
Defines functions plotLoveCorReg

#' Linear regression using CorReg's method, with variable selection.
#' @description Computes three regression models: Complete (regression on the wole dataset X), marginal (regression using only independant covariates: \code{X[,colSums(Z)==0]}) and plug-in (sequential regression based on the marginal model and then use redundant covariates by plug-in, 
#' with a regression on the residuals of the marginal model by the residuals of the sub-regressions). Each regression can be computed with variable selection (for example the lasso).
#' @param B The (d+1)xd matrix associated to Z and that contains the parameters of the sub-regressions
#' @param lambda (optional) parameter for elasticnet or ridge (quadratic penalty) if select="elasticnet" or "ridge".
#' @param X The data matrix (covariates) without the intercept
#' @param Y The response variable vector
#' @param Z The structure (adjacency matrix) between the covariates
#' @param compl (boolean) to decide if the complete modele is computed
#' @param expl (boolean) to decide if the explicative model is in the output
#' @param pred (boolean) to decide if the predictive model is computed
#' @param select selection method in ("lar","lasso","forward.stagewise","stepwise", "elasticnet", "NULL","ridge","adalasso","clere","spikeslab")
#' @param criterion the criterion used to compare the models
#' @param K the number of clusters for cross-validation
#' @param groupe a vector of integer to define the groups used for cross-validation (to obtain a reproductible result)
#' @param Amax the maximum number of non-zero coefficients in the final model
# ' @param returning boolean: second predictive step (selection on I1 knowing I2 coefficients)
#' @param X_test validation sample
#' @param Y_test response for the validation sample
#' @param intercept boolean. If FALSE intercept will be set to 0 in each model.
#' @param alpha Coefficients of the explicative model to coerce the predictive step. if not NULL explicative step is not computed.
#' @param g (optional) number of group of variables for clere if select="clere"
# ' @param compl2 boolean to compute regression (OLS only) upon [X_f,epsilon] instead of [X_f,X_r]
# ' @param explnew alternative estimation
#' @return a list that contains:
#' \item{compl}{Results associated to the regression on X}
#' \item{expl}{Results associated to the marginal regression on explicative covariates (defined by colSums(Z)==0)}
#' \item{pred}{Results associated to the plug-in regression model.}
#' \item{compl$A}{Vector of the regression coefficients (the first is the intercept).(also have expl$A and pred$A) }
#' \item{compl$BIC}{BIC criterion associated to the model (also have expl$A and pred$A) }
#' \item{compl$AIC}{AIC criterion associated to the model (also have expl$A) }
#' \item{compl$CVMSE}{Cross-validated MSE associated to the model (also have expl$A) }
#' @examples
#' # dataset generation
#' base = mixture_generator(n = 15, p = 10, ratio = 0.4, tp1 = 1, tp2 = 1, tp3 = 1, positive = 0.5, 
#'                          R2Y = 0.8, R2 = 0.9, scale = TRUE, max_compl = 3, lambda = 1)
#' X_appr = base$X_appr # learning sample
#' Y_appr = base$Y_appr # response variable for the learning sample
#' Y_test = base$Y_test # responsee variable for the validation sample
#' X_test = base$X_test # validation sample
#' TrueZ = base$Z # True generative structure (binary adjacency matrix)
#' # Regression coefficients estimation
#' select = "lar" # variable selection with lasso (using lar algorithm)
#' resY = correg(X = X_appr, Y = Y_appr, Z = TrueZ, compl = TRUE, expl = TRUE, pred = TRUE, 
#'               select = select, K = 10)
#' # MSE computation
#' MSE_complete = MSE_loc(Y = Y_test, X = X_test, A = resY$compl$A) # classical model on X
#' MSE_marginal = MSE_loc(Y = Y_test, X = X_test, A = resY$expl$A) # reduced model without correlations
#' MSE_plugin = MSE_loc(Y = Y_test, X = X_test, A = resY$pred$A) # plug-in model
#' MSE_true = MSE_loc(Y = Y_test, X = X_test, A = base$A) # True model
#' # MSE comparison
#' MSE = data.frame(MSE_complete, MSE_marginal, MSE_plugin, MSE_true)
#' MSE # estimated structure
#' barplot(as.matrix(MSE), main = "MSE on validation dataset", sub = paste("select =", select))
#' abline(h = MSE_complete, col = "red")
#' @export
# Attention cette fonction degage une puissance phenomenale (it's over 9000!)
correg <- function (X = NULL, Y = NULL, Z = NULL, B = NULL, compl = TRUE, expl = FALSE, pred = FALSE,
                    select = c("lar", "lasso", "forward.stagewise", "stepwise", "elasticnet", "NULL", "ridge", "adalasso", "clere", "spikeslab"), 
                    criterion = c("MSE", "BIC"), X_test = NULL, Y_test = NULL, intercept = TRUE, 
                    K = 10, groupe = NULL, Amax = NULL, lambda = 1, alpha = NULL,  g = 5) 
  compl2 = FALSE
  returning = FALSE
  explnew = FALSE
    return("I Love CorReg !")
