed
#' @importFrom stats cor

visualize_correlations <- function(x, scale=TRUE,method = "pearson"){

  if (scale%in%TRUE){

    x <- x[!sapply(x,is.null)]

    d <- as.data.frame(x)

    x <- scale(d, center = TRUE, scale = scale)

    name <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(colnames(x), '.', fixed = TRUE), '[', 1))

    colnames(x) <- name

    M <- cor(x,method = method)

    corrplot.mixed(M,tl.cex	=0.75)



    x <- x[!sapply(x,is.null)]

    d <- as.data.frame(x)

    x <- as.matrix(d)

    name <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(colnames(x), '.', fixed = TRUE), '[', 1))

    colnames(x) <- name

    M <- cor(x,method = method)

    corrplot.mixed(M,tl.cex	=0.75)



#' @title Dendrogram plot among centrality measures
#' @description This function demonstrates the vertice dendrogram of a graph based
#' on a centrality type.
#' @param x an igraph object
#' @param centrality.type	The type of centrality which should be considered.(default="Degree Centrality")
#' @param computed_centrality_value A vector containing the values of calculated centrality measure for each node.(default=NULL)
#' @param k number of clusters(default=4)
#' @return The function generates a dendrogram plot of a graph's vertices based on a centrality measure.
#'         The function takes an igraph object `x` as input, representing the graph.
#'         The `centrality.type` parameter specifies the type of centrality measure to be considered (default is "Degree Centrality").
#'         If the `computed_centrality_value` parameter is provided, it should be a vector containing the computed centrality values for each node.
#'         Otherwise, the function will compute the specified centrality measure for the graph.
#'         The `k` parameter specifies the number of clusters to be formed from the dendrogram (default is 4).
#'         The function creates a dendrogram plot of the vertices, where the branching structure represents the hierarchical clustering based on the centrality measure.
#'         The function returns the dendrogram plot.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @references
#' Galili, T. (2015). dendextend: an R package for visualizing, adjusting and comparing trees of hierarchical clustering. Bioinformatics, 31(22), 3718–3720.
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph alpha.centrality
#' @importFrom igraph bonpow
#' @importFrom igraph constraint
#' @importFrom igraph centr_degree
#' @importFrom igraph eccentricity
#' @importFrom igraph eigen_centrality
#' @importFrom igraph coreness
#' @importFrom igraph authority_score
#' @importFrom igraph hub_score
#' @importFrom igraph transitivity
#' @importFrom igraph page_rank
#' @importFrom igraph betweenness
#' @importFrom igraph subgraph.centrality
#' @importFrom igraph strength
#' @importFrom sna flowbet
#' @importFrom sna infocent
#' @importFrom sna loadcent
#' @importFrom sna stresscent
#' @importFrom sna graphcent
#' @importFrom centiserve topocoefficient
#' @importFrom centiserve closeness.currentflow
#' @importFrom centiserve closeness.latora
#' @importFrom centiserve communibet
#' @importFrom centiserve communitycent
#' @importFrom centiserve crossclique
#' @importFrom centiserve entropy
#' @importFrom centiserve epc
#' @importFrom centiserve laplacian
#' @importFrom centiserve leverage
#' @importFrom centiserve mnc
#' @importFrom centiserve hubbell
#' @importFrom centiserve semilocal
#' @importFrom centiserve closeness.vitality
#' @importFrom centiserve closeness.residual
#' @importFrom centiserve lobby
#' @importFrom centiserve markovcent
#' @importFrom centiserve radiality
#' @importFrom centiserve lincent
#' @importFrom centiserve geokpath
#' @importFrom centiserve katzcent
#' @importFrom centiserve diffusion.degree
#' @importFrom centiserve dmnc
#' @importFrom centiserve centroid
#' @importFrom centiserve closeness.freeman
#' @importFrom centiserve clusterrank
#' @importFrom centiserve decay
#' @importFrom centiserve barycenter
#' @importFrom centiserve bottleneck
#' @importFrom centiserve averagedis
#' @importFrom dendextend circlize_dendrogram
#' @importFrom dendextend set
#' @importFrom dendextend highlight_branches_col
#' @importFrom viridis viridis
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @importFrom stats hclust
#' @importFrom stats as.dendrogram

