
Defines functions simulation_cmp res_cmp residuals.glm_CMP get_response simulate_hp simulation_hp res_hp residuals.glm_hP

Documented in residuals.glm_CMP residuals.glm_hP

#' Extract and Visualize hyper-Poisson and COM-Poisson Model Residuals
#' residuals is a method which extracts model residuals from a \code{"glm_hP"}
#' or \code{"glm_CMP"} object, commonly returned by \code{\link{glm.hP}} or
#' \code{\link{glm.CMP}}. Optionally, it produces a half normal plot with a
#' simulated envelope of the residuals.
#' The response residuals (\eqn{r_i=y_i - \mu_i}{r[i]=y[i] - \mu[i]}), Pearson
#' residuals (\eqn{r^P_i = r_i/\sigma_i}{r[i]^P = r[i]/\sigma[i]}) or randomized
#' quantile residuals are computed. The randomized quantile residuals are
#' obtained computing the cumulative probabilities that the fitted model being
#' less than \emph{y} and less or equal than \emph{y}. A random value from a
#' uniform distribution between both probabilities is generated and the value of
#' the residual is the standard normal variate with the same cumulative
#' probability. Four replications of the quantile residuals are recommended
#' because of the random component (see Dunn and Smyth, 1996 for more details).
#' The functions \code{\link{plot.glm_hP}} and \code{\link{plot.glm_CMP}}
#' generate a residuals against fitted values plot and a Normal Q-Q plot.
#' The Normal Q-Q plot may show an unsatisfactory pattern of the Pearson
#' residuals of a fitted model: then we are led to think that the model is
#' incorrectly specified.

#'The half normal plot with simulated envelope indicates that, under the
#'distribution of the response variable, the model is fine when only a few
#'points fall off the envelope.
#'@param object an object of class \code{"glm_hP"} or \code{"glm_CMP"},
#'  typically the result of a call to \code{\link{glm.hP}} or
#'  \code{\link{glm.CMP}}.
#'@param type the type of residuals which should be returned. The alternatives
#'  are: "pearson" (default), "response" and "quantile". Can be abbreviated.
#'@param envelope a logical value indicating whether the envelope should be
#'  computed.
#'@param rep	number of replications for envelope construction. Default is 19,
#'  that is the smallest 95 percent band that can be built.
#'@param title	a string indicating the main title of the envelope.
#'@param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#'@return Residual values.
#'@seealso \code{\link{plots}}
#'@references Peter K. Dunn and Gordon K. Smyth (1996). "Randomized quantile
#'  residuals". Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 5(3), pp.
#'  236-244.
#'  A. C. Atkinson (1981). "Two graphical displays for outlying and influential
#'  observations in regression". Biometrika, 68(1), pp. 13–20.
#'@name residuals

#' @rdname residuals
#' @examples
#' ## Estimate a hyper-Poisson model
#' Bids$size.sq <- Bids$size ^ 2
#' hP.fit <- glm.hP(formula.mu = numbids ~ leglrest + rearest + finrest +
#'               whtknght + bidprem + insthold + size + size.sq + regulatn,
#'               formula.gamma = numbids ~ 1, data = Bids)
#' ## Compute residuals
#' r <- residuals(hP.fit)
#' @export
residuals.glm_hP <- function(object, type = c("pearson", "response", "quantile"),
                            envelope = FALSE, rep = 19,
                            title = "Simulated Envelope of Residuals", ...) {
  stopifnot(is.numeric(rep), length(rep) == 1, rep >= 1)
  stopifnot(is.character(title), length(title) == 1)

  type <- match.arg(type)

  if (! envelope)
    return(res_hp(object, type))

  residuals_sim <- matrix(0, nrow = length(object$residuals), ncol = rep)
  pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = rep, initial = 1, style = 3)
  for (x in 1:rep) {
    utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
    tmp <- simulation_hp(object, type)
    residuals_sim[, x] <- tmp

  residuals_sim <- apply(residuals_sim, 2, sort)
  minima <- apply(residuals_sim, 1, min)
  maxima <- apply(residuals_sim, 1, max)

  resi <- sort(res_hp(object, type))
  n <- length(resi)
  t <- 1:n

  normal_score <- stats::qnorm(t / (n + 1))

  xx <- c(normal_score, rev(normal_score))
  yy <- c(minima, rev(maxima))

  type_r <- paste0(toupper(substr(type, 1, 1)), substr(type, 2, nchar(type)))
                 type = "l",
                 xlab = "Standard normal quantiles",
                 ylab = paste(type_r, "residuals"),
                 main = title)
  graphics::polygon(xx, yy, col = "gray", border = NA)
  graphics::lines(normal_score, resi)

      type = type,
      residuals = resi,
      sim_residuals = residuals_sim
    class = "residuals.glm_hP"

res_hp <- function(object, type) {
  lambda <- object$lambdas
  gamma  <- object$gammas
  if (type == "pearson") {
    # mu       <- object$fitted.values
    # variance <- lambda + (lambda - (gamma - 1)) * mu - mu ^ 2
    variance <- variances_hp(lambda, gamma, object$maxiter_series, object$tol)
    r        <- as.vector(object$residuals / sqrt(variance))
    names(r) <- seq(r)
  if (type == "response")

