
Defines functions print.efa efa

Documented in efa

#'@importFrom graphics title

#'@importFrom stats pchisq

#'@importFrom stats rnorm

#'@importFrom stats uniroot

#'@importFrom mvtnorm pmvnorm

#'@importFrom mvtnorm dmvnorm

#'@importFrom GPArotation cfQ

#'@importFrom GPArotation geominQ

#'@importFrom GPArotation pstQ

#'@importFrom GPArotation cfT

#'@importFrom GPArotation geominT

#'@importFrom GPArotation pstT

#'@importFrom stats acf

#'@importFrom stats cor

#'@importFrom stats dnorm

#'@importFrom stats factanal

#'@importFrom stats optim

#'@importFrom stats pnorm

#'@importFrom stats qnorm

#'@importFrom stats quantile

#'@importFrom stats sd

#'@importFrom stats var

#'@importFrom MASS Null

#'@importFrom utils combn

#'@importFrom utils head

#'@importFrom plyr count

#'@importFrom graphics barplot

#'@export efa

#'@export efaMR

#'@export ssem

#'@export Align.Matrix

#'@method print efa


efa <- function(x=NULL, factors=NULL, covmat=NULL, acm=NULL, n.obs=NULL, dist='normal', fm='ols', mtest = TRUE, rtype='oblique', rotation='CF-varimax', normalize=FALSE, maxit=1000, geomin.delta=NULL, MTarget=NULL, MWeight=NULL,
                          PhiWeight = NULL, PhiTarget = NULL, useorder=FALSE, se='sandwich', LConfid=c(0.95,0.90), CItype='pse', Ib=2000, mnames=NULL, fnames=NULL, merror='YES', wxt2 = 1e0, I.cr=NULL, PowerParam = c(0.05,0.3)) {

Make.Rot.Args <- function(rtype,rotation,normalize,p,m, geomin.delta, MTarget, MWeight,
                          PhiWeight, PhiTarget,wxt2=1e0,transformation=NULL) {

if (rtype=='oblique') {

  if (rotation=='CF-varimax') {

  fnames = 'cfQ'
  Rot.Args <- list(Tmat=diag(m),kappa = 1/p, normalize=normalize, eps=1e-6, maxit=maxit)

  } else if (rotation=='CF-quartimax') {

  fnames = 'cfQ'
  Rot.Args <- list(Tmat=diag(m),kappa = 0, normalize=normalize, eps=1e-6, maxit=maxit)

  } else if (rotation=='CF-facparsim') {

    fnames = 'cfQ'
    Rot.Args <- list(Tmat=diag(m),kappa = 1, normalize=normalize, eps=1e-6, maxit=maxit)

  } else if (rotation=='CF-equamax') {

    fnames = 'cfQ'
    Rot.Args <- list(Tmat=diag(m),kappa = m/(2*p), normalize=normalize, eps=1e-6, maxit=maxit)

  } else if (rotation=='CF-parsimax') {

    fnames = 'cfQ'
    Rot.Args <- list(Tmat=diag(m),kappa = (m-1)/(p+m-2), normalize=normalize, eps=1e-6, maxit=maxit)

  } else if (rotation=='geomin') {

  fnames = 'geominQ'
  Rot.Args <- list(Tmat=diag(m),delta = geomin.delta, normalize=normalize, eps=1e-6, maxit=maxit)

  } else if (rotation=='target') {

  fnames = 'pstQ'
  Rot.Args <- list(Tmat=diag(m), W = MWeight, Target=MTarget, normalize=normalize, eps=1e-6, maxit=maxit)

  } else if (rotation=='xtarget') {

    fnames = 'xpstQ'
    Rot.Args <- list(Tmat=transformation, normalize=normalize, eps=1e-6, maxit=maxit,
                     method="pst",methodArgs = list(W = MWeight, Target = MTarget),PhiWeight = PhiWeight, PhiTarget = PhiTarget, wxt2 = wxt2)

  } else {
  stop (paste(rotation, ' has not been implemented yet.'))

} else {   ### orthogonal rotations

  if (rotation=='CF-varimax') {

  fnames = 'cfT'
  Rot.Args <- list(Tmat=diag(m),kappa = 1/p, normalize=normalize, eps=1e-6, maxit=maxit)

  } else if (rotation=='CF-quartimax') {

  fnames = 'cfT'
  Rot.Args <- list(Tmat=diag(m),kappa = 0, normalize=normalize, eps=1e-6, maxit=maxit)

  } else if (rotation=='CF-facparsim') {

    fnames = 'cfT'
    Rot.Args <- list(Tmat=diag(m),kappa = 1, normalize=normalize, eps=1e-6, maxit=maxit)

  } else if (rotation=='CF-equamax') {

    fnames = 'cfT'
    Rot.Args <- list(Tmat=diag(m),kappa = m/(2*p), normalize=normalize, eps=1e-6, maxit=maxit)

  } else if (rotation=='CF-parsimax') {

    fnames = 'cfT'
    Rot.Args <- list(Tmat=diag(m),kappa = (m-1)/(p+m-2), normalize=normalize, eps=1e-6, maxit=maxit)

  } else if (rotation=='geomin') {

  fnames = 'geominT'
  Rot.Args <- list(Tmat=diag(m),delta = geomin.delta, normalize=normalize, eps=1e-6, maxit=maxit)

  } else if (rotation=='target') {

  fnames = 'pstT'
  Rot.Args <- list(Tmat=diag(m), W = MWeight, Target=MTarget, normalize=normalize, eps=1e-6, maxit=maxit)

  } else {
  stop (paste(rotation, ' has not been implemented yet.'))