  res = list()
  X = 1*as.matrix(X)
  K = abs(K)
  K = min(K, nrow(X))
  Y = 1*as.matrix(Y)
  if(is.null(groupe)) {
    groupe = rep(0:(K - 1), length.out = nrow(as.matrix(X)))
    groupe = sample(groupe)
  select = match.arg(select)
  if(select == "NULL"){
    returning = FALSE
  if(select == "adalasso")
  criterion = match.arg(criterion)
  if (is.null(Amax)) {
    Amax = ncol(X) + 1
  if (sum(Z) == 0) {
    compl = TRUE
  if (compl) {
    if (select == "NULL") {
      res$compl$A = c(OLS(X = X, Y = Y, intercept = intercept)$beta)
    }else if (select != "elasticnet" & select != "ridge" & select != "adalasso" & select!="clere" & select != "spikeslab") {
      lars_compl = lars(x = X, y = Y, type = select, intercept = intercept)
      res$compl = meilleur_lars(lars = lars_compl, X = X, 
                                Y = Y, mode = criterion, intercept = intercept, 
                                K = K, groupe = groupe, Amax = Amax)
    }else if (select == "elasticnet"){
      lars_compl = renet(x = X, y = Y, intercept = intercept, 
                         lambda = lambda)
      names(lars_compl)[4] = "coefficients"
      res$compl = meilleur_lars(lars = lars_compl, X = X, 
                                Y = Y, mode = criterion, intercept = intercept, 
                                K = K, groupe = groupe, Amax = Amax)
    }else if(select == "adalasso"){
      resada=parcor::adalasso(X = X, y = Y, k = K)    
          resada$intercept.adalasso = 0
        res$compl$A = c(resada$intercept.adalasso, resada$coefficients.adalasso)
        res$compl$A = c(resada$coefficients.adalasso)
      Xloc = X[, resada$coefficients.adalasso != 0]
      res$compl$A[res$compl$A != 0] = c(OLS(X = Xloc, Y = Y, intercept = intercept)$beta)
      res$compl$A = c(res$compl$A)
    }else if(select == "clere"){
      res$compl$A = A_clere(y = as.numeric(Y), x = X, g = g)
    }else if(select == "spikeslab"){
      respike = spikeslab::spikeslab(x = X, y = Y)
      res$compl$A = rep(0, times = ncol(X) + intercept)
        res$compl$A[c(1, 1 + which(respike$gnet.scale != 0))] = OLS(X = X[, respike$gnet.scale != 0], Y = as.numeric(Y), intercept = intercept)$beta
        res$compl$A[respike$gnet.scale != 0] = OLS(X = X[, respike$gnet.scale != 0], Y = as.numeric(Y), intercept = intercept)$beta
      #res_ridge = linearRidge(Y~.,data=data.frame(X))
      res_ridge = glmnet(as.matrix(X), Y, alpha = 0)
      res$compl$A = c(matrix(coef(res_ridge, lambda)))
    res$compl$BIC = BicTheta(X = X, Y = Y, intercept = intercept, beta = res$compl$A)
    res$compl$AIC = mon_AIC(theta = res$compl$A, Y = Y, X = X, intercept = intercept) 
    res$compl$CVMSE = CVMSE(X = X, Y = Y, intercept = intercept, K = K, groupe = groupe)
  if (sum(Z) != 0 & (expl | pred)) {
    qui = WhoIs(Z = Z)
    I1 = qui$I1
    I2 = qui$I2
    }else if (select == "NULL") {
      res$expl$A = OLS(X = as.matrix(X[, I1]), Y = Y, intercept = intercept)$beta
    }else if (select != "elasticnet" & select != "ridge" & select != "adalasso"  & select!="clere" & select!="spikeslab") {
      lars_expl = lars(x = as.matrix(X[, I1]), y = Y, type = select, 
                       intercept = intercept)
      res$expl = meilleur_lars(lars = lars_expl, X = as.matrix(X[, I1]), Y = Y, 
                               mode = criterion, intercept = intercept, 
                               K = K, groupe = groupe, Amax = Amax)
    }else if (select=="elasticnet"){
      lars_expl = renet(x = as.matrix(X[, I1]), y = Y, intercept = intercept, 
                        lambda = lambda)
      names(lars_expl)[4] = "coefficients"