  # type == "quantile"
  if (! is.null(object$y)) {
    y <- object$y
  } else if (! is.null(object$model.mu)) {
    y <- stats::model.response(object$model.mu)
  } else {
    formula.mu <- stats::as.formula(object$call[["formula.mu"]])
    a.mu <- stats::model.frame(formula.mu, data = object$data)
    y <- stats::model.response(a.mu)
  a <- ifelse(y == 0, 0, phP(y - 1, gamma, lambda))
  b <- phP(y, gamma, lambda)
  u <- stats::runif(length(y), a, b)
  qr <- stats::qnorm(u)

simulation_hp <- function(object, type) {
  repeat {
    lambdas <- object$lambdas
    gammas  <- object$gammas
    response_n <- get_response(object$formula.mu)
    data <- object$data
    data[response_n] <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(data)),
                               function(i) simulate_hp(gammas[i], lambdas[i]))
    the_call <- object$call
    the_call[["data"]] = data
    fit <- tryCatch(eval(the_call),
                    error = function(e) TRUE,
                    warning = function(e) TRUE)
    if (is.logical(fit))
    if(any(is.nan(res_hp(fit, type))))
  return(res_hp(fit, type))

simulate_hp <- function(gamma, lambda) {
  pochammer <- function(a, r) if (r == 0) 1 else prod(a:(a + r - 1))
  u <- stats::runif(1)
  y <- 0
  p <- 0
  value <- f11(lambda,gamma)
  while (p < u) {
    p <- p + lambda ^ y / (value * pochammer(gamma, y))
    y <- y + 1
  y - 1

get_response <- function(formula) {
  tt <- stats::terms(formula)
  vars <- as.character(attr(tt, "variables"))[-1]
  response <- attr(tt, "response")

#' @rdname residuals
#' @examples
#' ## Estimate a COM-Poisson model
#' Bids$size.sq <- Bids$size ^ 2
#' CMP.fit <- glm.CMP(formula.mu = numbids ~ leglrest + rearest + finrest +
#'               whtknght + bidprem + insthold + size + size.sq + regulatn,
#'               formula.nu = numbids ~ 1, data = Bids)
#' ## Compute its residuals
#' r <- residuals(CMP.fit)
#' @export
residuals.glm_CMP <- function(object, type = c("pearson", "response","quantile"),
                              envelope = FALSE, rep = 19,
                              title = "Simulated Envelope of Residuals",
                              ...) {
  type   <- match.arg(type)
  if (! envelope)
    return(res_cmp(object, type))

  residuals_sim <- matrix(0, nrow = length(object$residuals), ncol = rep)
  pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = rep, initial = 1, style = 3)
  for (x in 1:rep) {
    utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
    tmp <- simulation_cmp(object, type)
    residuals_sim[, x] <- tmp

  residuals_sim <- apply(residuals_sim, 2, sort)
  minima <- apply(residuals_sim, 1, min)
  maxima <- apply(residuals_sim, 1, max)

  resi <- sort(res_cmp(object, type))
  n <- length(resi)
  t <- 1:n

  normal_score <- stats::qnorm(t / (n + 1))
  xx <- c(normal_score, rev(normal_score))
  yy <- c(minima, rev(maxima))

  type_r <- paste0(toupper(substr(type, 1, 1)), substr(type, 2, nchar(type)))
                 type = "l",
                 xlab = "Standard normal quantiles",
                 ylab = paste(type_r, "residuals"),
                 main = title
  graphics::polygon(xx, yy, col = "gray", border = NA)
  graphics::lines(normal_score, resi)
      type = type,
      residuals = resi,
      sim_residuals = residuals_sim
    class = "residuals.glm_CMP"

res_cmp <- function(object, type  = c("pearson", "response","quantile")) {
  lambda <- object$lambdas
  nu     <- object$nus
  if (type == "pearson") {
    variance <- variances_cmp(lambda, nu, object$maxiter_series, object$tol)
    r <- as.vector(object$residuals / sqrt(variance))
    names(r) <- seq(r)
  } else if (type == "response") {
  # type == "quantile"
  if (! is.null(object$y)) {
    y <- object$y
  } else if (! is.null(object$model.mu)) {
    y <- stats::model.response(object$model.mu)
  } else {
    formula.mu <- stats::as.formula(object$call[["formula.mu"]])
    a.mu <- stats::model.frame(formula.mu, data = object$data)
    y <- stats::model.response(a.mu)
  a <- rep(0, length(y))
  a[y > 0] <- COMPoissonReg::pcmp(y[y > 0] - 1, lambda[y > 0], nu[y > 0])
  b <- COMPoissonReg::pcmp(y, lambda, nu)
  u <- stats::runif(length(y), a, b)
  qr <- stats::qnorm(u)

simulation_cmp <- function(object, type) {
  repeat {
    lambdas <- object$lambdas
    nus  <- object$nus
    response_n <- get_response(object$formula.mu)
    data <- object$data
    data[response_n] <- COMPoissonReg::rcmp(nrow(data), lambdas, nus)
    the_call <- object$call
    the_call[["data"]] = data
    fit <- tryCatch(eval(the_call),
                    error = function(e) TRUE)
    if (is.logical(fit))
    if(any(is.nan(res_cmp(fit, type))))
  return(res_cmp(fit, type))

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