Man pages for Directional
A Collection of Functions for Directional Data Analysis

ArotationRotation axis and angle of rotation given a rotation matrix
bic.mixvmfBIC to choose the number of components in a model based...
circ.cor1Circular correlations between two circular variables
circ.cors1Circular correlations between two circular variables
circ.dcorCircular distance correlation between two circular variables
circlin.corCircular-linear correlation
circ.summarySummary statistics for circular data
colspml.mleColumn-wise MLE of the angular Gaussian and the von Mises...
colwatsonsColumn-wise uniformity tests for circular data
conc.testA test for testing the equality of the concentration...
cosapConversion of cosines to azimuth and plunge
cosnnThe k-nearest neighbours using the cosinus distance
desagDensity of the spherical ESAG and Kent distributions
dirda.cvCross validation for estimating the classification rate
Directional-packageThis is an R package that provides methods for the...
dirknnk-NN algorithm using the arc cosinus distance
dirknn.tunek-NN algorithm using the arc cosinus distance. Tuning the k...
dmixvmfDensity of a mixture of von Mises-Fisher distributions
dsespcDensity of the SESPC distribution
dvmDensity of some circular distributions
dvmfDensity of some (hyper-)spherical distributions
dwoodDensity of the Wood bimodal distribution on the sphere
esag.contourContour plot (on the plane) of the ESAG and Kent and ESAG...
esag.daCross validation for estimating the classification rate of a...
esagda.predPrediction of a new observation using discriminant analysis...
esag.mleMLE of the ESAG distribution
esag.regSpherical regression using the ESAG distribution
etoaTransform unit vectors to angular data
euclidEuclidean transformation
euclid.invInverse of the Euclidean transformation
eul2rotConstruct a rotation matrix on SO(3) from the Euler angles.
fb.saddleSaddlepoint approximations of the Fisher-Bingham...
fishkentHypothesis test for von Mises-Fisher distribution over Kent...
f.rbingSimulating from a Bingham distribution
group.gofGoodness of fit test for grouped data
group.vmSummary statistics for grouped circular data
habeck.rotGeneration of three-dimensional random rotations using...
haversine.distHarvesine distance matrix
hcf.aovAnalysis of variance for (hyper-)spherical data
hcfbootBootstrap ANOVA for (hyper-)spherical data
hcf.bootBootstrap 2-sample mean test for (hyper-)spherical data
hcf.circaovAnalysis of variance for circular data
hcfcircbootBootstrap ANOVA for circular data
hcfcirc.bootBootstrap 2-sample mean test for circular data
hcfcirc.permPermutation based 2-sample mean test for circular data
hcf.permPermutation based 2-sample mean test for (hyper-)spherical...
iagesagHypothesis test for IAG distribution over the ESAG...
iag.regSpherical regression using rotationally symmetric...
kent.logconLogarithm of the Kent distribution normalizing constant
kent.mleMLe of the Kent distribution
knn.regk-NN regression with Euclidean or (hyper-)spherical response...
knnreg.tuneTuning of the k-NN regression with Euclidean or...
kuiperUniformity tests for circular data.
lambertLambert's equal area projection
lambert.invInverse of Lambert's equal area projection
makefoldsGenerate random folds for cross-validation
matrixfisher.mleMLE of the Matrix Fisher distribution on SO(3)
meandir.testTest for a given mean direction
mediandirFast calculation of the spherical and hyperspherical median
mixvmf.contourContour plot of a mixture of von Mises-Fisher distributions...
mixvmf.mleMixtures of Von Mises-Fisher distributions
multivm.mleMLE of some circular distributions with multiple samples
nsmedianNormalised spatial median for directional data
oceaniamaps of the world and the continents
pc.testHypothesis test for SIPC distribution over the SESPC...
ptestProjections based test of uniformity
purka.daCross validation for estimating the classification rate of a...
purkada.predPrediction of a new observation using discriminant analysis...
purka.mleMLE of the Purkayashta distribution
pvmCumulative distribution function of circular distributions
quat2rotConverting an unsigned unit quaternion to rotation matrix on...
racgAngular central Gaussian random values simulation
rayleighRayleigh's test of uniformity
rbinghamSimulation from a Bingham distribution using any symmetric...
read.fbmRead a file as a Filebacked Big Matrix
resagSimulation of random values from the ESAG distribution
rfbSimulation of random values from a spherical Fisher-Bingham...
rkentSimulation of random values from a spherical Kent...
rmatrixfisherSimulation from a Matrix Fisher distribution on SO(3)
rmixvmfSimulation of random values from a mixture of von...
rot2eulCompute the Euler angles from a rotation matrix on SO(3).
rot2quatConverting a rotation matrix on SO(3) to an unsigned unit...
rotationRotation matrix to rotate a spherical vector along the...
rot.matrixRotation matrix from a rotation axis and angle of rotation
rsespcSimulation of random values from the SESPC distribution
rsopRandom sample of matrices in SO(p)
rvmfSimulation of random values from rotationally symmetric...
rvonmisesSimulation of random values from some circular distributions
sespc.mleMLE of the SESPC distribution
sespc.regSpherical regression using the SESPC distribution
spherconc.testTest for equality of concentration parameters for spherical...
spher.corSpherical-spherical correlation
spher.dcorSpherical and hyper-spherical distance correlation
sphereplotInteractive 3D plot of spherical data
spher.esag.contourContour plot (on the sphere) of the ESAG and Kent...
spher.mixvmf.contourContour plot (on the sphere) of a mixture of von Mises-Fisher...
spher.regSpherical-Spherical regression
spher.sespc.contourContour plot (on the sphere) of the SESPC distribution
spher.vmf.contourContour plot (on the sphere) of some spherical rotational...
spml.fbedForward Backward Early Dropping selection for circular data...
spml.mleMLE of some circular distributions
spml.regCircular or angular regression
spml.regsMany simple circular or angular regressions
tang.concA test for testing the equality of the concentration...
vecGeneration of unit vector(s) with a given angle
visual.checkCheck visually whether matrix Fisher samples is correctly...
vmf.contourContour plots of some rotational symmetric distributions
vmf.daCross validation for estimating the classification rate of a...
vmfda.predPrediction of a new observation using discriminant analysis...
vmf.kdeKernel density estimation for (hyper-)spherical data using a...
vmfkde.tuneTuning of the bandwidth parameter in the von Mises-Fisher...
vmf.kerncontourContour plot of spherical data using a von Mises-Fisher...
vmf.mleMLE of (hyper-)spherical rotational symmetric distributions
vm.kdeKernel density estimation of circular data with a von Mises...
vmkde.tuneTuning of the bandwidth parameter in the von Mises kernel for...
vm.nbNaive Bayes classifiers for directional data
vmnb.predPrediction with some naive Bayes classifiers for circular...
wood.mleMLE of the Wood bimodal distribution on the sphere
Directional documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:20 p.m.