} # End of the orthogonal rotations

list(fnames = fnames, Rot.Args = Rot.Args)

} # Make.Rot.Args


### 2016-08-12, Friday!
### The task is to plan the function Make.se.Args
### Would it be a better idea to compute SE in this function?
### How do you handle the two rotation types and different methods of compute SEs?
### Should I add a parametric bootstrap?
### How do you handle different distributions? normal, continuous, ts, and ordinal?

### How about treat se methods as the outmost cycle, then rtype, and then Dist?

# Make.se.Args <- function (x, factors, R0, n, dist, fm, rtype, rotation, normalize, geomin.delta, MTarget, MWeight,
#                           PhiWeight, PhiTarget, se, confid) {

#  if ( ( ! ( dist=='normal')) & (se =='information') ) {
#  se == 'sandwich'
#  message('The fisher information SE estimates are only for normal data; Sandwich SE are used for non-normal data.')
#  }

#  f.se.name = 'oblq.se.augmt'
#  if (rtype=='orthogonal') f.se.name = 'orth.se.augmt'

#  if (se=='information') {
#  se.Args = list()
#  } else if (se=='sandwich') {

#  }

#  } # Make.se.Args


### 2016-08-12, Friday!
### How do you handle the two rotation types and different methods of compute SEs?
### Should I add a parametric bootstrap?
### How do you handle different distributions? normal, continuous, ts, and ordinal?

### How about treat se methods as the outmost cycle, then rtype, and then Dist?

Compute.se <- function (x,R0, n, rotated, phi, dist, fm, rtype, rotation, normalize, geomin.delta, MTarget, MWeight,
                          PhiWeight, PhiTarget, se, confid,Ib, FE.Arg, Rot.Controls,acm.type,wxt2=1e0, I.cr, psi.cr) {

if (se=='information') {

  # information deals with only normal variables and correctly specified models

  if (rtype=='oblique') {

  analytic.se = oblq.se.augmt(Lambda = rotated, Phi = phi, Rsample=R0, N=n, extraction=fm,
                              normalize=normalize, rotation=rotation, modelerror='NO', geomin.delta = geomin.delta,
                              MTarget=MTarget, MWeight=MWeight, PhiWeight=PhiWeight, PhiTarget=PhiTarget,
                              acm.type=acm.type, wxt2=wxt2, I.cr=I.cr, psi.cr=psi.cr)
  } else { # orthogonal

  analytic.se = orth.se.augmt(Lambda = rotated, Rsample=R0, N=n, extraction=fm,
                             normalize=normalize, rotation=rotation, modelerror='NO', geomin.delta = geomin.delta,
                             MTarget=MTarget, MWeight=MWeight,acm.type=acm.type,I.cr=I.cr, psi.cr=psi.cr)
  } # orthogonal

} else if (se == 'sandwich') {

  # se == Sandwich deals with non-normal distributions

  if (!(is.null(acm))) u.r = acm  # 2020-05-12, GZ
                                  # Note that acm is an input argument in the calling function efa()
                                  # 2020-07-08, GZ

  if (dist=='continuous') {
    if (is.null(acm)) u.r = AsyCovCorr(x)$asc # 2020-05-12, GZ

  } else if (dist=='ts') {
    if (is.null(acm)) u.r = TSCovCorr(x)$asc # 2020-05-12, GZ

  } else if (dist=='ordinal') {
#    if (is.null(acm)) u.r = get.RGamma(x, gamma=TRUE)$GammaR # 2020-05-12, GZ

  } else if (dist=='normal') {

    if (is.null(acm)) u.r = EliU(R0) # 2020-05-12, GZ
  } else {
    stop (paste(dist, ' is not recognized as a data type. Four types of data are allowed: continuous, ts, ordinal, and normal.'))

  if (rtype=='oblique') {

  analytic.se = oblq.se.augmt(Lambda = rotated, Phi = phi, Rsample=R0, N=n, extraction=fm,
                              normalize=normalize, rotation=rotation, modelerror=merror, geomin.delta = geomin.delta,
                              MTarget=MTarget, MWeight=MWeight, PhiWeight=PhiWeight, PhiTarget=PhiTarget,
                              u.r=u.r,acm.type=acm.type,wxt2=wxt2, I.cr=I.cr, psi.cr=psi.cr)
  } else { # orthogonal

  analytic.se = orth.se.augmt(Lambda = rotated, Rsample=R0, N=n, extraction=fm,
                             normalize=normalize, rotation=rotation, modelerror=merror, geomin.delta = geomin.delta,
                             MTarget=MTarget, MWeight=MWeight, u.r = u.r,acm.type=acm.type, I.cr=I.cr, psi.cr=psi.cr)
  } # orthogonal

