
#' @title Test the Functional Form of Covariates in Cox Model with Right-Censored Length-Biased Data
#' @description Tests the functional form of covariates assumed for a Cox model fit (coxphlb).
#' @import survival
#' @usage coxphlb.ftest(fit, data, spec.p = 1, n.sim = 1000, z0 = NULL,
#' seed.n = round(runif(1,1,1e09)), digits = 3L)
#' @param fit The result of fitting a Cox model, using the \code{coxphlb} function.
#' @param data A data frame containing the variables in the model.
#' @param spec.p An integer specifying which covariate to be tested. Default is 1. If set to 1, the first column of the covariate matrix is tested.
#' @param n.sim The number of resampling. Default is 1000.
#' @param z0 A vector of grid points to use for the specified covariate. The default is a vector of 100 equally distributed numeric values within the range of the specified covariate.
#' @param seed.n An integer specifying seed number.
#' @param digits An integer controlling the number of digits to print.
#' @return A list containing the following components:
#' \item{p.value}{A p-value.}
#' \item{}{The list is returned as an object of the \code{coxphlb.ftest} class. Objects of this class have methods for the function \code{print}. The object also contains the following: \code{n.sim}; \code{z0}; \code{stat.mat.z}, the test statistic; \code{sim.mat.z}, samples from the null distribution; \code{varnames}, the variable that is tested; \code{result}, the table output.}
#' @details The functional form of a continuous covariate is checked by constructing test statistics based on asymptotically mean-zero processes. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistics is approximated via resampling. This function computes the p-value by comparing the test statistics with n.sim number of resamples. If the p-value is small (e.g., <0.05), it is likely that the assumption is violated. The test should be done per variable for continuous covariates.
#' @seealso \code{\link{coxphlb}}, \code{\link{coxphlb.phtest}}, \code{\link{coxphlb.ftest.plot}}
#' @references Lee, C.H., Ning, J., and Shen, Y. Model diagnostics for proportional hazards model with length-biased data. \emph{Lifetime Data Analysis} 25(1), 79-96.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Fit a Cox model
#' fit.ee <- coxphlb(Surv(a, y, delta) ~ x1 + x2, data = ExampleData1,
#'                  method = "EE")
#' # Check the Functional Form of the Cox Model
#' ftest <- coxphlb.ftest(fit.ee, data = ExampleData1, spec.p = 2,
#'                       seed.n = 1234)
#' print(ftest)			# display the results
#' }
#' @export

coxphlb.ftest <- function(fit, data, spec.p = 1, n.sim = 1000, z0 = NULL, seed.n = round(runif(1,1,1e09)), digits = 3L) {
  if (!inherits(fit, 'coxphlb')) stop ("Argument must be the result of coxphlb")

  ## construct data structure
  if (!is.data.frame(data)) stop ("The data must be a data frame!")
  varnames = fit$varnames
  nobservation = length(data[[varnames[1]]])
  rawdata = data
  data = cbind(rawdata[[varnames[2]]],rawdata[[varnames[3]]],rawdata[[varnames[2]]]-rawdata[[varnames[1]]])
  for (j in 4:length(varnames)) data = cbind(data,rawdata[[varnames[j]]])

  data = as.matrix(data)
  ## sort data by failure time
  data = data[order(data[,1]),]
  n = nrow(data)
  p = ncol(data)-3

  ### construct a matrix among failured times
  fdata = data[data[,2]==1,]
  yy = fdata[,1]
  m = length(yy)
  zz = as.matrix(fdata[,-c(1:3)])

  if (is.null(z0)) z0 = seq(min(zz[,c(spec.p)]),max(zz[,c(spec.p)]),length=100)
  n.z0 = length(z0)

  weight.fun = function(data,fdata) {
    #data: original data sorted by failure times
    #fdata: uncensored data sorted by failure times
    if (!sum(!data[,2])) wc = data[,1]
    else {
      yf = fdata[,1]
      mf = length(yf)
      cen.surv = survfit(Surv(data[,3],1-data[,2])~1) #survival function of residual censoring
      cen.time = c(0, summary(cen.surv)$time) #ordered residual censoring times
      cen.prob = c(1, summary(cen.surv)$surv) #survival probability at residual censoring times

