#' Apply a custom fold-change filter to an aggregated data frame.
#' This function allows you to filter an aggregated master result to only contain genes with fold-changes less than or greater than
#' a specified threshold for a given metric. Several metrics are provided for flexibility of selection.
#' The use of metrics in this function makes it possible to ask questions such as, "which genes have a mean fold-change of at least 2?",
#' "which genes have a fold change of less than 5?", or "which genes have fold-change with a variance across all conditions of at least 10?"
#' @param master_df An aggregated master DE dataframe as produced using create_master_res().
#' @param metric Metric to be used for filtering. All metrics are gene-wise calculated. That is, for each gene in the aggregate data set,
#' a metric is calculated that is then used to filter the data. Valid metrics are: "max", "min", "mean", "variance", "sd".
#' The "max" metric is the gene-wise maximum fold-change value. The "min" metric is the gene-wise minimum fold-change value.
#' The "mean" metric is the gene-wise fold-change mean. The "variance" metric is the gene-wise variance. The "sd" metric is the
#' gene-wise standard deviation.
#' @param threshold The cutoff value to use for filtering. Numeric.
#' @param operator Operator to apply to the filtering process. Options are: "less", "greater".
#' @param absolute Use absolute values when applying filters to filter from both negative and positive ends of the fold change distribution.
#' Boolean. Default=TRUE.
#' @return This function returns a data frame that has been filtered by the specified criteria.
#' @keywords filter aggregate subset sort fold-change
#' @seealso \code{\link{create_master_res}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Prepare a result list.
#' res.day1 <- results(dds, contrast=c("Condition_Time", "day1_disease", "day1_control"))
#' res.day2 <- results(dds, contrast=c("Condition_Time", "day2_disease", "day2_control"))
#' res.day3 <- results(dds, contrast=c("Condition_Time", "day3_disease", "day3_control"))
#' myResList <- list(res.day1, res.day2, res.day3)
#' #Prepare an aggregate master data frame.
#' aggregate_df <- create_master_res(res_list=myResList, filename="master_DE.txt")
#' /*
#' * Filter the aggregate data to contain only genes whose gene-wise maximum
#' * fold-change is greater than 10. This will return genes whose gene-wise maximum
#' * is > 10.
#' */
#' de_filtered <- de_filter(master_df=aggregate_df, metric="max", threshold=10,
#' operator="greater", absolute=FALSE)
#' /*
#' * Filter the aggregate data to contain only genes whose gene-wise minimum
#' * fold-change is greater than an absoulte value of 4. This will return genes
#' * where the gene-wise minimum is < -4 and > +4.
#' */
#' de_filtered <- de_filter(master_df=aggregate_df, metric="min", threshold=4,
#' operator="greater", absolute=TRUE)
#' /*
#' * Filter the aggregate data to contain only genes whose gene-wise standard
#' * deviation is less than an absoulte value of 2. This will return genes
#' * where the gene-wise standard deviation is > -2 and < +2.
#' */
#' de_filtered <- de_filter(master_df=aggregate_df, metric="sd", threshold=2,
#' operator="less", absolute=TRUE)
#' }
de_filter <- function(master_df, metric, threshold, operator, absolute=TRUE)
valid_metrics = c("max", "min", "mean", "variance", "sd")
valid_ops = c("greater", "less")
if(typeof(master_df) != "list" || length(master_df) <= 0)
stop("de_filter() requires a dataframe with at least one column as generated by create_master_res() as input.")
if(!(metric %in% valid_metrics))
stop("de_filter(): invalid metric provided. Possbile options are:\"max\", \"min\", \"mean\", \"variance\", \"sd\".")
if(typeof(absolute) != "logical")
stop("absolute must be a logical value. Please enter TRUE or FALSE.")
stop("de_filter(): Invalid threshold value provided. Threshold value must be numeric.")
if(!(operator %in% valid_ops))
stop("de_filter(): invalid operator provided. Possible values are: \"greater\" or \"less\".")