visualize_dendrogram <- function( x, centrality.type="Degree Centrality", computed_centrality_value=NULL , k=4){

  if (is.null(computed_centrality_value)){

    if (!("igraph" %in% class(x) && is_connected(x) )) stop("The input is not an igraph object
                                                          or may not be connected.")

    y <- as_edgelist(x)
    y <- network(y)

    centrality_funcs <- list(
      "subgraph centrality scores"=function(x)subgraph.centrality(x),
      "Topological Coefficient"=function(x)topocoefficient(x),
      "Alpha Centrality"=function(x) alpha.centrality(x),
      "Bonacich power centralities of positions"=function(x)bonpow(x),
      "Burt's Constraint"=function(x)constraint(x),
      "Page Rank"=function(x)page_rank(x)$vector,
      "Average Distance"=function(x)averagedis(x),
      "Barycenter Centrality"=function(x)barycenter(x),
      "BottleNeck Centrality"=function(x)bottleneck(x),
      "Centroid value"=function(x)centroid(x),
      "Closeness Centrality (Freeman)"=function(x)closeness.freeman(x),
      "Decay Centrality"=function(x)decay(x),
      "Degree Centrality"=function(x)centr_degree(x)$res,
      "Diffusion Degree"=function(x)diffusion.degree(x),
      "DMNC - Density of Maximum Neighborhood Component"=function(x)dmnc(x),
      "Eccentricity Centrality"=function(x)eccentricity(x),
      "eigenvector centralities"=function(x)eigen_centrality(x)$vector,
      "K-core Decomposition"=function(x)coreness(x),
      "Geodesic K-Path Centrality"=function(x)geokpath(x),
      "Katz Centrality (Katz Status Index)"=function(x)katzcent(x),
      "Kleinberg's authority centrality scores"=function(x)authority_score(x)$vector,
      "Kleinberg's hub centrality scores"=function(x)hub_score(x)$vector,
      "clustering coefficient"=function(x)transitivity(x,type="local"),
      "Lin Centrality"=function(x)lincent(x),
      "Lobby Index (Centrality)"=function(x)lobby(x),
      "Markov Centrality"=function(x)markovcent(x),
      "Radiality Centrality"=function(x)radiality(x),
      "Shortest-Paths Betweenness Centrality"=function(x)betweenness(x),
      "Current-Flow Closeness Centrality"=function(x)closeness.currentflow(x),
      "Closeness centrality (Latora)"=function(x)closeness.latora(x),
      "Communicability Betweenness Centrality"=function(x)communibet(x),
      "Community Centrality"=function(x)communitycent(x),
      "Cross-Clique Connectivity"=function(x)crossclique(x),
      "Entropy Centrality"=function(x)entropy(x),
      "EPC - Edge Percolated Component"=function(x)epc(x),
      "Laplacian Centrality"=function(x)laplacian(x),
      "Leverage Centrality"=function(x)leverage(x),
      "MNC - Maximum Neighborhood Component"=function(x)mnc(x),
      "Hubbell Index"=function(x)hubbell(x),
      "Semi Local Centrality"=function(x)semilocal(x),
      "Closeness Vitality"=function(x)closeness.vitality(x),
      "Residual Closeness Centrality"=function(x)closeness.residual(x),
      "Stress Centrality"=function(x)stresscent(y),
      "Load Centrality"=function(x)loadcent(y),
      "Flow Betweenness Centrality"=function(x)flowbet(y),
      "Information Centrality"=function(x)infocent(y),
      "Harary Centrality" = function(x)graphcent(y, gmode="graph", diag=T, cmode="directed"),
      "Dangalchev Closeness Centrality"= function(x)dangalchev_closeness_centrality(x, vids = V(x), mode = "all", weights = NULL),
      "Group Centrality"= function(x)group_centrality(x, vids = V(x)),
      "Harmonic Centrality"= function(x)harmonic_centrality(x, vids = V(x), mode = "all", weights = NULL),
      "Local Bridging Centrality"= function(x)local_bridging_centrality(x, vids = V(x)),
      "Wiener Index Centrality"= function(x)wiener_index_centrality(x, vids = V(x), mode ="all", weights = NULL),
      "Weighted Vertex Degree" = function(x)strength(x, vids = V(x), mode ="all", weights = NULL)