      res$expl = meilleur_lars(lars = lars_expl, X = as.matrix(X[,I1]), Y = Y, 
                               mode = criterion, intercept = intercept, 
                               K = K, groupe = groupe, Amax = Amax)
    }else if(select=="adalasso"){
    }else if(select == "clere"){
    }else if(select == "spikeslab"){
      #lars_expl = linearRidge(Y~.,data=data.frame(X[,I1]))
      A_expl = rep(0, times = ncol(X) + intercept)
        A_expl[c(intercept, I1 + intercept)] = res$expl$A
        A_expl[I1] = res$expl$A
      res$expl$A = A_expl
    res$expl$BIC = BicTheta(X = X, Y = Y, intercept = intercept, beta = A_expl)
    res$expl$CVMSE = CVMSE(X = X[,res$expl$A[-intercept]!=0], Y = Y, intercept = intercept, K = K, groupe = groupe)
    if (pred & length(I2)>0) {     
      if (is.null(B)) {
        B = hatB(Z = Z, X = X)
      Xtilde = X[, I2] - cbind(rep(1, times = nrow(X)), X[, I1]) %*% B[c(1, I1 + 1), I2]
      Xtilde = as.matrix(Xtilde)
        Ytilde = Y - as.matrix(X[, I1]) %*% A_expl[-1][I1] - A_expl[1]
        Ytilde = Y - as.matrix(X[, I1]) %*% A_expl[I1]
      if (select == "NULL") {
        A_inj = OLS(X = Xtilde, Y = Ytilde, intercept = F)$beta
      }else if (select != "elasticnet"  & select != "ridge" & select != "adalasso"  & select!="clere" & select!="spikeslab") {
        lars_inj = lars(x = Xtilde, y = Ytilde, type = select, 
                        intercept = FALSE)
        if(max(lars_inj$R2) == 0){
          A_inj = meilleur_lars(lars = lars_inj, X = Xtilde, 
                                Y = Ytilde, mode = criterion, intercept = FALSE, 
                                K = K, groupe = groupe)$A
      }else if (select == "elasticnet") {
        lars_inj = renet(x = Xtilde, y = Ytilde, intercept = FALSE, 
                         lambda = lambda)
        names(lars_inj)[4] = "coefficients"
        A_inj = meilleur_lars(lars = lars_inj, X = Xtilde, 
                              Y = Ytilde, mode = criterion, intercept = FALSE, 
                              K = K, groupe = groupe)$A
      }else if(select == "adalasso"){
        resada = parcor::adalasso(X = Xtilde, y = Ytilde, k = K)    
        A_inj = c(resada$coefficients.adalasso)
        if(length(A_inj[A_inj != 0])>0){
          Xloc = Xtilde[, A_inj != 0]
          A_inj[A_inj != 0] = c(OLS(X = Xloc, Y = Ytilde, intercept = FALSE)$beta)
      }else if(select =="clere"){
        A_inj = A_clere(y = as.numeric(Ytilde), x = Xtilde, g = g)
        A_inj = A_inj[-1] #vraiment pas propre
      }else if(select == "spikeslab"){
        respike = spikeslab::spikeslab(x = X[, I1], y = Ytilde)
        A_inj = rep(0, times = ncol(Xtilde))
        A_inj[which(respike$gnet.scale != 0)] = OLS(X = Xtilde[, respike$gnet.scale != 0], Y = as.numeric(Ytilde), intercept = intercept)$beta 
        if(ncol(Xtilde) > 1){
          res_ridge = glmnet(as.matrix(Xtilde), Y, alpha = 0, intercept = FALSE)
          A_inj = c(matrix(coef(res_ridge, lambda)))
          #ridge_pred = linearRidge(Ytilde~0+., data = data.frame(Xtilde))
          #A_inj = coef(ridge_pred)
          ridge_pred = OLS(X = Xtilde, Y = Ytilde, intercept = FALSE) # ridge has no sense on only one covariate
          A_inj = ridge_pred$beta
      A_pred = rep(0, times = ncol(X) + intercept)
      A_pred[I2 + intercept] = A_inj
        Ytildebis = Y-as.matrix(X[, I2])%*%A_pred[I2 + intercept]
        Ytildebis = as.matrix(Ytildebis)
        if (select != "elasticnet" & select != "ridge" & select != "adalasso"  & select != "clere" & select != "spikeslab") {
          lars_retour=lars(x = as.matrix(X[,I1]), y = Ytildebis, type = select, 
