
## contains oa.min3, oa.max3, oa.max4, oa.min4

oa.min3 <- function (ID, nlevels, all = FALSE, rela = FALSE, variants=NULL, crit="total")
    if (!is.logical(rela)) stop("rela must be logical")
    if (!is.logical(all)) stop("all must be logical")
    if (! crit %in% c("total","worst")) stop("invalid crit")
  ## might make sense to have more versions here 
  ##  if (! crit %in% c("total","worst","wt","tw")) stop("invalid crit")
    tab.needed <- table(nlevels)
    ## retrieve child array or array identified by character string
          ## gsub for case where ID is character string
    IDname <- gsub("\"", "", deparse(substitute(ID)))
    if (all(IDname %in% oacat$name)) {
        if (!exists(IDname))
            ID <- eval(parse(text = paste("oa.design(", IDname,
                ", randomize=FALSE)")))
        else if (is.character(ID))
            ID <- eval(parse(text = paste("oa.design(", IDname,
                ", randomize=FALSE)")))
    ## identify match between available and requested levels
    nlevID <- apply(ID, 2, function(obj) length(table(obj)))
    if (!is.null(variants)){
       if (!is.numeric(variants)) stop("If given, variants must be numeric.")
       if (!is.matrix(variants)) stop("If given, variants must be a matrix.")
       nr <- nrow(variants); nc <- ncol(variants)
       if (!nc==length(nlevels)) stop("variants has the wrong length")
       if (!all(matrix(nlevID[variants],nr,nc)==matrix(nlevels,nr,nc,byrow=TRUE))) 
            stop("variants has invalid entries")
    tab.available <- table(nlevID)[names(tab.needed)]
    if (any(is.na(names(tab.available))))
        stop("not all levels can be accomodated")
    col.lists <- lapply(names(tab.needed), function(obj) which(nlevID ==
    spielraum <- tab.available - tab.needed
    if (any(spielraum < 0))
        stop("design does not have enough factors with ", paste(names(spielraum)[which(spielraum <
            0)], collapse = " and "), " levels")
    triples <- nchoosek(length(nlevels), 3)  ## for later selection from spalten
    nruns <- nrow(ID)
    if (!rela){
      if (crit=="total") target <- lowerbound_AR(nruns, nlevels, 3, crit="total")
      else target <- lowerbound_AR(nruns, nlevels, 3, crit="worst")
      dfmins <- apply(triples, 2, function(obj) min(nlevels[obj]-1))
      hilf <- lowerbounds(nruns, nlevels, 3)/(nruns^2*dfmins)
      if (crit=="total") target <- sum(hilf)
      else target <- max(hilf)     
    ## target will be 0, if resolution 4 is principally possible in the current number of runs
    ## provide candidate column list to be looped through
    if (!is.null(variants)) hilf <- t(variants)
    cand.lists <- mapply(nchoosek, tab.available, tab.needed,
    cand.lists <- mapply(function(obj1, obj2) matrix(obj1[obj2],
        nrow = nrow(obj2), ncol = ncol(obj2)), col.lists, cand.lists,
    ## provide full factorial for all combinations of subsets,
    ## e.g. combining each variant of 3 2-level factors with each variant of 4 3-level factors
    hilf <- lapply(cand.lists, function(obj) 1:ncol(obj))
    hilf <- expand.grid(hilf)
    curMin <- Inf
    ## would be for two-part crit
    ## if (crit %in% c("tw","wt")) curMin <- c(Inf,Inf)
    MinVariants <- numeric(0)
    ll <- length3(ID, J=TRUE)  # J characteristics
    ll <- split(ll, names(ll))
    ll <- sapply(ll, function(obj) sum(obj^2))  ## length 3 words for all triples
    div <- sapply(names(ll), function(obj) min((nlevID-1)[as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(obj,":")))]))
    if (rela) ll <- ll/div   ## relative length 3 words for all triples
    if (is.null(variants))
    hilf <- apply(hilf,1,function(obj) c(unlist(mapply(function(obj1, obj2) obj1[,
            obj2], cand.lists, obj))))
    ## hilf is a matrix, the columns of which contain column selections to be checked
        ## spalten contains all column numbers of the current choice
        ## ordered by number of levels (for unspecified variants)
    for (i in 1:ncol(hilf)) {
        spalten <- hilf[,i]
        nam.need <- apply(triples, 2, function(obj) paste(sort(spalten[obj]), collapse=":"))
        if (crit=="total") cur3 <- round(sum(ll[nam.need]),4)
        else cur3 <- round(max(ll[nam.need]),4)
        ## else if (crit=="wt") cur3 <- c(round(max(ll[nam.need]),4),round(sum(ll[nam.need]),4))
        ## else if (crit=="tw") cur3 <- c(round(sum(ll[nam.need]),4),round(max(ll[nam.need]),4))
        if (cur3 == curMin)
            MinVariants <- rbind(MinVariants, spalten)
        ## else if (cur3[1] < curMin[1] | (cur3[1] <= curMin[1] & cur3[2]<curMin[2])){
        else if (cur3 < curMin){
            curMin <- cur3
            MinVariants <- matrix(spalten, nrow = 1)
            if (round(curMin - target, 8) == 0 && !all){
                if (crit == "total")
                return(list(GWP3 = target, column.variants = matrix(spalten,
                  nrow = 1), complete = FALSE))
                return(list(GR = 4 - round(sqrt(curMin),2), column.variants = matrix(spalten,
                  nrow = 1), complete = FALSE))
    rownames(MinVariants) <- 1:nrow(MinVariants)
    #if (!rela){
    #if (crit=="total")
    #    names(curMin) <- "A3"
    #else names(curMin) <- "worst"
    ## else if (crit=="wt") names(curMin) <- c("worst", "A3")
    ## else if (crit=="tw") names(curMin) <- c("A3","worst")
    # commented out Sep 2017, since superfluous}
    if (rela) {
        if (crit=="total") names(curMin) <- "rA3"
        else {
          curMin <- 3+1-round(sqrt(curMin),2)
          names(curMin) <- "GR"
        ##if (crit=="wt") {
        ##  curMin[1] <- 3+1-round(sqrt(curMin[1]),2)
        ##  names(curMin=c("GR","rA3"))
        ##if (crit=="tw") {
        ##  curMin[2] <- 3+1-round(sqrt(curMin[2]),2)
        ##  names(curMin=c("rA3","GR"))
    aus <- list(optimum = curMin, column.variants = MinVariants, complete = TRUE)
    ## modified names for crit == "total" Sep 2017
    if (crit == "total" & rela) {
      names(aus)[1] <- "GWP3"
      names(aus[[1]]) <- "rA3"
    if (crit == "total" & !rela){ 
      names(aus)[1] <- "GWP3"
      names(aus[[1]]) <- "A3"
    if (crit == "worst" & !rela) {
      names(aus)[1] <- "GWP3"
      names(aus[[1]]) <- "worst.a3"
    if (crit == "worst" & rela) names(aus)[1] <- "GR"

