#' @title Triangulated Maximally Filtered Graph
#' @description Applies the Triangulated Maximally Filtered Graph (TMFG) filtering method
#' (see Massara et al., 2016). The TMFG method uses a structural
#' constraint that limits the number of zero-order correlations included in the network
#' (3\emph{n} - 6; where \emph{n} is the number of variables). The TMFG algorithm begins by
#' identifying four variables which have the largest sum of correlations to all other
#' variables. Then, it iteratively adds each variable with the largest sum of three
#' correlations to nodes already in the network until all variables have been added to
#' the network. This structure can be associated with the inverse correlation matrix
#' (i.e., precision matrix) to be turned into a GGM (i.e., partial correlation network)
#' by using Local-Global Inversion Method (LoGo; see Barfuss et al., 2016 for more details).
#' See \strong{Details} for more information
#' @param data Matrix or data frame.
#' Should consist only of variables to be used in the analysis.
#' Can be raw data or correlation matrix
#' @param n Numeric (length = 1).
#' Sample size for when a correlation matrix is input into \code{data}.
#' Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' \code{n} is not necessary and is provided for better functionality in
#' \code{\link{EGAnet}}
#' @param corr Character (length = 1).
#' Method to compute correlations.
#' Defaults to \code{"auto"}.
#' Available options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"auto"} --- Automatically computes appropriate correlations for
#' the data using Pearson's for continuous, polychoric for ordinal,
#' tetrachoric for binary, and polyserial/biserial for ordinal/binary with
#' continuous. To change the number of categories that are considered
#' ordinal, use \code{ordinal.categories}
#' (see \code{\link[EGAnet]{polychoric.matrix}} for more details)
#' \item \code{"cor_auto"} --- Uses \code{\link[qgraph]{cor_auto}} to compute correlations.
#' Arguments can be passed along to the function
#' \item \code{"cosine"} --- Uses \code{\link[EGAnet]{cosine}} to compute cosine similarity
#' \item \code{"pearson"} --- Pearson's correlation is computed for all
#' variables regardless of categories
#' \item \code{"spearman"} --- Spearman's rank-order correlation is computed
#' for all variables regardless of categories
#' }
#' For other similarity measures, compute them first and input them
#' into \code{data} with the sample size (\code{n})
#' @param Character (length = 1).
#' How should missing data be handled?
#' Defaults to \code{"pairwise"}.
#' Available options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"pairwise"} --- Computes correlation for all available cases between
#' two variables
#' \item \code{"listwise"} --- Computes correlation for all complete cases in the dataset
#' }
#' @param partial Boolean (length = 1).
#' Whether partial correlations should be output.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' The TMFG method is based on the zero-order correlations;
#' the Local-Global Inversion Method (LoGo; see Barfuss et al., 2016 for more details)
#' uses the decomposability of the TMFG network to obtain the inverse covariance
#' structure of the network (which is then converted to partial correlations).
#' Set to \code{TRUE} to obtain the partial correlations from the LoGo method
#' @param returnAllResults Boolean (length = 1).
#' Whether all results should be returned.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE} (network only).
#' Set to \code{TRUE} to access separators and cliques
#' @param verbose Boolean (length = 1).
#' Whether messages and (insignificant) warnings should be output.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE} (silent calls).
#' Set to \code{TRUE} to see all messages and warnings for every function call
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed on to
#' \code{\link[EGAnet]{auto.correlate}}
#' @return Returns a network or list containing:
#' \item{network}{The filtered adjacency matrix}
#' \item{separators}{The separators (3-cliques) in the network}
#' \item{cliques}{The cliques (4-cliques) in the network}
#' @details The TMFG method applies a structural constraint on the network,
#' which restrains the network to retain a certain number of edges (3\emph{n}-6, where \emph{n}
#' is the number of nodes; Massara et al., 2016). The network is also composed of 3- and 4-node
#' cliques (i.e., sets of connected nodes; a triangle and tetrahedron, respectively). The
#' TMFG method constructs a network using zero-order correlations and the resulting network
#' can be associated with the inverse covariance matrix
#' (yielding a GGM; Barfuss, Massara, Di Matteo, & Aste, 2016).
#' Notably, the TMFG can use any association measure and thus does not assume the data is multivariate normal.
#' Construction begins by forming a tetrahedron of the four nodes that have
#' the highest sum of correlations that are greater than the average correlation in the
#' correlation matrix. Next, the algorithm iteratively identifies the node that maximizes
#' its sum of correlations to a connected set of three nodes (triangles) already included
#' in the network and then adds that node to the network. The process is completed once
#' every node is connected in the network. In this process, the network automatically
#' generates what's called a planar network. A planar network is a network that could be
#' drawn on a sphere with no edges crossing (often, however, the networks are depicted
#' with edges crossing; Tumminello, Aste, Di Matteo, & Mantegna, 2005).
