
Defines functions chmort

Documented in chmort

#' Calculates childhood mortality rates based on survey data.
#' \code{chmort} returns childhood mortality rates such as the Neonatal Mortality Rate (NNMR),
#' Post-neonatal Mortality Rate (PNNMR), Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), Child Mortality Rate (CMR),
#' and Under-5 Mortality Rate (U5MR)
#' \code{chmort} returns the Standard Error (SE), mortality exposure (N), weighted exposure (WN),
#' Design Effect (DEFT), Relative Standard Error (RSE), and Confidence Interval (CI).
#' @author Mahmoud Elkasabi.
#' @param Data.Name The DHS births (BR) dataset or data from other survey with the same format.
#' @param JK "Yes" to estimate Jackknife SE.
#' @param CL Confidence level to calculate the Confidence Coefficient Z of the Confidence Intervals; default if 95.
#' @param Strata Stratification variable if other than "v022".
#' @param Cluster Sample cluster variable if other than "v021".
#' @param Weight Survey weight variable if other than "v005".
#' @param Date_of_interview Date of Interview (CMC) variable if other than "v008".
#' @param Date_of_birth Child date of birth (CMC) variable if other than "b3".
#' @param Age_at_death Child age at death (in months) variable if other than "b7".
#' @param PeriodEnd The end of the exposure period in YYYY-MM format; default is the date of the survey.
#' @param Period The study period for mortality in months; default is 60 months (5 years).
#' @param Class Allow for domain level indicators.
#' @examples
#' # Calculate five-year children mortality rates based on ADBR70 data
#' data("ADBR70")
#' chmort(
#'  ADBR70,
#'  JK = "Yes"
#' )
#' @examples
#' # Calculate ten-year children mortality rates based on ADBR70 data
#' data("ADBR70")
#' chmort(
#'  ADBR70,
#'  JK = "Yes",
#'  Period = 120
#' )
#' @examples
#' # The exposure period ends in June 2011
#' data("ADBR70")
#' chmort(
#'  ADBR70,
#'  PeriodEnd = "2011-06"
#' )
#' @return Childhood mortality rates (NNMR, PNNMR, IMR, CMR, and U5MR), and precision indicators (SE, RSE, and CI).
#' @export
chmort <- function(Data.Name, JK = NULL, CL = NULL, Strata = NULL, Cluster = NULL, Weight = NULL,
                   Date_of_interview = NULL, Date_of_birth = NULL, Age_at_death = NULL,
                   PeriodEnd = NULL, Period = NULL, Class = NULL){

  if (!is.null(Strata)){
    Data.Name$strata = Data.Name[[Strata]]
    Data.Name$v022 = NULL
    names(Data.Name)[names(Data.Name) == c("strata")] <- c("v022")

  if (!is.null(Cluster)){
    Data.Name$cluster = Data.Name[[Cluster]]
    Data.Name$v021 = NULL
    names(Data.Name)[names(Data.Name) == c("cluster")] <- c("v021")

  if (!is.null(Weight)){
    Data.Name$weight = Data.Name[[Weight]]
    Data.Name$v005 = NULL
    names(Data.Name)[names(Data.Name) == c("weight")] <- c("v005")

  if (!is.null(Date_of_interview)){
    Data.Name$DOI = Data.Name[[Date_of_interview]]
    Data.Name$v008 = NULL
    names(Data.Name)[names(Data.Name) == c("DOI")] <- c("v008")

  if (!is.null(Date_of_birth)){
    Data.Name$BDOB = Data.Name[[Date_of_birth]]
    Data.Name$b3 = NULL
    names(Data.Name)[names(Data.Name) == c("BDOB")] <- c("b3")

  if (!is.null(Age_at_death)){
    Data.Name$BDOD = Data.Name[[Age_at_death]]
    Data.Name$b7 = NULL
    names(Data.Name)[names(Data.Name) == c("BDOD")] <- c("b7")

  if (!("v021" %in% names(Data.Name))) stop({message("Error: v021/Primary-sampling-unit is missing")})
  if (!("v005" %in% names(Data.Name))) stop({message("Error: v005/Sample-weight is missing")})
  if (!("v008" %in% names(Data.Name))) stop({message("Error: v008/Date-of-Interview is missing")})
  if (!("v022" %in% names(Data.Name))) stop({message("Error: v022/Sample-strata is missing")})
  if (!("b3" %in% names(Data.Name))) stop({message("Error: b3/Date-of-birth is missing")})
  if (!("b7" %in% names(Data.Name))) stop({message("Error: b7/Age-at-death is missing")})

