## functions related to creating, plotting candidate model sets
#' Define dose-response models
#' The Mods functions allows to define a set of dose-response models. The function is used as input object for a number
#' of other different functions.
#' The dose-response models used in this package (see \code{\link{drmodels}} for details) are of form
#' \deqn{f(d) = \theta_0+\theta_1 f^0(d,\theta_2)}{f(d) = theta0+theta1
#' f0(d,theta2)}
#' where the parameter \eqn{\theta_2}{theta2} is the only non-linear parameter and can be one- or two-dimensional,
#' depending on the used model.
#' One needs to hand over the effect at placebo and the maximum effect in the dose range, from which
#' \eqn{\theta_0,\theta_1}{theta0,theta1} are then back-calculated, the output object is of class \samp{"Mods"}. This
#' object can form the input for other functions to extract the mean response (\samp{getResp}) or target doses
#' (\code{\link{TD}} and \code{\link{ED}}) corresponding to the models. It is also needed as input to the functions
#' \code{\link{powMCT}}, \code{\link{optDesign}}
#' Some models, for example the beta model (\samp{scal}) and the linlog model (\samp{off}) have parameters that are not
#' estimated from the data, they need to be specified via the \samp{addArgs} argument.
#' The default plot method for \samp{Mods} objects is based on a plot using the \samp{lattice} package for backward
#' compatibility. The function \samp{plotMods} function implements a plot using the \samp{ggplot2} package.
#' NOTE: If a decreasing effect is beneficial for the considered response
#' variable it needs to specified here, either by using \samp{direction =
#' "decreasing"} or by specifying a negative "maxEff" argument.
#' @aliases Mods getResp plot.Mods plotMods
#' @param ... In function Mods:\cr Dose-response model names with parameter values specifying the guesstimates for the
#' \eqn{\theta_2}{theta2} parameters. See \code{\link{drmodels}} for a complete list of dose-response models
#' implemented. See below for an example specification.\cr \cr In function plot.Mods:\cr Additional arguments to the
#' \samp{xyplot} call.
#' @param doses Dose levels to be used, this needs to include placebo.
#' @param addArgs List containing two entries named "scal" and "off" for the "betaMod" and "linlog". When addArgs is
#' NULL the following defaults are used \samp{list(scal = 1.2*max(doses), off = 0.01*max(doses), nodes = doses)}.
#' @param fullMod Logical determining, whether the model parameters specified in the Mods function (via the ...
#' argument) should be interpreted as standardized or the full model parameters.
#' @param placEff,maxEff Specify used placebo effect and the maximum effect over placebo. Either a numeric vector of
#' the same size as the number of candidate models or of length one.\cr When these parameters are not specified
#' \samp{placEff = 0} is assumed, for \samp{maxEff = 1} is assumed, if \samp{direction = "increasing"} and
#' \samp{maxEff = -1} is assumed, for \samp{direction = "decreasing"}.
#' @param direction Character determining whether the beneficial direction is \samp{increasing} or \samp{decreasing}
#' with increasing dose levels. This argument is ignored if \samp{maxEff} is specified.
#' @return Returns an object of class \samp{"Mods"}. The object contains the specified model parameter values and the
#' derived linear parameters (based on \samp{"placEff"} and \samp{"maxEff"}) in a list.
#' @author Bjoern Bornkamp
#' @seealso \code{\link{Mods}}, \code{\link{drmodels}}, \code{\link{optDesign}}, \code{\link{powMCT}}
#' @references Pinheiro, J. C., Bornkamp, B., and Bretz, F. (2006). Design and analysis of dose finding studies
#' combining multiple comparisons and modeling procedures, \emph{Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics}, \bold{16},
#' 639--656
#' @examples
#' ## Example on how to specify candidate models
#' ## Suppose one would like to use the following models with the specified
#' ## guesstimates for theta2, in a situation where the doses to be used are
#' ## 0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.6, 1
#' ## Model guesstimate(s) for theta2 parameter(s) (name)
#' ## linear -
#' ## linear in log -
#' ## Emax 0.05 (ED50)
#' ## Emax 0.3 (ED50)
#' ## exponential 0.7 (delta)
#' ## quadratic -0.85 (delta)
#' ## logistic 0.4 0.09 (ED50, delta)
#' ## logistic 0.3 0.1 (ED50, delta)
#' ## betaMod 0.3 1.3 (delta1, delta2)
#' ## sigmoid Emax 0.5 2 (ED50, h)
#' ## linInt 0.5 0.75 1 1 (perc of max-effect at doses)
#' ## linInt 0.5 1 0.7 0.5 (perc of max-effect at doses)
#' ## for the linInt model one specifies the effect over placebo for
#' ## each active dose.