} else if (se == 'jackknife') {

Jack.Arg <- list(bj='jackknife',Ib=n, rtype=rtype,dist=dist, Level.Confid=confid,FE.Arg=FE.Arg, fnames = Rot.Controls$fnames, Rotation.Arg=Rot.Controls$Rot.Args) # Correct a bug, 2016-08-26, GZ
Jack = BootJack(x,rotated,Jack.Arg) # Remove a bug 2016-08-27, GZ

} else if (se =='bootstrap') {

Boot.Arg <- list(bj='bootstrap',Ib=Ib, rtype=rtype,dist=dist, Level.Confid=confid,FE.Arg=FE.Arg, fnames = Rot.Controls$fnames, Rotation.Arg=Rot.Controls$Rot.Args)
Boot = BootJack(x,rotated,Boot.Arg) # Remove a bug 2016-08-27, GZ

} # bootstrap

# output

# analytic.se

} # Compute.se


# 2022-07-06, Thursday

PowerAnalysis <- function (Point, ASE, alpha, sv) {

  # Four input arguments
  # Point -> point estimates, a matrix
  # ASE -> asymptotic stadnard errors, a matrix, the same size as Point
  # alpah -> the type I error rate, a scalar
  # sv -> a salient value, a scalar

  # The output is a list of two components
  # N0: the required sample size of H0: Point = 0, two-tailed tests
  # N1: the required sample size of H0: Point <= sv, one-tailed tests
  # Indicators: No standard error is available, -1;
  #             Point <= sv, -2.

  Point = abs(Point)

  z2 = qnorm( 1 - alpha/2 )
  z1 = qnorm( 1 - alpha )

  N0 = ifelse(is.na(0/ASE), -1, (z2 * ASE / Point)^2)

  N1 = ifelse(is.na(0/ASE),-1,0)
  Temp = ifelse( Point < sv, -2,0)
  N1= N1 + Temp
  N1 = ifelse(N1 == -3, -1, N1)

  N1 = ifelse(N1 == 0, (z2 * ASE / (Point - sv))^2 , N1)

  return (list(N0=N0,N1=N1))

} # PowerAnalysis


# check input arguments
# external functions: get.RGamma, fa.extract

confid = LConfid[1]

if ( (is.null(x)) & (is.null(covmat)) ) stop ("Neither raw data nor the correlation matrix is provided!")
if ( ! (is.null(acm)) & (is.null(covmat)) ) stop ("specifying the acm requires the correlation matrix.")
if (! (dist == 'normal') & (is.null(x)) ) stop ("Raw data are required for non-normal distributions!")
if ( (is.null(x)) & (is.null(n.obs)) ) stop ("The sample size is not provided for the correlation matrix!")
if ( !(se=='bootstrap') & (CItype=='percentile') ) {
 message ('Percentile Confidence intervals are avaible only for bootstrap: pse confidence intervals are constructed.')
# Start of 2020-05-28, GZ

if ((PowerParam[1]<0.000001)|(PowerParam[1]>0.99999)) {
  PowerParam[1] = 0.05
  message ('The alpha level for power analysis is inappropriate. The default value of 0.05 is used.')

if ((PowerParam[2]<0.000001)|(PowerParam[2]>0.99999)) {
  PowerParam[2] = 0.3
  message ('The salient value for power analysis is inappropriate. The default value of 0.3 is used.')

positiveloadings = rep(0,2) # A possible fake variable to facilitate column reflection

if (useorder) {
  if (is.null(MTarget)) {
    stop ("The Order Matrix (MTarget) is not specified when ordering is request.")
  } else {

    p = nrow(MTarget)
    m = ncol(MTarget)
    MTarget.p = MTarget
    MTarget.p[is.na(MTarget)] <- - 9

    positiveloadings = rep(0,m)

        for (j in 1:m) {
          for (i in 1:p) {

            if (MTarget.p[i,j]==9) {
              positiveloadings[j] = i

    MTarget[is.na(MTarget)] <- 9

    if (is.null(MWeight)) {

      MWeight = MTarget

      MWeight[MTarget != 9] <- 1 # 1 corresponds to small (zero) loadings
      MWeight[MTarget == 9] <- 0 # 0 corresponds to large loadings

    } #  if (is.null(MWeight))


} # if (useorder)

# making MWeight matrix optional

if ((rotation=='geomin') & (is.null(geomin.delta))) geomin.delta = 0.01

if (rotation=='target') {

  if (is.null(MTarget)) {
    stop ("MTarget is not specified for target rotation")
  } else {

    MTarget[is.na(MTarget)] <- 9

  if (is.null(MWeight)) {

    MWeight = MTarget

    MWeight[MTarget != 9] <- 1 # 1 corresponds to small (zero) loadings
    MWeight[MTarget == 9] <- 0 # 0 corresponds to large loadings

  } #  if (is.null(MWeight))


} # if (is.null(MTarget))

if (rotation=='xtarget') {

  if ( is.null(MTarget) & (is.null(PhiTarget)) ) {
    stop ("MTarget or PhiTarget is not specified for xtarget rotation")
  } else {

