
Defines functions `convert`

#' @name convert
#' @title
#' Converts a dataset from one statistical software to another
#' @description
#' This function converts (or transfers) between R, Stata, SPSS, SAS, Excel and
#' DDI XML files. Unlike the regular import / export functions from packages
#' \bold{\pkg{haven}} or \bold{\pkg{rio}}, this function uses the DDI standard
#' as an exchange platform and facilitates a consistent conversion of the
#' missing values.
#' @details
#' When the argument **`to`** specifies a certain statistical package
#' (`"R"`, `"Stata"`, `"SPSS"`, `"SAS"`, `"XPT"`) or `"Excel"`, the name of the
#' destination file will be identical to the one in the argument **`from`**,
#' with an automatically added software specific extension.
#' SPSS portable file (with the extension `".por"`) can only be read, but not
#' written.
#' The argument **`to`** can also be specified as a path to a specific file,
#' in which case the software package is determined from its file extension.
#' The following extentions are currently recognized: `.xml` for DDI,
#' `.rds` for R, `.dta` for Stata, `.sav` for SPSS, `.xpt` for SAS, and
#' `.xlsx` for Excel.
#' Additional parameters can be specified via the three dots argument
#' **`...`**, that are passed to the respective functions from packages
#' \bold{\pkg{haven}} and \bold{\pkg{readxl}}. For instance the function
#' \bold{\code{\link[haven]{write_dta}()}} has an additional argument called
#' **`version`** when writing a Stata file.
#' The most important argument to consider is called **`user_na`**, part of
#' the function \bold{\code{\link[haven]{read_sav}()}}. Defaulted to `FALSE` in
#' package \bold{\pkg{haven}}, in package \bold{\pkg{DDIwR}} it is used as
#' having the value of `TRUE`, and it can be deactivated by explicitly
#' specifying `user_na = FALSE` in function **`convert()`**.
#' The same three dots argument is used to pass additional parameters to other
#' functions in this package, for instance **`exportDDI()`** when converting to
#' a DDI file. One of its argument **`embed`** (activated by default) can be
#' used to control embedding the data in the XML file. Deactivating it will
#' create a CSV file in the same directory, using the same file name as the
#' XML file.
#' When converting from DDI, if the dataset is not embedded in the XML file, the
#' CSV file is expected to be found in the same directory as the DDI Codebook,
#' and it should have the same file name as the XML file. Alternatively, the
#' path to the CSV file can be provided via the **`csv`** argument. Additional
#' formal parameters of the function \bold{\code{\link[utils]{read.csv}()}} can
#' be passed via the same three dots **`...`** argument.
#' The argument **`chartonum`** signals recoding character categorical
#' variables, and employs the function \bold{\code{\link{recodeCharcat}()}}.
#' This only makes sense when recoding to Stata, which does not allow allocating
#' labels for anything but integer variables.
#' If the argument **`to`** is left to `NULL`, the data is (invisibly) returned
#' to the R enviroment. Conversion to R, either in the working space or as
#' a data file, will result (by default) in a data frame containing declared
#' labelled variables, as defined in package \bold{\pkg{declared}}.
#' The current version reads and creates DDI Codebook version 2.5, with future
#' versions to extend the functionality for DDI Lifecycle versions 3.x and link
#' to the future package \bold{DDI4R} for the UML model based version 4. It
#' extends the standard DDI Codebook by offering the possibility to embed a CSV
#' version of the raw data into the XML file containing the Codebook, into a
#' `notes` child of the `fileDscr` component. This type of codebook is unique to
#' this package and automatically detected when converting to another
#' statistical software.
#' Converting to SAS is experimental, and it relies on the same package
#' \bold{\pkg{haven}} that uses the ReadStat C library. The safest way to
#' convert, which at the same time consistently converts the missing values, is
#' to export the data to a CSV file and create a setup file produced by function
#' \bold{\code{\link{setupfile}()}} and run the commands manually.
#' Converting data from SAS is possible, however reading the metadata is also
#' experimental (the current version of \bold{haven} only partially imports the
#' metadata). Either specify the path to the catalog file using the argument
#' **`catalog_file`** from the function \bold{\code{\link[haven]{read_sas}()}},
#' or have the catalog file in the same directory as the data set, with the same
#' file name and the extension `.sas7bcat`
#' The argument **`recode`** controls how missing values are treated. If the
#' input file has SPSS like numeric codes, they will be recoded to extended
#' (a-z) missing types when converting to Stata or SAS. If the input has Stata
#' like extended codes, they will be recoded to SPSS like numeric codes.
#' The character **`encoding`** is usually passed to the corresponding functions
#' from package \bold{\pkg{haven}}. It can be set to \code{NULL} to reset at the
#' default in that package.
#' @return An invisible R data frame, when the argument **`to`** is NULL.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Assuming an SPSS file called test.sav is located in the working directory
#' # The following command imports the file into the R environment:
#' test <- convert("test.sav")
#' # The following command will extract the metadata in a DDI Codebook and
#' # produce a test.xml file in the same directory
#' convert("test.sav", to = "DDI")
#' # The data may be saved separately from the DDI file, using:
#' convert("test.sav", to = "DDI", embed = FALSE)
#' # To produce a Stata file:
#' convert("test.sav", to = "Stata")
#' # To produce an R file:
#' convert("test.sav", to = "R")
#' # To produce an Excel file:
#' convert("test.sav", to = "Excel")
#' }
#' @references
#' DDI - Data Documentation Initiative, see
#' \href{https://ddialliance.org/}{https://ddialliance.org/}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{setupfile}},
#' \code{\link{getMetadata}},
#' \code{\link[declared]{declared}},
#' \code{\link[haven]{labelled}}
#' @author Adrian Dusa
#' @param from A path to a file, or a data.frame object
#' @param to Character, the name of a software package or a path to a specific
#' file
#' @param declared Logical, return the resulting dataset as a declared object
#' @param chartonum Logical, recode character categorical variables to numerical
#' categorical variables
#' @param recode Logical, recode missing values
#' @param encoding The character encoding used to read a file
#' @param csv Path to the CSV file, if not embedded in XML file containing the
#' DDI Codebook
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to other functions, see the
#' Details section
#' @export

