
Defines functions list_ecotox_fields get_ecotox_info cite_ecotox dbDisconnectEcotox dbConnectEcotox get_ecotox_sqlite_file

Documented in cite_ecotox dbConnectEcotox dbDisconnectEcotox get_ecotox_info get_ecotox_sqlite_file list_ecotox_fields

#' @rdname get_path
#' @name get_ecotox_sqlite_file
#' @export
get_ecotox_sqlite_file <- function(path = get_ecotox_path(), version) {
  if (missing(version)) {
    version <- NULL
  } else {
    if (length(version) != 1) stop("Argument 'version' should hold a single element!")
    version <- as.Date(version, format = "%m_%d_%Y")
  files <- attributes(.fail_on_missing(path))$files
  results <- nrow(files)
  files <- files[which(files$date == ifelse(is.null(version), max(files$date)[[1]], version)),]
  if (results > 1 && is.null(version)) {
      warning(sprintf("Multiple versions of the database found and not one specified. Using the most recent version (%s)",
                      format(files$date, "%Y-%m-%d")))
  return(file.path(files$path, files$database))

#' Open or close a connection to the local ECOTOX database
#' `r lifecycle::badge('stable')` Wrappers for [`dbConnect()`][RSQLite::SQLite] and
#' [`dbDisconnect()`][RSQLite::SQLite] methods.
#' Open or close a connection to the local ECOTOX database. These functions are only required when you want
#' to send custom queries to the database. For most searches the [search_ecotox()] function
#' will be adequate.
#' @param path A `character` string with the path to the location of the local database (default is
#' [get_ecotox_path()]).
#' @param version A `character` string referring to the release version of the database you wish to locate.
#' It should have the same format as the date in the EPA download link, which is month, day, year, separated by
#' underscores ("%m_%d_%Y"). When missing, the most recent available copy is selected automatically.
#' @param conn An open connection to the ECOTOX database that needs to be closed.
#' @param ... Arguments that are passed to [`dbConnect()`][RSQLite::SQLite] method
#' or [`dbDisconnect()`][RSQLite::SQLite] method.
#' @returns A database connection in the form of a [DBI::DBIConnection-class()] object.
#' The object is tagged with: a time stamp; the package version used; and the
#' file path of the SQLite database used in the connection. These tags are added as attributes
#' to the object.
#' @rdname dbConnectEcotox
#' @name dbConnectEcotox
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## This will only work when a copy of the database exists:
#' con <- dbConnectEcotox()
#' ## check if the connection works by listing the tables in the database:
#' dbListTables(con)
#' ## Let's be a good boy/girl and close the connection to the database when we're done:
#' dbDisconnectEcotox(con)
#' }
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
dbConnectEcotox <- function(path = get_ecotox_path(), version, ...) {
  f <- get_ecotox_sqlite_file(path, version)
  return(.add_tags(RSQLite::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), f, ...), f))

#' @rdname dbConnectEcotox
#' @name dbDisconnectEcotox
#' @export
dbDisconnectEcotox <- function(conn, ...) {
  RSQLite::dbDisconnect(conn, ...)

#' Cite the downloaded copy of the ECOTOX database
#' `r lifecycle::badge('stable')` Cite the downloaded copy of the ECOTOX database and this package for reproducible results.
#' When you download a copy of the EPA ECOTOX database using [download_ecotox_data()],
#' a BibTex file is stored that registers the database release version and the access (= download) date. Use this
#' function to obtain a citation to that specific download.
#' In order for others to reproduce your results, it is key to cite the data source as accurately as possible.
#' @param path A `character` string with the path to the location of the local database \(default is
#' [get_ecotox_path()]\).
#' @param version A `character` string referring to the release version of the database you wish to locate.
#' It should have the same format as the date in the EPA download link, which is month, day, year, separated by
#' underscores ("%m_%d_%Y"). When missing, the most recent available copy is selected automatically.
#' @returns Returns a `vector` of [bibentry()]'s, containing a reference to the downloaded database
#' and this package.
#' @rdname cite_ecotox
#' @name cite_ecotox
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## In order to cite downloaded database and this package:
#' cite_ecotox()
#' }
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
cite_ecotox <- function(path = get_ecotox_path(), version) {
  db  <- get_ecotox_sqlite_file(path, version)
  bib <- gsub(".sqlite", "_cit.txt", db, fixed = T)
  if (!file.exists(bib)) stop("No bibentry reference to database download found!")
  result <- utils::readCitationFile(bib)
  return(c(result, utils::citation("ECOTOXr")))

