
#       rstabel function                                      #
#       Date: January, 22, 2002                               #
#       Version: 0.1                                          #
#                                                             #
#                                                             #
#   This  R code is based on C functions gsl_ran_levy and     #
#     gsl_ran_levy_skew from GNU Scientifi Library            #
#      copyrighted under GNU general license by               #
#     James Theiler, Brian Gough and Keith Briggs.            #
#                                                             #
#   Here the original comments in the code:
#   The stable Levy probability distributions have the form
#   p(x) dx = (1/(2 pi)) \int dt exp(- it x - |c t|^alpha)
#   with 0 < alpha <= 2. 
#   For alpha = 1, we get the Cauchy distribution
#   For alpha = 2, we get the Gaussian distribution with sigma = sqrt(2) c.
#   Fromn Chapter 5 of Bratley, Fox and Schrage "A Guide to
#   Simulation". The original reference given there is,
#   J.M. Chambers, C.L. Mallows and B. W. Stuck. "A method for
#   simulating stable random variates". Journal of the American
#   Statistical Association, JASA 71 340-344 (1976).
#   The following routine for the skew-symmetric case was provided by
#   Keith Briggs.
#   The stable Levy probability distributions have the form
#   2*pi* p(x) dx
#     = \int dt exp(mu*i*t-|sigma*t|^alpha*(1-i*beta*sign(t)*tan(pi*alpha/2))) for alpha!=1
#     = \int dt exp(mu*i*t-|sigma*t|^alpha*(1+i*beta*sign(t)*2/pi*log(|t|)))   for alpha==1
#   with 0<alpha<=2, -1<=beta<=1, sigma>0.
#   For beta=0, sigma=c, mu=0, we get gsl_ran_levy above.
#   For alpha = 1, beta=0, we get the Lorentz distribution
#   For alpha = 2, beta=0, we get the Gaussian distribution
#   See A. Weron and R. Weron: Computer simulation of Levy alpha-stable 
#   variables and processes, preprint Technical University of Wroclaw.
#   http://www.im.pwr.wroc.pl/~hugo/Publications.html

rstable <- function(n, scale = 1, index = stop("no index arg"), skewness = 0) {

alpha <- index
beta <- skewness

if (alpha > 2 | alpha <= 0) {stop("rstable is not define for index outside the interval 0 < index <= 2\n")}

if (beta > 1 | beta < -1) {stop("rstable is not define for skewness outside the interval -1 <= skewness <= 1\n")}

if (beta==0) {

## cauchy case
  if (alpha == 1) {	
      return(scale*rcauchy(n, location = 0, scale = 1))

## gaussian case
  if (alpha == 2) { 
      return(rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(2)*scale)) 

## general case

  rngstab <- vector(length=0)
  for (i in 1:n) {
       u <- 0 
       while (u == 0 | u == 1) {
              u <-  pi * (runif(1, min=0, max=1) - 0.5)

       v <- 0
       while (v == 0) {
              v <- rexp(1,rate=1)   

       t <-  sin (alpha * u) / (cos (u)^(1 / alpha))
       s <- (cos ((1 - alpha) * u) / v)^((1 - alpha) / alpha)
  rngstab <- c(rngstab, t*s)

  return (scale * rngstab);
} else {

   rngstab <- vector(length=0)
   for (i in 1:n) {

       u <- 0 
       while (u == 0 | u == 1) {
              u <-  pi * (runif(1, min=0, max=1) - 0.5)

       v <- 0
       while (v == 0) {
              v <- rexp(1,rate=1)   

       if (alpha == 1) {
           X <-  (((pi/2) + beta * u) * tan (u) - beta * log ((pi/2) * v * cos (u) / ((pi/2) + beta * u))) / (pi/2)
           rngstab <- c(rngstab, (scale * (X + beta * log (c) / (pi/2))))
       } else {
           t <- beta * tan ((pi/2) * alpha)
           B <- atan (t) / alpha
           S <-  (1 + t * t)^(1/(2 * alpha))

           X <-  S * sin (alpha * (u + B)) / (cos (u)^(1 / alpha)) * (cos (u - alpha * (u + B)) / v)^((1 - alpha) / alpha)
          rngstab <- c(rngstab, (scale * X))


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