    centrality_funcs <- centrality_funcs[intersect(names(centrality_funcs), centrality.type)]

    n <- names(centrality_funcs)

    warningsText <- ""
    result <- lapply(setNames(n, n),
                     function(functionName, x) {
                       f <- centrality_funcs[[functionName]]
                                error = function(e) {
                                  warningsText <- paste0(warningsText,
                                                         "\nError in ", functionName, ":\n", e$message)
                     }, x)

    if (nchar(warningsText) > 0)

    result <-result[!sapply(result,is.null)]

    result <- as.data.frame(result)

    rownames(result) = V(x)$name

    result <- scale(result, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)

    dend <- result%>% dist %>% hclust %>% as.dendrogram %>%
      highlight_branches_col(viridis(100))  %>%
      set("branches_k_color", k=3)%>%
      set("labels_colors")%>%set("nodes_pch", 20)

    circlize_dendrogram(dend, labels_track_height = NA, dend_track_height = .4)



    computed_centrality_value <- scale(computed_centrality_value, center = FALSE, scale = TRUE)

    names(computed_centrality_value) = V(x)$name
    dend <- computed_centrality_value%>% dist %>% hclust %>% as.dendrogram %>%
      highlight_branches_col(viridis(100))  %>%  set("branches_k_color", k=3)%>%
      set("labels_colors")%>%set("nodes_pch", 20)

    circlize_dendrogram(dend, labels_track_height = NA, dend_track_height = .4)



#' @title Summarize PCA result related to centrality measures
#' @description This function summarizes the PCA result related to centrality measures.
#' @param x A list containing the computed centrality values.
#' @param scale.unit A boolean value indicating whether the data should be scaled to unit variance (default = TRUE).
#' @param ncp The number of dimensions in the final results (default = 5).
#' @return The result of the \code{pca_centralities} function, which includes the PCA analysis results such as eigenvalues, variance explained, and scores.
#' The returned value is an object of class "PCA" from the FactoMineR package. It contains the following components:
#' \item{eig}{A numeric vector of eigenvalues, indicating the amount of variance explained by each principal component.}
#' \item{var}{A numeric vector of proportions of variance explained by each principal component.}
#' \item{ind}{A data frame of individual scores, where each row represents an individual and each column represents a principal component.}
#' \item{call}{The function call used to create the PCA object.}
#' \item{call2}{The call used to compute the PCA analysis.}
#' \item{call3}{The call used to project the individuals.}
#' \item{svd}{The singular value decomposition of the data matrix.}
#' \item{cor}{The correlation matrix of the variables.}
#' \item{cos2}{The squared cosines of the variables.}
#' \item{contrib}{The contributions of the variables to the principal components.}
#' \item{proj}{The projected coordinates of the individuals on the principal components.}
#' \item{quali.sup}{The results of the supplementary qualitative variables analysis.}
#' \item{quali.sup.ind}{The results of the supplementary individuals analysis.}
#' \item{quanti.sup}{The results of the supplementary quantitative variables analysis.}
#' \item{quanti.sup.var}{The results of the supplementary variables analysis.}
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @export
#' @importFrom FactoMineR PCA
#' @importFrom stats na.omit

summary_pca_centralities <- function( x , scale.unit = TRUE,ncp = 5){

  x <- x[!sapply(x,is.null)]

  x <- as.data.frame(x)

  x <- na.omit(x)

  res_pca <- PCA(x, scale.unit = scale.unit, ncp = ncp, graph = FALSE)

  l <- list(eigen= res_pca$eig, contribution= res_pca$var$contrib)