    MTarget[is.na(MTarget)] <- 9
    PhiTarget[is.na(PhiTarget)] <- 9

    if (is.null(MWeight)) {

      MWeight = MTarget

      MWeight[MTarget != 9] <- 1 # 1 corresponds to small (zero) loadings
      MWeight[MTarget == 9] <- 0 # 0 corresponds to large loadings

    } #  if (is.null(MWeight))

    if (is.null(PhiWeight)) {

      PhiWeight = PhiTarget

      PhiWeight[PhiTarget != 9] <- 1 # 1 corresponds to small (zero) factor correlations
      PhiWeight[PhiTarget == 9] <- 0 # 0 corresponds to large factor correlations

        diag(PhiWeight) = 0 # diagonal elements having 0 weights. Note that it is slower than assigning
                            # values with a for loop

    } #  if (is.null(PhiWeight))


} # if (is.null(MTarget))

# End of 2020-05-28, GZ
if (!(is.null(x))) {

x = data.matrix(x) # 2018-12-23

p = ncol (x)
n = nrow (x)

if (n <p) stop ("The sample size is less than the number of manifest variables!")

if ((dist=='ordinal') & (is.null(acm))) {

if ((! mtest) & ( se == 'none'))  {
# polychor =   PolychoricRM(x, NCore=4, IAdjust=1)
polychor = get.RGamma(x, gamma=FALSE)
R0 = polychor$R
} else {

  polychor = get.RGamma(x, gamma=TRUE)
  # polychor =  PolychoricRM(x, NCore=4, IAdjust=1, estimate.acm=TRUE)
  R0 = polychor$R
  u.r = polychor$GammaR

} else { ## Not ordinal variables
R0 = cor(x)

if (!(is.null(covmat))) {

if( min(abs(R0 - covmat)) > 0.0001) message ('covmat is different from the one computed from the raw data! The one computed from raw data is used for EFA!')

 } # if (!(is.null(covmat)))

} else { ## (!(is.null(x)))

  p = ncol(covmat)
  n = n.obs

  mvariance <- diag(covmat)

if (all(mvariance==1)) {
 R0 = covmat
} else {
 message('covmat is not a correlation matrix; EFA is conducted with the corresponding correlation matrix.')
 R0 = covmat
 msd = sqrt(mvariance)
 for (i in 1:p) {
  R0[i,1:p] = R0[i,1:p] / msd[i]
  R0[1:p,i] = R0[1:p,i] / msd[i]
} # if the input matrix is a covariance matrix

} ## is.null(x)

#### reconciling two acm types
if (is.null(acm)) {
} else {

# if (dist=='ordinal') acm.type=1 # 2020-07-08, GZ
### end of reconciling two acm types

# Begining of 2020-08-28, GZ

if (any(is.na(R0))) stop("R0 contains NaN or missing values. The problem may be avoided by adjusting zero cells of contingency tables if data are ordinal.")

if (( (dist=='ordinal') || (dist=='continuous') ) &&  (n < (p * (p-1) /2 + 1) )) {
  mtest = FALSE
  message('The ACM is not positive definite due to insufficient sample size. The test statistic will not be computed.')

# End of 2020-08-28, GZ

###### -------------------------------------------------

max.factors = floor(((2*p + 1) - sqrt(8*p+1))/2)

ev = eigen(R0,symmetric=TRUE,only.values=TRUE)$values

  if (is.null(factors)) {factors = length(which(ev > 1))
} else {
  if (factors > max.factors) stop (paste(factors, "factors is too many for",p,"variables."))

## manifest variable names and factor names

if (is.null(mnames)) {
mnames = rep(" ", p)
  for (i in 1:p) {
    mnames[i] = paste("MV",i,sep="")
} else{
  if (length(mnames) != p) stop("The number of MV names is different from the number of MVs!")

if (is.null(fnames)) {
  fnames = rep(" ", factors)
  for (i in 1:factors) {
    fnames[i] = paste("F",i,sep="")
} else{
  if (length(fnames) != factors) stop("The number of factor names is different from the number of factors!")

### Check I.cr

if (is.null(I.cr)) {

  n.cr = 0} else { # I.cr is not a null matrix

  n.cr = nrow(I.cr)

  # Check I.cr

  I.low = ifelse(I.cr<1,1,0)
  I.high = ifelse(I.cr>p,1,0)

  if (sum(I.low)>0) stop("Some elements in I.cr are smaller than one.")
  if (sum(I.high)>0) stop("Some elements in I.cr are larger than the number of variables.")

  if (min(abs(I.cr[,1] - I.cr[,2]))==0) stop("Some elements in I.cr refer to the same row and column.")

  I.cr.2d = matrix(0,p,p)

  for (i in 1:n.cr) {
    I.cr.2d[I.cr[i,1],I.cr[i,2]] = 1
    I.cr.2d[I.cr[i,2],I.cr[i,1]] = 1

  if (sum(I.cr.2d) != (2 * n.cr) ) stop ("Some elements in I.cr are not unique: check for duplications like (i,j) and (j,i).")

