#' spec_arrow_write_table_arrow
#' @family Arrow specifications
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @keywords NULL
#' @importFrom lubridate with_tz
spec_arrow_write_table_arrow <- list(
arrow_write_table_arrow_formals = function() {
# <establish formals of described functions>
expect_equal(names(formals(dbWriteTableArrow)), c("conn", "name", "value", "..."))
arrow_write_table_arrow_return = function(con, table_name) {
#' @return
#' `dbWriteTableArrow()` returns `TRUE`, invisibly.
expect_invisible_true(dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, stream_frame(a = 1L)))
arrow_write_table_arrow_error_overwrite = function(ctx, con, table_name) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' @section Failure modes:
#' If the table exists, and both `append` and `overwrite` arguments are unset,
test_in <- data.frame(a = 1L)
dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, test_in %>% stream_frame())
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, stream_frame(a = 2L)))
test_out <- check_df(dbReadTable(con, table_name))
expect_equal_df(test_out, test_in)
arrow_write_table_arrow_append_incompatible = function(con, table_name) {
#' or `append = TRUE` and the data frame with the new data has different
#' column names,
#' an error is raised; the remote table remains unchanged.
test_in <- data.frame(a = 1L)
dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, test_in %>% stream_frame())
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, stream_frame(b = 2L), append = TRUE))
test_out <- check_df(dbReadTable(con, table_name))
expect_equal_df(test_out, test_in)
arrow_write_table_arrow_closed_connection = function(ctx, closed_con) {
#' An error is raised when calling this method for a closed
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(closed_con, "test", stream_frame(a = 1)))
arrow_write_table_arrow_invalid_connection = function(ctx, invalid_con) {
#' or invalid connection.
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(invalid_con, "test", stream_frame(a = 1)))
arrow_write_table_arrow_error = function(ctx, con, table_name) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' An error is also raised
test_in <- data.frame(a = 1L)
#' if `name` cannot be processed with [dbQuoteIdentifier()] or
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(con, NA, test_in %>% stream_frame()))
#' if this results in a non-scalar.
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(con, c(table_name, table_name), test_in %>% stream_frame()))
#' Invalid values for the additional arguments
#' `overwrite`, `append`, and `temporary`
#' (non-scalars,
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, test_in %>% stream_frame(), overwrite = c(TRUE, FALSE)))
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, test_in %>% stream_frame(), append = c(TRUE, FALSE)))
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, test_in %>% stream_frame(), temporary = c(TRUE, FALSE)))
#' unsupported data types,
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, test_in %>% stream_frame(), overwrite = 1L))
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, test_in %>% stream_frame(), append = 1L))
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, test_in %>% stream_frame(), temporary = 1L))
#' `NA`,
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, test_in %>% stream_frame(), overwrite = NA))
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, test_in %>% stream_frame(), append = NA))
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, test_in %>% stream_frame(), temporary = NA))
#' incompatible values,
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, test_in %>% stream_frame(), overwrite = TRUE, append = TRUE))
#' incompatible columns)
dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, test_in %>% stream_frame())
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, stream_frame(b = 2L, c = 3L), append = TRUE))
#' also raise an error.
#' @section Additional arguments:
#' The following arguments are not part of the `dbWriteTableArrow()` generic
#' (to improve compatibility across backends)
#' but are part of the DBI specification:
#' - `overwrite` (default: `FALSE`)
#' - `append` (default: `FALSE`)
#' - `temporary` (default: `FALSE`)
#' They must be provided as named arguments.
#' See the "Specification" and "Value" sections for details on their usage.