#' Get information on the local ECOTOX database when available
#' `r lifecycle::badge('stable')` Get information on how and when the local ECOTOX database was build.
#' Get information on how and when the local ECOTOX database was build. This information is retrieved
#' from the log-file that is (optionally) stored with the local database when calling [download_ecotox_data()]
#' or [build_ecotox_sqlite()].
#' @param path A `character` string with the path to the location of the local database (default is
#' [get_ecotox_path()]).
#' @param version A `character` string referring to the release version of the database you wish to locate.
#' It should have the same format as the date in the EPA download link, which is month, day, year, separated by
#' underscores ("%m_%d_%Y"). When missing, the most recent available copy is selected automatically.
#' @returns Returns a `vector` of `character`s, containing a information on the selected local ECOTOX database.
#' @rdname get_ecotox_info
#' @name get_ecotox_info
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Show info on the current database (only works when one is downloaded and build):
#' get_ecotox_info()
#' }
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
get_ecotox_info <- function(path = get_ecotox_path(), version) {
  default <- "No information available\n"
  inf <- tryCatch({
    db  <- get_ecotox_sqlite_file(path, version)
    gsub(".sqlite", ".log", db, fixed = T)
  }, error = function(e) return(default))
  if (file.exists(inf)) {
    inf <- readLines(inf)
  } else {
    inf <- default
  message(crayon::white(paste(inf, collapse = "\n")))

#' List the field names that are available from the ECOTOX database
#' `r lifecycle::badge('stable')` List the field names (table headers) that are available from the ECOTOX database
#' This can be useful when specifying a [search_ecotox()], to identify which fields
#' are available from the database, for searching and output.
#' Not that when requesting '`all`' fields, you will get all fields available from the
#' latest EPA release of the ECOTOX database. This means that not necessarily all
#' fields are available in your local build of the database.
#' @param which A `character` string that specifies which fields to return. Can be any of:
#' '`default`': returns default output field names; '`all`': returns all fields;
#' '`extended`': returns all fields of the default tables; or
#' '`full`': returns all fields except those from tables 'chemical_carriers',
#' 'media_characteristics', 'doses', 'dose_responses',
#' 'dose_response_details', 'dose_response_links' and 'dose_stat_method_codes'.
#' @param include_table A `logical` value indicating whether the table name should be included
#' as prefix. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @returns Returns a `vector` of type `character` containing the field names from the ECOTOX database.
#' @rdname list_ecotox_fields
#' @name list_ecotox_fields
#' @examples
#' ## Fields that are included in search results by default:
#' list_ecotox_fields("default")
#' ## All fields that are available from the ECOTOX database:
#' list_ecotox_fields("all")
#' ## All except fields from the tables 'chemical_carriers', 'media_characteristics',
#' ## 'doses', 'dose_responses', 'dose_response_details', 'dose_response_links' and
#' ## 'dose_stat_method_codes' that are available from the ECOTOX database:
#' list_ecotox_fields("full")
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
list_ecotox_fields <- function(which = c("default", "extended", "full", "all"), include_table = TRUE) {
  which <- match.arg(which)
  result <- .db_specs$field_name
  if (include_table)       result <- paste(.db_specs$table, result, sep = ".")
  if (which == "default")  result <- result[.db_specs$default_output]
  if (which == "extended") result <- result[.db_specs$table %in% unique(.db_specs$table[.db_specs$default_output])]
  if (which == "full")     result <- result[
    !(.db_specs$table %in% c("chemical_carriers", "media_characteristics", "doses", "dose_response_details",
                             "dose_response_links", "dose_stat_method_codes"))]

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ECOTOXr documentation built on Oct. 10, 2023, 1:05 a.m.