#' @examples
#' # TMFG filtered network
#' TMFG(wmt2[,7:24])
#' # Partial correlations using the LoGo method
#' TMFG(wmt2[,7:24], partial = TRUE)
#' @references
#' \strong{Local-Global Inversion Method} \cr
#' Barfuss, W., Massara, G. P., Di Matteo, T., & Aste, T. (2016).
#' Parsimonious modeling with information filtering networks.
#' \emph{Physical Review E}, \emph{94}, 062306.
#' \strong{Psychometric network introduction to TMFG} \cr
#' Christensen, A. P., Kenett, Y. N., Aste, T., Silvia, P. J., & Kwapil, T. R. (2018).
#' Network structure of the Wisconsin Schizotypy Scales-Short Forms: Examining psychometric network filtering approaches.
#' \emph{Behavior Research Methods}, \emph{50}, 2531-2550.
#' \strong{Triangulated Maximally Filtered Graph} \cr
#' Massara, G. P., Di Matteo, T., & Aste, T. (2016).
#' Network filtering for big data: Triangulated maximally filtered graph.
#' \emph{Journal of Complex Networks}, \emph{5}, 161-178.
#' @author Alexander Christensen <>
#' @export
# TMFG Filtering Method----
# Updated 21.09.2024
TMFG <- function(
data, n = NULL,
corr = c("auto", "cor_auto", "cosine", "pearson", "spearman"), = c("pairwise", "listwise"),
partial = FALSE, returnAllResults = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
# Argument errors (return data in case of tibble)
data <- TMFG_errors(data, n, partial, returnAllResults, verbose, ...)
# Check for missing arguments (argument, default, function)
corr <- set_default(corr, "auto", TMFG) <- set_default(, "pairwise", TMFG)
# Make sure there are variable names
data <- ensure_dimension_names(data)
# Generic function to get necessary inputs
output <- obtain_sample_correlations(
data = data, n = 1, # "n" is not used but input `1` to avoid error
corr = corr, =,
verbose = verbose, needs_usable = FALSE, # skips usable data check
# Get correlations
correlation_matrix <- output$correlation_matrix
# Obtain number of nodes
nodes <- dim(correlation_matrix)[2]
# Set warning for fewer than 9 nodes
if(nodes < 9 & isTRUE(verbose)){
"The TMFG method requires more than 9 nodes to obtain a chordal network. With fewer than 9 nodes, this property does not hold",
call. = FALSE
# For signed correlations, use absolute correlation matrix
# and obtain element-wise inclusion of signed correlation matrix later
absolute_matrix <- abs(correlation_matrix)
# Initialize inserted nodes vector
inserted <- numeric(nodes)
# Separator rows
separator_rows <- nodes - 4
# Initialize triangles and separators matrix
triangles <- matrix(nrow = 2 * nodes - 4, ncol = 3)
separators <- matrix(nrow = separator_rows, ncol = 3)
# Obtain four nodes with the largest strength
# which is greater than the average strength
## Compute node strength
node_strength <- colSums(absolute_matrix, na.rm = TRUE)
## Select the four nodes with the largest strength
four_nodes <- colSums(
absolute_matrix * (absolute_matrix > mean(absolute_matrix, na.rm = TRUE)),
na.rm = TRUE
# First four nodes
first_four <- seq_len(4)
# Insert the top four nodes
inserted[first_four] <- order(four_nodes, decreasing = TRUE)[first_four]
# Set remaining nodes
remaining <- setdiff(seq_len(nodes), inserted)
# Build tetrahedron
triangles[1,] <- inserted[first_four[-1]]; triangles[2,] <- inserted[first_four[-2]]
triangles[3,] <- inserted[first_four[-3]]; triangles[4,] <- inserted[first_four[-4]]
# Initialize network (correlations to retain)
network <- diag(1, nrow = nodes, ncol = nodes)
# Add nodes to network
network[inserted[first_four], inserted[first_four]] <-
correlation_matrix[inserted[first_four], inserted[first_four]]
# Build gain table
gain_columns <- 2 * (nodes - 2)
gain <- matrix(-Inf, nrow = nodes, ncol = gain_columns)
gain[remaining, 1] <- rowSums(absolute_matrix[remaining, triangles[1,]], na.rm = TRUE)
gain[remaining, 2] <- rowSums(absolute_matrix[remaining, triangles[2,]], na.rm = TRUE)
gain[remaining, 3] <- rowSums(absolute_matrix[remaining, triangles[3,]], na.rm = TRUE)
gain[remaining, 4] <- rowSums(absolute_matrix[remaining, triangles[4,]], na.rm = TRUE)
# Number of triangles
triangle_count <- 4
gain_vertex <- numeric(gain_columns)
gain_weight <- numeric(gain_columns)
# Set up triangle indices
triangle_index <- first_four[-4]
# Loop over remaining edges
for(i in 5:nodes){
# Check for one remaining node
if(length(remaining) == 1){