#' @title Summarize component extraction of a graph
#' @description This function summarizes all components of the input which can be an "igraph" object or a "network" object.
#' @param x An igraph or a network object.
#' @param directed A boolean value indicating whether to create a directed graph (default = TRUE).
#' @param bipartite_proj A boolean value indicating whether the bipartite network should be projected (default = FALSE).
#' @param num_proj A number indicating the number of projects specifically for bipartite graphs (default = 1).
#' @return A list of igraph objects representing the extracted components of the graph.
#' Each element in the list corresponds to a component, and each component is represented by an igraph object.
#' The components are extracted based on the connectivity of the graph and can include single nodes, disconnected subgraphs, or connected subgraphs.
#' If the graph is directed and the \code{directed} parameter is set to FALSE, the function returns the weakly connected components.
#' If the graph is bipartite and the \code{bipartite_proj} parameter is set to TRUE, the function returns the projected graph components.
#' If the graph is neither directed nor bipartite, the function returns the connected components.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph is_igraph
#' @importFrom igraph is_bipartite
#' @importFrom igraph bipartite.projection
#' @importFrom igraph is_simple
#' @importFrom igraph simplify
#' @importFrom igraph clusters
#' @importFrom igraph induced.subgraph
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_edgelist
#' @importFrom network is.network
#' @importFrom network as.edgelist
#' @importFrom network is.network
#' @importFrom network network
#' @importFrom stats na.omit

summary_graph_extract_components <- function( x, directed = TRUE, bipartite_proj = FALSE , num_proj = 1){

  if (!("igraph" %in% class(x) || ("network" %in% class(x) ))) stop("The input is not an igraph or a network object")

  if (is_igraph(x)) {

    if (bipartite_proj){

      if (is_bipartite(x)){

        x <- bipartite.projection(x)[[num_proj]]

        if (!is_simple(x))   x<-simplify(x)

        cl <- clusters(x)

        graph_splitting <- function(k, x, cl){
          induced.subgraph(x, cl$membership == k)

        components <- sapply(1:max(cl$membership), graph_splitting, x = x, cl = cl, simplify = FALSE)




      if (!is_simple(x))   x<-simplify(x)

      cl <- clusters(x)

      graph_splitting <- function(k, x, cl){
        induced.subgraph(x, cl$membership == k)

      components <- sapply(1:max(cl$membership), graph_splitting, x = x, cl = cl, simplify = FALSE)



  if( is.network(x)){

    edgelist <- as.edgelist(x)

    x <- graph_from_edgelist(edgelist, directed = directed)

    if (!is_simple(x))  gr <- simplify(x)

    cl <- clusters(x)

    graph_splitting <- function(k, x, cl){
      induced.subgraph(x, cl$membership == k)

    components <- sapply(1:max(cl$membership), graph_splitting, x = x, cl = cl, simplify = FALSE)


  summary.list <- lapply(components, function(x) summary(x))


#' @title Summarize centrality measure calculation results
#' @description This function computes the minimum, first quartile, median,
#' mean, third quartile, and maximum values of the computed centrality measures.
#' @param x Centrality measure calculation results, typically a numeric vector.
#' @return A list summarizing the computed centrality measures. The list includes the following elements:
#' - "minimum": The minimum value of the centrality measures.
#' - "first_quartile": The first quartile (25th percentile) value of the centrality measures.
#' - "median": The median (50th percentile) value of the centrality measures.
#' - "mean": The mean value of the centrality measures.
#' - "third_quartile": The third quartile (75th percentile) value of the centrality measures.
#' - "maximum": The maximum value of the centrality measures.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats na.omit

summary_calculate_centralities <- function(x){

  x <- x[!sapply(x, is.null)]

  x <- na.omit(x)

  summary_list <- lapply(x, function(x) summary(x))