} # I.cr is not a null matrix


# extract m factors
A.lst = fa.extract(R0,factors, extraction = fm, I.cr=I.cr) # 2022-04-15, GZ
FE.Arg <- list(factors=factors, extraction = fm, I.cr=I.cr) # 2022-04-15, GZ

# I stopped here on 2022-04-15, GZ!


### 2017-08-08, adding test statistics

# if (A.lst$heywood==0) {

if (mtest) { # 2020-05-12, GZ

if (fm=='ml') {
  statistic = (n-1) * A.lst$f
  df = ((p - factors)**2 - p - factors ) /2         # 2019-01-19, GZ
  stat.stage1 = list(statistic=statistic, df = df)  # 2019-01-19, GZ

} else if (fm=='ols') {

  if (!(is.null(acm))) u.r = acm # 2020-05-12, GZ

if (dist=='continuous') {
  if (is.null(acm)) u.r = AsyCovCorr(x)$asc  # 2020-05-12, GZ

} else if (dist=='ts') {
  if (is.null(acm)) u.r = TSCovCorr(x)$asc # 2020-05-12, GZ

 }  else if (dist=='ordinal') {
#  if (is.null(acm)) u.r = get.RGamma(x, gamma=TRUE)$GammaR # 2020-05-12, GZ

} else if (dist=='normal') {
  if (is.null(acm)) u.r = EliU(R0) # 2020-05-12, GZ

  stat.stage1 = Compute.stat(R0,u.r,A.lst$Unrotated,acm.type,I.cr=I.cr, psi.cr=A.lst$psi.cr)
  statistic = stat.stage1$statistic

  statistic = ifelse(is.nan(statistic), NaN, statistic*(n-1))

} # ols

} # if (mtest) 2020-05-12, GZ

if (! mtest) stat.stage1 = list(statistic = 10, df = 10 ) # 2020-05-12, GZ, the code is added to accommodate the next line
                                                          # it does not do anything
if ((stat.stage1$df <= 0) | (! mtest)) { # 2020-05-12

  #### 2018-12-31
  if (! mtest) message('The EFA statistic is not requested.')
  if ( mtest) message('The EFA test statistic is invalid because the degrees of freedom are not positive.')

  statistic = p*(p-1)/2
  ModelF = Model.Fit(statistic,fm,p,factors,n,LConfid[2], I.cr=I.cr)

  ModelF$f.stat = 0
  ModelF$RMSEA = NaN
  ModelF$p.perfect = NaN
  ModelF$p.close = NaN
  ModelF$RMSEA.l = NaN
  ModelF$RMSEA.u = NaN
  ModelF$ECVI = NaN
  ModelF$ECVI.l = NaN
  ModelF$ECVI.u = NaN

} else{
  if (is.nan(statistic)) {
    message('The EFA test statistic is invalid because the estimate of the ACM is not positive definite.')

    statistic = p*(p-1)/2
    ModelF = Model.Fit(statistic,fm,p,factors,n,LConfid[2])

    ModelF$f.stat = NaN
    ModelF$RMSEA = NaN
    ModelF$p.perfect = NaN
    ModelF$p.close = NaN
    ModelF$RMSEA.l = NaN
    ModelF$RMSEA.u = NaN
    ModelF$ECVI = NaN
    ModelF$ECVI.l = NaN
    ModelF$ECVI.u = NaN

   }else {
  ModelF = Model.Fit(statistic,fm,p,factors,n,LConfid[2], I.cr=I.cr)
} # if ((stat.stage1$df <= 0) | (! mtest)) { # 2020-05-12

#} else { # A.lst$heywood > 0, 2017-08-14

#  message('The EFA test statistic is invalid because a Heywood case occurs.')

# }  # A.lst$heywood > 0, 2017-08-14

### 2017-08-08

# factor rotation
# I need an envelope function to handle multiple rotation methods.

if (factors > 1) {

transformation = NULL
if (rotation=='xtarget') {
  if(rtype=='orthogonal') {
    rtype = 'oblique'
    message('xtarget requires oblique rotation.')
rotation = 'target'
Rot.Controls <- Make.Rot.Args(rtype,rotation,normalize,p,factors,geomin.delta,MTarget, MWeight,PhiWeight, PhiTarget,wxt2)
Lambda.lst = do.call (Rot.Controls$fnames, append(list(A.lst$Unrotated),Rot.Controls$Rot.Args))
transformation = (t(A.lst$Unrotated) %*% A.lst$Unrotated) %*% solve(t(Lambda.lst$loadings) %*% A.lst$Unrotated)

rotation = 'xtarget'

} # rotation = 'xtarget'

Rot.Controls <- Make.Rot.Args(rtype,rotation,normalize,p,factors,geomin.delta,MTarget, MWeight,PhiWeight, PhiTarget,wxt2,transformation)
Lambda.lst = do.call (Rot.Controls$fnames, append(list(A.lst$Unrotated),Rot.Controls$Rot.Args))

# if ((rotation == 'target') | (rotation =='xtarget')) useorder = FALSE

if (useorder) {

M.in.temp = matrix(0,(p+factors),factors)
M.in.temp [1:p,1:factors] = Lambda.lst$loadings

if (rtype=='oblique') {
M.in.temp [(p+1):(p+factors),1:factors] = Lambda.lst$Phi
} else{
M.in.temp [(p+1):(p+factors),1:factors] = diag(factors)

M.out.temp = Align.Matrix (MTarget, M.in.temp)