oa.max3 <- function (ID, nlevels, rela = FALSE)
    tab.needed <- table(nlevels)
    ## retrieve child array or array identified by character string
          ## gsub for case where ID is character string
    IDname <- gsub("\"", "", deparse(substitute(ID)))
    if (all(IDname %in% oacat$name)) {
        if (!exists(IDname))
            ID <- eval(parse(text = paste("oa.design(", IDname,
        else if (is.character(ID))
            ID <- eval(parse(text = paste("oa.design(", IDname,
    ## identify match between available and requested levels
    nlevID <- apply(ID, 2, function(obj) length(table(obj)))
    tab.available <- table(nlevID)[names(tab.needed)]
    if (any(is.na(names(tab.available))))
        stop("not all levels can be accomodated")
    col.lists <- lapply(names(tab.needed), function(obj) which(nlevID ==
    spielraum <- tab.available - tab.needed
    if (any(spielraum < 0))
        stop("design does not have enough factors with ", paste(names(spielraum)[which(spielraum <
            0)], collapse = " and "), " levels")
    triples <- nchoosek(length(nlevels), 3)  ## for later selection from spalten

    ## provide candidate column list to be looped through
    cand.lists <- mapply(nchoosek, tab.available, tab.needed,
    cand.lists <- mapply(function(obj1, obj2) matrix(obj1[obj2],
        nrow = nrow(obj2), ncol = ncol(obj2)), col.lists, cand.lists,

