LTExercise: Simulated line transect survey data

LTExerciseR Documentation

Simulated line transect survey data


Simulated line transect survey. Twelve transects, detection function is half-normal. True object density is 79.8 animals per km^2.


A data.frame with 106 rows and 7 variables

  • Region.Label strata names (single stratum)

  • Area size of study area (1 in this case, making abundance and density equal)

  • Sample.Label transect ID

  • Effort length of transects (km)

  • object object ID

  • distance perpendicular distance (m)

  • Study.Area name of study area


There is no unit object associated with this dataset


Simulated data, from the distance sampling introductory course, Centre for Research into Ecological & Environmental Modelling, University of St Andrews.

Distance documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:39 a.m.