#' ## The fixed "scal" parameter of the betaMod is set to 1.2
#' ## The fixed "off" parameter of the linlog is set to 0.1
#' ## These (standardized) candidate models can be specified as follows
#' models <- Mods(linear = NULL, linlog = NULL, emax = c(0.05, 0.3),
#' exponential = 0.7, quadratic = -0.85,
#' logistic = rbind(c(0.4, 0.09), c(0.3, 0.1)),
#' betaMod = c(0.3, 1.3), sigEmax = c(0.5, 2),
#' linInt = rbind(c(0.5, 0.75, 1, 1), c(0.5, 1, 0.7, 0.5)),
#' doses = c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.6, 1),
#' addArgs = list(scal=1.2, off=0.1))
#' ## "models" now contains the candidate model set, as placEff, maxEff and
#' ## direction were not specified a placebo effect of 0 and an effect of 1
#' ## is assumed
#' ## display of specified candidate set using default plot (based on lattice)
#' plot(models)
#' ## display using ggplot2
#' plotMods(models)
#' ## example for creating a candidate set with decreasing response
#' doses <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150)
#' fmodels <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = 25,
#' logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential = 85,
#' betaMod = rbind(c(0.33, 2.31), c(1.39, 1.39)),
#' linInt = rbind(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1),
#' c(0, 0, 1, 1, 0.8)),
#' doses=doses, placEff = 0.5, maxEff = -0.4,
#' addArgs=list(scal=200))
#' plot(fmodels)
#' plotMods(fmodels)
#' ## some customizations (different model names, symbols, line-width)
#' plot(fmodels, lwd = 3, pch = 3, cex=1.2, col="red",
#' modNams = paste("mod", 1:8, sep="-"))
#' ## for a full-model object one can calculate the responses
#' ## in a matrix
#' getResp(fmodels, doses=c(0, 20, 100, 150))
#' ## calculate doses giving an improvement of 0.3 over placebo
#' TD(fmodels, Delta=0.3, direction = "decreasing")
#' ## discrete version
#' TD(fmodels, Delta=0.3, TDtype = "discrete", doses=doses, direction = "decreasing")
#' ## doses giving 50% of the maximum effect
#' ED(fmodels, p=0.5)
#' ED(fmodels, p=0.5, EDtype = "discrete", doses=doses)
#' plot(fmodels, plotTD = TRUE, Delta = 0.3)
#' ## example for specifying all model parameters (fullMod=TRUE)
#' fmods <- Mods(emax = c(0, 1, 0.1), linear = cbind(c(-0.4,0), c(0.2,0.1)),
#' sigEmax = c(0, 1.1, 0.5, 3),
#' doses = 0:4, fullMod = TRUE)
#' getResp(fmods, doses=seq(0,4,length=11))
#' ## calculate doses giving an improvement of 0.3 over placebo
#' TD(fmods, Delta=0.3)
#' ## discrete version
#' TD(fmods, Delta=0.3, TDtype = "discrete", doses=0:4)
#' ## doses giving 50% of the maximum effect
#' ED(fmods, p=0.5)
#' ED(fmods, p=0.5, EDtype = "discrete", doses=0:4)
#' plot(fmods)
#' @export
Mods <- function(..., doses, placEff = 0, maxEff, direction = c("increasing", "decreasing"),
addArgs = NULL, fullMod = FALSE){
stop("Need to specify dose levels")
doses <- sort(doses)
if(doses[1] < -.Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5)
stop("Only dose-levels >= 0 allowed")
if(abs(doses[1]) > .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5)
stop("Need to include placebo dose")
## check for adequate addArgs
lst <- getAddArgs(addArgs, doses)
if(lst$scal < max(doses))
stop("\"scal\" parameter needs to be >= max(doses)")
if(lst$scal < 0)
stop("\"scal\" parameter needs to be positive")
if(lst$off < 0)
stop("\"off\" parameter needs to be positive")
## obtain model list
modL <- list(...)