    ## provide full factorial for all combinations of subsets,
    ## e.g. combining each variant of 3 2-level factors with each variant of 4 3-level factors
    hilf <- lapply(cand.lists, function(obj) 1:ncol(obj))
    hilf <- expand.grid(hilf)

    ## initialize curMax
    curMax <- -Inf
    MaxVariants <- numeric(0)
    ll <- length3(ID, J=TRUE)  # J characteristics
    ll <- split(ll, names(ll))
    ll <- sapply(ll, function(obj) sum(obj^2))  ## length 3 words for all triples
    div <- sapply(names(ll), function(obj) min((nlevID-1)[as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(obj,":")))]))
    if (rela) ll <- ll/div   ## relative length 3 words for all triples
    hilf <- apply(hilf,1,function(obj) c(unlist(mapply(function(obj1, obj2) obj1[,
            obj2], cand.lists, obj))))
    ## hilf is a matrix, the columns of which
        ## spalten contain all column numbers of the current choice
        ## ordered by number of levels
    for (i in 1:ncol(hilf)) {
        spalten <- hilf[,i]
        nam.need <- apply(triples, 2, function(obj) paste(sort(spalten[obj]), collapse=":"))
        cur3 <- round(sum(ll[nam.need]),4)
        if (cur3 == curMax)
            MaxVariants <- rbind(MaxVariants, spalten)
        else if (cur3 > curMax) {
            curMax <- cur3
            MaxVariants <- matrix(spalten, nrow = 1)
    rownames(MaxVariants) <- 1:nrow(MaxVariants)
    if (rela)
        names(curMax) <- "3.relative"
    else names(curMax) <- "3"
    list(GWP3 = curMax, column.variants = MaxVariants, complete = TRUE)

oa.max4 <- function (ID, nlevels, rela=FALSE)
## oa.max4 only makes sense for selection from a resolution IV design
    tab.needed <- table(nlevels)

    ## retrieve child array or array identified by character string
          ## gsub for case where ID is character string
    IDname <- gsub("\"","",deparse(substitute(ID)))
    if (all(IDname %in% oacat$name)){
    if (!exists(IDname))
          ID <- eval(parse(text=paste("oa.design(",IDname,", randomize=FALSE)")))
    else if (is.character(ID))
          ID <- eval(parse(text=paste("oa.design(",IDname,", randomize=FALSE)")))

    ## identify match between available and requested levels
    nlevID <- apply(ID, 2, function(obj) length(table(obj)))
    tab.available <- table(nlevID)[names(tab.needed)]
    if (any(is.na(names(tab.available)))) stop("not all levels can be accomodated")
    col.lists <- lapply(names(tab.needed), function(obj) which(nlevID ==
    spielraum <- tab.available - tab.needed
         if (any(spielraum < 0))
             stop("design does not have enough factors with ",
                  paste(names(spielraum)[which(spielraum<0)], collapse=" and "), " levels")
    quadruples <- nchoosek(length(nlevels), 4)  ## for later selection from spalten

    ## provide candidate column list to be looped through
    cand.lists <- mapply(nchoosek, tab.available, tab.needed, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    cand.lists <- mapply(function(obj1, obj2) matrix(obj1[obj2],
        nrow = nrow(obj2), ncol = ncol(obj2)), col.lists, cand.lists,

    ## provide full factorial for all combinations of subsets,
    ## e.g. combining each variant of 3 2-level factors with each variant of 4 3-level factors
    hilf <- lapply(cand.lists, function(obj) 1:ncol(obj))
    hilf <- expand.grid(hilf)

