Man pages for COSINE
COndition SpecIfic sub-NEtwork

choose_lambdaChoose the most appropriate weight parameter lambda
cond.fyxCompute the ECF-statistics measuring the differential...
COSINE-packageCOndition SpecIfic subNEtwork identification
DataSimuSimulation of the six datasets and the case dataset
diff_genCalculate the F-statistics and ECF-statistics
diff_gen_for3Generate the F-statistics and ECF-statistics for the...
diff_gen_PPIGenerate the scaled node score and scaled edge score for...
f.testTo get the F-statistics for each gene
GA_searchUse genetic algorithm to search for the globally optimal...
GA_search_PPIRun genetic algorithm to search for the PPI sub-network
get_components_PPIGet all the components (connected clusters) of the...
get_quantilesGet the five quantiles of the weight parameter lambda
get_quantiles_PPIGet the five quantile values of lambda for analysis of gene...
PPIThe protein protein interaction network data
random_network_sampling_PPITo sample random sub-network from the PPI data
scaled_edge_scoreThe scaled ECF statistics of all the edges
scaled_node_scoreThe scaled ECF-statistics of all the edges
Score_adjust_PPITo adjust the score of the selected PPI sub-network using...
score_scalingTo get the normalzied F-statistics and ECF-statistics
set1_GAResult of genetic algorithm search for simulated data set1
set1_scaled_diffThe standardized F-statistics and ECF-statistics for the...
set1_unscaled_diffThe unstandardized F-statistics and ECF-statistics of...
simulated_dataThe simulated data sets used in the paper
COSINE documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:21 p.m.