      wc = rep(1,m) #integral of Sc
      cen.surv1 = summary(cen.surv,yy)
      Sc = cen.surv1$surv
      if (m>length(Sc)) {Sc[(length(Sc)+1):m]=min(cen.prob)}

      for (i in 1:m) {
        x0 = c(cen.time[cen.time<yy[i]],yy[i])
        x1 = c(0, cen.time[cen.time<yy[i]])
        wc[i] = sum(c(cen.prob[cen.time<yy[i]],Sc[i])*(x0-x1))

  weight.out = weight.fun(data,fdata)
  wc = weight.out$wc
  w.hat = weight.out$w.hat
  beta.hat = as.vector(fit$coefficients)

  exp.bz = exp(as.numeric(zz%*%as.matrix(beta.hat)))
  S0 = wc*rev(cumsum(rev(w.hat*exp.bz)))
  S0.1 = 1/S0
  Lam.0 = cumsum(wc*S0.1)

  S1 = wc*apply(as.matrix(w.hat*zz*exp.bz),2,function(x)return(rev(cumsum(rev(x)))))
  E1 = S1/S0
  S2 = array(NA,c(m,p,p))
  for (j in 1:p) S2[,,j] = wc*apply(as.matrix(w.hat*zz[,j]*zz*exp.bz),2,function(x)return(rev(cumsum(rev(x)))))
  E1.2 = t(E1)%*%E1
  E2 = matrix(NA,nrow=p,ncol=p)
  for (j in 1:p){
    for (k in 1:p){
      E2[j,k] =sum(S2[,j,k]/S0)
  Gam = (E2-E1.2)/n

  U0.1 = zz-as.vector(E1)
  U0.2 = zz*w.hat*exp.bz*Lam.0-w.hat*exp.bz*apply(wc*E1*S0.1,2,cumsum)
  U0 = U0.1-U0.2

  ###-------general process given data
  ##test statistic for functional form
  z.mat = matrix(rep(as.matrix(zz)[,c(spec.p)],n.z0),ncol=n.z0)
  z.ind = t(t(z.mat)<=z0)
  Mi.hat = 1 - w.hat*exp.bz*Lam.0
  stat.mat.z = apply(z.ind*Mi.hat/sqrt(n),2,sum)
  tstat.z = max(abs(stat.mat.z))

  ##null distribution by resampling
  a1 = z.ind*Mi.hat
  H1z = matrix(NA,nrow=n.z0,ncol=p)
  for (j in 1:p) H1z[,j] = apply(z.ind*w.hat*exp.bz*as.matrix(zz)[,j]*Lam.0,2,sum)/n
  Sz0 = wc*apply(z.ind*w.hat*exp.bz,2,function(x)return(rev(cumsum(rev(x)))))/n
  #dAt = (S1/(S0)^2)
  H2z = matrix(NA,nrow=n.z0,ncol=p)
  for (j in 1:p) H2z[,j] =apply(Sz0*S1[,j]/(S0)^2,2,sum)
  a2 = t((H1z-H2z)%*%solve(Gam)%*%t(U0))
  a3 = Sz0/(S0/n)-w.hat*exp.bz*apply(wc*Sz0*S0.1/(S0/n),2,cumsum)
  a0 = a1-a2-a3

  sim.mat.z = matrix(NA,nrow=n.sim,ncol=n.z0)
  for (j in 1:n.sim){
    rv = rnorm(m,0,1)
    sim.mat.z[j,] = apply(a0*rv,2,sum)/sqrt(n)
  crit.z = apply(sim.mat.z,1,function(x)return(max(abs(x))))

  p.val.z = sum(crit.z>tstat.z)/n.sim

  tab = cbind(p.value = format.pval(p.val.z, digits, eps = 1e-03))
  varnames = fit$varnames[-(1:3)]
  rownames(tab) = varnames[spec.p]
  tab = as.table(tab)
  out=list(n.sim = n.sim, z0 = z0, stat.mat.z = stat.mat.z, sim.mat.z = sim.mat.z, varnames = varnames[spec.p],
           p.value = c(p.val.z), result = tab)
  class(out) <- "coxphlb.ftest"

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CoxPhLb documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:21 p.m.