`convert` <- function(
    from, to = NULL, declared = TRUE, chartonum = FALSE, recode = TRUE,
    encoding = "UTF-8", csv = NULL, ...
) {
    if (missing(from)) {
        admisc::stopError("Argument 'from' is missing.")

    funargs <- unlist(lapply(match.call(), deparse)[-1])

    # if (missing(to)) {
    #     admisc::stopError("sprintf("Argument %s is missing.", dQuote("to").")
    # }

    dots <- list(...)

    dictionary <- dots$dictionary

    Robject <- FALSE
    if (is.character(from)) {
        tp_from <- treatPath(from, type = "*", single = TRUE)
    else if (is.element("data.frame", class(from))) {
        Robject <- TRUE
        # filename <- as.character(substitute(from))
        # filename <- admisc::getName(funargs["from"], object = TRUE)
        filename <- all.vars(substitute(from))[1]

        # it can have a length > 1, when something like this might be used:
        # foo(subset(dd[, c("A", "B")], subset = A == 1)) # "dd" "A"
        # or
        # foo(dd[, i]) # "dd" "i"
        # in any case, the first is (or should be) always the object's name

        tp_from <- list(
            completePath = normalizePath("~"),
            filenames = filename,
            fileext = "RDS"
    else {
        admisc::stopError("Unsuitable input.")