arrow_write_table_arrow_name = function(ctx, con) {
#' @section Specification:
#' The `name` argument is processed as follows,
#' to support databases that allow non-syntactic names for their objects:
if (isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$strict_identifier)) {
table_names <- "a"
} else {
table_names <- c("a", "with spaces", "with,comma")
for (table_name in table_names) {
test_in <- data.frame(a = 1)
local_remove_test_table(con, table_name)
#' - If an unquoted table name as string: `dbWriteTableArrow()` will do the quoting,
dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, test_in %>% stream_frame())
test_out <- check_df(dbReadTable(con, dbQuoteIdentifier(con, table_name)))
expect_equal_df(test_out, test_in)
#' perhaps by calling `dbQuoteIdentifier(conn, x = name)`
arrow_write_table_arrow_name_quoted = function(ctx, con) {
#' - If the result of a call to [dbQuoteIdentifier()]: no more quoting is done
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "1.7.2")
if (isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$strict_identifier)) {
table_names <- "a"
} else {
table_names <- c("a", "with spaces", "with,comma")
for (table_name in table_names) {
test_in <- data.frame(a = 1)
local_remove_test_table(con, table_name)
dbWriteTableArrow(con, dbQuoteIdentifier(con, table_name), test_in %>% stream_frame())
test_out <- check_df(dbReadTable(con, table_name))
expect_equal_df(test_out, test_in)
arrow_write_table_arrow_value_df = function(con, table_name) {
#' The `value` argument must be a data frame
test_in <- trivial_df()
dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, test_in %>% stream_frame())
test_out <- check_df(dbReadTable(con, table_name))
expect_equal_df(test_out, test_in)
arrow_write_table_arrow_value_subset = function(ctx, con, table_name) {
#' with a subset of the columns of the existing table if `append = TRUE`.
test_in <- trivial_df(3, letters[1:3])
dbCreateTable(con, table_name, test_in)
dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, test_in[2] %>% stream_frame(), append = TRUE)
test_out <- check_df(dbReadTable(con, table_name))
test_in[c(1, 3)] <- NA_real_
expect_equal_df(test_out, test_in)
arrow_write_table_arrow_value_shuffle = function(ctx, con, table_name) {
#' The order of the columns does not matter with `append = TRUE`.
test_in <- trivial_df(3, letters[1:3])
dbCreateTable(con, table_name, test_in)
dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, test_in[c(2, 3, 1)] %>% stream_frame(), append = TRUE)
test_out <- check_df(dbReadTable(con, table_name))
expect_equal_df(test_out, test_in)
arrow_write_table_arrow_value_shuffle_subset = function(ctx, con, table_name) {
test_in <- trivial_df(4, letters[1:4])
dbCreateTable(con, table_name, test_in)
dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, test_in[c(4, 1, 3)] %>% stream_frame(), append = TRUE)
test_out <- check_df(dbReadTable(con, table_name))
test_in[2] <- NA_real_
expect_equal_df(test_out, test_in)
arrow_write_table_arrow_overwrite = function(ctx, con, table_name) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' If the `overwrite` argument is `TRUE`, an existing table of the same name
#' will be overwritten.
penguins <- get_penguins(ctx)
dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, penguins)
dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, penguins[1, ] %>% stream_frame(), overwrite = TRUE),
penguins_out <- check_df(dbReadTable(con, table_name))
expect_equal_df(penguins_out, penguins[1, ])
arrow_write_table_arrow_overwrite_missing = function(ctx, con, table_name) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' This argument doesn't change behavior if the table does not exist yet.
penguins_in <- get_penguins(ctx)
dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, penguins_in[1, ] %>% stream_frame(), overwrite = TRUE),
penguins_out <- check_df(dbReadTable(con, table_name))
expect_equal_df(penguins_out, penguins_in[1, ])
arrow_write_table_arrow_append = function(ctx, con, table_name) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' If the `append` argument is `TRUE`, the rows in an existing table are
#' preserved, and the new data are appended.
penguins <- get_penguins(ctx)
dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, penguins)
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, penguins[1, ] %>% stream_frame(), append = TRUE), NA)
penguins_out <- check_df(dbReadTable(con, table_name))
expect_equal_df(penguins_out, rbind(penguins, penguins[1, ]))
arrow_write_table_arrow_append_new = function(ctx, con, table_name) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' If the table doesn't exist yet, it is created.
penguins <- get_penguins(ctx)
expect_error(dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, penguins[1, ] %>% stream_frame(), append = TRUE), NA)
penguins_out <- check_df(dbReadTable(con, table_name))
expect_equal_df(penguins_out, penguins[1, ])
arrow_write_table_arrow_temporary_1 = function(ctx, con, table_name = "dbit08") {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' If the `temporary` argument is `TRUE`, the table is not available in a
#' second connection and is gone after reconnecting.