#' @title Summarize t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) on centrality measures
#' @description This function summarizes the t-SNE analysis results on centrality measures.
#' @param x A list containing the computed centrality values.
#' @param dims An integer specifying the number of output dimensions (default = 2).
#' @param perplexity A numeric value representing a flexible measure of the efficient number of neighbors.
#' The performance of t-SNE is fairly robust to changes in perplexity, and typical values are between 5 and 50 (default = 5).
#' @param scale A logical value indicating whether the centrality values should be scaled or not (default = TRUE).
#' @seealso \code{\link[Rtsne]{Rtsne}}
#' @return A list containing the following elements:
#' - "Y": A matrix containing the new representations for the objects after t-SNE.
#' - "costs": The cost for every object after the final iteration of t-SNE.
#' The "costs" provide information about the optimization process.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @export
#' @importFrom Rtsne Rtsne
#' @importFrom stats na.omit

summary_tsne_centralities<-function( x , dims = 2, perplexity = 5, scale = TRUE){

  x <- x[!sapply(x, is.null)]

  x <- as.data.frame(x)

  x <- na.omit(x)

  if (scale%in%TRUE){

    x <- scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = scale)

    x <- x[!duplicated(x), ]

    tsne.Y <- Rtsne(t(x), dims = dims, perplexity = perplexity, check_duplicates = FALSE)$Y


    cost <- Rtsne(t(x), dims = dims, perplexity = perplexity ,check_duplicates = FALSE)$cost

    names(cost) <- colnames(x)

    tsne_cost <- sort(cost)

    res_tsne <- list(tsne.Y = tsne.Y, tsne_cost = tsne_cost)



    x <- x[!duplicated(x), ]

    tsne.Y <- Rtsne(t(x), dims = dims, perplexity = perplexity,check_duplicates = FALSE)$Y

    rownames(tsne.Y) <- colnames(x)

    cost <- Rtsne(t(x), dims = dims, perplexity = perplexity,check_duplicates = FALSE)$cost

    names(cost) <- colnames(x)

    tsne_cost <- sort(cost)

    res_tsne <- list(tsne.Y = tsne.Y,tsne_cost = tsne_cost)



#' @title t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) on centrality measures
#' @description This function applies t-SNE, a dimensionality reduction algorithm, to centrality measures.
#' @param x A list containing the computed centrality values.
#' @param dims An integer specifying the number of output dimensions (default = 2).
#' @param perplexity A numeric value representing a flexible measure of the efficient number of neighbors.
#' The performance of t-SNE is fairly robust to changes in perplexity, and typical values are between 5 and 50 (default = 5).
#' @param scale A logical value indicating whether the centrality values should be scaled or not (default = TRUE).
#' @details t-SNE is a non-linear dimensionality reduction algorithm used for exploring high-dimensional data. It maps multi-dimensional centrality measure data to a lower-dimensional space suitable for analysis and visualization.
#' @seealso \code{\link[Rtsne]{Rtsne}}
#' @return A cost plot of t-SNE results, which displays centralities in order of their corresponding costs.
#' The cost plot provides information about the optimization process and the quality of the embedding.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @references
#' van der Maaten, L. (2014). Accelerating t-SNE using Tree-Based Algorithms. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15, 3221–3245.
#' Van Der Maaten, L. J. P., & Hinton, G. E. (2008). Visualizing High-Dimensional Data Using t-SNE. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 9, 2579–2605.
#' @export
#' @importFrom Rtsne Rtsne
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_bar
#' @importFrom ggplot2 guides
#' @importFrom ggplot2 xlab
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ylab
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggtitle
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom stats reorder
#' @return A cost plot of t-SNE results, which displays centralities in order of their corresponding costs.
#' The cost plot is a ggplot object that represents the optimization process and the quality of the embedding.
#' The x-axis represents the iterations of the t-SNE algorithm, and the y-axis represents the cost associated with each iteration.
#' The cost measures the discrepancy between the original high-dimensional space and the low-dimensional embedding.
#' By examining the cost plot, you can assess the convergence and stability of the t-SNE algorithm and evaluate the quality of the embedding.