Lambda.lst$loadings = M.out.temp[1:p,1:factors]
if (rtype=='oblique') Lambda.lst$Phi = M.out.temp[(p+1):(p+factors),1:factors]

if (sum(positiveloadings)>0) {

  for (j in 1:factors) {
    if (positiveloadings[j] > 0) {
    if (Lambda.lst$loadings[positiveloadings[j],j] < 0) {
      Lambda.lst$loadings[1:p,j] = Lambda.lst$loadings[1:p,j] * (-1)
      Lambda.lst$Phi[1:factors,j] = Lambda.lst$Phi[1:factors,j] * (-1)
      Lambda.lst$Phi[j,1:factors] = Lambda.lst$Phi[j,1:factors] * (-1)
  } # (j in 1:factors)

} # if (sum(positiveloadings)>0)

} # (useorder)

if (sum(positiveloadings)==0) {
for (j in 1:factors) {
  if (sum(Lambda.lst$loadings[1:p,j])<0) {
    Lambda.lst$loadings[1:p,j] = Lambda.lst$loadings[1:p,j] * (-1)
    Lambda.lst$Phi[1:factors,j] = Lambda.lst$Phi[1:factors,j] * (-1)
    Lambda.lst$Phi[j,1:factors] = Lambda.lst$Phi[j,1:factors] * (-1)
  } # if

} # (j in 1:factors)

} # if (factors > 1)


# standard errors
# I need an envelope function to handle multiple standard error procedures.

## modify se if necessary
if ( ( ! (( dist=='normal') & (merror=='NO'))) & (se =='information') ) {
  se = 'sandwich'
  message('The fisher information SEs are valid only for normal data and no model error. Sandwich SEs are computed.' )

#  (  ( dist=='normal') & (se =='sandwich') ) {
# se = 'information'
# message('The fisher information SE estimates are computed for normal data.')

if (  ( (dist=='ordinal') | (dist=='ts')) & (se =='jackknife') ) {
  se = 'bootstrap'
  message('The jackknife SE estimates for ordinal data and time series data have not been developped yet; bootstrap SE estimates are computed instead.')

Phi = diag(factors)

if (factors > 1) {
  if (rtype == 'oblique') Phi = Lambda.lst$Phi

  if (!(se =='none'))  SE = Compute.se (x, R0, n, rotated=Lambda.lst$loadings, phi=Phi, dist, fm, rtype, rotation, normalize, geomin.delta, MTarget, MWeight,
                          PhiWeight, PhiTarget, se, confid, Ib, FE.Arg, Rot.Controls,acm.type, wxt2, I.cr, A.lst$psi.cr)
} else {
  if (!(se =='none')) SE = Compute.se (x, R0, n, rotated=A.lst$Unrotated, phi=Phi, dist, fm, rtype='orthogonal', rotation='unrotated', normalize, geomin.delta, MTarget, MWeight,
                          PhiWeight, PhiTarget, se, confid, Ib, FE.Arg, Rot.Controls,acm.type, wxt2, I.cr, A.lst$psi.cr)
} # (factors > 1)

## Outputs
acm.in = FALSE
if (! (is.null(acm))) acm.in = TRUE
if (! (is.null(MTarget))) MTarget[MTarget==9] = NA
if (! (is.null(PhiTarget))) PhiTarget[PhiTarget==9] = NA

if (sum(positiveloadings)>0) {
  for (j in 1:factors) {
     if (positiveloadings[j]==0) next
     MTarget[positiveloadings[j],j] = 9

details = list(manifest=p,factors=factors, n.obs=n, dist=dist, acm.in = acm.in, fm=fm, rtype=rtype, rotation=rotation, normalize=normalize,
           geomin.delta=geomin.delta, wxt2=wxt2, MTarget=MTarget, MWeight=MWeight,
                          PhiWeight = PhiWeight, PhiTarget = PhiTarget, merror=merror, mtest = mtest, se=se, LConfid=LConfid, Ib=Ib, I.cr=I.cr,PowerParam = PowerParam)


unrotated = A.lst$Unrotated
fdiscrepancy = A.lst$f
convergence = A.lst$convergence
heywood = A.lst$heywood

if (is.null(I.cr)) {
  i.boudary.cr = NA
} else {
  i.boudary.cr = A.lst$i.boudary.cr

if (factors > 1) {
rotated = Lambda.lst$loadings
} else {
rotated = A.lst$Unrotated}

Phi = Phi

if ((se=='bootstrap') | (se=='jackknife') ) {
  rotatedse = SE$SE.LPhi[1:p,1:factors]
  Phise = SE$SE.LPhi[(p+1):(p+factors),1:factors]
  Psise = SE$SE.psi

if ((se=='information') | (se=='sandwich') ) {
  rotatedse = SE$Lambda.se[1:p,1:factors]
  Phise = matrix(0, factors, factors)
  if (rtype=='oblique') Phise =  SE$Phi.se[1:factors,1:factors]
  Psise = SE$Psi.se

if ((factors==1)&(!(se=='none'))) {
  rotatedse = matrix(rotatedse,nrow=p,ncol=factors)
  Phise = matrix(0, factors, factors)
  Psise = rep(0,(p + n.cr))