    tp_to <- to

    if (!is.null(to)) {

        if (identical(toupper(to), "EXCEL")) {
            to <- file.path(
                paste(tp_from$filenames, "xlsx", sep = ".")
        else if (identical(toupper(to), "DDI") | identical(toupper(to), "XML")) {
            to <- file.path(
                paste(tp_from$filenames, "xml", sep = ".")
        else if (identical(toupper(to), "SPSS")) {
            to <- file.path(
                paste(tp_from$filenames, "sav", sep = ".")
        else if (identical(toupper(to), "STATA")) {
            to <- file.path(
                paste(tp_from$filenames, "dta", sep = ".")
        else if (identical(toupper(to), "R")) {
            to <- file.path(
                paste(tp_from$filenames, "rds", sep = ".")
        else if (identical(toupper(to), "SAS")) {
            to <- file.path(
        #         paste(tp_from$filenames, "sas7bdat", sep = ".")
        #     )
        # }
        # else if (identical(toupper(to), "XPT")) {
        #     to <- file.path(
        #         tp_from$completePath,
                paste(tp_from$filenames, "xpt", sep = ".")
        else if (!grepl("[.]", to)) {
                "Unknown destination software."

        tp_to <- treatPath(to, single = TRUE, check = FALSE)

        if (tp_to$fileext == "XLS") {
            tp_to$fileext <- "XLSX"

        if (is.na(tp_to$fileext)) {
                "Cannot determine the destination software without a file extension."
        else if (tp_to$fileext == "SAS7BDAT") {
                "The extension .sas7bdat is deprecated, please use .xpt instead."
        else if (
                c("RDS", "SAV", "DTA", "XML", "XPT", "XLSX")
        ) {
            admisc::stopError("Unknown destination software.")

    if (tp_from$fileext == "XML") {
        codeBook <- getMetadata(
            declared = declared,
            encoding = encoding

        if (is.element("datafile", names(codeBook[["fileDscr"]]))) {
            data <- codeBook[["fileDscr"]][["datafile"]]
        else {
            if (is.null(csv)) {
                files <- getFiles(tp_from$completePath, "*")

                csvexists <- FALSE
                csvfiles <- files$fileext == "CSV"
                if (any(csvfiles)) {
                    csvexists <- is.element(
                    csvfile <- files$files[csvfiles][

                if (!csvexists) {
                    admisc::stopError("Datafile not found.")

                csv <- file.path(tp_from$completePath, csvfile)
            else {
                # test if the csv is a path

            callist <- list(file = csv)
            for (f in names(formals(utils::read.csv))) {
                if (is.element(f, names(dots))) {
                    callist[[f]] <- dots[[f]]

            header <- ifelse(isFALSE(callist$header), FALSE, TRUE)

            data <- do.call("read.csv", callist)

            if (ncol(data) == length(codeBook$dataDscr)) {
                if (header) {
                    if (!identical(names(data), names(codeBook$dataDscr))) {
                        admisc::stopError("The .csv file does not match the DDI Codebook")
                else {
                    names(data) <- names(codeBook$dataDscr)
            if (ncol(data) == length(codeBook$dataDscr) + 1) {
                if (header) {
                    if (!identical(names(data)[-1], names(codeBook$dataDscr))) {
                        admisc::stopError("The .csv file does not match the DDI Codebook")
                else {
                    names(data) <- c("row_names_csv_file", names(codeBook$dataDscr))

                rownames(data) <- data[, 1]
                data <- subset(
                    select = seq(2, ncol(data))
                # data <- data[, -1, drop = FALSE]

            # return(list(data = data, codeBook = codeBook))
            data <- make_labelled(data, codeBook$dataDscr)

        attr(data, "stdyDscr") <- codeBook[["stdyDscr"]]

    else {
        if (tp_from$fileext == "XLS" || tp_from$fileext == "XLSX") {
            if (requireNamespace("readxl", quietly = TRUE)) {
                callist <- list(path = from)
                for (f in names(formals(readxl::read_excel))) {
                    if (is.element(f, names(dots))) {
                        callist[[f]] <- dots[[f]]

                data <- do.call("read_excel", callist)
                variables <- NULL
                callist$sheet <- "variables"
                admisc::tryCatchWEM(variables <- do.call("read_excel", callist))

                values <- NULL
                callist$sheet <- "values"
                admisc::tryCatchWEM(values <- do.call("read_excel", callist))
                if (is.null(values)) {
                    callist$sheet <- "codes"
                    admisc::tryCatchWEM(values <- do.call("read_excel", callist))

                if (!is.null(variables) & !is.null(values)) {
                    for (v in colnames(data)) {
                        callist <- list(x = data[[v]])
                        label <- NULL
                        admisc::tryCatchWEM(label <- variables$label[variables$name == v])
                        if (length(label) == 1) {
                            if (!identical(label, "") & !is.na(label)) {
                                callist$label <- label