nams <- names(modL)
## perform some simple check for a valid standModel list
if(length(nams) != length(unique(nams)))
stop("only one list entry allowed for each model class")
checkEntries(modL, doses, fullMod)
if(!fullMod){ ## assume standardized models
direction <- match.arg(direction)
if (missing(maxEff))
maxEff <- ifelse(direction == "increasing", 1, -1)
modL <- fullMod(modL, doses, placEff, maxEff, lst$scal, lst$off)
} else {
## calculate placEff and maxEff from model pars. For unimodal
## models maxEff determination might fail if the dose with maximum
## efficacy is not among those used!
resp <- calcResp(modL, doses, lst$off, lst$scal, lst$nodes)
placEff <- resp[1,]
maxEff <- apply(resp, 2, function(x){
difs <- x-x[1]
indMax <- which.max(difs)
indMin <- which.min(difs)
if(difs[indMax] > 0)
if(difs[indMin] < 0)
attr(modL, "placEff") <- placEff
attr(modL, "maxEff") <- maxEff
direc <- unique(ifelse(maxEff > 0, "increasing", "decreasing"))
if(length(direc) > 1)
stop("Inconsistent direction of effect specified in maxEff")
attr(modL, "direction") <- direc
class(modL) <- "Mods"
attr(modL, "doses") <- doses
attr(modL, "scal") <- lst$scal
attr(modL, "off") <- lst$off
#' Extract mean response from set of dose-response models
#' @inheritParams Mods
#' @param fmodels An object of class Mods
#' @rdname Mods
#' @export
getResp <- function(fmodels, doses){
## convenience function for getting the mean responses of
## the models in a Mods object (output in matrix)
if(!inherits(fmodels, "Mods"))
stop("\"fmodels\" needs to be of class Mods")
doses <- attr(fmodels, "doses")
off <- attr(fmodels, "off")
scal <- attr(fmodels, "scal")
nodes <- attr(fmodels, "doses")
calcResp(fmodels, doses, off=off, scal=scal, nodes=nodes)
#' Plot dose-response models using ggplot
#' @param ModsObj For function \samp{plotMods} the \samp{ModsObj} should contain an object of class \samp{Mods}.
#' @param trafo For function \samp{plotMods} there is the option to plot the candidate model set on a transformed scale
#' (e.g. probability scale if the candidate models are formulated on log-odds scale). The default for \samp{trafo} is
#' the identity function.
#' @param nPoints Number of points for plotting
#' @param superpose Logical determining, whether model plots should be superposed
#' @param xlab,ylab Label for y-axis and x-axis.
#' @param modNams When \samp{modNams == NULL}, the names for the panels are determined by the underlying model
#' functions, otherwise the contents of \samp{modNams} are used.
#' @rdname Mods
#' @export
plotMods <- function(ModsObj, nPoints = 200, superpose = FALSE,
xlab = "Dose", ylab = "Model means",
modNams = NULL, trafo = function(x) x){
## candidate model plot using ggplot2
## check for class Mods
if(!inherits(ModsObj, "Mods"))
stop("\"ModsObj\" needs to be of class Mods")
doses <- nodes <- attr(ModsObj, "doses")
placEff <- attr(ModsObj, "placEff")
maxEff <- attr(ModsObj, "maxEff")
off <- attr(ModsObj, "off")
scal <- attr(ModsObj, "scal")
nM <- modCount(ModsObj, fullMod = TRUE)
if(nM > 50)
stop("too many models in Mods object to plot (> 50 models).")
doseSeq <- sort(union(seq(min(doses), max(doses), length = nPoints),
resp <- calcResp(ModsObj, doseSeq, off, scal, nodes)
resp <- trafo(resp)
if(is.null(modNams)){ # use default model names
parList <- attr(resp, "parList")
mod_nams <- getModNams(parList)
} else { # use specified model names
if(length(modNams) != nM)
stop("specified model-names in \"modNams\" of invalid length")
mod_nams <- modNams
modelfact <- factor(rep(mod_nams, each = length(doseSeq)),
levels = mod_nams)
respdata <- data.frame(response = c(resp),
dose = rep(doseSeq, ncol(resp)),
model = modelfact)
pp <- ggplot2::ggplot(respdata, ggplot2::aes_string(x="dose", y="response", col="model"))+
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "top", legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank())
} else {
pp <- ggplot2::ggplot(respdata, ggplot2::aes_string(x="dose", y="response"))+
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~model, labeller = ggplot2::label_wrap_gen())
resp2 <- calcResp(ModsObj, doses, off, scal, nodes)
resp2 <- trafo(resp2)
modelfact2 <- factor(rep(mod_nams, each = length(doses)),
levels = mod_nams)
respdata2 <- data.frame(response = c(resp2),
dose = rep(doses, ncol(resp)),
model = modelfact2)
pp +
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes_string(x="dose", y="response"), size=1.8, data=respdata2) +
ggplot2::xlab(xlab) +
#' Plot dose-response models
#' @inheritParams plotMods
#' @param Delta Delta: The target effect size use for the target dose (TD)
#' (Delta should be > 0).