tsne_centralities <- function( x , dims = 2, perplexity = 5, scale = TRUE){

  x <- x[!sapply(x,is.null)]

  x <- as.data.frame(x)

  x <- na.omit(x)

  if (scale%in%TRUE){

    x <- scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = scale)

    x <- x[!duplicated(x), ]

    cost <- Rtsne(t(x), dims = dims, perplexity = perplexity,check_duplicates = FALSE)$cost

    names(cost) <- colnames(x)

    df <- data.frame(sort(cost))

    ggplot(data=df, aes(x=reorder(rownames(df), -cost), y=cost, fill=rownames(df))) +
      geom_bar(colour="black", fill="turquoise", width=.8, stat="identity") +
      guides(fill=FALSE) +
      xlab("Centrality measures") + ylab("tsne costs") +
      ggtitle("tsne cost results")+  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, vjust=0.5),plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
                                            ,panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill=NA, size=1.5))



    x <- x[!duplicated(x), ]

    cost <- Rtsne(t(x), dims = dims, perplexity = perplexity,check_duplicates = FALSE)$cost

    names(cost) <- colnames(x)

    df <- data.frame(sort(cost))

    ggplot(data=df, aes(x=reorder(rownames(df), -cost), y=cost, fill=rownames(df))) +
      geom_bar(colour="black", fill="turquoise", width=.8, stat="identity") +
      guides(fill=FALSE) +
      xlab("Centrality measures") + ylab("tsne costs") +
      ggtitle("tsne cost results")+  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, vjust=0.5),
                                            plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
                                            ,panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill=NA, size=1.5))


#' @title Dangalchev Closeness Centrality
#' @description This function computes the Dangalchev Closeness Centrality for nodes in a network.
#' The Dangalchev Closeness Centrality measures closeness by removing nodes and edges, allowing for easier evaluation and handling of unconnected graphs.
#' @param x An igraph or a network object.
#' @param vids Nodes to be considered in the calculation.
#' @param mode A character value indicating whether the shortest paths "in" or "out" of the nodes in directed graphs should be considered. For undirected graphs, use "all".
#' @param weights A numeric vector indicating the weights of the edges.
#' @seealso \code{\link[centiserve]{closeness.residual}}
#' @return A numeric vector including the centrality values for each node.
#' The centrality values represent the Dangalchev Closeness Centrality measure for each node in the network.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @references
#' Dangalchev, C. (2006). Residual closeness in networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 365, 556-564. DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2005.12.020
#' @examples
#' data(zachary)
#' dangalchev_closeness_centrality(zachary)
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph distances
#' @importFrom igraph V
#' @importFrom igraph is_igraph
#' @importFrom igraph is_named
#' @importFrom igraph getIgraphOpt
#' @importFrom intergraph asIgraph

dangalchev_closeness_centrality<-function (x, vids = V(x), mode = c("all", "out", "in"), weights = NULL){

  if (!("igraph" %in% class(x) || "network" %in% class(x))) stop("The input is not an igraph or a
                                                            network object")

  if (is_igraph(x)){


    res <- rowSums(distMat) - diag(distMat)

    if (getIgraphOpt("add.vertex.names") && is_named(x)) {
      names(res) <- V(x)$name[vids]





    res <- rowSums(distMat) - diag(distMat)

    if (getIgraphOpt("add.vertex.names") && is_named(x)) {
      names(res) <- V(x)$name[vids]