#Prepare our variable names for dynamic selection.
if(operator=="greater") { operator = ">" }
if(operator=="less") { operator = "<" }
if(metric=="max") { target_column = "maxCol" }
if(metric=="min") { target_column = "minCol" }
if(metric=="mean") { target_column = "meanCol" }
if(metric=="variance") { target_column = "varCol" }
if(metric=="sd") { target_column = "sdCol" }
#Calculate metrics for the current data set.
maxCol <- apply(master_df, 1, max)
minCol <- apply(master_df, 1, min)
meanCol <- apply(master_df, 1, mean)
varCol <- apply(master_df, 1, var)
sdCol <- apply(master_df, 1, sd)
#Do the actual filtering.
filterString = paste("master_df[",target_column,operator,threshold,",]", sep="")
filterString = paste("master_df[abs(",target_column,")",operator,threshold,",]", sep="")
filtered_df <- eval(parse(text = filterString))
numFiltered = nrow(master_df) - nrow(filtered_df)
print(paste("Filtered ", numFiltered, " genes. ", nrow(filtered_df), " genes remain.", sep=""))
#' Select a subset of count and target data based on metadata annotation.
#' This function, given count data and target metadata, will return a subset of both count and target data including
#' only data with values corresponding to selection parameters. For example, you can select count and target data for
#' only timepoint "day1". Multiple valid keep selections can also be used.
#' @param counts Count data as prepared with prep_counts().
#' @param targets Target data as prepared with prep_targets().
#' @param target_count_id_map Column in targets file whose values corresponds with count data column ids.
#' @param target_keep_col Column in target data to select values by. For instance, to select "day1" data
#' from the "timepoint" column, this argument should be "timepoint".
#' @param target_keep_val Value from target_keep_col to keep in the subset data. For instance, to select "day1" data
#' from the "timepoint" column, this argument should be "day1". Multiple values can be selected by providing a concatenated
#' set of values. I.E. To keep day1 and day2 data, this argument should be, c("day1","day2").
#' @return This function returns count and target data based on the target_keep_col and target_keep_val parameters.
#' Counts will be returned as the [[1]] index and target data will be returned as the [[2]] index.
#' @keywords filter subset
#' @seealso \code{\link{prep_counts}}, \code{\link{prep_targets}}, \code{\link{exclude_data_subset}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' myCounts <- prep_counts(count_input="master_count_data.txt", delim="t")
#' myTargets <- prep_targets(target_input="master_count_data.txt", delim="t")
#' #Get data for only "timepoint" at "day1".
#' data_subset <- keep_data_subset(counts=myCounts, targets=myTargets,
#' target_count_id_map="sample_id",
#' target_keep_col="timepoint",
#' target_keep_val="day1")
#' #Count data is stored in the first index returned by the function.
#' subset_counts <- data_subset[[1]]
#' #Target data is stored in the second index returned by the function.
#' subset_targets <- data_subset[[2]]
#' #Get data for only "timepoint" at "day1" and "day2".
#' data_subset <- keep_data_subset(counts=myCounts, targets=myTargets,
#' target_count_id_map="sample_id",
#' target_keep_col="timepoint",
#' target_keep_val=c("day1","day2"))
#' #Count data is stored in the first index returned by the function.
#' subset_counts <- data_subset[[1]]
#' #Target data is stored in the second index returned by the function.
#' subset_targets <- data_subset[[2]]
#' }
keep_data_subset <- function(counts, targets, target_count_id_map, target_keep_col, target_keep_val)
if(typeof(counts) != "list")
stop("keep_data_subset(): Type mismatch. Requires count data to be of type 'list'. ")
if(typeof(targets) != "list")
stop("keep_data_subset(): Type mismatch. Requires target data to be of type 'list'. ")
if(typeof(target_count_id_map) != "character")
stop("keep_data_subset(): Type mismatch. Requires target_count_id_map to be of type 'character'. ")
if(typeof(target_keep_col) != "character")
stop("keep_data_subset(): Type mismatch. Requires target_keep_col to be of type 'character'. ")
if(typeof(target_keep_val) != "character")
stop("keep_data_subset(): Type mismatch. Requires target_keep_val to be of type 'character'. ")
if(!(target_keep_col %in% colnames(targets)))
print("keep_data_subset(): target_keep_col not present in target column set.")
print("Possible options are:")
stop("Please provide a valid column name.")