#' @param x Object of class Mods with type Mods
#' @param plotTD \samp{plotTD} is a logical determining, whether the TD should
#' be plotted. \samp{Delta} is the target effect to estimate for the TD.
#' @rdname Mods
#' @method plot Mods
#' @export
plot.Mods <- function(x, nPoints = 200, superpose = FALSE, xlab = "Dose",
ylab = "Model means", modNams = NULL, plotTD = FALSE, Delta, ...){
plotModels(x, nPoints = nPoints, superpose = superpose, xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab, modNams = modNams, plotTD = plotTD, Delta, ...)
#' Calculate dose estimates for a fitted dose-response model (via \code{\link{fitMod}} or \code{\link{bFitMod}}) or a
#' \code{\link{Mods}} object
#' @description The TD (target dose) is defined as the dose that achieves a target effect of Delta over placebo (if
#' there are multiple such doses, the smallest is chosen):
#' \deqn{TD_\Delta = \min \{x|f(x) > f(0)+\Delta\}}{TD = min {x|f(x) > f(0)+Delta}}
#' If a decreasing trend is beneficial the definition of the TD is
#' \deqn{TD_\Delta = \min \{x|f(x) < f(0)-\Delta\}}{TD = min {x|f(x) < f(0)-Delta}}
#' When \eqn{\Delta}{Delta} is the clinical relevance threshold, then the TD is similar to the usual definition of the
#' minimum effective dose (MED).
#' The ED (effective dose) is defined as the dose that achieves a certain percentage p of the full effect size (within
#' the observed dose-range!) over placebo (if there are multiple such doses, the smallest is chosen).
#' \deqn{ED_p=\min\{x|f(x) > f(0) + p(f(dmax)-f(0))}{ EDp=min{x|f(x) > f(0) + p(f(dmax)-f(0))}}
#' Note that this definition of the EDp is different from traditional definition based on the Emax model,
#' where the EDp is defined relative to the \emph{asymptotic} maximum effect (rather than the maximum effect in the observed dose-range).
#' @name Target doses
#' @rdname targdose
#' @aliases ED
#' @param object An object of class c(Mods, fullMod), DRMod or bFitMod
#' @param Delta,p
#' Delta: The target effect size use for the target dose (TD) (Delta should be > 0).
#' p: The percentage of the dose to use for the effective dose.
#' @param TDtype,EDtype character that determines, whether the dose should be treated as a continuous
#' variable when calculating the TD/ED or whether the TD/ED should be calculated based on a grid of doses specified in \samp{doses}
#' @param direction Direction to be used in defining the TD. This depends on whether an increasing
#' or decreasing of the response variable is beneficial.
#' @param doses Dose levels to be used, this needs to include placebo, \samp{TDtype} or \samp{EDtype} are
#' equal to \samp{"discrete"}.