  Data.ready <- as.data.frame(Data.Name[!Data.Name$v005 == 0,])

  if (is.null(Period)){
    Data.ready$period = 60
  } else {
    Data.ready$period = Period
  }   # refence period in months

  if (is.null(PeriodEnd)){
    Data.ready$periodend = Data.ready$v008
  } else {
    dates <- paste(PeriodEnd, "01", sep = "-")
    PeriodEndm <- as.numeric(format(as.Date(dates), "%m"))
    PeriodEndy <- as.numeric(format(as.Date(dates), "%Y"))
    PeriodEndcmc <- ((PeriodEndy - 1900) * 12) + PeriodEndm
    Data.ready$periodend = PeriodEndcmc
  }  # End of refence period;

  # The CI confidence level
  if (is.null(CL)) {
    Z <- stats::qnorm(.025,lower.tail=FALSE)
  } else {
    Z <- stats::qnorm((100-CL)/200,lower.tail=FALSE)

  Data.ready$rweight = Data.ready$v005/1000000

  #Time period
  Data.ready$tu <- Data.ready$periodend
  Data.ready$tl <- Data.ready$periodend - Data.ready$period

  ## Title for the results #########################
  if (is.null(Period)){
    Periodmsg = 60
  } else {
    Periodmsg = Period

  if (is.null(PeriodEnd)){
    PeriodEndy_ <- as.integer((mean(Data.ready$v008) - 1)/12)+1900
    PeriodEndm_ <- round(mean(Data.ready$v008) - ((PeriodEndy_ - 1900) * 12),0)

    PeriodEndm_m <- round(min(Data.ready$v008) - ((PeriodEndy_ - 1900) * 12),0)
    PeriodEndm_x <- round(max(Data.ready$v008) - ((PeriodEndy_ - 1900) * 12),0)
  } else {
    dates <- paste(PeriodEnd, "01", sep = "-")
    PeriodEndm_ <- as.numeric(format(as.Date(dates), "%m"))
    PeriodEndy_ <- as.numeric(format(as.Date(dates), "%Y"))

    if (PeriodEndm_ >=  round(mean(Data.ready$v008) - (((as.integer((mean(Data.ready$v008) - 1)/12)+1900) - 1900) * 12),0) &
        PeriodEndy_ >= as.integer((mean(Data.ready$v008) - 1)/12)+1900)

      message(crayon::bold("Note:", "\n",
                           "You specified a reference period that ends after the survey fieldwork dates....."), "\n",
              "1. Make sure the dates in the survey are coded according to the Gregorian calendar.", "\n",
              "2. If the dates are coded according to the Gregorian calendar, use a proper PeriodEnd that came before the time of the survey.", "\n",
              "3. If the dates are not coded according to the Gregorian calendar, use a PeriodEnd according to the used calendar.")

  if (is.null(PeriodEnd)){
    cat("\n", crayon::white$bgBlue$bold("The current function calculated Childhood Mortality Rates based on a reference period of"),
        crayon::red$bold$underline(Periodmsg), crayon::white$bold$bgBlue("months"), "\n", crayon::white$bold$bgBlue("The reference period ended at the time of the interview, in"), crayon::red$bold$underline(PeriodEndy_ + round(PeriodEndm_/12,digits=2)), "OR", crayon::red$bold$underline(month.abb[PeriodEndm_m]), "-", crayon::red$bold$underline(month.abb[PeriodEndm_x]), crayon::red$bold$underline(PeriodEndy_), "\n" ,
        crayon::white$bold$bgBlue("The average reference period is"), crayon::red$bold$underline(round((PeriodEndy_ + PeriodEndm_/12)-(Periodmsg/24), digits =2)), "\n")