sub1 <- paste("levels(targets$", target_keep_col, ")", sep="")
keep_levels <- as.character(eval(parse(text = sub1)))
for (i in 1:length(target_keep_val))
if(!(target_keep_val[i] %in% keep_levels))
print("keep_data_subset(): target_keep_val not present in target_keep_col.")
print("Possible options are:")
print("Invalid selection:")
stop("Please provide a valid value.")
sub1 <- paste("targets$", target_count_id_map, sep="")
target_ids <- as.character(eval(parse(text = sub1)))
if(!(all(colnames(counts) == target_ids)))
print("keep_data_subset(): count data column names do not match targets id mapping column.")
print("Count data column ids:")
print("Target data column ids:")
stop("Please provide corresponding count and target data.")
subset_ids = list()
#Select the rows from targets with provided keep values that correspond to correct count colnames.
if(length(target_keep_val) == 1)
sub1 <- paste("targets$", target_count_id_map, "[targets$", target_keep_col, "== \"", target_keep_val, "\"]", sep="")
subset_ids <- as.character(eval(parse(text = sub1)))
#If they are selecting multiple values, build up the proper selection criteria.
sub1 <- paste("targets$", target_count_id_map, "[", sep="")
sub2 = ""
for(i in 1:(length(target_keep_val)-1))
sub2 <- paste(sub2, "targets$", target_keep_col, "== '", target_keep_val[i], "' |", sep="")
sub2 <- paste(sub2,"targets$", target_keep_col, "== '", target_keep_val[length(target_keep_val)], "'", sep="")
sub3 <- paste(sub1,sub2,"]",sep="")
subset_ids <- as.character(eval(parse(text = sub3)))
#Select the correct subset of counts.
count_subset <- counts[subset_ids]
#Select the correct subset of targets.
sub1 <- paste("targets[is.element(targets$", target_count_id_map, ", subset_ids),]", sep="")
targets_subset <- eval(parse(text = sub1))
#Adjust target rownames.
sub1 <- paste("targets_subset$", target_count_id_map, sep="")
target_subset_rownames <- as.character(eval(parse(text = sub1)))
rownames(targets_subset) <- target_subset_rownames
#Sanity check, only return data as long as targets and counts properly correspond.
if(!(all(colnames(count_subset) == rownames(targets_subset))))
print(colnames(count_subset) == rownames(targets_subset))
stop("keep_data_subset(): Mismatch error. Subset target rows and count columns do not correspond.")
assign("countDat", count_subset, envir=.DEVis_env)
assign("tgt_dat", targets_subset, envir=.DEVis_env)
#' Select a subset of count and target data based on metadata annotation.
#' This function, given count data and target metadata, will return a subset of both count and target data excluding
#' data with values corresponding to selection parameters. For example, you can select count and target data to exclude
#' only timepoint "day1". Multiple valid keep selections can also be used.
#' @param counts Count data as prepared with prep_counts().
#' @param targets Target data as prepared with prep_targets().
#' @param target_count_id_map Column in targets file whose values corresponds with count data column ids.
#' @param target_exclude_col Column in target data to select values by. For instance, to exclude "day1" data
#' from the "timepoint" column, this argument should be "timepoint".
#' @param target_exclude_val Value from target_exclude_col to remove in the subset data. For instance, to select "day1" data
#' from the "timepoint" column, this argument should be "day1". Multiple values can be selected by providing a concatenated
#' set of values. I.E. To exclude day1 and day2 data, this argument should be, c("day1","day2").
#' @return This function returns count and target data based on the target_exclude_col and target_exclude_val parameters.
#' Counts will be returned as the [[1]] index and target data will be returned as the [[2]] index.
#' @keywords filter subset
#' @seealso \code{\link{prep_counts}}, \code{\link{prep_targets}}, \code{\link{keep_data_subset}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' myCounts <- prep_counts(count_input="master_count_data.txt", delim="t")
#' myTargets <- prep_targets(target_input="master_count_data.txt", delim="t")
#' #Get data for only "timepoint" at "day1".
#' data_subset <- exclude_data_subset(counts=myCounts, targets=myTargets,
#' target_count_id_map="sample_id",
#' target_exclude_col="timepoint",
#' target_exclude_val="day1")
#' #Count data is stored in the first index returned by the function.
#' subset_counts <- data_subset[[1]]
#' #Target data is stored in the second index returned by the function.