#### 2017-08-08, compute confidence intervals

if (se=='none') {
  Phise= matrix(NA,factors,factors)
  Psilow = rep(NA, (p + n.cr))
  Psiupper = rep(NA, (p + n.cr))

  N0Lambda = matrix(NA,p,factors)
  N1Lambda = matrix(NA,p,factors)
  N0Phi = matrix(NA,factors,factors)
  N1Phi = matrix(NA,factors,factors)

    } else {

alpha = 1 - LConfid[1]

if (rtype=='orthogonal') {
  Ltype = 'lambda.orth'
} else {
  Ltype = 'lambda.oblq' ### Caught a bug, 2018-12-19, GZ

CI.lambda = CIs(rotated, rotatedse, alpha, type = Ltype)
CI.Phi = CIs(Phi, Phise, alpha, type = 'Phi')

CI.psi = CIs(A.lst$psi.cr[1:p], Psise[1:p], alpha, type='h')
if (n.cr > 0) CI.psi.cr =  CIs(A.lst$psi.cr[(p+1):(p+n.cr)], Psise[(p+1):(p+n.cr)], alpha, type='lambda.orth')

rotatedlow = CI.lambda$LowerLimit
rotatedupper = CI.lambda$UpperLimit

Philow = CI.Phi$LowerLimit
Phiupper = CI.Phi$UpperLimit

if (n.cr==0) {
Psilow = CI.psi$LowerLimit
Psiupper = CI.psi$UpperLimit
    } else {
      Psilow = c(CI.psi$LowerLimit, CI.psi.cr$LowerLimit )
      Psiupper =c( CI.psi$UpperLimit, CI.psi.cr$UpperLimit)

TempSampleSize = PowerAnalysis(rotated,rotatedse*sqrt(n),PowerParam[1],PowerParam[2])
N0Lambda = TempSampleSize$N0
N1Lambda = TempSampleSize$N1
TempSampleSize = NULL
TempSampleSize = PowerAnalysis(Phi,Phise*sqrt(n),PowerParam[1],PowerParam[2])
N0Phi = TempSampleSize$N0
N1Phi = TempSampleSize$N1

} # (se=='none')

Phat = unrotated %*% t(unrotated)
Phat = Phat - diag(diag(Phat)) + diag(p)

if (n.cr > 0) {
  for (i in 1:n.cr) {
    Phat[I.cr[i,1],I.cr[i,2]] = Phat[I.cr[i,1],I.cr[i,2]] +  A.lst$psi.cr[p+i]
    Phat[I.cr[i,2],I.cr[i,1]] = Phat[I.cr[i,2],I.cr[i,1]] +  A.lst$psi.cr[p+i]

Residual = R0 - Phat

#### 2017-08-08

##### 2018-12-08, Preparing outputs

rownames(A.lst$compsi) = mnames

dimnames(unrotated) = list(mnames,fnames)
dimnames(rotated) = list(mnames,fnames)
dimnames(rotatedse) = list(mnames,fnames)
dimnames(rotatedlow) = list(mnames,fnames)
dimnames(rotatedupper) = list(mnames,fnames)
dimnames(N0Lambda) = list(mnames,fnames)
dimnames(N1Lambda) = list(mnames,fnames)

dimnames(Phi) = list(fnames,fnames)
dimnames(Phise) = list(fnames,fnames)
dimnames(Philow) = list(fnames,fnames)
dimnames(Phiupper) = list(fnames,fnames)
dimnames(N0Phi) = list(fnames,fnames)
dimnames(N1Phi) = list(fnames,fnames)

dimnames(R0) = list(mnames,mnames)
dimnames(Phat) = list(mnames,mnames)
dimnames(Residual) = list(mnames,mnames)

psinames = rep('psi', (p + n.cr))
psinames[1:p] = mnames[1:p]
if (n.cr > 0) psinames[(p+1):(p + n.cr)] = paste0('cr', 1:n.cr)

names(A.lst$psi.cr) = psinames
names(Psise) = psinames
names(Psilow) = psinames
names(Psiupper) = psinames

efaout = list(details = details, unrotated=unrotated,fdiscrepancy=fdiscrepancy,convergence=convergence,heywood=heywood, i.boundary.cr=i.boudary.cr, nq = (p*(factors+1) - factors*(factors-1)/2 + n.cr), compsi=A.lst$compsi,R0=R0, Phat=Phat, Psi = A.lst$psi.cr, Residual=Residual,
              rotated=rotated,Phi=Phi, rotatedse=rotatedse, Phise= Phise, Psise=Psise, ModelF = ModelF, rotatedlow=rotatedlow, rotatedupper=rotatedupper, Philow=Philow, Phiupper=Phiupper, Psilow=Psilow,
              Psiupper=Psiupper,N0Lambda=N0Lambda, N1Lambda=N1Lambda, N0Phi=N0Phi, N1Phi=N1Phi)

class(efaout) <- "efa"


