#' Plot quantiles of data against model implied quantiles.
#' @param resObserved output of \code{\link{estObserved}}.
#' @param data The dataset used to estimate the model.
#' @param what What to plot. Can be 'cr' for 'condition-response pairs,
#' 'c' for condition, and 'r' for response.
#' @param layout An optional layout matrix.
#' @param main an optional vector containing names for each plot.
#' @param linesArgs A list containing named arguments to be passed to \code{\link{lines}}.
#' @param ggplot Deprecated and ignored.
#' @param prob Should a qqplot of observed vs model implied quantiles be plotted?
#' By default, it is \code{seq(0, 1, .01)}, the probabilities between 0 and 1 to compare the
#' model implied quantiles to the observed quantiles. If this argument is NULL,
#' then a histogram overlayed with model implied densities will be plotted.
#' Internally, \code{\link{estQdf}} is used for generating quantiles.
#' @param probType A numeric value defining several plotting options. 0 does nothing, 1
#' removes the 0\% quantile, 2 removes the 100\% quantile and 3 removes both the 0\% and 100\% quantile.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to hist.
#' @description Plots histograms for each condition-response pair/ condition/ response
#' with overlayed estimated densities.
#' @details Keep in mind when using \code{what = 'c'} or \code{what = 'r'} pdfs are simply
#' averaged, not weighted to the number of observed responses.
#' @return if ggplot is FALSE \code{invisible()}, otherwise a list
#' @examples
#'# simulate data with three stimuli of different difficulty.
#'# this implies different drift rates across conditions.
#'# define a time grid. A more reasonable stepsize is .01; this is just for speed.
#'tt = seq(0, 5, .1)
#'pars = c(.8, 2, .5, .5, .5, # condition 1
#' .8, 3, .5, .5, .5, # condition 2
#' .8, 4, .5, .5, .5) # condition 3
#'pdfND = dbeta(tt, 10, 30)
#'# simulate data
#'lst = simData(n = 3e5, pars = pars, tt = tt, pdfND = pdfND, return.pdf = TRUE)
#'dat = lst$dat
#'# define restriction matrix
#'restr = matrix(1:5, 5, 3)
#'restr[2, 2:3] = 6:7 # allow drift rates to differ
#'# fix variance parameters
#'fixed = matrix(c('sz1', .5, 'sv1', .5), 2, 2)
#'# Run D*M analysis
#'resD = estDstarM(dat = dat, tt = tt, restr = restr, fixed = fixed)
#'# Estimate nondecision density
#'resND = estND(resD)
#'# Estimate observed density
#'resObs = estObserved(resD, resND)
#'# plot histograms with overlayed
#'# densities per condition-response pair
#'plotObserved(resObserved = resObs, data = dat,
#' xlim = c(0, 1))
#'# plot estimated and true densities
#'plot(resObs, col = rep(1:3, each = 2), xlim = 0:1)
#'matlines(tt, lst$pdfNormalized, col = rep(1:3, each = 2), lty = 2)
#'# other uses of plotObserved
#'plotObserved(resObserved = resObs, data = dat, what = 'cr', xlim = c(0, 1))
#'plotObserved(resObserved = resObs, data = dat, what = 'c', xlim = c(0, 1))
#'plotObserved(resObserved = resObs, data = dat, what = 'r', xlim = c(0, 1))
#' @export
plotObserved <- function(resObserved, data, what = c("cr", "c", "r"), layout = NULL,
main = NULL, linesArgs = list(), ggplot = FALSE, prob = seq(0, 1, 0.01),
probType = 3, ...) {
what <- match.arg(what)
if (!identical(ggplot, FALSE))
warning("Argument 'ggplot' is deprecated and will be ignored.")
