#' Read tab or comma delimited count data.
#' This function takes a count data file and returns the formatted data. Requires that init_data_paths() has been run.
#' @param count_input Count data in tab-delimited or comma-delimited (CSV) format, assumes headers exist for each column.
#' Note that column names in the input count file must match row names in the input target metadata file.
#' @param delim Indicate if file is comma or tab delimited. "t" indicated tab delimited and "c" indicates comma separated data. Default: "t"
#' @seealso \code{\link{prep_targets}}, \code{\link{prep_dds_from_data}}, \code{\link{init_data_paths}}
#' @return This function will return a properly formatted count data table based on a provided input file.
#' @keywords counts input
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Read a tab-delimited text file as count input.
#' myCounts <- prep_counts(count_input="master_count_data.txt", delim="t")
#' }
prep_counts <- function(count_input, delim="t")
if(delim != "t" && delim != "c")
print("Error: Possible delimiter values are 't' (tab-delimited), or 'c' (comma-separated).")
if(!exists("counts_dir", envir=.DEVis_env))
stop("Count directory not initialized. Run init_data_paths() first.")
#Read count matrix.
print("Reading count file...")
if(delim == "t")
counts <- read.csv(count_input, header=TRUE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if(delim == "c")
counts <- read.csv(count_input, header=TRUE, sep=",", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rownames(counts) <- counts$X
counts <- counts[,c(2:ncol(counts))]
assign("countDat", counts, envir=.DEVis_env)
#' Read tab or comma delimited target metadata file.
#' This function takes a targets metadata file and returns formatted data. Requires that init_data_paths() has been run.
#' @param target_input Target data in tab separated format, assumes headers exist for each column.
#' Note that column names in the input count file must match row names in the input target metadata file.
#' @param delim Indicate if file is comma or tab delimited. "t" indicated tab delimited and "c" indicates comma separated data. Default: "t"
#' @seealso \code{\link{prep_counts}}, \code{\link{prep_dds_from_data}}, \code{\link{init_data_paths}}
#' @return This function will return a properly formatted targets data table based on a provided input file.
#' @keywords targets metadata input
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Read a tab-delimited text file as target metadata input.
#' myTargets <- prep_targets(target_input="master_count_data.txt", delim="t")
#' }
prep_targets <- function(target_input, delim="t")
if(delim != "t" && delim != "c")
print("Error: Possible delimiter values are 't' (tab-delimited), or 'c' (comma-separated).")
if(!exists("targets_dir", envir=.DEVis_env))
stop("Targets directory not initialized. Run init_data_paths() first.")
#Read target matrix.
print("Reading targets file...")
if(delim == "t")
targets <- read.csv(target_input, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
if(delim == "c")
targets <- read.csv(target_input, header=TRUE, sep=",")
rownames(targets) <- targets$X
targets <- targets[,c(2:ncol(targets))]
targets$targetID <- rownames(targets)
assign("tgt_dat", targets, envir=.DEVis_env)
#' Prepare a DESeq2 object based on count and target data.
#' This function takes count and targets data and creates a DESeq2 object based on the provided design.
#' @param count_input Count data in dataframe format as read with prep_counts(). Column names must correspond to target rownames.
#' @param target_input Target data in dataframe format as read with prep_targets(). Row names must correspond to count column names.
#' @param experiment_design Experimental design for DE comparison. Can include multiple factors. Design factors should correspond to column names
#' in the provided targets file. Include the primary factor as the final factor in the design and any secondary or batch effects prior.
#' Must be prefaced with a tilde (~). I.E. ~ Batch1 + Batch2 + SecondaryCondition + PrimaryCondition
#' @param collapseReps Boolean. Collapse technical replicates. Default: False
#' @param rep_field_vector Target metadata column identifying which samples correspond to which replicates
#' and maps samples to their replicate identifiers. Required if collapseReps is TRUE.
#' @param stabilization Method of normalizing transformation to perform. Possible values are "rld" and "vst". rld will execute
#' DESeq2's rlog transformation, whereas vst will apply variance stabilizing transformation to the data. For larger data sets
#' vst is recommended.
#' @return This function will return a properly formatted DESeq2 object based on the provided normalization method and experimental design.
#' @seealso \code{\link{prep_counts}}, \code{\link{prep_targets}}, \code{\link{init_cutoffs}}
#' @keywords dds design replicates normalization
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' /*
#' * Create a DESeq2 data object using previously read count and target data.
#' * Differential expression groups indicated by "Infection" column of target data.
#' * Apply a rlog transformation to the data. TMM normalization applied.
#' */
#' dds <- prep_dds_from_data(count_input=myCounts, target_input=myTargets,
#' experiment_design= ~ Infection, stabilization="rld")
#' /*
#' * Create a DESeq2 data object using previously read count and target data.
#' * Differential expression groups indicated by "Infection" column of target data.
#' * Takes into account a batch effect column of target data.
#' * Apply a variance stabilizing transformation to the data. TMM normalization applied.
#' */
#' dds <- prep_dds_from_data(count_input=myCounts, target_input=myTargets,
#' experiment_design= ~ batch + Infection, stabilization="vst")
#' /*
#' * Create a DESeq2 data object using previously read count and target data.
#' * Differential expression groups indicated by "Time" and "Infection" columns of target data.
#' * Takes into account a batch effect column of target data.
#' * Apply a variance stabilizing transformation to the data. TMM normalization applied.
#' * Collapse technical replicates based on the "replicate" column of target data.
#' */
#' dds <- prep_dds_from_data(count_input=myCounts, target_input=myTargets,
#' experiment_design= ~ batch + Time + Infection,
#' collapseReps=TRUE,
#' rep_field_vector="replicate",
#' stabilization="vst")
#' }
prep_dds_from_data <- function(count_input, target_input, experiment_design, collapseReps=FALSE, rep_field_vector="Replicate", stabilization="rld")
#Confirm parameters.
if(stabilization != "rld" && stabilization != "vst")
stop("Possibile values for stabilization are \"rld\" and \"vst\". Use vst for larger data sets.")
#Create DESeq Object and specify design parameters.
print("Creating DESeq Object...")
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = count_input, colData = target_input, design = experiment_design)
if(collapseReps == TRUE)
print("Collapsing replicates...")
sub1 <- paste("collapseReplicates(dds,target_input$", rep_field_vector, ")", sep="")
dds <- eval(parse(text = sub1))
#Store the column used for replicate collapse.
collapse_column <- deparse(substitute(rep_field_vector))
isRepCollapsed <- substring(sub("^[^$]*", "", collapse_column),2)
isRepCollapsed <- "NA"
#TMM normalization.
print("Performing TMM normalization...")
dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds)
#Do the necessary data transformation.
if(stabilization == "rld")
print("Performing rLog transform...")
assign("stabilized_data", rlog(dds), envir=.DEVis_env)
if(stabilization == "vst")
print("Performing variance stabilization.")
assign("stabilized_data", varianceStabilizingTransformation(dds), envir=.DEVis_env)
print("DESeq Object prepared.")
assign("dds_glbl", dds, envir=.DEVis_env)
assign("norm_counts", counts(dds,normalized=TRUE), envir=.DEVis_env)
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