
Defines functions sync.trend.plot

Documented in sync.trend.plot

#' Plot temporal trends of synchrony
#' @description The function creates a line chart showing temporal trends of spatial synchrony from \code{data.frame} of the type as produced by \code{\link{sync.trend}}.
#' @usage sync.trend.plot (sync.trend.data)
#' @param sync.trend.data a \code{data.frame} of the type as produced by \code{\link{sync.trend}}.
#' @details The function makes a line chart showing synchrony trends across years from a data.frame produced by \code{\link{sync.trend}}. Within- or between- group synchrony and SE are indicated for a selected time window. If synchrony is defined using using \code{null.mod = TRUE} (\code{\link{sync.trend}}) only general synchrony is ploted. If synchrony is defined using using \code{null.mod = FALSE} (\code{\link{sync.trend}}) different synchronies for each group variable (\code{varGroup}) are fitted with different colours for each stratum.
#' @return 
#' Line chart 
#' @author 
#' Josu G. Alday, Tatiana A. Shestakova, Victor Resco de Dios, Jordi Voltas
#' @examples ## Calculate temporal trends of synchrony for conifersIP data:
#'  data(conifersIP)
#'  ##Fit the null.model temporal trend (mBE) using taxonomic grouping criteria (i.e. Species)
#'  mBE.trend <- sync.trend(TRW ~ Code, varTime = "Year", varGroup = "Species", 
#'                           data = conifersIP, null.mod = TRUE, window = 30, lag = 5)
#'  mBE.trend# it returns a data.frame
#'  sync.trend.plot(mBE.trend)# Broad evaluation synchrony linechart
#' \dontrun{ 
#'  ##Fit homoscedastic within-group trends (mBE, mNE, mCS, mUN) 
#'  # using geographic grouping criteria (i.e. Region)
#'  geo.trend <- sync.trend(TRW ~ Code, varTime = "Year", varGroup = "Region", 
#'                          data = conifersIP, window = 30, lag = 5, 
#'                          null.mod = FALSE, homoscedastic = TRUE)
#'  geo.trend#a data.frame with varGroup synchrony for each time window.
#'  sync.trend.plot(geo.trend)#Selected heteroscedastic between-group trends by AIC
#'  ##Fit heteroscedastic betwen-group trends (mBE, mHeNE, mHeCS, mHeUN) 
#'  # using geographic grouping criteria (i.e. Region) and AICc
#'  geo.het.trend <- sync.trend(TRW ~ Code, varTime = "Year", varGroup = "Region", 
#'                     data = conifersIP, window = 30, lag = 5, null.mod = FALSE, 
#'                     selection.method = c("AICc"), homoscedastic = FALSE, between.group = TRUE)
#'  geo.het.trend
#'  sync.trend.plot(geo.het.trend)#Selected heteroscedastic between-group trends by AICc
#'  ##Fit homoscedastic and heteroscedastic within-group trends 
#'  # using taxonomic grouping criteria (i.e. Species) and BIC
#'  geo.tot.trend <- sync.trend(TRW ~ Code, varTime = "Year", varGroup = "Species", 
#'                     data = conifersIP, window = 30, lag = 5, selection.method = c("BIC"),
#'                     null.mod = F, all.mod = TRUE)
#'  geo.tot.trend
#'  #Selected homoscedastic and heteroscedastic within-group trends by BIC
#'  sync.trend.plot(geo.tot.trend)
#'  }
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import methods
#' @export sync.trend.plot
sync.trend.plot <- function(sync.trend.data){
  if(is(sync.trend.data,"sync.trend") == FALSE) {
    stop("'sync.trend.data' is no data.frame output of function sync.trend")
    dat <- sync.trend.data
    aexp <- expression(paste(hat(a)["c"]))
    if(dim(dat)[2] == 4){
          ly <- length(unique(row(dat[4])))-1
          wyr <- max(dat[[4]])-min(dat[[4]])    
          yrby <- wyr/ly
          q <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = dat[[4]], y = dat$a_Group))
          q1 <- q + geom_point(size = 3) + geom_line(size = 1) + guides(colour = FALSE, fill = FALSE)+ 
              geom_ribbon(data = dat, aes(ymin = dat$a_Group - dat$SE, ymax = dat$a_Group + dat$SE), alpha = 0.2)+
              xlab("Year") + ylab(aexp)+
              scale_x_continuous(limits = c(min(dat[4]), max(dat[4])), breaks = seq(min(dat[4]), max(dat[4]), by = yrby))+
              ggtitle("Broad evaluation synchrony (mBE)")+ theme_bw()+
              theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
                  panel.border = element_blank(), 
                  panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                  panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                  axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
        gexp <- expression(paste(bold("Within-group "),bolditalic(hat(a)["c"])))
        texp <-expression(bold("Temporal trends in synchrony patterns"))
        xexp <- expression(bold("Year"))
        ly <- dim(unique(dat[6]))[1]-1
        wyr <- max(dat[6])-min(dat[6])    
        yrby <- wyr/ly
        aa1 <- dat[[3]]-dat[[4]]
        aa2 <- dat[[3]]+dat[[4]]
        am2 <- max(aa2)
        q <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = dat[[6]], y = dat[[3]], group = dat$GroupName, colour = factor(dat$GroupName)))
        q1 <- q+geom_point(size = 3)+
          stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "line", aes(group = dat$GroupName))+
          guides(fill = guide_legend(title = "Grouping variable"), colour = FALSE)+
          scale_x_continuous(limits = c(min(dat[6]), max(dat[6])), breaks = seq(min(dat[6]), max(dat[6]), by = yrby))+
          scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, am2))+
          geom_ribbon(data = dat, aes(ymin = aa1, ymax = aa2,fill=factor(dat$GroupName)), colour = FALSE, alpha = 0.2)+
          xlab(xexp)+ ylab(gexp)+ ggtitle(texp)+ 
          theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
                panel.border = element_blank(), 
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),

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DendroSync documentation built on May 28, 2022, 1:22 a.m.