#' @title Local Bridging Centrality
#' @description This function computes the Local Bridging Centrality for nodes in a network. The Local Bridging Centrality classifies nodes based on their structural links among the dense components.
#' @param x An igraph or a network object.
#' @param vids Nodes to be considered in the calculation.
#' @seealso \code{\link[igraph]{betweenness}}
#' @return A numeric vector including the centrality values for each node.
#' The centrality values represent the Local Bridging Centrality measure for each node in the network.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @references
#' Macker, J.P. (2016). An improved local bridging centrality model for distributed network analytics. In Military Communications Conference, MILCOM 2016-2016 IEEE (pp. 600-605). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/MILCOM.2016.7795393
#' @examples
#' data(zachary)
#' local_bridging_centrality(zachary)
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph degree
#' @importFrom igraph neighbors
#' @importFrom igraph V
#' @importFrom igraph is_igraph
#' @importFrom igraph is_named
#' @importFrom igraph getIgraphOpt
#' @importFrom intergraph asIgraph

local_bridging_centrality<-function (x, vids = V(x)){

  if (!("igraph" %in% class(x)|| "network" %in% class(x))) stop("The input is not an igraph or a
                                                            network object")

  f <- function(v){

  if (is_igraph(x)){

    results <- sapply(V(x),f)

    if (getIgraphOpt("add.vertex.names") && is_named(x)) {
      names(results) <- V(x)$name[vids]



    results <- sapply(V(x),f)

    if (getIgraphOpt("add.vertex.names") && is_named(x)) {
      names(results) <- V(x)$name[vids]

#' @title Wiener Index Centrality
#' @description This function computes the Wiener Index Centrality for nodes in a network. The Wiener index is a measure of centrality that computes the sum of all shortest paths between a node and all other related nodes in the graph. In essence, it is similar to closeness centrality, but without taking the reciprocal, resulting in a measure with the opposite meaning.
#' @param x An igraph or a network object.
#' @param vids Nodes to be considered in the calculation.
#' @param mode A character value indicating whether the shortest paths "in" or "out" of the nodes in directed graphs should be considered. For undirected graphs, "all" is used.
#' @param weights Numeric vector indicating weights of the edges.
#' @return A numeric vector including the centrality values for each node.
#' The centrality values represent the Wiener Index Centrality measure for each node in the network.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @references
#' Scardoni, G. and Carlo Laudanna, C.B.M.C. (2011). Network centralities for Cytoscape. University of Verona.
#' @examples
#' data(zachary)
#' wiener_index_centrality(zachary)
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph shortest.paths
#' @importFrom igraph V
#' @importFrom igraph is_igraph
#' @importFrom igraph is_named
#' @importFrom igraph getIgraphOpt
#' @importFrom intergraph asIgraph

wiener_index_centrality<-function (x, vids = V(x), mode = c("all", "out", "in"), weights = NULL){

  if (!("igraph" %in% class(x)||"network" %in% class(x))) stop("The input is not an igraph or a
                                                            network object")
  if (is_igraph(x)){

    distMat<- shortest.paths(x , mode = mode[1], weights = weights)

    res <- rowSums(distMat) - diag(distMat)

    if (getIgraphOpt("add.vertex.names") && is_named(x)) {
      names(res) <- V(x)$name[vids]





    distMat<- shortest.paths(x , mode = mode[1], weights = weights)

    res <- rowSums(distMat) - diag(distMat)

    if (getIgraphOpt("add.vertex.names") && is_named(x)) {
      names(res) <- V(x)$name[vids]



