
Defines functions campari

Documented in campari

#' @title Original campari run
#' @description
#'      \code{campari} will call the original campari software, specified in the directory camp_home.
#'      It is possible to use this function following the instructions in \url{http://campari.sourceforge.net/tutorial11.html}.
#'      For that purpose a keyfile and sequence file are present inside this package as an example (in \code{CampaR1/inst/extdata}).
#' @param nsnaps Number of snapshots in the trajectory file.
#' @param wd Working directory.
#' @param data_file Input file (e.g. \code{trajectory.dcd}) location.
#' @param base_name This name should be used for the input files (\code{base_name.key} and \code{base_name.in}) in order to run campari.
#' @param camp_home Location of the installed campari software.
#' @param ... Analysis variables (similarly to \code{\link{mst_from_trj}}).
#' @details For details, please refer to the main documentation of the original campari software \url{http://campari.sourceforge.net/documentation.html}.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{mst_from_trj}}, \code{\link{gen_progindex}}, \code{\link{gen_annotation}}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' campari(nsnaps = 100, wd = "./", data_file = "file_dcd", camp_home = "/campari_home/",
#'         base_name = "nbu", pdb_format = 4,
#'         cprogindstart = 2,distance_met = 5, birch_height = 5, cmaxrad = 1, cradius = 0.1,
#'         cprogindwidth = 10,search_attempts = 10, methodst = 2)
#' }
#' @export campari
campari<-function(nsnaps, wd, data_file, base_name, camp_home, ...){
  input_list <- list(...)
  if(!"cprogindstart" %in% names(input_list)) cprogindstart = 1
  else cprogindstart = as.numeric(input_list["cprogindstart"])
  if(!"pdb_format" %in% names(input_list)) pdb_format = 4
  else pdb_format = as.numeric(input_list["pdb_format"])
  if(!"distance_met" %in% names(input_list)) distance_met = 5
  else distance_met = as.numeric(input_list["distance_met"])
  if(!"birch_height" %in% names(input_list)) birch_height = 5
  else birch_height = as.numeric(input_list["birch_height"])
  if(!"cmaxrad" %in% names(input_list)) cmaxrad = 2147483647
  else cmaxrad = as.numeric(input_list["cmaxrad"])
  if(!"cradius" %in% names(input_list)) cradius = 2147483647
  else cradius = as.numeric(input_list["cradius"])
  if(!"cprogindwidth" %in% names(input_list)) cprogindwidth = 1
  else cprogindwidth = as.numeric(input_list["cprogindwidth"])
  if(!"search_attempts" %in% names(input_list)) search_attempts = NULL
  else search_attempts = as.numeric(input_list["search_attempts"])
  if(!"methodst" %in% names(input_list)) methodst = 1
  else methodst = as.numeric(input_list["methodst"])
  # dirs/file definitions
  kfile <- paste0(base_name,".key")
  klog <-paste0(base_name,".log")
  seq_in <- paste0(base_name,".in")

  kchar<-readChar(paste0(wd,kfile), file.info(paste0(wd,kfile))$size)

  PARAMETERS <- paste0(camp_home,"params/abs3.2_opls.prm")  # file defining system energies. Irrelevant fuer blosse Analyse.
  FMCSC_BBSEGFILE <- paste0(camp_home,"data/bbseg2.dat")    # lookup table for secondary structure measures
  FMCSC_SEQFILE  <- paste0(wd,seq_in)                      # input file that defines the sequence of the molecule(s)

  FMCSC_PDB_FORMAT <- pdb_format
    FMCSC_PDBFILE <- paste0(wd,data_file)
    FMCSC_XTCFILE <- paste0(wd,data_file)
    FMCSC_DCDFILE <- paste0(wd,data_file)

  #1. CAMPARI expects a single trajectory file in pdb-format using the MODEL /ENDMDL syntax to denote the individual snapshots.
  #2. CAMPARI expects to find multiple pdb files with one snapshot each that are systematically numbered starting from the file provided via PDBFILE.
  #3. CAMPARI expects to find a single trajectory in binary xtc-format (GROMACS style).
  #4. CAMPARI expects to find a single trajectory in binary dcd-format (CHARMM/NAMD style).
  #5. CAMPARI expects to find a single trajectory in binary NetCDF-format (AMBER style). (reference)
  #Note that .xtc, .nc, and .dcd trajectory files are not annotated and that the order of atoms between
  #the file and CAMPARI's inner workings must be consistent. Since this is almost never true for binary
  #trajectory files obtained with other software, CAMPARI offers the user to provide a pdb template
  #which contains the order of atoms in the binary file in annotated form (see PDB_TEMPLATE).

  if(is.null(search_attempts)&&methodst==2) search_attempts <- nsnaps/10

  FMCSC_PDB_R_CONV <- 1 # different conventions for the formatting of PDB files.
  #2. GROMOS
  #3. CHARMM
  #4. AMBER

  FMCSC_NRSTEPS <- nsnaps
  FMCSC_CDISTANCE <- distance_met # seq(0,10,1) #1-5 crashed because torsional

  FMCSC_BIRCHHEIGHT <- birch_height #12 #nothing is changing 1,51,2
  FMCSC_CMAXRAD <- cmaxrad  #nothing is changing 0,5,0.5
  FMCSC_CRADIUS <- cradius #nothing is changing seq(0.1,5.1,0.2)
  FMCSC_CCUTOFF <- 2147483647  #nothing seq(0,10) chardcut is different from cmaxrad which is used only in the case of sst (root lev)