    ## initialize curMax
    curMax <- -Inf
    MaxVariants <- numeric(0)
    ll <- length4(ID, J=TRUE)  # J characteristics
    ll <- split(ll, names(ll))
    ll <- sapply(ll, function(obj) sum(obj^2))  ## length 4 words for all quadruples
    div <- sapply(names(ll), function(obj) min((nlevID-1)[as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(obj,":")))]))
    if (rela) ll <- ll/div   ## relative length 4 words for all quadruples
    hilf <- apply(hilf,1,function(obj) c(unlist(mapply(function(obj1, obj2) obj1[,
            obj2], cand.lists, obj))))
    ## hilf is a matrix, the columns of which
        ## spalten contain all column numbers of the current choice
        ## ordered by number of levels
    for (i in 1:ncol(hilf)) {
        spalten <- hilf[,i]
        nam.need <- apply(quadruples, 2, function(obj) paste(sort(spalten[obj]), collapse=":"))
        cur4 <- round(sum(ll[nam.need]),4)
        if (cur4 == curMax)
            MaxVariants <- rbind(MaxVariants, spalten)
        else if (cur4 > curMax) {
            curMax <- cur4
            MaxVariants <- matrix(spalten, nrow = 1)
    rownames(MaxVariants) <- 1:nrow(MaxVariants)
    if (rela) names(curMax) <- "4.relative" else names(curMax) <- "4"
    list(GWP4 = curMax, column.variants = MaxVariants, complete = TRUE)

