print.cnv <-
function (x, digits = 4, ...)
if (!is.null(attr(x, "mixture"))) {
cat("Inferred copy number variant by a quantitative signal\n")
if (is.null(attr(x, "batches")))
cat(" Method:", attr(x, "mixture")$method, " \n\n")
cat(" Method:", attr(x, "mixture")[[1]]$method, " \n\n")
else {
cat("-. Copy number variant\n Input data: called probabilities\n")
cat("-. Number of individuals:", length(x), "\n")
cat("-. Copies", paste(attr(x, "num.copies"), collapse = ", "),
if (!is.null(attr(x, "means"))){
means <- attr(x, "means")
if (is.vector(means))
cat("-. Estimated means:", paste(round(attr(x, "means"), digits = digits), collapse = ", "), "\n")
colnames(means)<-paste("CNV",attr(x, "num.copies"))
cat("-. Estimated means:\n")
print(round(means, digits = digits))
if (!is.null(attr(x, "sds"))){
sds <- attr(x, "sds")
if (is.vector(sds))
cat("-. Estimated variances:", paste(round(attr(x, "sds")^2, digits = digits), collapse = ", "), "\n")
colnames(sds)<-paste("CNV",attr(x, "num.copies"))
cat("-. Estimated variances:\n")
print(round(sds^2, digits = digits))
probs <- colMeans(attr(x, "probabilities"))
cat("-. Estimated proportions:", paste(round(probs, digits = digits), collapse = ", "), "\n")
if (!is.null(attr(x, "mixture"))){
if (is.null(attr(x, "batches"))){
if (!is.null(attr(x, "mixture")$P))
cat("-. Goodness-of-fit test: p-value=", attr(x, "mixture")$P,"\n")
if (!is.null(attr(x, "mixture")[[1]]$P)){
cat("-. Goodness-of-fit test:\n")
p.values <- cbind(unlist(lapply(attr(x, "mixture"), function(mixture.i) mixture.i$P)))
rownames(p.values)<-paste("Batch",unique(attr(x, "batches")))
if (length(attr(x, "copynum.range")) > 1) {
if (!is.null(attr(x, "mixture")))
cat("\n\n-. Note: number of classes has been selected using the best BIC\n")
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