wren: Steve Buckland's winter wren surveys

wrenR Documentation

Steve Buckland's winter wren surveys


Observations of winter wren (Troglodytes troglodytes L.) collected by Steve Buckland in woodland/parkland at Montrave Estate near Leven, Fife, Scotland.


Four different surveys were carried out:

  • wren_5min 5-minute point count

  • wren_snapshot snapshot method

  • wren_cuecount cue count

  • wren_lt line transect survey


wren_5min: 134 observations of 8 variables

  • Region.Label stratum name (single stratum)

  • Area size (ha) of Montrave study area

  • Sample.Label point label

  • Effort Number of visits to point

  • object Object ID

  • distance radial distance (m)

  • direction direction of detection from point

  • Study.Area Montrave Estate

wren_snapshot: 119 observations of 7 variables

  • Region.Label stratum name (single stratum)

  • Area size (ha) of Montrave study area

  • Sample.Label point label

  • Effort Number of visits to point

  • object Object ID

  • distance radial distance (m)

  • Study.Area Montrave Estate

wren_cuecount: 774 observations of 9 variables

  • Region.Label stratum name (single stratum)

  • Area size (ha) of Montrave study area

  • Sample.Label point label

  • Cue.rate Production rate (per min) of cues

  • Cue.rate.SE SE of cue production rate

  • object Object ID

  • distance radial distance (m)

  • Search.time Time (min) listening for cues

  • Study.Area Montrave Estate

wren_lt: 156 observations of 8 variables

  • Region.Label stratum name (single stratum)

  • Area size (ha) of Montrave study area

  • Sample.Label transect label

  • Effort transect length (km)

  • object Object ID

  • distance perpendicular distance (m)

  • Study.Area Montrave Estate


Steve Buckland


Buckland, S. T. (2006) Point-transect surveys for songbirds: robust methodologies. The Auk 123 (2): 345–357.

Distance documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:39 a.m.