# Annotation -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Read WFDB-compatible annotation file
#' @description Individual annotation types are described as both a command-line
#' tool for annotating WFDB-files, as well as the extension that is appended to
#' the `record` name to notate the type. Generally, the types of annotations
#' that are supported are described below:
#' * atr = manually reviewed and corrected reference annotation files
#' * ann = general annotator file
#' * ecgpuwave = files contain surface ECG demarcation (P, QRS, and T waves)
#' * sqrs/wqrs/gqrs = standard WFDB peak detection for R waves
#' A more thorough explanation is given in the details. Additionally, files when
#' being read in are converted from a binary format to a textual format. The raw
#' data however may be inadequate, as the original annotation may be erroneous.
#' In these cases, an empty `annotation_table` object will be returned.
#' @details
#' # Annotation files
#' The following annotation file types are described below.
#' ## `ecgpuwave`
#' `ecgpuwave` analyzes an ECG signal from the specified record, detecting the
#' QRS complexes and locating the beginning, peak, and end of the P, QRS, and
#' ST-T waveforms. The output of ecgpuwave is written as a standard WFDB-format
#' annotation file (the extension is "*.ecgpuwave", as would be expected). This
#' file can be converted into text format using `rdann`. Further details are
#' given at the [ECGPUWAVE](
#' page.
#' The __type__ column can be _p_, _t_, or _N_ for the peak of the P wave, T
#' wave, and QRS (R peak) directly. The output notation also includes waveform
#' onset XXX and waveform offset XXX. The __number__ column gives further
#' information about each of these __type__ labels.
#' The __number__ column gives modifier information. If the __type__ classifier
#' is a T wave annotation, the __number__ column can be 0 (normal), 1
#' (inverted), 2 (positive), 3 (negative), 4 (biphasic negative-positive), 5
#' (biphasic positive-negative). If the __type__ is an waveform onset or offset,
#' then __number__ can be 0 (P wave), 1 (QRS complex), 2 (T wave).
#' @returns This function will either read in an annotation using the [read_annotation()] function in the format of an `annotation_table` object, or write to file/disk an `annotation_table` to a WFDB-compatible annotation file using the [write_annotation()] function.
#' __IMPORTANT__: as annotation files are created by annotators that were
#' developed independently, there is a higher chance of an erroroneous file
#' being created on disk. As such, this function will note an error an return an
#' empty `annotation_table` at times.
#' @inheritParams wfdb
#' @inheritParams wfdb_io
#' @param data An `annotation_table` containing the 6 invariant columns required
#' by the [annotation_table()] function
#' @param begin,end A `character` in the format of *HH:MM:SS* that will be used
#' to help parse the time of the annotation. These parameters together create
#' the time range to extract. The default of *0* is a shortcut for *00:00:00*.
#' The *seconds* argument can include a decimal place.
#' @name wfdb_annotations
#' @export
read_annotation <- function(record,
record_dir = ".",
wfdb_path = getOption("wfdb_path"),
begin = "00:00:00",
end = NA_character_,
...) {
# Validate:
# WFDB software command
# Current or parent working directory
# Directory of the record/WFDB files
# Variable definitions
rdann <- find_wfdb_command('rdann', wfdb_path)
# If the annotation is inadequate, need to check here before going further
# Example would be a file that is very small
annPath <- fs::path(record_dir, record, ext = annotator)
fileSize <- fs::file_size(annPath) # returns in bytes
if (fileSize < 8) {
# Unlikely to be readable?
# If its only a few bytes then annotation is unlikely
message('The annotation for ',
' is unlikely to be legible. ',
'An empty annotation table was returned instead.')