                        labels <- NULL
                        admisc::tryCatchWEM(labels <- values$value[values$variable == v])
                        if (is.null(labels)) {
                            admisc::tryCatchWEM(labels <- values$code[values$variable == v])

                        nms <- NULL
                        admisc::tryCatchWEM(nms <- values$label[values$variable == v])

                        vmissing <- NULL
                        admisc::tryCatchWEM(vmissing <- values$missing[values$variable == v])

                        if (length(labels) > 0 & length(nms) > 0 & length(vmissing) > 0) {
                            if (admisc::possibleNumeric(labels)) {
                                labels <- admisc::asNumeric(labels)

                            if (!all(is.na(vmissing)) && any(vmissing == "y")) {
                                callist$na_values <- labels[which(vmissing == "y")]

                            names(labels) <- nms
                            callist$labels <- labels

                        data[[v]] <- do.call("declared", callist)

        else if (tp_from$fileext == "SAV" || tp_from$fileext == "ZSAV") {
            fargs <- names(formals(read_sav))
            arglist <- dots[is.element(names(dots), fargs)]
            arglist$file <- from
            arglist$user_na <- !isFALSE(dots$user_na)
            arglist$encoding <- encoding
            data <- do.call(haven::read_sav, arglist) # haven_labelled variables
        else if (tp_from$fileext == "POR") {
            fargs <- names(formals(read_por))
            arglist <- dots[is.element(names(dots), fargs)]
            arglist$file <- from
            arglist$user_na <- !isFALSE(dots$user_na)
            data <- do.call(haven::read_por, arglist)
        else if (tp_from$fileext == "DTA") {
            fargs <- names(formals(read_dta))
            arglist <- dots[is.element(names(dots), fargs)]
            arglist$file <- from
            arglist$encoding <- encoding
            data <- do.call(haven::read_dta, arglist)

            # return(list(data = data, to = to, dictionary = dictionary, chartonum = chartonum, to_declared = FALSE, error_null = FALSE))
            if (recode) {
                data <- recodeMissings(
                    dataset = data,
                    to = "SPSS",
                    dictionary = dictionary,
                    chartonum = chartonum,
                    to_declared = declared,
                    error_null = FALSE
        else if (tp_from$fileext == "SAS7BDAT") {
            fargs <- names(formals(read_sas))
            arglist <- dots[is.element(names(dots), fargs)]
            arglist$data_file <- from
            arglist$encoding <- encoding

            if (is.null(arglist$catalog_file)) {
                cats <- treatPath(tp_from$completePath, type = "sas7bcat")
                if (any(is.element(cats$filenames, tp_from$filenames))) {
                    arglist$catalog_file <- file.path(
                        paste(tp_from$filenames, "sas7bcat", sep = ".")

            data <- do.call(haven::read_sas, arglist)
            if (recode) {
                data <- recodeMissings(
                    dataset = data,
                    to = "SPSS",
                    dictionary = dictionary,
                    chartonum = chartonum,
                    to_declared = declared,
                    error_null = FALSE

        else if (tp_from$fileext == "XPT") {
            fargs <- names(formals(haven::read_xpt))
            arglist <- dots[is.element(names(dots), fargs)]
            arglist$file <- from
            # arglist$encoding <- encoding
            data <- do.call(haven::read_xpt, arglist)

            if (recode) {
                data <- recodeMissings(
                    dataset = data,
                    to = "SPSS",
                    dictionary = dictionary,
                    chartonum = chartonum,
                    to_declared = FALSE,
                    error_null = FALSE

        else if (tp_from$fileext == "RDS" & !Robject) {
            data <- readRDS(from)
        else {
            data <- from