# Last vertex to add
add_vertex <- remaining; existing_vertex <- 1;
gain_vertex <- 1; max_gain <- which.max(gain[remaining,]);
# Get max gains
max_gains <- gain[remaining,] == max(gain[remaining,])
# Get total gains
total_gains <- sum(max_gains)
# Check for more than 1
if(total_gains > 1){
max_gains[max_gains][2:total_gains] <- FALSE
# Vectorized solution (avoids nested loop)
gain_location <- which(max_gains, arr.ind = TRUE)
# Obtain existing vertex (already in network)
# and vertex from remaining based on the maximum gain
max_gain <- gain_location[,"col"]
existing_vertex <- gain_location[,"row"]
add_vertex <- remaining[existing_vertex]
# Update lists
remaining <- remaining[-existing_vertex]
inserted[i] <- add_vertex
# Add edges to network
network[add_vertex, triangles[max_gain,]] <- # one side
network[triangles[max_gain,], add_vertex] <- # other side
correlation_matrix[add_vertex, triangles[max_gain,]]
# Update separators
separators[i-4,] <- triangles[max_gain,]
# Update triangles list
## Add two triangles
triangles[triangle_count + 1,] <- c(triangles[max_gain, triangle_index[-2]], add_vertex)
triangles[triangle_count + 2,] <- c(triangles[max_gain, triangle_index[-1]], add_vertex)
## Replace maximum gain triangle (no longer a triangle)
triangles[max_gain,] <- c(triangles[max_gain, triangle_index[-3]], add_vertex)
# Update gain table
## Set gain to zero for added node
gain[add_vertex,] <- 0
## Maximum gain
gain[remaining, max_gain] <- rowSums(
absolute_matrix[remaining, triangles[max_gain,], drop = FALSE],
na.rm = TRUE
## Update triangle count
triangle_count <- triangle_count + 1
## First new triangle
gain[remaining, triangle_count] <- rowSums(
absolute_matrix[remaining, triangles[triangle_count,], drop = FALSE],
na.rm = TRUE
## Update triangle count
triangle_count <- triangle_count + 1
## Second new triangle
gain[remaining, triangle_count] <- rowSums(
absolute_matrix[remaining, triangles[triangle_count,], drop = FALSE],
na.rm = TRUE
# Create cliques
cliques <- rbind(
cbind(separators, inserted[5:nodes])
# Check for whether partial correlation network should be computed
## An extension of the TMFG method using the LoGo method (Barfuss et al., 2016)
# Initialize partial correlation network
partial_network <- matrix(0, nrow = nodes, ncol = nodes)
# Loop over cliques and separators
for(i in seq_len(separator_rows)){
# Obtain clique
clique <- cliques[i,]
# Add clique
partial_network[clique, clique] <-
partial_network[clique, clique] +
solve(correlation_matrix[clique, clique])
# Obtain separator
separator <- separators[i,]
# Subtract separator
partial_network[separator, separator] <-
partial_network[separator, separator] -
solve(correlation_matrix[separator, separator])
# There is always one more clique than separator
## Obtain last clique
clique <- cliques[separator_rows + 1,]
## Add last clique
partial_network[clique, clique] <-
partial_network[clique, clique] +
solve(correlation_matrix[clique, clique])
# Convert inverse covariance matrix to partial correlations
## Replaces the original network
network <- -cov2cor(partial_network)
diag(network) <- 0
# Transfer variable names
network <- transfer_names(data, network)
# Set methods attribute
attr(network, "methods") <- list(
corr = corr, partial = partial
# Set up return
# Set up return list
network = network,
separators = separators,
cliques = cliques
# Bug Checking ----
# ## Basic input
# data = wmt2[,7:24]; n = NULL
# corr = "auto"; = "pairwise"
# partial = FALSE; returnAllResults = FALSE
# verbose = FALSE
#' @noRd
# Errors ----
# Updated 07.09.2023
TMFG_errors <- function(data, n, partial, returnAllResults, verbose, ...)
# 'data' errors
object_error(data, c("matrix", "data.frame", "tibble"), "TMFG")
# Check for tibble
if(get_object_type(data) == "tibble"){
data <-
# 'n' errors
length_error(n, 1, "TMFG")
typeof_error(n, "numeric", "TMFG")
# 'partial' errors
length_error(partial, 1, "TMFG")
typeof_error(partial, "logical", "TMFG")
# 'returnAllResults' errors
length_error(returnAllResults, 1, "TMFG")
typeof_error(returnAllResults, "logical", "TMFG")
# 'verbose' errors
length_error(verbose, 1, "TMFG")
typeof_error(verbose, "logical", "TMFG")
# Check for usable data
data <- usable_data(data, verbose)
# Return usable data in case of tibble
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