                           intercept = intercept)
          A_retour = meilleur_lars(lars = lars_retour, X = as.matrix(X[, I1]), 
                                   Y = Ytildebis, mode = criterion, intercept = intercept, 
                                   K = K, groupe = groupe)$A
        }else if (select == "elasticnet"){
          lars_retour= renet(x = as.matrix(X[,I1]), y = Ytildebis, intercept =intercept, 
                             lambda = lambda)
          names(lars_retour)[4] = "coefficients"
          A_retour = meilleur_lars(lars = lars_retour, X = as.matrix(X[, I1]), 
                                   Y = Ytildebis, mode = criterion, intercept = intercept, 
                                   K = K, groupe = groupe)$A
        }else if(select == "adalasso"){
          resada = parcor::adalasso(X = X[, I1], y = Ytildebis, k = K)    
            A_retour = c(resada$intercept.adalasso, resada$coefficients.adalasso)
            A_retour = c(resada$coefficients.adalasso)
          Xloc = X[, I1][, resada$coefficients.adalasso != 0]
          A_retour[A_retour != 0] = c(OLS(X = Xloc,Y = Y, intercept = intercept)$beta)   
        }else if(select == "clere"){
          A_retour = A_clere(y = as.numeric(Y), x = X[, I1], g = g)
        }else if(select == "spikeslab"){
          respike = spikeslab::spikeslab(x = X[,I1], y = Y)
          res$compl$A = rep(0, times = ncol(X[, I1]) + intercept)
            res$compl$A[c(1, 1 + which(respike$gnet.scale != 0))] = OLS(X = X[, I1][, respike$gnet.scale != 0], Y = as.numeric(Y), intercept = intercept)$beta
            res$compl$A[respike$gnet.scale != 0] = OLS(X = X[, I1][, respike$gnet.scale != 0], Y = as.numeric(Y), intercept = intercept)$beta
          #ridge_pred = linearRidge(Ytildebis~.,data=data.frame(X[,I1]))
          res_ridge = glmnet(as.matrix(X[, I1]), Ytildebis, alpha = 0, intercept = FALSE)
          A_retour = c(matrix(coef(res_ridge, lambda)))
          A_pred[c(intercept, I1 + intercept)] = A_retour
          A_pred[ I1 ] = A_retour
          A_pred[c(intercept, I1 + intercept)] = A_expl[c(intercept,I1 + intercept)] - B[c(1, I1 + 1), I2] %*% as.matrix(A_inj)
          A_pred[ I1 ] = A_expl[I1] - B[c(1, I1 + 1), I2] %*% as.matrix(A_inj)
      res$pred$A = A_pred
      #  res$pred$CVMSE = CVMSE(X = X[, which(A_pred[-1] != 0)], Y = Y, intercept = intercept, K = K, groupe = groupe)
      res$pred$BIC = BicTheta(X = X, Y = Y, intercept = intercept, beta = A_pred)
      res$pred$AIC = mon_AIC(theta = res$pred$A, Y = Y, X = X, intercept = intercept) 
        Xloc = X
        Xloc[,I2] = Xtilde
        res$compl2$A = OLS(X = as.matrix(Xloc), Y = Y, intercept = intercept)$beta
        res$compl2$BIC = BicTheta(X = as.matrix(Xloc), Y = Y, intercept = intercept, beta = res$compl2$A)
        res$compl2$CVMSE = CVMSE(X = Xloc, Y = Y, intercept = intercept, K = K, groupe = groupe)
  }else if ((sum(Z) == 0) & (expl | pred)) {
    res$expl$A = res$compl$A
    if (pred) {
      res$pred$A = res$compl$A
    if (explnew){
      res$expl2$A = res$compl$A

plotLoveCorReg <- function()
  dat <- data.frame(t = seq(0, 2*pi, by = 0.1))
  xhrt <- function(t) 16*sin(t)^3
  yhrt <- function(t) 13*cos(t)-5*cos(2*t)-2*cos(3*t)-cos(4*t)
  dat$y = yhrt(dat$t)
  dat$x = xhrt(dat$t)
  with(dat, plot(x, y, type = "l"))  
  with(dat, polygon(x, y, col = "red"))   
  points(c(10,-10, -15, 15), c(-10, -10, 10, 10), pch = 169, font = 5)
  title(main = "I Love CorReg !")

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CorReg documentation built on Feb. 20, 2020, 5:07 p.m.