# Ensure appropriate working directory
if (fs::dir_exists(record_dir)) {
wd <- fs::path(record_dir)
} else {
wd <- getwd()
stopifnot("Expected `character`" = is.character(begin))
stopifnot("Expected `character`" = is.character(end))
# Create all the necessary parameters for rdann
# -f Start time
# -t End time
# -v Column headings
# -e Elapsed time as (versus absolute time)
# TODO filtering flags not yet included
cmd <-
paste(rdann, '-r', record, '-a', annotator) |>
\(.) {
if (begin != 0) {
paste(., "-f", begin)
} else {
}() |>
\(.) {
if (! {
paste(., "-t", end)
} else {
}() |>
# Temporary local/working directory, to reset at end of function
withr::with_dir(new = wd, code = {
dat <-
data.table::fread(cmd = cmd, header = FALSE)
# Rename annotation table
names(dat) <- c("time", "sample", "type", "subtype", "channel", "number")
# The time is raw, and converted to HH:MM:SS.SSS format, without a date
# This could be just M:S format or H:M:S format
# This is a discrepancy between `rdann` and this software
# Can temporarily convert this to a POSIX format here
hea <- read_header(record, record_dir)
start_time <- attributes(hea)$record_line$start_time
# Extract time appropriately
# Also make sure the type is appropriate
timeType <- stringr::str_count(dat$time, ":")
dat$time <- ifelse(timeType == 1, paste0("0:", dat$time), dat$time)
# Now split the strings by the position and check the times
datHMS <-
stringr::str_split(dat$time, ":", simplify = TRUE) |>
hours <- as.numeric(datHMS[[1]])
minutes <- as.numeric(datHMS[[2]])
seconds <- as.numeric(datHMS[[3]])
# Convert to characters
hours <- ifelse(hours < 10, paste0("0", hours), hours)
minutes <- ifelse(minutes < 10, paste0("0", minutes), minutes)
seconds <- ifelse(seconds < 10, paste0("0", seconds), seconds)
dat$time <- paste0(hours, ":", minutes, ":", seconds)
# Return
new_annotation_table(df_list(dat), annotator)
#' @rdname wfdb_annotations
#' @export
write_annotation <- function(data,
record_dir = ".",
wfdb_path = getOption("wfdb_path"),
...) {
# Validate:
# WFDB software command
# Current or parent working directory
# Variable definitions
wrann <- find_wfdb_command('wrann')
if (fs::dir_exists(record_dir)) {
wd <- fs::path(record_dir)
} else {
wd <- getwd()
stopifnot("Expected `data.frame`" = inherits(data, "data.frame"))
# Take annotation data and write to temporary file
# This later is sent to `wrann` through `cat` with a pipe
# The temp file must be deleted after
tmpFile <- fs::file_temp("annotation_", ext = "txt")
data |>
annotation_table_to_lines() |>
# Prepare the command for writing this into a WFDB format
# Cat annotation file
# Pipe
# Write out file
cat_cmd <- paste('cat', tmpFile)
wfdb_cmd <- paste(wrann, '-r', record, '-a', annotator)
cmd <- paste(cat_cmd, wfdb_cmd, sep = " | ")
withr::with_dir(new = wd, code = system(cmd))
#' @rdname wfdb_annotations
#' @export
annotate_wfdb <- function(record,
wfdb_path = getOption('wfdb_path'),
...) {
# Validate
# WFDB software - must be an ECG detector software
# WFDB must be on path
# Reading/writing directory must be on path
if (fs::dir_exists(record_dir)) {
wd <- fs::path(record_dir)
} else {
wd <- getwd()
cmd <- find_wfdb_command(annotator)
rec <- paste("-r", record)
ann <- paste("-a", annotator)
# Switch based on annotator system
# Change working directory for writing purposes
# This should change back at end of writing process
ecpugwave = {
withr::with_dir(new = wd,
code = {
# System call to beat detector/annotator
command = cmd,
args = c(rec, ann),
stdout = FALSE,
stderr = FALSE
if (fs::file_exists('fort.20')) {
if (fs::file_exists('fort.21')) {
wqrs = {
withr::with_dir(new = wd,
code = system2(
command = cmd,
args = c(rec, ann),
stdout = FALSE,
stderr = FALSE
gqrs = {
withr::with_dir(new = wd,
code = system2(
command = cmd,
args = c(rec, ann),
stdout = FALSE,
stderr = FALSE
sqrs = {
withr::with_dir(new = wd,
code = system2(
command = cmd,
args = c(rec, ann),
stdout = FALSE,
stderr = FALSE
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