  FMCSC_CPROGINDMODE <- methodst #exact MST = 1
  FMCSC_CPROGINDRMAX <- search_attempts #ONLY SST
  FMCSC_CPROGINDSTART <- cprogindstart #nothing is changing c(-1,seq(1,1801,200))
  FMCSC_CPROGINDWIDTH <-  cprogindwidth # 540

  FMCSC_CPROGMSTFOLD <- 0 # tree contraction
  FMCSC_PCAMODE      <-1   #no PCA is performed
  # this keyword allows the user to elect to run the clustering algorithm (CMODE) on a dataset of r
  # educed dimensionality that corresponds to the first NV data vectors in the transformed space, w
  # here NV is set by the choice for this keyword.
  # this keyword can be used to specifically disable the alignment step that occurs before
  # the actual RMSD of the two coordinate sets is computed. To achieve this, provide any
  # value other than 1 (the default) for this on/off-type keyword.

  kchar<-sub(pattern = "PARAMETERS\\s[A-Za-z0-9_/.~]+", replacement = paste0("PARAMETERS ", PARAMETERS), x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_PDBANALYZE\\s[0-9]+", replacement = paste0("FMCSC_PDBANALYZE ", FMCSC_PDBANALYZE), x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_BBSEGFILE\\s[A-Za-z0-9_/.~]+", replacement = paste0("FMCSC_BBSEGFILE ", FMCSC_BBSEGFILE), x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_SEQFILE\\s[A-Za-z0-9_/.~]+", replacement = paste0("FMCSC_SEQFILE ", FMCSC_SEQFILE), x = kchar)
    #if there is bla bla if not bla bla
    kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_PDBFILE\\s[A-Za-z0-9_/.~]+", replacement = paste0("FMCSC_PDBFILE ", FMCSC_PDBFILE), x = kchar)
    kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_PDBFILE\\s[A-Za-z0-9_/.~]+", replacement = "", x = kchar)
    kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_XTCFILE\\s[A-Za-z0-9_/.~]+", replacement = paste0("FMCSC_XTCFILE ", FMCSC_XTCFILE), x = kchar)
    kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_XTCFILE\\s[A-Za-z0-9_/.~]+", replacement = "", x = kchar)
    kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_DCDFILE\\s[A-Za-z0-9_/.~]+", replacement = paste0("FMCSC_DCDFILE ", FMCSC_DCDFILE), x = kchar)
    kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_DCDFILE\\s[A-Za-z0-9_/.~]+", replacement = "", x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_PDB_FORMAT\\s[0-9]+", replacement = paste0("FMCSC_PDB_FORMAT ", FMCSC_PDB_FORMAT), x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_PDB_R_CONV\\s[0-9]+", replacement = paste0("FMCSC_PDB_R_CONV ", FMCSC_PDB_R_CONV), x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_NRSTEPS\\s[0-9]+", replacement = paste0("FMCSC_NRSTEPS ", FMCSC_NRSTEPS), x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_CDISTANCE\\s[0-9]+", replacement = paste0("FMCSC_CDISTANCE ",FMCSC_CDISTANCE),x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_BIRCHHEIGHT\\s[0-9]+", replacement = paste0("FMCSC_BIRCHHEIGHT ",FMCSC_BIRCHHEIGHT),x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_CMAXRAD\\s([0-9]+.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)",replacement = paste0("FMCSC_CMAXRAD ",FMCSC_CMAXRAD),x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_CRADIUS\\s([0-9]+.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)",replacement = paste0("FMCSC_CRADIUS ",FMCSC_CRADIUS),x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_CCUTOFF\\s([0-9]+.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)",replacement = paste0("FMCSC_CCUTOFF ",FMCSC_CCUTOFF),x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_CPROGINDMODE\\s[0-9]+",replacement = paste0("FMCSC_CPROGINDMODE ",FMCSC_CPROGINDMODE),x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_CPROGINDRMAX\\s[0-9]+",replacement = paste0("FMCSC_CPROGINDRMAX ",FMCSC_CPROGINDRMAX),x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_CPROGINDSTART\\s([0-9]+|-[0-9]+)",replacement = paste0("FMCSC_CPROGINDSTART ",FMCSC_CPROGINDSTART),x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_CPROGINDWIDTH\\s[0-9]+",replacement = paste0("FMCSC_CPROGINDWIDTH ",FMCSC_CPROGINDWIDTH),x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_CPROGMSTFOLD\\s[0-9]+",replacement = paste0("FMCSC_CPROGMSTFOLD ",FMCSC_CPROGMSTFOLD),x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_PCAMODE\\s[0-9]+",replacement = paste0("FMCSC_PCAMODE ",FMCSC_PCAMODE),x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_CREDUCEDIM\\s[0-9]+",replacement = paste0("FMCSC_CREDUCEDIM ",FMCSC_CREDUCEDIM),x = kchar)
  kchar<-sub(pattern = "FMCSC_CALIGN\\s[0-9]+",replacement = paste0("FMCSC_CALIGN ",FMCSC_CALIGN),x = kchar)
  writeLines(kchar, fileConn)

  system(paste0(camp_home,"bin/x86_64/campari -k ",kfile, paste0(">& ",klog)))
  system(paste0("tail ",klog))

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CampaR1 documentation built on May 30, 2017, 2:51 a.m.