#' Not all backends support this argument.
if (!isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$temporary_tables)) {
skip("tweak: temporary_tables")
penguins <- get_penguins(ctx)
dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, penguins %>% stream_frame(), temporary = TRUE)
penguins_out <- check_df(dbReadTable(con, table_name))
expect_equal_df(penguins_out, penguins)
con2 <- local_connection(ctx)
expect_error(dbReadTable(con2, table_name))
# second stage
arrow_write_table_arrow_temporary_2 = function(ctx, con) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
if (!isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$temporary_tables)) {
skip("tweak: temporary_tables")
# table_name not in formals on purpose: this means that this table won't be
# removed at the end of the test
table_name <- "dbit08"
expect_error(dbReadTable(con, table_name))
arrow_write_table_arrow_visible_in_other_connection_1 = function(ctx, local_con) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' A regular, non-temporary table is visible in a second connection,
penguins30 <- get_penguins(ctx)
# table_name not in formals on purpose: this means that this table won't be
# removed at the end of the test
table_name <- "dbit09"
dbWriteTableArrow(local_con, table_name, penguins30 %>% stream_frame())
penguins_out <- check_df(dbReadTable(local_con, table_name))
expect_equal_df(penguins_out, penguins30)
con2 <- local_connection(ctx)
expect_equal_df(dbReadTable(con2, table_name), penguins30)
# second stage
arrow_write_table_arrow_visible_in_other_connection_2 = function(ctx, con) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' in a pre-existing connection,
penguins30 <- get_penguins(ctx)
# table_name not in formals on purpose: this means that this table won't be
# removed at the end of the test
table_name <- "dbit09"
expect_equal_df(check_df(dbReadTable(con, table_name)), penguins30)
# third stage
arrow_write_table_arrow_visible_in_other_connection_3 = function(ctx, local_con, table_name = "dbit09") {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' and after reconnecting to the database.
penguins30 <- get_penguins(ctx)
expect_equal_df(check_df(dbReadTable(local_con, table_name)), penguins30)
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_keywords = function(ctx, con) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' SQL keywords can be used freely in table names, column names, and data.
tbl_in <- data.frame(
select = "unique", from = "join", where = "order",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
test_arrow_roundtrip(con, tbl_in, name = "exists")
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_quotes = function(ctx, con, table_name) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' Quotes, commas, spaces, and other special characters such as newlines and tabs,
#' can also be used in the data,
tbl_in <- data.frame(
as.character(dbQuoteString(con, "")),
as.character(dbQuoteIdentifier(con, "")),
"with space",
"a,b", "a\nb", "a\tb", "a\rb", "a\bb",
"a\\Nb", "a\\tb", "a\\rb", "a\\bb", "a\\Zb",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
names(tbl_in) <- letters[seq_along(tbl_in)]
test_arrow_roundtrip(con, tbl_in)
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_quotes_table_names = function(ctx, con) {
#' and, if the database supports non-syntactic identifiers,
#' also for table names
if (isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$strict_identifier)) {
skip("tweak: strict_identifier")
table_names <- c(
as.character(dbQuoteIdentifier(con, "")),
as.character(dbQuoteString(con, "")),
"with space",
"a,b", "a\nb", "a\tb", "a\rb", "a\bb",
"a\\Nb", "a\\tb", "a\\rb", "a\\bb", "a\\Zb"
tbl_in <- trivial_df()
for (table_name in table_names) {
test_arrow_roundtrip_one(con, tbl_in, .add_na = "none")
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_quotes_column_names = function(ctx, con) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' and column names.
