
Defines functions count_and_plot_ancestry_matrices basic_amm_plot

Documented in basic_amm_plot count_and_plot_ancestry_matrices

#' here is a function to plot a basic ancestry match matrix
#' It is primarily for internal use
#' @param ATP a tibble that has ind_1, ind_2, and an ID column
#' @keywords internal
basic_amm_plot <- function(ATP, add_imps = FALSE, perimeter_width = 0.5) {
  g <- ggplot() +
      data = ATP,
      mapping = aes(x = ind_1, y = ind_2, fill = amm),
      colour = "black"
    ) # put this down to establish a discrete scale

  g <- gg_add_generation_bands(
    g = g,
    L = max(ATP$x),
    add_impossibles = add_imps,
    alpha = 0.3
  ) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = c(`FALSE` = NA, Impossible = "white", `TRUE` = "black")) +
      data = ATP,
      mapping = aes(x = ind_1, y = ind_2, fill = amm),
      colour = "black"
    ) +  # put it down again to have it on top
    theme_bw() +
      panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
      axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1.0, vjust = 0.5)
    ) +
    guides(fill = guide_legend(title = "Ancestry Match\nMatrix Element"))

  # finally, add the zone perimeters
  g <- gg_add_zone_perimeters(
    g = g,
    L = max(ATP$x),
    perisize = perimeter_width


#' Count up the number of different kinds of related pairs and make a plot
#' This counts up all the different types of pairwise relationships and
#' makes a plot (or multiple pages of them). For an example, see
#' the Vignette: `vignette("species_1_simulation", package = "CKMRpop")`.
#' @param Pairs a tibble like that returned by `compile_related_pairs()`.
#' @param nrow the number of rows to plot per page
#' @param ncol the number of columns to plot per page
#' @param white_ball_size the size of the white dot plotted on top of the
#' primary shared ancestors' cells.
#' @export
#' @return Returns a list with the following components:
#'    - `highly_summarised`: a tibble reporting counts of different types of relationships with
#'    the columns:
#'        * `dom_relat`: The name of the dominant relationship (e.g. Si, PO, A, etc).
#'        * `max_hit`: The number of primary shared ancestors.
#'        * `n`: The number of occurrences of this type of relationship.
#'    - `dr_counts`: A tibble with the counts of all the different, unique ancestry match matrices
#'      observed, with the following columns:
#'        * `dom_relat`: The dominant relationship type
#'        * `dr_hits`: list column with the number of primary shared ancestors in the upper and lower quadrants
#'          of the ancestry match matrix (values are repeated for symmetrical relationships).
#'        * `max_hit`: the number of primary shared ancestors.
#'        * `anc_match_matrix`: a list column of ancestry match matrices.
#'        * `n`: The number of pairs with this type of ancestry match matrix
#'        * `tot_dom`: The total number of pairs within the given dominant relationship category.
#'        * `ID`: A unique, properly sorting name for this category for placing a title on
#'          facets of plots of these ancestry match matrices.
#'    - `dr_plots`: a list named by the dominant relationship. Each component is a ggplot
#'      object which is a plot of the ancestry match matrices, faceted by their `ID`'s as
#'      given in `dr_counts`.
#'    - `anc_mat_counts`: A tibble summarizing the counts of different ancestry match matrices
#'      without regard to dominant relationship type, etc. Rows are arranged in descending order
#'      of number of pairs observed with each ancestry match matrix. It has the columns:
#'        * `anc_match_matrix`: a list column of ancestry match matrices.
#'        * `n`:  the number of such matrices observed.
#'    - `anc_mat_plots`: a list of ggplot pages.  These are plots faceted by ancestry match
#'    matrix of all ancestry match matrices observed, ordered by number of occurrences (as
#'    given in `anc_mat_counts`).
count_and_plot_ancestry_matrices <- function(
  nrow = 6,
  ncol = 5,
  white_ball_size = 1
) {

  #### First, we treat each distinct relationship type ####
  # count the number of different unique relationships
  anc_mat_counts <- Pairs %>%
    count(anc_match_matrix) %>%

  # record how many relationship types there are
  n_relat <- nrow(anc_mat_counts)

  amc_to_plot <- anc_mat_counts %>%
    mutate(ID = str_c(sprintf("%03d", 1:n()), " (", n, ")" )) %>%
    mutate(amm_as_tib = map(anc_match_matrix, amm2tibble)) %>%
    unnest(amm_as_tib) %>%
      ind_1 = factor(ancestor_abbrvs(max(x))[x], levels = ancestor_abbrvs(max(x))),
      ind_2 = factor(ancestor_abbrvs(max(y))[y], levels = ancestor_abbrvs(max(y)))
    ) %>%
    mutate(amm = as.character(amm))

