
Defines functions show.oas

Documented in show.oas

show.oas <- function(name="all", nruns = "all", nlevels = "all", factors="all", 
     regular = "all", GRgt3 = c("all", "tot", "ind"), Rgt3 = FALSE, 
     show = 10, parents.only = FALSE, showGRs=FALSE, showmetrics = FALSE , digits=3 ){
    ## preparation: check nlevels and factors and unite into one single case
    if (!(identical(nlevels,"all") | identical(factors,"all")) )
        stop("nlevels and factors must not be specified simultaneously")
    if (!identical(nlevels,"all")){
        if (!is.numeric(nlevels)) stop("nlevels must be numeric")
        if (!all(nlevels%%1 == 0)) stop("all entries of nlevels must be integer")
        if (any(nlevels < 2)) stop("all entries of nlevels must be at least 2")
        hilf <- table(nlevels)
        factors  <- list(nlevels=as.numeric(names(hilf)), number=hilf)
        nlevels <- "all"
    ## March 2016
    ## try resolution larger than 3 arrays first
    if (!is.logical(Rgt3)) stop("Rgt3 must be logical")
    ## August 2018: always try strong arrays, not only when requested
    if (Rgt3) cat <- list(oacat3) else cat <- list(oacat3, oacat)

    zaehl <- 0L
    aus <- NULL
    for (oacat in cat){
    ## the first oacat is strength 3 or better
    zaehl <- zaehl + 1L

    ## exclude or include child arrays 
    if (parents.only) zeige <- oacat[oacat$lineage=="",] 
        else zeige <- oacat
    ## treat name subsetting
    if (!identical(name,"all")){ 
        if (!is.character(name)) stop("name must be character")
        if (length(name)==0) stop("At least one name must be given.")
        if (sum(oacat$name %in% name)==0)
                 warning("none of the requested names found", ifelse(zaehl==1, "\n  with resolution IV or more", 
                 "\n  with resolution III or less"))
        if (!sum(oacat$name %in% name)==length(name))
                 warning("not all requested names found")
        zeige <- zeige[zeige$name %in% name,]
    ## treat nruns subsetting
    if (!identical(nruns, "all")){
        if (!is.numeric(nruns)) stop("nruns must be numeric")
        if (!all(nruns %% 1 == 0)) stop("nruns must be integer")
        if (!length(nruns) %in% c(1,2)) stop("nruns must have one or two elements")
        if (length(nruns)==1) zeige <- zeige[zeige$nruns==nruns,]
             else zeige <- zeige[zeige$nruns>=min(nruns) & zeige$nruns<=max(nruns),]
    ## treat factors (or nlevels which has been previously transformed into factors)
    if (!identical(factors,"all")){
        if (!is.list(factors)) stop("factors must be a list")
        if (!length(factors)==2) stop("factors must have the element vectors nlevels and number")
        if (!identical(names(factors), c("nlevels","number")))
             stop("factors must have the element vectors nlevels and number")
        stufen <- factors$nlevels
        anzahl <- factors$number
        if (!length(stufen)==length(anzahl)) stop("factors$nlevels and factors$number must have the same length")
        if (!(is.numeric(stufen) & is.numeric(anzahl))) stop("factors$nlevels and factors$number must be numeric")
        for (i in 1:length(stufen))
           zeige <- zeige[zeige[,paste("n",stufen[i],sep="")]>=anzahl[i],]
    if (!identical(regular,"all") ){
           if (identical(regular, "strict")) zeige[zeige$regular.strict,]
             if (!is.logical(regular)) stop("regular must be a logical or 'all' or 'strict'")
             if (regular) zeige <- zeige[zeige$regular,]
             else zeige <- zeige[!zeige$regular,]
    if (!identical(GRgt3[1],"all") ){
           if (!(GRgt3[1] %in% c("tot","ind"))) stop("GRgt3 must be one of 'all', 'tot', or 'ind'")
           if (GRgt3[1]=="tot") zeige <- zeige[zeige$GR>3,]
           else zeige <- zeige[zeige$GRind>3,]
    ## treat the resulting data frame
    spalten <- c("name","nruns","lineage")
    if (showmetrics) spalten <- c(spalten, "GR","GRind","regular","SCones", paste("A",3:8,sep=""))
    else if (showGRs) {spalten <- c(spalten, "GR","GRind")
                       if (!GRgt3=="ind") spalten <- c(spalten,"SCones") 

    if (nrow(zeige)>0){
        ## make show="all" numeric
        if (show=="all") show <- nrow(zeige)
        ## display information, if not suppressed
        if (show > 0){
            if (show < nrow(zeige))
            cat(nrow(zeige), ifelse(zaehl==1, " resolution IV or more", " orthogonal"),
            " arrays found, \nthe first ", show, " are listed\n")
            cat(nrow(zeige), ifelse(zaehl==1, " resolution IV or more", " orthogonal"), 
            " arrays found\n")
            print(zeige[1:min(show,nrow(zeige)),,drop=FALSE][spalten], quote=FALSE, digits=digits)
        ## return information for further use (aus is initialized to NULL)
        aus <- rbind( aus, zeige[spalten])
      cat("no suitable", ifelse(zaehl==1, " resolution IV or more", " orthogonal"), " array found\n")
      if (parents.only && zaehl>1) cat("choose parent.only=FALSE in order to see which further arrays up to 143 runs can be manually constructed in what way.\n",
      "automatic creation of child arrays for increasing the number of available arrays is currently under development\n")

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DoE.base documentation built on Nov. 15, 2023, 1:06 a.m.