# confidence intervals

# output

# unroated
# f
# rotated
# phi
# rotated.se
# phi.se
# rotated.confid
# phi.confid

} # efa

print.efa <- function(x, moredetail=FALSE, ...) {

  if (moredetail) {

    cat("\nAnalysis Details: \n")
    cat("   Number of Manifest Variable:  ", x$details$manifest, "\n")
    cat("   Number of Factors:  ",x$details$factors,"\n")
    cat("   Sample Size:  ",x$details$n.obs,"\n")
    cat("   Manifest Variable Distribution:  ",x$details$dist,"\n")
    cat("   Estimation Method:  ",x$details$fm,"\n")
    cat("   Rotation Type:  ",x$details$rtype,"\n")
    cat("   Rotation Criterion:  ",x$details$rotation,"\n")
    cat("   Rotation Standardization:  ",x$details$normalize,"\n")
    cat("   Standard Error:  ",x$details$se,"\n")

    cat("\nMeasures of Fit \n")
    cat(" Root Mean Square Error of Approximation, RMSEA \n")
    cat("   Point estimate:  ",round(x$ModelF$RMSEA,3),"\n")
    cat("  ",x$details$LConfid[2]*100,"% Confidence Intervals:  (",round(x$ModelF$RMSEA.l,3), ",",round(x$ModelF$RMSEA.u,3), ") \n")
    cat("   Test Statistic:  ",round(x$ModelF$f.stat,3),"\n")
    cat("   Degrees of Freedom:  ",x$ModelF$df,"\n")
    cat("   Effect numbers of Parameters:  ",x$nq,"\n")
    cat("   P value for perfect fit:  ",round(x$ModelF$p.perfect,3),"\n")
    cat("   P value for close fit:  ",round(x$ModelF$p.close,3),"\n")

    cat("\nEigenvalues, SMCs, Communalities, and Unique Variance: \n")

    cat("\nUnrotated Factor Loadings: \n")

    cat("\nRotated Factor Loadings: \n")
    if ( (x$details$rotation == 'target') | (x$details$rotation == 'xtarget') ) {
      MTarget2 = ifelse(is.na(x$details$MTarget),9,x$details$MTarget)
      cat("RMSD between the rotated factor loadings and their targets: ", round(sqrt(sum((x$rotated - MTarget2)^2 * ifelse(MTarget2==9,0,1) ) / sum(ifelse(MTarget2==9,0,1))),3), "\n")

    cat("\nFactor Correlations: \n")

    if (length(x$Psi)==x$details$manifest) {
      cat("\nUnique Variances: \n")
    } else{
      cat("\nUnique Variances and Correlated Residuals: \n")

    cat("\nSE for rotated Factor Loadings: \n")

    cat("\nSE for Factor Correlations: \n")

    if (length(x$Psi)==x$details$manifest) {
      cat("\nSE for Unique Variances: \n")
    } else{
      cat("\nSE for Unique Variances and Correlated Residuals: \n")


    cat("\nLower Bounds of", x$details$LConfid[1]*100,"% CIs for Rotated Factor Loadings: \n")

    cat("\nUpper Bounds of", x$details$LConfid[1]*100,"% CIs for Rotated Factor Loadings: \n")

    cat("\nLower Bounds of", x$details$LConfid[1]*100,"% CIs for Factor Correlations: \n")

    cat("\nUpper Bounds of", x$details$LConfid[1]*100,"% CIs for Factor Correlations: \n")

    if (length(x$Psi)==x$details$manifest) {
      cat("\nLower Bounds of", x$details$LConfid[1]*100,"% CIs for Unique Variances: \n")
    } else{
      cat("\nLower Bounds of", x$details$LConfid[1]*100,"% CIs for Unique Variances and Correlated Residuals: \n")

    if (length(x$Psi)==x$details$manifest) {
      cat("\nUpper Bounds of", x$details$LConfid[1]*100,"% CIs for Unique Variances: \n")
    } else{
      cat("\nUpper Bounds of", x$details$LConfid[1]*100,"% CIs for Unique Variances and Correlated Residuals: \n")

  } else {

  cat("\nSummary of Analysis: \n")
  cat("   Estimation Method:  ",x$details$fm,"\n")
  cat("   Rotation Type:  ",x$details$rtype,"\n")
  cat("   Rotation Criterion:  ",x$details$rotation,"\n")
  cat("   Test Statistic:  ",round(x$ModelF$f.stat,3),"\n")
  cat("   Degrees of Freedom:  ",x$ModelF$df,"\n")
  cat("   Effect numbers of Parameters:  ",x$nq,"\n")
  cat("   P value for perfect fit:  ",round(x$ModelF$p.perfect,3),"\n")

  cat("\nRotated Factor Loadings: \n")
  if ( (x$details$rotation == 'target') | (x$details$rotation == 'xtarget') ) {
    MTarget2 = ifelse(is.na(x$details$MTarget),9,x$details$MTarget)
    cat("RMSD between the rotated factor loadings and their targets: ", round(sqrt(sum((x$rotated - MTarget2)^2 * ifelse(MTarget2==9,0,1) ) / sum(ifelse(MTarget2==9,0,1))),3), "\n")

  cat("\nFactor Correlations: \n")

  } # less information

} # print.efa

# summary.efa <- function(object, ...){

# res <- object

# class(res) <- "summary.efa"

# return(res)

# } # summary.efa

# moreoutput <- function(x=NULL) {

# } # print.summary.efa

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