  # now, also get a tibble to store the primary shared ancestors
  PSA_TIBS <- Pairs %>%
    count(anc_match_matrix, psa_tibs) %>%
  tmp2 <- amc_to_plot %>%
    count(anc_match_matrix, ID) %>%

  primaries <- left_join(PSA_TIBS, tmp2, by = "anc_match_matrix") %>%
    select(ID, anc_match_matrix, everything()) %>%
    unnest(cols = c(psa_tibs))

  # now we can lapply over the different pages
  num_pages <- ceiling(n_relat / (nrow * ncol))

  plots <- lapply(1:num_pages, function(i) {
    g <- basic_amm_plot(amc_to_plot) +
        data = primaries,
        mapping = aes(
          x = prim_anc_1,
          y = prim_anc_2
        colour = "white",
        size = white_ball_size
      ) +
      ggforce::facet_wrap_paginate(~ ID, ncol = ncol, nrow = nrow, page = i)


  #### Now, we will also compile according to the dominant relationships ####
  # first tally up according to dominant relationship, dr_hits, and ancestry matrix together
  # and count up the total of each dom category while at it.  And also make an ID for each
  # of those ancestry match matrices that includes the dominant relationship, the dr_hits, and
  # how many were seen
  dr_counts  <- Pairs %>%
    count(dom_relat, dr_hits, max_hit, anc_match_matrix) %>%
    group_by(dom_relat) %>%
    mutate(tot_dom = sum(n)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    arrange(desc(tot_dom), desc(n)) %>%
    group_by(dom_relat) %>%
      ID = sprintf(
        "%03d-%s[%d,%d] - %d",
        map_int(dr_hits, function(x) x[1]),
        map_int(dr_hits, function(x) x[2]),
    ) %>%

  # now, figure out which dominant relationship has the most:
  max_panels <- dr_counts %>%
    count(dom_relat) %>%
    pull(n) %>%

  # now, choose a layout for that in which there might be one or a couple more rows than colums.
  drows <- ceiling(sqrt(max_panels))
  dcols <- ceiling(max_panels / drows)

  # now, set those IDs and dom_relats as factors so that
  # things plot out in the correct order, and then expand the
  # AMMs into rows in a tibble, then split all that
  # it into a list of tibbles on the dominant relationships
  dr_list <- dr_counts %>%
    group_by(anc_match_matrix) %>%
      ID = factor(ID, levels = unique(ID)),
      dom_relat = factor(dom_relat, levels = unique(dom_relat))
    ) %>%
    mutate(amm_as_tib = map(anc_match_matrix, amm2tibble)) %>%
    unnest(amm_as_tib) %>%
      ind_1 = factor(ancestor_abbrvs(max(x))[x], levels = ancestor_abbrvs(max(x))),
      ind_2 = factor(ancestor_abbrvs(max(y))[y], levels = ancestor_abbrvs(max(y)))
    ) %>%
    mutate(amm = as.character(amm)) %>%
    split(., .$dom_relat)

  # now we need to make another parallel list that has the primary ancestor
  # information in it.
  psa_list <- lapply(dr_list, function(x) {
    tmp <- x %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      count(anc_match_matrix, ID) %>%
      select(-n) %>%
      left_join(PSA_TIBS, by = "anc_match_matrix") %>%
      unnest(cols = c(psa_tibs))

  # now we lapply over those and make a faceted ggplot for each
  dr_plots <- lapply(names(dr_list), function(n) {
    g <- basic_amm_plot(dr_list[[n]]) +
        data = psa_list[[n]],
        mapping = aes(
          x = prim_anc_1,
          y = prim_anc_2
        colour = "white",
        size = white_ball_size
      ) +
      ggtitle(paste0("Dominant relationship: ", n)) +
      ggforce::facet_wrap_paginate(~ ID, ncol = dcols, nrow = drows, page = 1)
  names(dr_plots) <- names(dr_list)

  #### Finally, highly summarize the dr_counts into the dominant category and the dr_hit ####
  highly_summarised <- dr_counts %>%
    group_by(dom_relat, max_hit) %>%
    summarise(n = sum(n)) %>%
    arrange(desc(n)) %>%

  #### now return a list ####
    highly_summarised = highly_summarised,
    dr_counts = dr_counts,
    dr_plots = dr_plots,
    anc_mat_counts = anc_mat_counts,
    anc_mat_plots = plots


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CKMRpop documentation built on July 17, 2021, 5:07 p.m.