  } else {
    cat("\n", crayon::white$bgBlue$bold("The current function calculated Childhood Mortality Rates based on a reference period of"),
        crayon::red$bold$underline(Periodmsg), crayon::white$bold$bgBlue("months"), "\n", crayon::white$bold$bgBlue("The reference period ended in"), crayon::red$bold$underline(PeriodEndy_ + round(PeriodEndm_/12,digits=2)), "OR", crayon::red$bold$underline(month.abb[PeriodEndm_]), crayon::red$bold$underline(PeriodEndy_), "\n" ,
        crayon::white$bold$bgBlue("The average reference period is"), crayon::red$bold$underline(round((PeriodEndy_ + PeriodEndm_/12)-(Periodmsg/24), digits =2)), "\n")

  #######For Overall Indicators; no Class ########################################
  if (is.null(Class)){

    chmortdat<- Data.ready[, c("v021", "v022", "rweight", "v008", "b3", "b7", "tu", "tl","periodend")]
    chmortdat$id <- c(as.factor(chmortdat$v021))

    if (is.null(JK)){PSU <- 0} else {PSU <- max(as.numeric(chmortdat$id))}
    CHMORT = CHMORT5(chmortdat,PeriodEnd = PeriodEnd)[[1]]
    NBIRTH = NBIRTHS(chmortdat)[[1]]
    NBIRTHW= NBIRTHSW(chmortdat)[[1]]
    DEFF = DEFT(chmortdat)[[1]]

    JKres <- matrix(0, nrow = PSU, ncol = 5)
    dimnames(JKres) <- list(NULL, c("NNMR", "PNNMR", "IMR", "CMR", "U5MR"))

    if (is.null(JK)){

      RESULTcmr <- matrix(0, nrow = 5, ncol = 3)
      dimnames(RESULTcmr) <- list(c("NNMR", "PNNMR", "IMR", "CMR", "U5MR" ),c("R","N","WN"))
      for (i in 1:(nrow(RESULTcmr))) {
        RESULTcmr[i,1] = round(CHMORT[i],2)
        RESULTcmr[i,2] = round(NBIRTH[i],0)
        RESULTcmr[i,3] = round(NBIRTHW[i],0)

    } else {

      for (i in unique(as.numeric(chmortdat$id)))
        chmortdatJ <- chmortdat[which(!chmortdat$id == i),]
        JKres[i,] <- CHMORT5(chmortdatJ,PeriodEnd = PeriodEnd)[[1]]

      RESULTcmr <- matrix(0, nrow = 5, ncol = 9)
      dimnames(RESULTcmr) <- list(c("NNMR", "PNNMR", "IMR", "CMR", "U5MR"),
                                  c("R", "SE", "N", "WN", "DEFT", "RSE", "LCI", "UCI", "iterations"))
      for (i in 1:(nrow(RESULTcmr))) {
        RESULTcmr[i, 1] = round(CHMORT[i],2)
        RESULTcmr[i, 2] = round(sqrt(sum(((PSU * CHMORT[i] - (PSU-1) * JKres[, i])-CHMORT[i])^2)/(PSU * (PSU-1))),2)
        RESULTcmr[i, 3] = round(NBIRTH[i],0)
        RESULTcmr[i, 4] = round(NBIRTHW[i],0)
        RESULTcmr[i, 5] = round(DEFF[i],2)
        RESULTcmr[i, 6] = round(RESULTcmr[i, 2] / RESULTcmr[i, 1],2)
        RESULTcmr[i, 7] = round(RESULTcmr[i, 1] - (Z * RESULTcmr[i, 2]),2)
        RESULTcmr[i, 7] [RESULTcmr[i, 7] <= 0]= 0
        RESULTcmr[i, 8] = round(RESULTcmr[i, 1] + (Z * RESULTcmr[i, 2]),2)
        RESULTcmr[i, 9] = PSU

