Defines functions predict.LDAKPC LDAKPC

Documented in LDAKPC predict.LDAKPC

#### now here x can be matrix, data.frame, or kernel matrix, here we can use the kernel version of discriminant, these function also correct the existing function at R CRAN

LDAKPC <- function(x,y, n.pc,usekernel = FALSE, fL = 0,kernel.name = "rbfdot", kpar=list(0.001), kernel="gaussian",threshold = 1e-5,...){
  LDAKPC <- list()
  class(LDAKPC) <- "Linear Discriminant Analysis of Kernel principle components"
  # kpca
  LDAKPC.train <- kernlab::kpca(~.,data=x,kernel = kernel.name,
                       kpar = kpar,
                       th = threshold,...)
  if (is.null(n.pc)){
    LDAKPC.rotation.train <- as.data.frame(LDAKPC.train@rotated)
  } else {
    LDAKPC.rotation.train <- as.data.frame(LDAKPC.train@rotated[,1:n.pc])}
  # KPC + lda 
  lda.rotation.train <- MASS::lda(LDAKPC.rotation.train,y,CV=FALSE,...)
  LDs <- as.matrix(LDAKPC.rotation.train) %*% as.matrix(lda.rotation.train$scaling)
  labels <- as.factor(y)
  LDAKPC$kpca<- LDAKPC.train
  LDAKPC$LDAKPC<- lda.rotation.train
  LDAKPC$label <- labels

### once predict, r or n.pc should be the same with the input data, or the transformation will not work
#' @export
predict.LDAKPC <- function(object,prior=NULL, testData,...){
  # kpca
  predict.kpca <- kernlab::predict(object = object$kpca,
  # kpca + lfda = lfdakpc
  predicted_LDs <- predict.kpca %*% as.matrix(object$LDAKPC$scaling)
  # requireNamespace("stats")
  predict.lda <- function(object, newdata, prior = object$prior, dimen,
                          method = c("plug-in", "predictive", "debiased"), ...)
    if(!inherits(object, "lda")) stop("object not of class \"lda\"")
    if(!is.null(Terms <- object$terms)) { # formula fit
      Terms <- delete.response(Terms)
      if(missing(newdata)) newdata <- model.frame(object)
      else {
        newdata <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action=na.pass,
                               xlev = object$xlevels)
        if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses")))
          .checkMFClasses(cl, newdata)
      x <- model.matrix(Terms, newdata, contrasts = object$contrasts)
      xint <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(x), nomatch = 0L)
      if(xint > 0L) x <- x[, -xint, drop = FALSE]
    } else { # matrix or data-frame fit
      if(missing(newdata)) {
        if(!is.null(sub <- object$call$subset))
          newdata <-
            eval.parent(parse(text = paste(deparse(object$call$x,
                                                   backtick = TRUE),
                                           "[", deparse(sub, backtick = TRUE),",]")))
        else newdata <- eval.parent(object$call$x)
        if(!is.null(nas <- object$call$na.action))
          newdata <- eval(call(nas, newdata))
        dim(newdata) <- c(1L, length(newdata))  # a row vector
      x <- as.matrix(newdata)		# to cope with dataframes
    if(ncol(x) != ncol(object$means)) stop("wrong number of variables")
    if(length(colnames(x)) > 0L &&
       any(colnames(x) != dimnames(object$means)[[2L]]))
      warning("variable names in 'newdata' do not match those in 'object'")
    ng <- length(object$prior)
    if(!missing(prior)) {
      if(any(prior < 0) || round(sum(prior), 5) != 1) stop("invalid 'prior'")
      if(length(prior) != ng) stop("'prior' is of incorrect length")
    ## remove overall means to keep distances small
    means <- colSums(prior*object$means)
    scaling <- object$scaling
    x <- scale(x, center = means, scale = FALSE) %*% scaling
    dm <- scale(object$means, center = means, scale = FALSE) %*% scaling
    method <- match.arg(method)
    dimen <- if(missing(dimen)) length(object$svd) else min(dimen, length(object$svd))
    N <- object$N
    if(method == "plug-in") {
      dm <- dm[, 1L:dimen, drop = FALSE]
      dist <- matrix(0.5 * rowSums(dm^2) - log(prior), nrow(x),
                     length(prior), byrow = TRUE) - x[, 1L:dimen, drop=FALSE] %*% t(dm)
      dist <- exp( -(dist - apply(dist, 1L, min, na.rm=TRUE)))
    } else if (method == "debiased") {
      dm <- dm[, 1L:dimen, drop=FALSE]
      dist <- matrix(0.5 * rowSums(dm^2), nrow(x), ng, byrow = TRUE) -
        x[, 1L:dimen, drop=FALSE] %*% t(dm)
      dist <- (N - ng - dimen - 1)/(N - ng) * dist -
        matrix(log(prior) - dimen/object$counts , nrow(x), ng, byrow=TRUE)
      dist <- exp( -(dist - apply(dist, 1L, min, na.rm=TRUE)))
    } else {                            # predictive
      dist <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ng)
      p <- ncol(object$means)
      # adjust to ML estimates of covariances
      X <- x * sqrt(N/(N-ng))
      for(i in 1L:ng) {
        nk <- object$counts[i]
        dev <- scale(X, center = dm[i, ], scale = FALSE)
        dev <- 1 + rowSums(dev^2) * nk/(N*(nk+1))
        dist[, i] <- prior[i] * (nk/(nk+1))^(p/2) * dev^(-(N - ng + 1)/2)
    posterior <- dist / drop(dist %*% rep(1, ng))
    nm <- names(object$prior)
    cl <- factor(nm[max.col(posterior)], levels = object$lev)
    dimnames(posterior) <- list(rownames(x), nm)
    list(class = cl, posterior = posterior, x = x[, 1L:dimen, drop = FALSE])
  predict.LDAKPC <- predict.lda(object$LDAKPC,prior,
                                newdata = predict.kpca)

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DA documentation built on July 12, 2021, 9:07 a.m.