        codeBook <- getMetadata(data, error_null = FALSE)

        codeBook$fileDscr$fileName <- tp_from$files

        filetypes <- c("SPSS", "SPSS", "SPSS", "Stata", "SAS", "XPT", "R", "DDI", "Excel", "Excel")
        fileexts <- c("SAV", "ZSAV", "POR", "DTA", "SAS7BDAT", "XPT", "RDS", "XML", "XLS", "XLSX")

        codeBook$fileDscr$fileType <- filetypes[which(fileexts == tp_from$fileext)]

    subset <- dots$subset
    if (!is.null(subset)) {
        data <- eval(parse(text = paste("data <- subset(data, ", subset, ")")))

    if (is.null(to)) {
        if (declared) {
            data <- declared::as.declared(data)
            class(data) <- "data.frame"

    else {
        if (tp_to$fileext == "XML") {

            if (is.null(codeBook)) {
                    "The input does not seem to contain any metadata."

            if (admisc::anyTagged(data)) {
                admisc::stopError("DDI does not support extended missing codes")

            data[] <- lapply(data, function(x) {
                if (is.factor(x)) {
                    x <- as.numeric(x)

            codeBook$fileDscr$datafile <- data

            if (isFALSE(dots$embed)) {
                    undeclare(data, drop = TRUE),
                    file = file.path(
                        paste(tp_to$filenames[1], "csv", sep = ".")
                    sep = ",",
                    na = "",
                    row.names = FALSE

            # return(list(codeBook = codeBook, file = to))

            attrdata <- attributes(data)
            if (is.element("stdyDscr", names(attrdata))) {
                codeBook$stdyDscr <- attrdata$stdyDscr

                codebook = codeBook,
                file = to,
                ... = ...  # embed = FALSE would go in three dots
        else if (identical(tp_to$fileext, "SAV")) {
            data[] <- lapply(data, function(x) {
                if (!is.element("format.spss", names(attributes(x)))) {
                    attr(x, "format.spss") <- getFormat(x, type = "SPSS")
                na_values <- attr(x, "na_values")
                na_range <- attr(x, "na_range")
                if (is.character(x)) {
                    if (length(na_values) > 3) {
                        attr(x, "na_values") <- na_values[1:3]
                else {
                    if (
                        length(na_values) > 3 &
                        length(na_range) == 0
                    ) {
                        na_range <- range(na_values)
                        attr(x, "na_values") <- NULL
                        attr(x, "na_range") <- na_range

            if (admisc::anyTagged(data)) {
                admisc::stopError("SPSS does not support extended missing codes")

            # return(data)
            haven::write_sav(declared::as.haven(data), to)
        else if (identical(tp_to$fileext, "DTA")) {
            data <- declared::as.haven(data)

            colnms <- colnames(data)
            arglist <- list(data = data)

            rechars <- c()

            for (i in seq(ncol(data))) {
                x <- data[[colnms[i]]]
                metadata <- codeBook$dataDscr[[colnms[i]]]
                labels <- metadata$labels
                if (is.null(labels)) {
                    labels <- attr(x, "labels", exact = TRUE)

                if (!is.null(labels)) {
                    if (admisc::possibleNumeric(x)) {
                        if (!admisc::wholeNumeric(admisc::asNumeric(x))) {
                                    "Stata does not allow labels for non-integer variables (e.g. \"%s\").",

                    if (is.character(x)) {
                        rechars <- c(rechars, i)
                        # Stata does not allow labels for character variables
                        if (chartonum && !is.null(labels)) {
                            x <- recodeCharcat(declared::as.declared(x), metadata = metadata)
                        else {
                            label <- attr(x, "label", exact = TRUE)
                            x <- as.character(x)
                            attr(x, "label") <- label

                        data[[colnms[i]]] <- x

            if (recode) {
                data <- recodeMissings(
                    dataset = data,
                    to = "Stata",
                    dictionary = dictionary,
                    to_declared = FALSE,
                    error_null = FALSE