#' @return Returns the dose estimate
#' @author Bjoern Bornkamp
#' @seealso \code{\link{Mods}}, \code{\link{drmodels}},
#' \code{\link{fitMod}}, \code{\link{bFitMod}}
#' @examples
#' ## example for creating a "full-model" candidate set placebo response
#' ## and maxEff already fixed in Mods call
#' doses <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150)
#' fmodels <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = 25,
#' logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential = 85,
#' betaMod = rbind(c(0.33, 2.31), c(1.39, 1.39)),
#' linInt = rbind(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1),
#' c(0, 0, 1, 1, 0.8)),
#' doses=doses, placEff = 0, maxEff = 0.4,
#' addArgs=list(scal=200))
#' ## calculate doses giving an improvement of 0.3 over placebo
#' TD(fmodels, Delta=0.3)
#' ## discrete version
#' TD(fmodels, Delta=0.3, TDtype = "discrete", doses=doses)
#' ## doses giving 50% of the maximum effect
#' ED(fmodels, p=0.5)
#' ED(fmodels, p=0.5, EDtype = "discrete", doses=doses)
#' plot(fmodels, plotTD = TRUE, Delta = 0.3)
#' @export
TD <- function(object, Delta, TDtype = c("continuous", "discrete"),
direction = c("increasing", "decreasing"), doses){
## calculate target doses for Mods or DRMod object, return in a numeric
stop("need \"Delta\" to calculate TD")
if(Delta <= 0)
stop("\"Delta\" needs to be > 0")
modNams <- tds <- NULL
if(inherits(object, "Mods")){
off <- attr(object, "off")
scal <- attr(object, "scal")
nodes <- attr(object, "doses")
## loop through list
for(nam in names(object)){
par <- object[[nam]]
for(i in 1:nrow(par)){
td <- calcTD(nam, par[i,], Delta, TDtype, direction, doses, off, scal, nodes)
modNams <- c(modNams, paste(nam, i, sep=""))
tds <- c(tds, td)
} else { # single model
td <- calcTD(nam, par, Delta, TDtype, direction, doses, off, scal, nodes)
modNams <- c(modNams, nam)
tds <- c(tds, td)
names(tds) <- modNams
if(inherits(object, "DRMod")){ # if fmodel is a DRMod object
nam <- attr(object, "model")
par <- sepCoef(object)$DRpars
scal <- attr(object, "scal")
off <- attr(object, "off")
nodes <- attr(object, "nodes")
if(attr(object, "placAdj")){
par <- c(0, par)
if(nam == "linInt")
nodes <- c(0, nodes)
td <- calcTD(nam, par, Delta, TDtype, direction, doses, off, scal, nodes)
names(td) <- NULL
if(inherits(object, "bFitMod")){ # if fmodel is a bFitMod object
nam <- attr(object, "model")
scal <- attr(object, "scal")
off <- attr(object, "off")
nodes <- attr(object, "nodes")
if(attr(object, "placAdj")){
if(nam == "linInt")
nodes <- c(0, nodes)
td <- apply(object$samples, 1, function(x){
if(attr(object, "placAdj")){
par <- c(0, x)
} else {
par <- x
calcTD(nam, par, Delta, TDtype, direction, doses, off, scal, nodes)
#' #' Calculate effective dose for a dose-response model
#' @inheritParams targdose
#' @rdname targdose
#' @export
ED <- function(object, p, EDtype = c("continuous", "discrete"), doses){
## calculate target doses for Mods or DRMod object, return in a numeric
stop("need \"p\" to calculate ED")
if(p <= 0 | p >= 1)
stop("\"p\" needs to be in (0,1)")
modNams <- eds <- NULL
if(inherits(object, "Mods")){
off <- attr(object, "off")
scal <- attr(object, "scal")
nodes <- attr(object, "doses")
maxD <- max(attr(object, "doses"))
## loop through list
for(nam in names(object)){
par <- object[[nam]]
for(i in 1:nrow(par)){
ed <- calcED(nam, par[i,], p, maxD, EDtype, doses, off, scal, nodes)
modNams <- c(modNams, paste(nam, i, sep=""))
eds <- c(eds, ed)
} else { # single model
ed <- calcED(nam, par, p, maxD, EDtype, doses, off, scal, nodes)
modNams <- c(modNams, nam)
eds <- c(eds, ed)
names(eds) <- modNams
if(inherits(object, "DRMod")){ # if fmodel is a DRMod object
nam <- attr(object, "model")
par <- sepCoef(object)$DRpars
doseNam <- attr(object, "doseRespNam")[1]
maxD <- max(attr(object,"data")[[doseNam]])
scal <- attr(object, "scal")
off <- attr(object, "off")
nodes <- attr(object, "nodes")
if(attr(object, "placAdj")){
par <- c(0, par)
if(nam == "linInt")
nodes <- c(0, nodes)
ed <- calcED(nam, par, p, maxD, EDtype, doses, off, scal, nodes)
names(ed) <- NULL
if(inherits(object, "bFitMod")){ # if fmodel is a bFitMod object
nam <- attr(object, "model")
scal <- attr(object, "scal")
off <- attr(object, "off")
nodes <- attr(object, "nodes")
if(attr(object, "placAdj")){
if(nam == "linInt")
nodes <- c(0, nodes)
doseNam <- attr(object, "doseRespNam")[1]
maxD <- max(attr(object,"data")[[doseNam]])
ed <- apply(object$samples, 1, function(x){
if(attr(object, "placAdj")){
par <- c(0, x)
} else {
par <- x
calcED(nam, par, p, maxD, EDtype, doses, off, scal, nodes)
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