formula <- resObserved$resDecision$formula
data <- getData(formula, data)
rtime <- data[["rtime"]]
response <- data[["response"]]
condition <- data[["condition"]]
# hasConditions <- data[['hasConditions']]
data <- data[["data"]]
if (what == "cr") {
# by condition-response pair
rtList <- split(data[[rtime]], factor(paste(data[[condition]], data[[response]])))
dd <- resObserved$obsNorm
} else {
ncondition <- dim(resObserved$obsNorm)[2L]/2L
if (what == "c") {
# by condition
rtList <- split(data[[rtime]], factor(data[[condition]]))
# helper matrix
mm <- matrix(0, ncondition * 2, ncondition)
mm[1:dim(mm)[1L] + dim(mm)[1L] * rep(1:dim(mm)[2L] - 1, each = 2)] <- 0.5
} else {
# by response
rtList <- split(data[[rtime]], factor(data[[response]]))
val <- 1/ncondition
mm <- matrix(c(val, 0, 0, val), nrow = dim(resObserved$obsNorm)[2L],
ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
dd <- resObserved$obsNorm %*% mm
tt <- resObserved$tt
# define layout
if (is.null(layout)) {
if (what == "cr") {
# responses within columns
layout <- matrix(1:length(rtList), nrow = 2)
} else if (what == "c") {
if (length(rtList)/2 != floor(length(rtList)/2) & floor(sqrt(length(rtList))) >
1) {
p <- c(1, 1:length(rtList))
} else {
p <- 1:length(rtList)
layout <- matrix(p, nrow = floor(sqrt(length(rtList))))
} else {
# 2 columns
layout <- matrix(1:length(rtList), ncol = 2)
} else {
# Error Handling
if ((dim(resObserved$obsNorm)[2L]%%length(unique(layout))) != 0) {
msg <- switch(what, cr = "condition-response pairs", c = "conditions",
r = "responses")
warning(sprintf("Number of plots in layout (%d) is not a multiple of the number of %s (%d).",
length(unique(layout)), msg, length(rtList)), call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE)
skips <- resObserved$obsIdx
# define Titles
if (is.null(main)) {
if (what == "cr") {
main <- apply(expand.grid(
1, function(x) paste0("Condition: ", x[2], "\nResponse: ",
} else {
main <- paste(ifelse(what == "c", "Condition:", "Response:"),
main <- paste0(main, " (N = ", lengths(rtList), ")")
main2 <- rep(paste("Unobserved", switch(what, cr = "condition-response pair",
c = "condition", r = "response")), length(skips))
} else if (is.list(main)) {
main2 <- main[[2]]
main <- main[[1]]
# change dd and rtList into estimated and observed quantiles
if (qq <- !is.null(prob)) {
if (!is.vector(prob, mode = "numeric")) {
stop("Argument prob must either be NULL or a numeric vector.")
rtList <- lapply(rtList, stats::quantile, probs = prob)
dd <- estQdf(p = prob, x = tt, cdf = estCdf(dd))
if (probType == 0) {
probIdx <- 1:dim(dd)[1L]
} else if (probType == 1) {
probIdx <- -1
} else if (probType == 2) {
probIdx <- -dim(dd)[1L]
} else {
probIdx <- -c(1, dim(dd)[1L])
rtList <- lapply(rtList, `[`, probIdx)
dd <- dd[probIdx, ]
prob <- prob[probIdx]
# histogram defaults
histArgs <- list(...)
histDefArgs <- list(xlab = ifelse(qq, "Model implied Quantiles", "Reaction Time"),
ylab = ifelse(qq, "Observed Quantiles", "Density"), las = 1, bty = "n",
freq = FALSE, breaks = c(0, tt + (tt[2] - tt[1])/2))
idx <- unlist(lapply(histArgs[names(histDefArgs)], is.null), use.names = FALSE)
histArgs[names(histDefArgs)[idx]] <- histDefArgs[idx]
# lines defaults
linesDefArgs <- list(type = "b", lty = 2, pch = 1, col = "black", lwd = 1,
x = tt)
idx <- unlist(lapply(linesArgs[names(linesDefArgs)], is.null), use.names = FALSE)
linesArgs[names(linesDefArgs)[idx]] <- linesDefArgs[idx]
# actual plotting
rtIdx <- 1 # a second index for histograms
for (i in seq_len(dim(dd)[2L])) {
linesArgs$y <- dd[, i]
if (i %in% skips) {
linesArgs[c("xlim", "ylim", "ylab", "xlab", "bty", "las")] <- c(histArgs[c("xlim",
"ylim", "ylab", "xlab")], list("n", 1))
linesArgs$main <- main2[which(i %in% skips)], linesArgs)
linesArgs[c("xlim", "ylim", "main", "ylab", "xlab", "bty", "las")] <- NULL
} else {
histArgs$main <- main[rtIdx]
histArgs$x <- rtList[[rtIdx]]
if (qq) {
histArgs$y <- linesArgs$y
histArgs[c("breaks", "freq")] <- NULL, histArgs)
graphics::abline(a = 0, b = 1)
} else {, histArgs), linesArgs)
rtIdx <- rtIdx + 1
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