  #######For Class Indicators; #################################################################################################

    chmortdat<- Data.ready[, c("v021", "v022", "rweight", "v008", "b3", "b7", "tu", "tl",
                               "periodend", Class)]

    chmortdat[[Class]] <- haven::as_factor(chmortdat[[Class]])
    #chmortdat$DomID  <- c(as.factor(chmortdat[[Class]]))
    chmortdat$DomID  <- c(as.numeric(chmortdat[[Class]]))

    RESULTS <- matrix(0, 0, ncol = 4)
    dimnames(RESULTS) <- list(NULL, c("Class", "R", "N", "WN") )
    RESULTS <- as.data.frame(RESULTS)

    RESULTSJK <- matrix(0, 0, ncol = 10)
    dimnames(RESULTSJK) <- list(NULL, c("Class", "R", "SE", "N", "WN", "DEFT", "RSE", "LCI", "UCI", "iterations"))
    RESULTSJK <- as.data.frame(RESULTSJK)

    for (j in 1:(max(as.numeric(chmortdat$DomID)))) {

      DatD = as.data.frame(chmortdat[chmortdat$DomID == j, ])
      DatD$id <- NULL
      DatD$id <- c(as.factor(DatD$v021))
      DatD[[Class]] = haven::as_factor(DatD[[Class]])

      CHMORT = CHMORT5(DatD, PeriodEnd = PeriodEnd)[[1]]
      NBIRTH = NBIRTHS(DatD)[[1]]
      NBIRTHW = NBIRTHSW(DatD)[[1]]
      DEFF = DEFT(DatD)[[1]]

      if (is.null(JK)){

        RESULTS0 <- cbind.data.frame(attributes(DatD[[Class]])$levels[[j]],
                                    round(CHMORT, 2), round(NBIRTH,0), round(NBIRTHW,0))

        names(RESULTS0) <- c("Class", "R", "N", "WN")
        RESULTS = rbind(RESULTS, RESULTS0)

      }else {

        if (is.null(JK)){PSU <- 0} else {PSU <- max(as.numeric(DatD$id))}
        if  (PSU == 1)  {warning("Error: a single cluster Class")}

        JKres <- matrix(0, nrow = 5, ncol = 0)
        dimnames(JKres) <- list(c("NNMR", "PNNMR", "IMR", "CMR", "U5MR"), NULL)

        for (i in unique(as.numeric(DatD$id)))
          DatDJ <- DatD[which(!DatD$id == i), ]
          CHMORTj = CHMORT5(DatDJ, PeriodEnd = PeriodEnd)[[1]]
          JKres0 <- cbind.data.frame(CHMORTj)
          JKres = cbind(JKres, JKres0)

        RateSE <- numeric(length = 5)
        names(RateSE) <- c("NNMR", "PNNMR", "IMR", "CMR", "U5MR")

        for (i in seq_along (RateSE)) {
          JKSE = ((PSU * CHMORT[[i]] - (PSU-1) * JKres[i, ])-CHMORT[[i]])^2
          RateSE[names(RateSE)[i]] = sqrt(sum(JKSE)/(PSU * (PSU-1)))

        LCI = CHMORT - (Z * RateSE)
        LCI[LCI <= 0] = 0

        RESULTS0 <- cbind.data.frame(attributes(DatD[[Class]])$levels[[j]], round(CHMORT, 2),
                                     round(RateSE, 2), round(NBIRTH,0), round(NBIRTHW,0), round(DEFF,2), round(RateSE/CHMORT, 2),
                                     round(LCI, 2), round(CHMORT + Z * RateSE, 2),

        names(RESULTS0) <- c("Class", "R", "SE", "N", "WN", "DEFT", "RSE", "LCI", "UCI", "iterations")
    if (is.null(JK)){list(RESULTS)[[1]]} else {list(RESULTSJK)[[1]]}

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