            # return(data)
            data[] <- lapply(data, function(x) {
                attr(x, "format.spss") <- NULL
                if (is.null(attr(x, "format.stata"))) {
                    attr(x, "format.stata") <- getFormat(x, type = "Stata")

            # for (i in seq(length(rechars))) {
            #     cat("--------", colnms[rechars[i]], "--------\n")
            #     print(attributes(data[[rechars[i]]]))
            # }

            arglist <- list(data = data)

            if (is.element("version", names(dots))) {
                arglist$version <- dots$version

            # if (requireNamespace("readstata13", quietly = TRUE)) {

            #     attr(callist$data, "var.labels") <- lapply(data, function(x) {
            #         result <- attr(x, "label", exact = TRUE)
            #         result <- lapply(result, function(x){
            #             if (is.null(x)) "" else x
            #         })
            #         base::unlist(result, use.names = TRUE)
            #     })

            #     callist$file <- to
            #     callist$compress <- TRUE
            #     do.call(readstata13::save.dta13, callist)
            # }
            # else {
                arglist$path <- to

                do.call(haven::write_dta, arglist)
                # return(invisible(arglist$data))
            # }
        else if (identical(tp_to$fileext, "RDS")) {
            if (declared) {
                data <- declared::as.declared(data)
                class(data) <- "data.frame"
                saveRDS(data, to)
            else {
                saveRDS(data, to)
        else if (identical(tp_to$fileext, "XLSX")) {
            labels <- sapply(data, function(x) {
                lbl <- attr(x, "label", exact = TRUE)
                if (is.null(lbl)) {
                    lbl <- ""

            varFormat <- lapply(codeBook$dataDscr, function(x) {
                            substring(x$varFormat[1], 2),
                            split = "\\."

            x <- list(
                data = data,
                variables = data.frame(
                    name = names(labels),
                    label = labels,
                    type = sapply(data, mode)
                values = data.frame(
                    variable = character(0),
                    value = character(0),
                    label = character(0),
                    missing = character(0)

            x$variables$width <- sapply(varFormat, "[[", 1)
            x$variables$decimals <- sapply(varFormat, function(x) {
                ifelse(length(x) > 1, x[2], NA)

            for (v in names(codeBook$dataDscr)) {
                labels <- codeBook$dataDscr[[v]][["labels"]]
                if (!is.null(labels)) {
                    temp <- data.frame(
                        variable = v,
                        value = labels,
                        label = names(labels),
                        missing = NA

                    na_values <- codeBook$dataDscr[[v]][["na_values"]]

                    if (!is.null(na_values)) {
                        temp$missing[is.element(labels, na_values)] <- "y"

                    x$values <- rbind(x$values, temp)

            writexl::write_xlsx(x, path = to)
        else {
            # if (identical(tp_to$fileext, "SAS7BDAT")) {
            #     fargs <- names(formals(haven::write_sas))
            #     arglist <- dots[is.element(names(dots), fargs)]
            #     arglist$data <- declared::as.haven(data)
            #     arglist$path <- to
            #     do.call(haven::write_sas, arglist)
            # }
            # else if (identical(tp_to$fileext, "XPT")) {
                lnms <- nchar(colnames(data))
                if (any(lnms > 8)) {
                    admisc::stopError("SAS .xpt files do not allow more than 8 characters for column names.")
                fargs <- names(formals(haven::write_xpt))
                arglist <- dots[is.element(names(dots), fargs)]
                arglist$data <- declared::as.haven(data)
                arglist$path <- to
                if (is.null(arglist$version)) {
                    # hardcode XPT version 5, since 8 doesn't work
                    arglist$version <- 5
                do.call(haven::write_xpt, arglist)
            # }

            to <- file.path(
                paste(tp_from$filenames, "sas", sep = ".")

            if (is.null(dictionary) & recode) {
                dictionary <- recodeMissings(
                    dataset = arglist$data,
                    to = "SAS",
                    return_dictionary = TRUE

                obj = getMetadata(arglist$data),
                file = to,
                type = "SAS",
                csv = arglist$data,
                recode = recode,
                catalog = TRUE,
                dictionary = dictionary

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