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "1.7.2")
if (isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$strict_identifier)) {
skip("tweak: strict_identifier")
column_names <- c(
as.character(dbQuoteIdentifier(con, "")),
as.character(dbQuoteString(con, "")),
"with space",
"a,b", "a\nb", "a\tb", "a\rb", "a\bb",
"a\\nb", "a\\tb", "a\\rb", "a\\bb", "a\\zb"
tbl_in <- trivial_df(length(column_names), column_names)
test_arrow_roundtrip_one(con, tbl_in, .add_na = "none")
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_integer = function(ctx, con) {
#' The following data types must be supported at least,
#' and be read identically with [dbReadTable()]:
#' - integer
tbl_in <- data.frame(a = c(1:5))
test_arrow_roundtrip(con, tbl_in)
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_numeric = function(ctx, con) {
#' - numeric
tbl_in <- data.frame(a = c(seq(1, 3, by = 0.5)))
test_arrow_roundtrip(con, tbl_in)
#' (the behavior for `Inf` and `NaN` is not specified)
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_logical = function(ctx, con) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' - logical
tbl_in <- data.frame(a = c(TRUE, FALSE, NA))
tbl_exp <- tbl_in
tbl_exp$a <- ctx$tweaks$logical_return(tbl_exp$a)
test_arrow_roundtrip(con, tbl_in, tbl_exp)
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_null = function(ctx, con) {
#' - `NA` as NULL
tbl_in <- data.frame(a = NA)
con, tbl_in,
transform = function(tbl_out) {
tbl_out$a <- as.logical(tbl_out$a) # Plain NA is of type logical
#' - 64-bit values (using `"bigint"` as field type); the result can be
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_64_bit_numeric = function(ctx, con) {
skip("Internal: Need to enhance test_arrow_roundtrip()")
tbl_in <- data.frame(a = c(-1e14, 1e15))
con, tbl_in,
transform = function(tbl_out) {
#' - converted to a numeric, which may lose precision,
tbl_out$a <- as.numeric(tbl_out$a)
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_64_bit_character = function(ctx, con) {
skip("Internal: Need to enhance test_arrow_roundtrip()")
tbl_in <- data.frame(a = c(-1e14, 1e15))
tbl_exp <- tbl_in
tbl_exp$a <- format(tbl_exp$a, scientific = FALSE)
con, tbl_in, tbl_exp,
transform = function(tbl_out) {
#' - converted a character vector, which gives the full decimal
#' representation
tbl_out$a <- as.character(tbl_out$a)
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_64_bit_roundtrip = function(ctx, con, table_name) {
skip("Internal: Need to enhance test_arrow_roundtrip()")
tbl_in <- data.frame(a = c(-1e14, 1e15))
dbWriteTableArrow(con, table_name, tbl_in, field.types = c(a = "BIGINT"))
tbl_out <- dbReadTable(con, table_name)
#' - written to another table and read again unchanged
test_arrow_roundtrip(con, tbl_out, tbl_expected = tbl_out)
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_character = function(ctx, con) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' - character (in both UTF-8
tbl_in <- data.frame(
id = seq_along(get_texts()),
a = get_texts(),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
test_arrow_roundtrip(con, tbl_in)
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_character_native = function(ctx, con) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' and native encodings),
tbl_in <- data.frame(
a = c(enc2native(get_texts())),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
test_arrow_roundtrip(con, tbl_in)
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_character_empty = function(ctx, con) {
#' supporting empty strings
tbl_in <- data.frame(
a = c("", "a"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
test_arrow_roundtrip(con, tbl_in)
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_character_empty_after = function(ctx, con) {
#' before and after a non-empty string
tbl_in <- data.frame(
a = c("a", ""),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
test_arrow_roundtrip(con, tbl_in)
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_factor = function(ctx, con) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' - factor (possibly returned as character)
tbl_in <- data.frame(
a = factor(get_texts())
tbl_exp <- tbl_in
tbl_exp$a <- as.character(tbl_exp$a)
transform = function(tbl_out) {
tbl_out$a <- as.character(tbl_out$a)
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_blob = function(ctx, con) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' - objects of type [blob::blob]
#' (if supported by the database)
if (isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$omit_blob_tests)) {
skip("tweak: omit_blob_tests")
tbl_in <- data.frame(id = 1L, a = blob::blob(as.raw(0:10)))
con, tbl_in,
transform = function(tbl_out) {
tbl_out$a <- blob::as_blob(tbl_out$a)
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_date = function(ctx, con) {
#' - date