#' subset_targets <- data_subset[[2]]
#' #Get data for only "timepoint" at "day1" and "day2".
#' data_subset <- exclude_data_subset(counts=myCounts, targets=myTargets,
#' target_count_id_map="sample_id",
#' target_exclude_col="timepoint",
#' target_exclude_val=c("day1","day2"))
#' #Count data is stored in the first index returned by the function.
#' subset_counts <- data_subset[[1]]
#' #Target data is stored in the second index returned by the function.
#' subset_targets <- data_subset[[2]]
#' }
exclude_data_subset <- function(counts, targets, target_count_id_map, target_exclude_col, target_exclude_val)
if(typeof(counts) != "list")
stop("exclude_data_subset(): Type mismatch. Requires count data to be of type 'list'. ")
if(typeof(targets) != "list")
stop("exclude_data_subset(): Type mismatch. Requires target data to be of type 'list'. ")
if(typeof(target_count_id_map) != "character")
stop("exclude_data_subset(): Type mismatch. Requires target_count_id_map to be of type 'character'. ")
if(typeof(target_exclude_col) != "character")
stop("exclude_data_subset(): Type mismatch. Requires target_exclude_col to be of type 'character'. ")
if(typeof(target_exclude_val) != "character")
stop("exclude_data_subset(): Type mismatch. Requires target_exclude_val to be of type 'character'. ")
if(!(target_exclude_col %in% colnames(targets)))
print("exclude_data_subset(): target_exclude_col not present in target column set.")
print("Possible options are:")
stop("Please provide a valid column name.")
sub1 <- paste("targets$", target_exclude_col, sep="")
exclude_levels <- as.character(eval(parse(text = sub1)))
for (i in 1:length(target_exclude_val))
if(!(target_exclude_val[i] %in% exclude_levels))
print("exclude_data_subset(): target_exclude_val not present in target_exclude_col.")
print("Possible options are:")
print("Invalid selection:")
stop("Please provide a valid value.")
sub1 <- paste("targets$", target_count_id_map, sep="")
target_ids <- as.character(eval(parse(text = sub1)))
if(!(all(colnames(counts) == target_ids)))
print("exclude_data_subset(): count data column names do not match targets id mapping column.")
print("Count data column ids:")
print("Target data column ids:")
stop("Please provide corresponding count and target data.")
subset_ids = list()
#Select the rows from targets with provided exclude values that correspond to correct count colnames.
if(length(target_exclude_val) == 1)
sub1 <- paste("targets$", target_count_id_map, "[targets$", target_exclude_col, "!= \"", target_exclude_val, "\"]", sep="")
subset_ids <- as.character(eval(parse(text = sub1)))
#If they are selecting multiple values, build up the proper selection criteria.
sub1 <- paste("targets$", target_count_id_map, "[", sep="")
sub2 = ""
for(i in 1:(length(target_exclude_val)-1))
sub2 <- paste(sub2, "targets$", target_exclude_col, "!= '", target_exclude_val[i], "' &", sep="")
sub2 <- paste(sub2,"targets$", target_exclude_col, "!= '", target_exclude_val[length(target_exclude_val)], "'", sep="")
sub3 <- paste(sub1,sub2,"]",sep="")
subset_ids <- as.character(eval(parse(text = sub3)))
#Select the correct subset of counts.
count_subset <- counts[subset_ids]
#Select the correct subset of targets.
sub1 <- paste("targets[is.element(targets$", target_count_id_map, ", subset_ids),]", sep="")
targets_subset <- eval(parse(text = sub1))
#Adjust target rownames.
sub1 <- paste("targets_subset$", target_count_id_map, sep="")
target_subset_rownames <- as.character(eval(parse(text = sub1)))
rownames(targets_subset) <- target_subset_rownames
#Sanity check, only return data as long as targets and counts properly correspond.
if(!(all(colnames(count_subset) == rownames(targets_subset))))
print(colnames(count_subset) == rownames(targets_subset))
stop("exclude_data_subset(): Mismatch error. Subset target rows and count columns do not correspond.")
assign("countDat", count_subset, envir=.DEVis_env)
assign("tgt_dat", targets_subset, envir=.DEVis_env)
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