oa.min4 <- function (ID, nlevels, all = FALSE, rela = FALSE, variants=NULL, crit="total")
    if (!is.logical(rela)) stop("rela must be logical")
    if (!is.logical(all)) stop("all must be logical")
    if (! crit %in% c("total","worst")) stop("invalid crit")
  ## might make sense to have more versions here 
  ##  if (! crit %in% c("total","worst","wt","tw")) stop("invalid crit")
    tab.needed <- table(nlevels)
    ## retrieve child array or array identified by character string
          ## gsub for case where ID is character string
    IDname <- gsub("\"", "", deparse(substitute(ID)))
    if (all(IDname %in% oacat3$name)) {
        if (!exists(IDname))
            ID <- eval(parse(text = paste("oa.design(", IDname,
                ", randomize=FALSE)")))
        else if (is.character(ID))
            ID <- eval(parse(text = paste("oa.design(", IDname,
                ", randomize=FALSE)")))
    if (is.null(variants) && !(round(length2(ID),8)==0 && round(length3(ID),8)==0))
        stop("oa.min4 requires a resolution 4 design", " or restriction to resolution 4 variants")
    ## identify match between available and requested levels
    nlevID <- apply(ID, 2, function(obj) length(table(obj)))
    if (!is.null(variants)){
       if (!is.numeric(variants)) stop("If given, variants must be numeric.")
       if (!is.matrix(variants)) stop("If given, variants must be a matrix.")
       nr <- nrow(variants); nc <- ncol(variants)
       if (!nc==length(nlevels)) stop("variants has the wrong length")
       if (!all(matrix(nlevID[variants],nr,nc)==matrix(nlevels,nr,nc,byrow=TRUE))) 
            stop("variants has invalid entries")
       if (!(length2(ID)==0 && length3(ID)==0))
          if (!(all(sapply(1:nrow(variants), function(obj) length2(ID[,variants[obj,]])==0 && length3(ID[,variants[obj,]])==0))))
          stop("oa.min4 requires a resolution 4 design", " or restriction to resolution 4 variants")
    tab.available <- table(nlevID)[names(tab.needed)]
    if (any(is.na(names(tab.available))))
        stop("not all levels can be accomodated")
    col.lists <- lapply(names(tab.needed), function(obj) which(nlevID ==
    spielraum <- tab.available - tab.needed
    if (any(spielraum < 0))
        stop("design does not have enough factors with ", paste(names(spielraum)[which(spielraum <
            0)], collapse = " and "), " levels")
    quadruples <- nchoosek(length(nlevels), 4)  ## for later selection from spalten
    nruns <- nrow(ID)
    if (!rela){
      if (crit=="total") target <- lowerbound_AR(nruns, nlevels, 4, crit="total")
      else target <- lowerbound_AR(nruns, nlevels, 4, crit="worst")
      dfmins <- apply(quadruples, 2, function(obj) min(nlevels[obj]-1))
      hilf <- lowerbounds(nruns, nlevels, 4)/(nruns^2*dfmins)
      if (crit=="total") target <- sum(hilf)
      else target <- max(hilf)     
    ## target will be 0, if resolution 4 is principally possible in the current number of runs
    ## provide candidate column list to be looped through
    if (!is.null(variants)) hilf <- t(variants)
    cand.lists <- mapply(nchoosek, tab.available, tab.needed,
    cand.lists <- mapply(function(obj1, obj2) matrix(obj1[obj2],
        nrow = nrow(obj2), ncol = ncol(obj2)), col.lists, cand.lists,
    ## provide full factorial for all combinations of subsets,
    ## e.g. combining each variant of 3 2-level factors with each variant of 4 3-level factors
    hilf <- lapply(cand.lists, function(obj) 1:ncol(obj))
    hilf <- expand.grid(hilf)
    curMin <- Inf
    ## would be for two-part crit
    ## if (crit %in% c("tw","wt")) curMin <- c(Inf,Inf)
    MinVariants <- numeric(0)
    ll <- length4(ID, J=TRUE)  # J characteristics
    ll <- split(ll, names(ll))
    ll <- sapply(ll, function(obj) sum(obj^2))  ## length 4 words for all quadruples
    div <- sapply(names(ll), function(obj) min((nlevID-1)[as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(obj,":")))]))
    if (rela) ll <- ll/div   ## relative length 4 words for all quadruples
    if (is.null(variants))
    hilf <- apply(hilf,1,function(obj) c(unlist(mapply(function(obj1, obj2) obj1[,
            obj2], cand.lists, obj))))
    ## hilf is a matrix, the columns of which contain column selections to be checked
        ## spalten contains all column numbers of the current choice
        ## ordered by number of levels (for unspecified variants)
    for (i in 1:ncol(hilf)) {
        spalten <- hilf[,i]
        nam.need <- apply(quadruples, 2, function(obj) paste(sort(spalten[obj]), collapse=":"))
        if (crit=="total") cur4 <- round(sum(ll[nam.need]),4)
        else cur4 <- round(max(ll[nam.need]),4)
        ## else if (crit=="wt") cur4 <- c(round(max(ll[nam.need]),4),round(sum(ll[nam.need]),4))
        ## else if (crit=="tw") cur4 <- c(round(sum(ll[nam.need]),4),round(max(ll[nam.need]),4))
        if (cur4 == curMin)
            MinVariants <- rbind(MinVariants, spalten)
        ## else if (cur4[1] < curMin[1] | (cur4[1] <= curMin[1] & cur4[2]<curMin[2])){
        else if (cur4 < curMin){
            curMin <- cur4
            MinVariants <- matrix(spalten, nrow = 1)
            if (round(curMin - target, 8) == 0 && !all){
                if (crit == "total")
                return(list(GWP4 = target, column.variants = matrix(spalten,
                  nrow = 1), complete = FALSE))
                return(list(GR = 5 - round(sqrt(curMin),2), column.variants = matrix(spalten,
                  nrow = 1), complete = FALSE))
    rownames(MinVariants) <- 1:nrow(MinVariants)
    #if (!rela){
    #if (crit=="total")
    #    names(curMin) <- "A4"
    #else names(curMin) <- "worst"
    ## else if (crit=="wt") names(curMin) <- c("worst", "A3")
    ## else if (crit=="tw") names(curMin) <- c("A3","worst")
    # commented out Sep 2017, since superfluous}
    if (rela) {
        if (crit=="total") names(curMin) <- "rA4"
        else {
          curMin <- 4+1-round(sqrt(curMin),2)
          names(curMin) <- "GR"
        ##if (crit=="wt") {
        ##  curMin[1] <- 3+1-round(sqrt(curMin[1]),2)
        ##  names(curMin=c("GR","rA3"))
        ##if (crit=="tw") {
        ##  curMin[2] <- 3+1-round(sqrt(curMin[2]),2)
        ##  names(curMin=c("rA3","GR"))
    aus <- list(optimum = curMin, column.variants = MinVariants, complete = TRUE)
    ## modified names for crit == "total" Sep 2017
    if (crit == "total" & rela) names(aus)[1] <- "rA4"
    if (crit == "total" & !rela) names(aus)[1] <- "A4"
    if (crit == "worst" & !rela) names(aus)[1] <- "worst.a4"
    if (crit == "worst" & rela) names(aus)[1] <- "GR"

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