#' (if supported by the database;
if (!isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$date_typed)) {
skip("tweak: !date_typed")
#' returned as `Date`),
tbl_in <- data.frame(a = as_numeric_date(c(Sys.Date() + 1:5)))
con, tbl_in,
transform = function(tbl_out) {
expect_type(unclass(tbl_out$a), "double")
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_date_extended = function(ctx, con) {
#' also for dates prior to 1970 or 1900 or after 2038
if (!isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$date_typed)) {
skip("tweak: !date_typed")
tbl_in <- data.frame(a = as_numeric_date(c(
con, tbl_in,
transform = function(tbl_out) {
expect_type(unclass(tbl_out$a), "double")
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_time = function(ctx, con) {
#' - time
#' (if supported by the database;
if (!isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$time_typed)) {
skip("tweak: !time_typed")
tbl_in <- data.frame(a = hms::hms(minutes = 1:5))
tbl_in$b <- .difftime(as.numeric(tbl_in$a) / 60, "mins")
tbl_exp <- tbl_in
tbl_exp$a <- hms::as_hms(tbl_exp$a)
tbl_exp$b <- hms::as_hms(tbl_exp$b)
con, tbl_in, tbl_exp,
transform = function(tbl_out) {
#' returned as objects that inherit from `difftime`)
expect_s3_class(tbl_out$a, "difftime")
expect_s3_class(tbl_out$b, "difftime")
tbl_out$a <- hms::as_hms(tbl_out$a)
tbl_out$b <- hms::as_hms(tbl_out$b)
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_timestamp = function(ctx, con) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' - timestamp
#' (if supported by the database;
if (!isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$timestamp_typed)) {
skip("tweak: !timestamp_typed")
#' returned as `POSIXct`
local <- round(Sys.time()) +
1, 60, 3600, 86400,
86400 * 90, 86400 * 180, 86400 * 270,
1e9, 5e9
attr(local, "tzone") <- ""
tbl_in <- data.frame(id = seq_along(local))
tbl_in$local <- local
tbl_in$gmt <- lubridate::with_tz(local, tzone = "GMT")
tbl_in$pst8pdt <- lubridate::with_tz(local, tzone = "PST8PDT")
tbl_in$utc <- lubridate::with_tz(local, tzone = "UTC")
#' respecting the time zone but not necessarily preserving the
#' input time zone),
con, tbl_in,
transform = function(out) {
dates <- map_lgl(out, inherits, "POSIXt")
tz <- toupper(names(out))
tz[tz == "LOCAL"] <- ""
out[dates] <- Map(lubridate::with_tz, out[dates], tz[dates])
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_timestamp_extended = function(ctx, con) {
skip_if_not_dbitest(ctx, "")
#' also for timestamps prior to 1970 or 1900 or after 2038
if (!isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$timestamp_typed)) {
skip("tweak: !timestamp_typed")
local <- as.POSIXct(c(
attr(local, "tzone") <- ""
tbl_in <- data.frame(id = seq_along(local))
tbl_in$local <- local
tbl_in$gmt <- lubridate::with_tz(local, tzone = "GMT")
tbl_in$pst8pdt <- lubridate::with_tz(local, tzone = "PST8PDT")
tbl_in$utc <- lubridate::with_tz(local, tzone = "UTC")
#' respecting the time zone but not necessarily preserving the
#' input time zone)
con, tbl_in,
transform = function(out) {
dates <- map_lgl(out, inherits, "POSIXt")
tz <- toupper(names(out))
tz[tz == "LOCAL"] <- ""
out[dates] <- Map(lubridate::with_tz, out[dates], tz[dates])
arrow_write_table_arrow_roundtrip_mixed = function(ctx, con) {
#' Mixing column types in the same table is supported.
data <- list("a", 1L, 1.5)
data <- map(data, c, NA)
expanded <- expand.grid(a = data, b = data, c = data)
tbl_in_list <- map(
function(i) {[i, ], unlist, recursive = FALSE))
map(tbl_in_list, test_arrow_roundtrip, con = con)
test_arrow_roundtrip <- function(...) {
test_arrow_roundtrip_one(..., .add_na = "none")
test_arrow_roundtrip_one(..., .add_na = "above")
test_arrow_roundtrip_one(..., .add_na = "below")
test_arrow_roundtrip_one <- function(con, tbl_in, tbl_expected = tbl_in, transform = identity,
name = NULL, use_append = FALSE, .add_na = "none") {
# Need data frames here because streams can be collected only once
if (.add_na == "above") {
tbl_in <- stream_add_na_above(tbl_in)
tbl_expected <- stream_add_na_above(tbl_expected)
} else if (.add_na == "below") {
tbl_in <- stream_add_na_below(tbl_in)
tbl_expected <- stream_add_na_below(tbl_expected)
if (is.null(name)) {
name <- random_table_name()
local_remove_test_table(con, name = name)
if (use_append) {
dbCreateTableArrow(con, name, tbl_in %>% stream_frame())
dbAppendTableArrow(con, name, tbl_in %>% stream_frame())
} else {
dbWriteTableArrow(con, name, tbl_in %>% stream_frame())
stream <- dbReadTableArrow(con, name)
tbl_out <- check_arrow(stream, transform)
expect_equal_df(tbl_out, tbl_expected)
stream_add_na_above <- function(tbl) {
idx <- c(NA, seq_len(nrow(tbl)))
tbl <- tbl[idx, , drop = FALSE]
stream_add_na_below <- function(tbl) {
idx <- c(seq_len(nrow(tbl)), NA)
tbl <- tbl[idx, , drop = FALSE]
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