
sampdist <-
function (sampsize = c(3, 9, 30), seed = NULL, nsamp = 1000, 
          FUN = mean, sampvals = function(n) exp(rnorm(n, mean = 0.5, 
                                                       sd = 0.3)), tck = NULL, plot.type = c("density", "qq"), 
          layout = c(3, 1)) 
  if (!is.null(seed)) 
  ncases <- length(sampsize)
  y <- sampvals(nsamp)
  xlim = quantile(y, c(0.01, 0.99))
  xlim <- xlim + c(-1, 1) * diff(xlim) * 0.1
  samplingDist <- function(sampsize = 3, nsamp = 1000, FUN = mean) apply(matrix(sampvals(sampsize * 
                                                                                           nsamp), ncol = sampsize), 1, FUN)
  df <- data.frame(sapply(sampsize, function(x) samplingDist(x, 
                                                             nsamp = nsamp)))
  names(df) <- paste("y", sampsize, sep = "")
  form <- formula(paste("~", paste(names(df), collapse = "+")))
  lab <- lapply(sampsize, function(x) substitute(A, list(A = paste(x))))
  if (plot.type[1] == "density") 
    gph <- lattice::densityplot(form, data = df, layout = layout, 
                                outer = TRUE, plot.points = FALSE, panel = function(x, 
                                                                                    ...) {
                                  lattice::panel.densityplot(x, ..., col = "black")
                                  lattice::panel.densityplot(y, col = "gray40", 
                                                             lty = 2, ...)
                                }, xlim = xlim, xlab = "", scales = list(tck = tck), 
                                between = list(x = 0.5), strip = lattice::strip.custom(strip.names = TRUE, 
                                                                                       factor.levels = as.expression(lab), var.name = "Sample size", 
                                                                                       sep = expression(" = ")))
  else if (plot.type[1] == "qq") 
    gph <- lattice::qqmath(form, data = df, layout = layout, 
                           plot.points = FALSE, outer = TRUE, panel = function(x, 
                                                                               ...) {
                             lattice::panel.qqmath(x, ..., col = "black", 
                                                   alpha = 0.5)
                             lattice::panel.qqmath(y, col = "gray40", lty = 2, 
                                                   type = "l", ...)
                           }, xlab = "", xlim = c(-3, 3), ylab = "", scales = list(tck = tck), 
                           between = list(x = 0.5), strip = lattice::strip.custom(strip.names = TRUE, 
                                                                                  factor.levels = as.expression(lab), var.name = "Sample size", 
                                                                                  sep = expression(" = ")))
  if (plot.type[1] %in% c("density", "qq")) gph else

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DAAG documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:13 a.m.