purkada.pred: Prediction of a new observation using discriminant analysis...

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Prediction in discriminant analysis based on Purkayastha distributionR Documentation

Prediction of a new observation using discriminant analysis based on Purkayastha distribution


Prediction of a new observation using discriminant analysis based on Purkayastha distribution.


purkada.pred(ynew, y, ina)



The new observation(s) whose group is to be predicted. A numerical vector with data expressed in radians, or a matrix with two columns (cos and sin) for circular data. Or a matrix with 3 columns (unit vectors) for spherical data.


A numerical vector with data expressed in radians, or a matrix with two columns (cos and sin) for circular data. Or a matrix with 3 columns (unit vectors) for spherical data.


A vector indicating the groups of the data y.


Prediction of the class of a new spherical vector assuming ESAG distribution.


A vector with the predicted group of each new observation.


Michail Tsagris.

R implementation and documentation: Michail Tsagris mtsagris@uoc.gr.


Purkayastha S. (1991). A Rotationally Symmetric Directional Distribution: Obtained through Maximum Likelihood Characterization. The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A, 53(1): 70–83

Cabrera J. and Watson G. S. (1990). On a spherical median related distribution. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 19(6): 1973–1986.

See Also

esag.da, vmfda.pred, dirknn, knn.reg


m1 <- rnorm(3)
m2 <- rnorm(3) + 0.5
y <- rbind( rvmf(100, m1, 3), rvmf(80, m2, 5) )
ina <- c( rep(1,100), rep(2, 80) )
ynew <- rbind(rvmf(10, m1, 10), rvmf(10, m2, 5))
id <- rep(1:2, each = 10)
g <- purkada.pred(ynew, y, ina)
table(id, g)

Directional documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:20 p.m.