#' @title Harmonic Centrality
#' @description This function computes the Harmonic Centrality for nodes in a network. The harmonic centrality metric is defined as the denormalized reciprocal of the harmonic mean of all distances.
#' @param x An igraph or a network object.
#' @param vids Nodes to be considered in the calculation.
#' @param mode A character value, indicating the type of degree to consider ("out" for out-degree, "in" for in-degree, "total" for the sum of the two). For undirected graphs, this argument is ignored. The default value is "total".
#' @param weights Numeric vector indicating weights of the edges.
#' @return A numeric vector of centrality values for each node. The length of the vector is equal to the number of nodes in the network.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @references
#' BOLDI, P. & VIGNA, S. 2014. Axioms for centrality. Internet Mathematics, 00-00.
#' MARCHIORI, M. & LATORA, V. 2000. Harmony in the small-world. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 285, 539-546.
#' OPSAHL, T., AGNEESSENS, F. & SKVORETZ, J. 2010. Node centrality in weighted networks: Generalizing degree and shortest paths. Social Networks, 32, 245-251.
#' OPSAHL, T. 2010. Closeness centrality in networks with disconnected components (http://toreopsahl.com/2010/03/20/closeness-centrality-in-networks-with-disconnected-components/)
#' @examples
#' data(zachary)
#' harmonic_centrality(zachary)
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph distances
#' @importFrom igraph vcount
#' @importFrom intergraph asIgraph
#' @importFrom igraph degree
#' @importFrom igraph neighbors
#' @importFrom igraph V
#' @importFrom igraph is_igraph
#' @importFrom igraph is_named
#' @importFrom igraph getIgraphOpt

harmonic_centrality <- function (x, vids = V(x), mode = c("all", "out", "in"), weights = NULL){

  if (!("igraph" %in% class(x) || "network" %in% class(x))) stop("The input is not an igraph or a
                                                            network object")
  if (is_igraph(x)){

    distMat<-1/distances(x, mode = mode[1], weights = weights)

    res <- rowSums(distMat) - diag(distMat)

    if (getIgraphOpt("add.vertex.names") && is_named(x)) {
      names(res) <- V(x)$name[vids]




    distMat<-1/distances(x, mode = mode[1], weights = weights)

    res <- rowSums(distMat) - diag(distMat)

    if (getIgraphOpt("add.vertex.names") && is_named(x)) {
      names(res) <- V(x)$name[vids]



#' @title Group Centrality
#' @description This function computes the Group Centrality for nodes in a network. Group centrality considers a consistent ranking of each node to be calculated, taking into account the diverse possible synergies among possible groups of vertices.
#' @param x An igraph or a network object.
#' @param vids Nodes to be considered in the calculation.
#' @return A numeric vector of centrality values for each node. The length of the vector is equal to the number of nodes in the network.
#' @author Minoo Ashtiani, Mehdi Mirzaie, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @references
#' Michalak, T.P., Aadithya, K.V., Szczepanski, P.L., Ravindran, B. and Jennings, N.R., 2013. Efficient computation of the Shapley value for game-theoretic network centrality. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 46, pp.607-650.
#' https://www.civilica.com/Paper-IBIS07-IBIS07_127.html
#' @examples
#' data(zachary)
#' group_centrality(zachary)
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph neighbors
#' @importFrom igraph degree
#' @importFrom igraph V
#' @importFrom igraph is_igraph
#' @importFrom igraph is_named
#' @importFrom igraph getIgraphOpt

group_centrality<-function (x, vids = V(x)){

  if (!("igraph" %in% class(x)|| "network" %in% class(x))) stop("The input is not an igraph or a
                                                            network object")

  f <- function(v){ 1/(1 + degree(x,v)) + sum(1/(1+degree(x,neighbors(x,v,'all'))))}

  if (is_igraph(x)){

    results <- sapply(V(x),f)

    if (getIgraphOpt("add.vertex.names") && is_named(x)) {
      names(results) <- V(x)$name[vids]



    results <- sapply(V(x),f)

    if (getIgraphOpt("add.vertex.names") && is_named(x)) {
      names(results) <- V(x)$name[vids]

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